>>1035603 The secret is, I think a fair number of the Holomem are around that age, they're just better than Marine at not letting it slip Of course on the other hand there's also plenty of pretty young talents like Haachama, Sora, or Shion
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1035605 well no. Because by definition milfs need to have a family more like I can relate to crotchety old spinsters like Marine.
>>1035607 Sora? I would have thought she was one of the older ones
Sora's pretty young A bit older at this point, mostly by being the daisenpai for Hololive Prior to either gen 2, Gamers, or gen 3, Cover was actually taking on minors as talents, and changed probably once it was realized Vtuber streaming could be a valid full-time career Sora might not have been a minor but she wasn't much older than that at best A-chan is her IRL close friend and she only turned twenty, old enough to drink in Japan, in 2021
And then there's the matter of Haachama who was actually in high school while working for Hololive, although she's since moved on to university
oh this only took a full frontal landing on a tile or too two the second landing >>1035615 was the one that did it
Fog is real crazy this morning There's pretty much zero visibility like forty metres ahead
tilde do you have janny powers
No, sorry I did log a report though
thank you it's usually a bit bearable because inspector conan or some shit because it's* but this time it's an actual pic which is probably at the end of those links anyway
>>1035639 i saw art in that style and was wondering if it was also in // from that show alas I didn't find answers but I did find ixy art which is cool there is a cat on my hand
is it just me or is this boss eating his frames every time it attacks?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does seem kinda juddery maybe it's just the animation tho
rei a thon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stonks up wildly maybe this is the bottom Copium Copium
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My friend's Saturday birthday pla ns are the following Noon: meet at art museum 5pm: leave art museum ???? 6:30pm: go to Brazilian steakhouse It's not like we can't find something to do for an hour amd a half in downtown Chicago but I wish he could plan better
Man this fog never really burned away all day long You still can't really see anything more than your immediate surroundings
you don't have the right, o you don't have the right and by tr way you don't have the right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you know one recurring idea ive had is like a structural input method where instead of sending a bunch of letters into a post, you send nouns and verbs and sentence joiners replace the moe posting method with the souls one
i built for a weapon called rivers of blood, an arcane katana but the game is super broken and the weapon just doesnt work properly so i used a different katana im gonna replay with a str + int build
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive almost exclusively watched NL's stream so pure STR build cinderblock hammer and pizza cutter i guess katana is str+dex
ive seen some clips with katanas and they do be lookin pretty schweet tho
i'm at 190 hours, taking my time also doing tons of co-op with some buds i'm basically at the ending, just refusing to end until i complete some more stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
become elden lord instructions (BELI)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one day once i somehow get past the crushing indecision of my real life concerns im gonna become the elden lord too but not today quaffs
>>1035747 What if all his content is pre-recorded and this is some new-age digital Weekend At Bernie's thing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1035747 Gonna be honest If all I know about an internet personality is their name And their name has an animal in it I'm just going to assume that they are a furry
that would be kewl
>>1035743 my screen broke and I couldn't turn off my alarm so I ended up trying to trash the thing anyway I could because the thing doesn't turn off with the power button so easily >>1035755 the second time yes
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I recently found out that the guy who shot at some antifa protest was a furry.
>>1035757 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii it was already a good time to be a caster i think they did this so that more spells would be in line with how good some others are
the spells they didn't buff (comet azur, full moon, full moon 2: the ice moon) were kinda nutso already
the mana buff on lorettas makes me so happy
landing on a tile front facing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1035761 FYI android phones not turning off just from the power button isn't a thing exclusive to samsung
I would figure
either way I was sick of the bloat
>>1035761 Ouch Similar to how the display on my phone broke, dropping it on the cement floor of the warehouse At least I was able to get the display replaced
i got a nokia it's fine I was tempted to get a pixel there's those chinese company phones they're k I suppose oh wow sony still make phones >>1035767 know what other what??
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1035768 What other manufacturers to trust I needed to have a 3.5mm jack And microsd card And I don't trust Chinese brands
oh yeah I getcha don't you want to up your social credit?
