Also I don't think she looks mentally deficient No more than any other Kishida Mel design at least
i love texas
idk she def doesn't look too smart
*86 - Eighty Six Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou *Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Episode 8-10 Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to Futsal Boys! Episode 9-10 *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Girls' Frontline Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Episode 9-10 Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Episode 8-10 Shikkakumon no Saikyou Kenja *Slow Loop *Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru *Vanitas no Carte
i love texas
damn that's a good lineup
We finally get the first half of the new 86 episodes Big hype
Well new for the weekend We get an episode this weekend and then one more next weekend to wrap up season two or season one part two depending on what inane classification you want to use
let's see if i recall when we left off, he'd beaten the giant artillery robot and was beaten up and the curtain fell pretty much right at that point
Yeah, you're pretty much spot on Some minor details, Shin and the rest of the kids were far within Legion territory, and he also had intentionally pushed on ahead of them
Also that "IMA" is definitely Lena
Oh I'd forgotten that despite separating from everyone, the princess was still stowed away She was one of the reasons he was able to get the killing blow on the Morpho
Their host nation turned out to be surprisingly kind-hearted.
Yeah At the least they didn't have any serious scheming in mind for the kids They're not entirely altruistic but at the least that guy who leads them, Ernst, is serious about trying to let the kids heal
I hope they can meet face to face next episode at least Also I hope we see how Lena survived the downfall of San Magnolia
i'm so happy but also sad but also so happy that episode was so good shinei banzai lena banzai 86 banzai!
That was intense despite most of the action being resolved last episode I never bought that Lena would have died but it's good to see she's kept herself together
>>1034911 i don't know anything about the writing of the VN but whoever is in charge of the screenwriting and directing for the anime are gods this show has been so incredibly well done LN* almost every aspect of editing, shot composition, the animation quality itself, it's all so beautiful and emotive and amazingly composed there were some slower moments in the second cour but i imagine that's part of why they took their time finishing these episodes
Moses supposes that roses are toeses
>>1034914 This is actually the director's first time handling a full series He's done episodes of stuff in the past, but nothing to this degree I don't see anyone listed as screenwriter, only a series composition Which makes me assume either him or the director take a heavier hand in the scripting for the adaptation, or they're taking pretty literally from the original LN
i love lappland
the episode of your lie in april he directed is a super good one
Henry is one of those characters that keeps feeling like he's going to get himself killed in like five minutes But somehow keeps surviving
This is why proper branding for your army is so important If you're all wearing white cloaks with only a red or white flower insignia to differentiate who's who This is definitely the kind of result you can only expect
Alas, poor Yorick I knew him well
Henry here looking the exact same like twenty years ago as he does in current time
Actually might be as much as thirty years ago It's impossible to tell really how old anyone is in this series
i love lappland
wow this episode is actually pretty good
I feel they've been taking a bit more than usual from the Shakespearean material it derives from Especially all those lines between Warwick and Edward I'm pretty sure those were supposed to be modern transliterations of lines from his plays
Can you swing the sword, Richard Can you take Henry's head
wow that episode was actually good been kinda on the fence about this show since it's usually entertaining but not usually that good but this episode was well done time for it to not compare to vanitas
>>1034928 hello IO had a stomach ache and had to go take care of it
wow this episode is starting out with a bang
Ah that's rough I don't get stomachaches much Headaches on the other hand are pretty common
i love lappland
that's me i'm bang
According to some chatter I saw in the rare thread about this show, the anime is pretty much caught up to the manga at this point There's like one ongoing arc left at -after this season ends most likely
Crazy Louis and his stakes
We're mostly covering over stuff we saw in previous flashbacks of Noe's I'm guessing we'll see things from Domi's side
Pounding into his head that it's good to keep track of money is smart Even if it's probably meaningless as long as his cosplay stuff stays for the most part between him and Marin
The eye tape does do some pretty good work on Marin's eyes Although it does look like part of it is her nailing the expression
i love lappland
There's advantages and disadvantages to having a tiny body
yeah, they've both got a great number of characters they can't cosplay very well
I wonder if it's better to have a body like theirs, and being able to more accurately spec into a type Or having a more average body and being a bit more of an all-rounder, while maybe being a bit imperfect in your ability to cosplay very tall or very short characters
i love lappland
shoulderless pajamas do those exist sounds too good to be true
I dunno if I'd consider them too good to be true I don't really like my shoulders exposed
>>1034962 well that's not really something limited to cosplay certain styles are hard or impossible to pull off properly if you have a certain body type
i love lappland
her soul gem is being corrupted
Wow At this point I just expected no OP this episode
i love lappland
having the wrong body type for certain styles is basically my entire life my frame is so big that even when i wasn't fat, there's just a lot of looks i can't pull off now that i've been losing weight again, there's a few i'll be able to unlock again and some i already have but i'll never be able to wear the kind of stuff i could in middle school and the first half of high school
i love lappland
marin's voice got really serious there
i love lappland
also that guilty-gear-as-fuck character
Yeah I'm pretty sure Guilty Gear is the design motif for her
i love lappland
the font for VERONICA was also literally the font and style of image for the GGST character trailers
Marin's keeping herself together surprisingly well
i love lappland
her tan disappeared
Yeah I guess it washed off in the shower?
