Yeah, the end of March is coming up on us Winter is almost over Soon it will be spring
Bang you should go watch Machikado Mazoku before spring starts if you haven't It's good and season two is next season
Looking at the shows that'll be airing next season, I'm not sure how strongly I feel about most of the new stuff It's mostly stuff I haven't really heard of and synopsis are hard to work off There's a few things I know from it though that ought to be fun
And there's a bunch of really good second season stuff, like more Shield Hero, Kaguya-sama (technically third season), Komi-san, Tiger & Bunny
Yeah, it's been a long time coming I might have to go see if the movie (I think there was a movie?) is chronologically canon I only ever watched the TV series
i love lappland
oh yeah shield hero is also on the list
Also it looks like there's another season of Isekai Bookworm coming too And maybe more of JoJo? I can't really tell Kyoukai Senki is picking up again too so I'll have to see if Kirara can be roused to join us for that again
i love lappland
Light the torches of Mecha, and rouse kirara's flaming heart that he may ally with Anime once more
I was thinking we saw some of the Griffin commanders in armor like that last episode Although they didn't have the heads on
Something I've been wondering, since I don't have much knowledge of the characters for GFL Do they all have colour highlights in their hair like these dolls all have? I've noticed it's pretty consistent with the dolls we've seen in the anime, at least the ones from Griffin
i love lappland
My brain is pretty corrupted Can't hear Suisei and hear it as anything but
>>1035218 i mean in this context, it's not particularly strange i can't remember wwhat hoshimachi means i just know it has to do with stars because hoshi comet starry-night? comet falling star? oh i see starry-town comet something like that
The machi part is a Kanji which means city/town
You'd have to ask Suisei herself what it means Unlike pretty much every other Holomem, she built Suisei up entirely herself So if there is any meaning beyond it sounding nice, she'd know what it is
i love lappland
oh that's right he killed that old guy
Doesn't feel like too much of a loss Although Ojiro is probably no less of a tyrant
i love lappland
so i'm not gonna try to look too deeply because of obvious futility but i can't help but point out that in effect he's basically telling the entirety of society that it's time for some sort of strange arbitrated anarchy what he's doing is kind of on the level of bane in dark knight rises but kind of more fucked up
Maybe it's just personal interpretation but I think this is a horribly misguided idea of anarchism Because there is an obvious power structure intended, despotism through baseball-induced violence Might makes kings isn't anarchy, it's just violent chaos
i love lappland
i think we mostly said the same thing
Bane was a dumb fuck really thinking it was anarchy after all
>>1035231 Your post still made it sound like you thought it was anarchy, even if arbitrary I don't think it's anarchy in the slighrest
i love lappland
"arbitrated anarchy" is so obviously oxymoronic that i don't think it would be very difficult to discern that you're trying to tell me something i know as if i don't
You're doing that thing where you presume a lot again I couldn't tell if you thought it was actually anarchy or not
i love lappland
how couldn't you tell? what the fuck would "strange arbitrated anarchy" even mean >>1035238 so because plenty of people, you assume, make some assumption, you can assume that i'm also making that assumption? and you say i'm the one presuming things, when i've only outlined things clearly presented
Because plenty of people mis-assume that anarchy can exist within structures of power I can't really tell from your post alone if you agree with that concept or not
>>1035237 Presumption != assumption Again, from your original post by itself, I could not tell if you earnestly thought it was anarchy or not
i love lappland
>>1035239 this post is literally doing the thing you just accused me of and for you to be sincere with the second half of this post is to admit a condescending position that i find insulting
Yes yes, we all know you think I'm condescending At this point I tire of trying to convince you So you're free to keep believing it
i love lappland
how can you not receognize that you're being utterly and insufferably condescending in the very post you mock me for feeling insulted by your condescension
have fun with anime
This is a plot I feel could have benefitted from another half-season or season of content Also gives more time to play more XB Kazuki's relationship with Ojiro isn't too hard to sell but the fact that it kind of came in five minutes of exposition was a bit of a let down They could have built up some of the rival teams more so when this winner takes all power struggle kicked in, it could have felt more do-or-die Like especially since Minato Tribe has to square off against those delinquents again now