>>1035780 Belfast is from Azur Lane which is a pretty popular mobage still, I think El Condor Pasa is from Uma Musume which, while a mobage, did have the best-selling anime of 2021 She's also a relatively popular character in the series as is Little Witch Academia fans would recognize Amanda O'Neill And if you want to dip into the fujoshi/fudanshi side of things, Italy is from Hetalia (He was literally who the series was named after), which I think still has a pretty stable fanbase
I do recognise amanda o Neil but I never knew her name because I never finished LWA
that order is just judging outfits/hair/appearance
overall character design (including VA choice, personality, symbolism) is a much easier choice for me and it's just fischl, mona, ganyu, hu tao, and ei all in the same tier and then everyone else
bro all I wanted to do was play enden ring and now it needs a 3 gig patch ree.
i love lappland
the patch isn't very big but it has to do a lot of file fuckery like 46gb worth of file updating and verification took my computer like 10 mins was kind of annoying, but it runs way better now
do you ever get the light/shadow effects go all weird?
i love lappland
i found a few spots in the map where i could cause the lighting and shadows to freak out but for the most part not really i mostly just had a ton of frame dips and low framerate in general the patch increased my average framerate and lowered the occurence rate and intensity of dips, but they still happen
i love lappland
i would check out the patch notes, they actually made a lot of changes buffed a lot of sorceries fixed a bunch of weapon scaling issues/inconsistencies nerfed some of the cheesy stuff (like fixing fire's deadly sin)
the SAP casino is kinda stinky because the returns on belief are so low it's barely worth betting unless you bet really big also >>1035846 it seems to have gotten better over some time Got some food in me, that might be a factor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had some good bets there were some big doubt bets actually today so the returns weren't bad and i got a big oneoff doubt
the app I was using to listen to yt in background brokw we had a good run
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1035931 Yeah I picked it up before I went to bed Was expecting a bit more of a struggle, since I was buying in the middle of the day, Japan time Might be SPWN boosted their servers this time
Wordle 273 5/6
⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
lol on my desktop it just looks like boxes good job u boxed it
... I could probably get off with one joint, but my relative inexperience with weed would probably incapacitate me Which still wouldn't be that bad Also I don't have any weed on me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not with that attitude!!
No amount of attitude is going to manifest a joint in my pocket!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's probably like ten joints in the room with you right now!
Probably not I think most people who work here who smoke more than irregularly use vapes or personal devices One old guy who works the loading dock even has a long-necked pipe Though I think he smokes tobacco
i pirated an ebook via IRC because i wanted to see what all the hullabaloo about Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges is about. (I read the first short story and was like what is this stupid nonsense, clearly i have no taste nor culture)
anyway as a side effect of this every time I now look at my desktop I feel oddly compelled to exclaim "Ficcccionees!!" in my worst impression of an italian accent thank you mario 🤌
>>1035973 I actually really liked Borges' Labyrinths, although I don't know if there's any overlap as they're both short story anthologies But I reckon it just might not be your flavor
>>1035980 The fake walls in soulsgames have always been horseshit anyway from what I can tell No indication other than other people having randomly hit a wall and left a message
this is a new level of horseshit though hit a wall for a full minute
Well yeah But really it was always a stupid part of the series afaik Like even if it takes forever now to get through one, the main distinction is the time it takes at the end of the day Once you know it takes that long, the chance of finding a hidden wall isn't that different
Actually I guess it does change a bit because at least you could find one by chance before, these ones you have to actively look for in the most absurd process imaginable Though, likely these weren't meant to make it to the full release
probably not I'm assuming they have some health value on illusory walls and instead of just making these normal walls they cranked up the hp and called it a day all the vids I've seen they just loop back into the same two or three rooms
Colonel O'Neill thinks Tibet should be free Confirmed based
The main Hololive channel has been streaming some girls' panels and included a segment touring the convention hall they're doing for the expo running today and tomorrow They've got these walls set up with insane cosplay outfits of all the Hololive talents, from all branches and also Holostars
Well kinda I think it's also so people who can't make it to the expo can see the panels and the convention floor There's some pretty cool stuff there Like a 1:1 scale fig of Gura on display And a giant cart of carrots so you can replicate Pekora's shot from the Hololive Alternative PV
Matsuri is suuuuper good at polished choreography and Subaru and Nene always put 110% into their dancing A great combo for synchronized dances like this
I'm anticipating seeing Haachama on stage again I know from the other talents' testimony that she is literally puppy energy and will bounce off the walls if not kept at bay
The Nekko that Nene has tied to her arm is cute
Bye-bye broke gang Free session is over
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
unemployed teenagers btfo
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I love the little crown
Only queens here