i love lappland
Chomp chomp
Gojou awakening to the glory of the underboob
Oh shit /fa/ Gojou time
i love lappland
marin's outfit is extremely cute
I kinda liked the pattern on that second shirt
i love lappland
guy fieri
Oh no Marin Marin please You need to have a CRITICAL eye here This is not the time to be lovesick!
i love lappland
marin can't see the clothes because the man is in the way
I'd like to get some more UNIQLO clothes some time They're pretty nice, and not too expensive But there's a bit of work that needs to be done first
oh wait it was in houston and it was going to open for the first time but didn't hm
>>1034996 I figure she doesn't even have taste in guy clothes She was just picking what she likes for herself to put on him But since she's blinded by love she can't see that it doesn't work as well for him as it does for her
Should have said yes, man
i love lappland
his being hypersheltered kinda resonates with a younger bang though i lost my highschool gf cause i was scared of god's wrath is i engaged in fornicative acts gojou, unlike most shy MC's, i can actually believe
It's less being sheltered for me but I'm pretty sure I was emotionally a dumbass in highschool probably because of being a bit on the spectrum I remember when some girls I was friends with a grade or two above me were trying on dresses at a store, maybe for prom or something nice-ish like that And they offered to let the guys look in on the changing room to see And my braindead self was like "N-no thanks I'll just stand out here" I don't even think they were going to be in any state of undress but the concept of intimacy there was enough to overload me
Oh that's a thought I wonder if there's been a rise in things like escape rooms for Japanese high school culture festivals I feel like that's the kind of thing that would work well in the bunkasai environment
A traditional Japanese-style cafe explains the kimono-apron outfit she has in the OP
Yeah, they're great I'd like to visit a cafe that does traditional outfits and entrees some day Whenever I can get back to Japan I guess
Hah hah hah She ran off to get her facts straight so she could butt heads with that guy Over fishing
i love lappland
have you guys seen plastic memories i watched almost all of it yesterday and today
Yeah, although I can't remember if that was before or after I started watching anime with /moe/ I thought it was pretty good for what it wanted to be But every now and then I run into a post on like Twitter or elsewhere that isn't as cynical as /a/ that acts like it was amazing And I feel like they don't really watch a whole lot of anime
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it aired 2015 yeah it's not perfect but it's decent i like it it's definitely fishing for tears
2015 was almost certainly with Rika and probably Ika yeah And probably another one or two people
i don't remember when i did and didn't watch anime with moe i feel like i've been off and on for as long as anime with moe existed but mostly more consistent the last couple years
>>1035022 It's not like fishing for tears is such a bad thing after all KEY games and shows fish for tears , series like Your Lie In April are intentionally tugging on heartstrings Plastic Memories is just kinda a bit too transparent about it at times
i love lappland
i'm really weak to tearjerkers also i subcribe to the belief that if a show manages to make me feel emotions then it's worth looking past more faults than normal since rarely anything in life manages to make me feel much anymore cut my life into pieces this is my last resort
A general disdain for live bait is another reason I'm comfortable leaving the act of fishing to other people I don't want to deal with live bait, I don't want to handle the caught fish If you want me to hold your rod then sure, I'll do that But I don't want to be involved
There's plenty of fishing you can do with jigs and lures but you do have to handle the fish once you catch it.
i love lappland
live bait is fine by me slapping a fish with an iron rod is also fine by me sitting around waiting for a really time when i'd rather be shooting or hiking or wakeboarding that's really why i'm not into fishing
>>1035029 You can do the fishing then! I'll be your cheersquad and social support
If someone wants me to sit around and shoot the shit with them while they fish I'm happy to comply I've got no qualms being near fishing in action, I just don't want to be physically involved
i love lappland
this show has certainly made fishing more interesting to me but moreso it's made cooking fish much more interesting i love salmon and tuna but i only have like 5 or so ways of preparing it that i regularly engage in this show has shown me at least 4 or 5 more that i should try
The fish stew they made last episode caught my eye These sandwiches seem pretty good too The izakaya I was going to some times before the pandemic has this great salmon burger they make I hope if I can make my way back there after restrictions lift soon that they're still making it
i love lappland
i've started putting canned albacore into the packets of shin ramyun when i make it it's really good it sounds weird, surely but it's good
>>1035037 You've been driving us pretty fast tonight too Barely even letting the next-episode PV roll before oranging up for the next show!
>>1035036 See the misunderstanding here is, I don't care to get used to it! I'm more than happy to let other people do the fishing part Honestly I'd love to do the cooking but I do have zero skill with filleting fish
>>1035039 cooking is worse I can handle the fish fine but I hate cleaning them
Dead is dead to me I mean I'd like some plastic gloves because raw meat texture makes my skin crawl a bit But once it's dead it's just another ingredient
But yeah this was a nice soul-filling night of anime Thanks, and have a nice night! Good luck with the workweek