Oh hah hah I still haven't actually played any of the Dangan Ronpa games My only experience is the prequel anime that showed the downfall of one of the classes Junko infiltrated Or however it went It was airing alongside the anime season that was a sequel to the original games, but only you and Ika watched the sequel on e I think
This "World's best" bit is pretty Dangan Ronpa too With all their highschool supertalents
yeah worlds best and worlds worst are super dangan
I've been enjoying this but I don't feel it's as concise as Akudama Drive was That's still one of the best anime-originals I think I've watched in a while Mostly because it knew what it wanted to do in the time it was given and pretty much executed that properly I still hope this creative team does more wild shit original anime like this and Akudama though
this is waaaaaaaay more dangan than akudama was akudama was more story driven dangan is very character driven
oh no what happened
oh i see yeah
play okay
let's change over to shikki okay lets start
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we might be waiting all night on Bang for this one We butted heads in the middle of Tribe Nine and I think he quit for the night
Okay, ready Thanks Sorry
Oh yeah I forgot they put themselves to sleep
A whole city of demons Matty must feel like he's on a hunting safari
The magic in this world continues to be the kind where "We need to do something impossible, so let's use magic"
Seems like all the non-demon townspeople are also deactivated
I kinda prefer when magic systems in series have some kind rules and systems to it Like even in other series where the MC is an OP superwizard or otherwise broken magic user, there's usually some system for it Like ONII-SAMA's magic is always systematic and built on the way the world's magic works And Rimuru in Slime Isekai needs to consume monsters and do powering up by practicing skills to break his abilities
Though I can appreciate the relative simplicity of this series >Find demons >Exterminate demons Is basically the narrative arc of each arc in this series
To be fair, bait is her best role Matty's right, she's tough, the only one besides him who could really take a beating The others are better serving as the ambushees
oh it's someone else who really likes killing demons
Oh Yeah hah hah I guess he decided to chase after Matty and his gang
I guess this adventurer guy was never even remotely a match of Matty Considering Matty's taken out demons like this without much concern in the past And he's taking a few hits
Oh the demon isn't even doing that thing the demons do where they go hulk mode When it started talking about an ultimate mode I thought he'd do that Or maybe that comes next episode
I guess we are coming up on the last episodes of this too There hasn't really ever been something that felt climactic or a build up of tension Kind of just a cruise the whole way through
That was a real journey through her consciousness hah hah
I wonder what her geass' effect would have on girls who are into other girls Judging from the spy guy's reaction, guys that aren't interested in girls aren't swayed by her beauty And women who are into guys don't react either But does it have an effect on girls who like girls?
Jinguuji and this princess are powerful adversaries
Assuming the king was right about her not being able to look after herself If she could actually look after herself She'd probably be a pretty terrifying woman
Nevermind, she already kind of is a pretty terrifying woman
Yeah, we started a bit past half-past tonight Unless we're making really good time, this is usually where we end up
I didn't sleep all that great last night and didn't nap much this evening So my energy has kind of been a gradual wind down all night Maybe I'll actually be able to sleep tonight
Even in his dreams he loses to Takagi
When I took the high school trip to Japan, we took a ferry trip like this across a lake It might have even been this same lake; it's been so long that I can't remember the Actually I might have something that can remind me
not that he'll ever get it but she's been a lot more forward lately
It's been kind of cute to see her get aggressive But yeah she'll have to spell it out for him to get it, and even then
Speaking of never getting it Crane games
Plus at this point it's also fun that it's ambiguous whether she's just trying to tease him or is having her own struggles being open about her feelings She admitted last episode that she chickened out of saying it
For a lot of reasons Christmas has become something a focus for my anxieties and unease over the years I guess when I'm a bit wound up it kind of strikes a resonance