Azki so cute I hope when she transfers properly into Hololive we get to see more of her Although she's always been music-focused so she might still stay dedicated to that
Haachama's the one that's been screaming and running around but Polka's the one out of breath
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
tbf polka has performed an extra song
Oh it's a babies and baba trio
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
it's nice to see people bonding with their grandchildren
Surprising amount of choreography from the princess She normally can't move for more than like thirty seconds without needing to sit down and catch her breath
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
luna is cash money swag princess
Miko's another one of those talents I forget about and then she starts singing and I remember how skilled she is
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I've been listening to this original a lot it's a banger
Yeah it really is It suits Miko very well Although I think Roboco could also nail it
Also Miko hips Are a little distracting
Hah hah hah What is this oldschool song Marine is singing
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
they absolutely did a close up of the hips on purpose
Nobody seems to know what this song is hah hah It might be a surprise new original for Marine
Ina flexing that she can do her entire send off in Japanese
Moona just exhudes diva energy
I mean damn those hips
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
cool moon
Funny thing is Moona is really just a big baby But she goes HARD when it comes to singing
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that was so good
reppin' hard for ID
Yeah, Moona is a big fan of K/DA and Kpop in that genre I figured you'd like her song
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1036084 kda was the first thing i thought of actually
Yeah, she even said High Tide, the song she performed, was specifically inspired by K/DA
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I can see it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the last thing you see as you get run over the Mikorone express
I'm probably going to have to watch this day over like two or three more times at least In part because I'm running low-latency which gets bad bitrate at times But also because man I can't even just say "Yeah I want to listen to this song again or that song again" I need to listen to everything again
BUT I need to listen to High Tide again specifically because holy damn Moona
I mean I'm already happy with the purchase I have been at like, levels of energy I haven't had in months
Wh-what What is this trio
Two mountains and a plain
Noel is such a cutie Despite her attributes
Infinity! I thought she might perform this one
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
haven't heard before she sings well in english
Haachama's originals are kind of personal to her Unlike a lot of the talents, who get help with lyric writing from professionals, both of Haachama's songs have lyrics entirely written by her On top of that, she writes them in English, which she's okay at, but she's far from native It's one of the reasons she's the world's strongest idol
>>1036119 yeah but they get front row seats next to the idols
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I want a pyramid shirt
You can probably get them from the goods store through Geekjack If you lived in North America I could recommend the Hololive official store, but I think they only ship through that within Japan and to North America
WITH eggs mind you I suppose if I die at least I don't have to work
>23 high school and college lacrosse players had sudden-death events between 1980 and 2008; Of those 23 athletes 19 died and 4 survived sudden cardiac arrest as a result of CPR and defibrillation; >10 experienced blows to the chest from a lacrosse ball which triggered sudden death or nonfatal cardiac arrest (commotio cordis). Timely defibrillation was performed in 7, with 4 surviving. wow
they took away the button that lets you see what groups someone is in on the facebook machine, it seems I've been trying to figure out what damn groups my stepmom is in cause I gotta get to the damn bottom of where she's getting these idiot beliefs, and yesterday she parroted the "this is the only vaccine with booster shots" bullshit so I know it's coming from somewhere, and probably facebook because I dunno if she can operate a web browser
though I guess maybe she's not even in the groups in question to begin with, and it's her idiot friends sharing them I'm going to lose my mind if I have to be exposed to this horseshit every time I visit And I know she got it from SOMEWHERE, because she didn't come up with outright false information through actual research on her own SOMEONE told her
yeah and honestly the strangest part is I've gone through months of her feed or wall or whatever now and there isn't a damn mention of ANY of this She hasn't shared a post or said a word on facebook about anything relating to vaccines, but I know she's on that damn app more consistently than I am twitter, so I'm confident that's where she gets these ideas
At least if I knew how she keeps getting exposed to the latest idiot conspiracy, I can maybe do something about it, y'know She's not entirely gone, she didn't even really have a response of any kind when I went "what about the polio vaccine" so I don't think she's like, invested in this shit, she just sees it on the fucking feed and assumes it's true
she's invested enough to make decisions based on it though, and that worries me cause my dad's fucking asthmatic and I'd rather his fiance wasn't a vaccine denier my dad's gonna get his vaxx, he's not some conspiracy nut, but they do literally sleep in the same bed
watching stargate I'm on season 8 now, and once I'm done with all of SG-1 I'm rewatching Atlantis Then I dunno, apparently there are two movies I never watched
