I don't know if I have an image which accurately conveys this emotion Frustrhaution? I just want to watch anime
>>1035503 Sure, but I'm not privy to the extent of his temper tantrum this time I don't know how long he intends to not, and he's not talking with me
i love lappland
oh wow i definitely should have just closed moe temper tantrum? i hoped maybe you were just being particularly annoying last night but you really do just look only downwards my apologies, great lord, as i cannot aspire to such heights as you you're fucked, now i'm actually feeling like a temper tantrum you only insulted me and spoke to me assuming i'm mistaken to convince me that your condescension isn't as such would be tantamount to gaslighting i was just going to take a break from anime for my sanity while i attempt t o regain respect for you but you're actually beyond being worth it it was a good run while it lasted
ah, one more thing tilde, i doubt you'll listen, but as a word of sincere advice maybe read over the things you've said to me and try to understand why someone would feel so belittled it's truly depressing to think how many people less willing to vocalize it may have felt you to be hostile from your sheer inability to recognize how your tone and pretense can make people feel really bad and that you'd never know >>1035514 i agree, but whether through ignorance or complicity, you didn't seem to notice how agonizing it is to attempt simple commentary with tilde >>1035516 such a thing would make sense, were it not for your uniquity in my experiencing this situation
Or maybe, maybe You're just excessively emotionally fragile and sensitive And see offense where none is intended And most people don't have that issue
>>1035515 I mean I'd like it if you guys got along but I really don't see it as my place to take a side. I don't really know where I'd begin if I were to take a side either.
The bunny girl gets made fun of and is kind of the butt monkey of the MC's party Or well, I guess she shares it with the masochistic dragon But she's kind of OP in her own right
RIP magic-eating turtle Looks like it's enough to make her break a sweat though
For a supposed angel, that's a pretty hellish spell
I wonder if the angel/valkyrie is working with the demons or if this double attack is just a coincidence
Judging by that bit of conversation, doesn't sound like they're working together Surely this isn't just some idle game by this god she's been talking about to kill time
And there goes the other tower
I feel like the power scaling, or maybe narrative pace, has sped up a lot since the first season Like in the first season it spent a good chunk of it just on the first labyrinth alone, where he was fending for himself and eventually found Yue It was a bit nicer when it was slower like that
I hope we get more of the spymaster girl She's cute
The OP has that not-Kirito landing a cool strike on that magic-eating suit of armor from earlier in the series But in the actual show he lost his sword and then clothes to it without doing anything of value
Clothes like this are dangerous for genderbent characters Wear them too long and you forget your former self
>I'm not ready to be a mermaid, tempting people with bare legs Mermaids don't even have legs!
Oh My
Also I didn't notice she'd lost the tiara That's not good
Yeah That episode kinda went by real quick Quick and light, it kinda felt like
Looks like Jinguuji gets blasted by a love hyper beam next episode I wonder if that comes from the bunny goddess coming down to earth Kinda like how Schwartz's chuuni sleep goddess did
I think it took me until last episode to realize there might have been a season of this which directly preceeded it When I was looking around earlier in on the season, I got confused because there has been like six or seven anime projects and I didn't know where reboots started or not Well that and also I don't think there'd been any anime for this in years so I think my assumption was that there's no way they'd not be doing a reboot
Oh yeah his near-fatal injury and the rampage were kind of disconnected He only went berserk because they tried to heal him
Come to think of it, with the monk leaving their party, it's just the three demons roaming around Although they seem to pass as humans for the most part
Though here's some demons who don't think they're humans I'd assume they'd be eating them for food otherwise
These army people kinda look a lot like actual Chinese people Especially with those particular uniforms
Aside from talking about how humans go from looking like plain people to delicious meat, these demons seem to live a pretty laidback, peaceful life
Okay nevermind Now they're starting to look more like the demons we've been seeing so far
Goku with his cape kinda looks like a kid trying to play superhero among the others, who are dressed mostly in, if not normal clothes, ones that are realistic outfits
oh I was wondering what they were doing that's creative
Oh I remember this now >>1035575 Yeah I remember seeing things like this in anime before too It might have been in Anima Yell, that CGDCT show about chairleading
Wow she's Well All these girls are in junior high
Maybe getting the sleepy girl to be on the chair squad isn't the best idea
Can you remember ever having the kind of energy Akebi has
The tiny one is pretty cute
Sports festival days seem kind of fun I would have much rather done actual athletic activities like that Rather than the kind of dumb stuff they make you do for school spirit events here
To be developed as much as she is in like grade seven is pretty extreme