we've only got the three here I dunno if English even really has the same kind of thing in the first place It just has a\an and goes by the first syllable a door is a door not cause there's something "a" about doors, but cause it starts with a d I guess it does function fairly similarly for us too, but ei\et\en is explicitly gendered in the first place
also we don't go by the first syllable because we have compound words, it goes by the actual subject Like you've got a cake and an apple, so it's an applecake we've got ei kake and et eple, but it's ei eplekake
Not that I'm actually gonna watch the show with the commentary track Like a movie, I could see myself rewatching with commentary on But 10 seasons of a tv show, like 15 hours each? No way, man That's like a full week of non-stop TV, and then the whole thing again with commentary
oh it's still good to have now you can keep that in mind if see an episode that piques your interest like that
I might actually give one particular episode a bit of a rewatch with commentary just to see if they even mention a bit of a stupid plot mechanism Like maybe they go "actually them buying this makes absolutely no sense"
making that much commentary is probably a bit of work too
Oh I bet I mean it is another basically full week of audio to record Even without a script or anything, you do need to sit down and watch the show and talk over each episode
and be attentive at that
I imagine that's the easy part It's their work after all, they're probably really proud of it And they should be, SG-1 is an incredible TV show
tilde do know if any english speaking holomems are doing a watchalong stream for part 2? last night there was kiara and ollie
Ollie is doing one She's ID but talks more than enough in English and usually says things twice for both languages I was actually watching Kiara's watchalong with the live broadcast yesterday, since her interpreter skills are so good that she can translate the MC sessions on the fly Too bad (good?) she's performing today hah hah
HoloX are also doing a group watchalong, although of course they're pretty much 100% Japanese commentary Although I'll probably have to go check theirs out later on a re-watch to see Lui-nee go down bad for Calli
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1036247 yeah ok. I wasn't sure if Ollie was doing it again.
Judging by the schedule, Matsuri and Holostars' Oga are also planning on doing watch alongs too Dunno about Oga but if Lyger is up to the task in Matsuri's stream he might have live TL in her chat
Not me, at least. Just sobering up and listening to music. How are you?
I'm good Partying out to Hololive's 3rd Fes
NotSoAnon !xa1FThiSUY
Nice. I haven't paid much mind to it, not into the biggest Vtubers.
I didn't expect the crowd to go this hard for Shion She even got a bit of a cheer at the top of her appearance, which only Suisei got yesterday
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
b-but thats against the rules
They only ask you keep it to a minimum!
Ojou da yo!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's too bad Fubuki was day one We can't get her, Ayame, and Mio together for their trio song Maybe they'll sub Okayu in for it
Heh heh heh Two predators and two prey
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
like watching a nature documentary
The live band really kills it for some of these songs The drums and keyboard are so good for these poppy Vocaloid songs
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I hope mel does her original
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Vamp up for what?
Mel has some pretty good idol moves
Pekora continuing with her tendency to pick covers for her solo songs hah hah
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yeah I thought she'd do her new original
I was maybe expecting Pekorandom
It's pretty neat how things have changed from 2nd Fes, where most of the talents did covers for their solo parts I It was the unit songs in 2nd Fes that were more the original songs And for 3rd Fes they've kind of swapped that around
I suspect there might've have been an MC intermission with Rushia that got cut from earlier Because there's been a lot of performance content
Choco's another one that's been great to see the improvement over the years In both singing and choreography
Mel making Choco do all the running work to make the wave Oh now it's Mel's turn
i dont watch vtubers but someone posted this one i like the brown gril
Shallys is always an absolute treat Especially with Aki's choreography
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
The power of being a professional (belly) dancing teacher
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
That little curtsy-bow
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I like how even with her idol outfit she still has her weird inverse pants
She's a robot she can't help it
Really if you think about it, since she's matching the bare legs (one high sock excepted) of all the other girls in their idol outfits, that means they aren't even pants, they're her legs Which means she pretty normally just goes around pants-less
I love Roboco's way of singing The softness with the husk from the back of her throat is enchanting
Oh shit No warning
DAMN Calli this choreography
That little hip movement Man
Calli you absolute dweeb
Moona was definitely a shocker but out of the EN and ID performances I was definitely the most excited for Kiara Because she has some pre-existing skills which would be amazing for this
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the venue is popping off
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1036321 she also arguably has been wanting it the most
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
damn she got the moves
Cutest alien hands down
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
damn if you're going on stage at least put on clean overalls
Oh gosh that little hip shake Cute
Yopi please stop being so cute I can't take screenshots like this
She dances exactly like I thought she would Adorable
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yeah it was very cute
Oh we get Ayunda-mode Risu
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
got your nuts ready?
Risu is wild One second she's bratty genki imouto and the next she's elegant onee-san Ayunda
>Ollie, a weeping mess of happiness >"Her little butt wiggle was so cute"
Oh nice Okayu and her two girlfriends
Oh right now that I'm not distracted >>1036323 Kiara might have put in the work the most in the past to getting to this point But when you listen to Gura talk about this being her dream She's a strong competitor for the sheer want She just struggled along the way in various ways
Oh shit Phony
Apparently once the day two VOD is ready I need to go back and run Fubuki's watchalong, especially for the overseas segment She apparently got floored by Risu hah hah And Oga was in actual tears over Iofi and Risu's performances
Shit they've got five lined up
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
howlinnngggg lets go
I remember when Fubuki matched Howling to the Hololive Alternative PV and it worked so well
Ponytail Mio is so good Why do none of her normal models have this
I love that crouching leg tap motion
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Oh I really liked that high note where the instrumental cut away for a moment Botan's gotten a lot more confident in her singing in her time in Hololive
Hah hah hah the crowd perked up for her
Ah so cute Aqutan in idol mode is so powerful So much cuteness in such a small body
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the OG
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I know it isn't but her stocking kind of looks like the Southern Cross lol
It kinda looks like the Holostars' logo transposed onto a sock
I wish there were more available performances from Sora that didn't require buying a concert ticket or being up at monstrous hours where I am The energy she puts into her dancing is great
Oh this wasn't quite the duo I was expecting
Ah man This is a great song Kanata killed it in her first 3D debut
Roboco with the deep ikemen voice
Here I thought they couldn't top that Ghost duet from day one for a pentultimate performance
One of the best parts of the concerts is being reminded of how much shortstack power Watame has
Time to see if they have any hype announcements They announced Bloom at the end of 2nd Fes, and then the HoloAlt project at the end of Bloom
Guess not I thought they would have at least rolled the Live2D 3.0 update announcement again
Once the VOD processes I'm gonna have to go back and watch the kaigai segment again And Ayame's solo, the Sorarobo duet, Shallys probably two or three times, Howling, and then more of the kaigai segment for good measure
> In about a month, Australian users will be asked to provide age verification documents like a driver’s license, passport, or credit card to access age-restricted content on the Play Store and YouTube.
alright nevermind, I'm not watching the last 2 seasons of SG-1 so I'm gonna watch Atlantis instead At least Atlantis' annoying cast member isn't all annoying all the time
gradient hair will never catch on + she need chapstick + not real + ratio
but I like gradient hair
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty cool hair physics
pretty cool in general, she popped up on my recommended last year so I watched for a few minutes wouldn't be surprised to see more like her in a couple years
>>1036437 don't worry they're gonna find another stargate token in antarctica later and that's the one that doesn't get yeeted into space and blown up so we should be good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1036435 yeah the korean programmer with a 20k mocap bodysuit
kind of sucks my roommate has a day off the same day as me would just like my space for a bit
OH I know what I can do we desperately need pots and pans I don't think I remember what a vegetable looks like because I have been able to steam or boil them
Do you just not have any, or are they always in a state of uncleanliness?
they threw them out in the move and apparently they're at the bottom of
the list, at least nobody has bothered to go out and get them
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1036458 He threw out all the pots and pans in the move?
seems pretty wasteful unless the pots were in a real bad state
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1036456 Do you not have a microwave? Just get frozen vegetables.
i didn't end up going :( there's still a week of rodeo left, so maybe i'll make it out by then i did my workout (i'm almost back to my previous bests) but after doing both bench and deadlift in the same day my body was no longer complying with all given orders so i went to my buddies to play Warhammer Underworlds
>>1036532 They're literally just Bauhaus without Peter Murphy. They ended up becoming very distinct from Bauhaus in their sound after several years though.
>Due to health and hygiene reasons, earphones and headphones can only be returned for a full refund if they are unopened within 30 days of purchase and are completely sealed or faulty.
Guess it depends I'm pretty sure the brand I bought to replace mine after they broke offered a full replacement Although that might fall under faulty You could probably claim yours are faulty though
>>1036546 The reason I want to return them is they're uncomfortable af so even if the store replaced them we'd have the same problem.
Did the set come with replaceable foam heads for the buds? Some times swapping out for a different size can improve how they feel in your ears
i spotted a walk in booster option at the local pharmacy but when I went to ask them they only ones they had left had expired five minutes before I had asked