Hi hey hello Give me a moment and I'll have the list
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Cue! Episode 7-8 Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to *Girls' Frontline *Hakozume *Koroshi Ai Saiyuuki Reload - Zeroin Episode 8-9 *Slow Loop *Vanitas no Carte
I would've thought since his was the last post before your anime one in the main thread I'll go ping him
Okay I think so Soon at least Now definitely
i love lappland
anime time
i love lappland
literally 70% of my excitement for watching GFL is listening to the ED
It is definitely one of the more "still watching this to have shows to watch" shows we've stuck with in a while Which works for Rika and I but usually we lose you after a while
i love lappland
i'll be happy if there's more of that 416 and UMP-45 stuff those characters were kind of interesting conflict between the dolls is interesting the rest not so much
I think I saw there might be a Dragonmaid OVA out, but I haven't seen anything indicating it has official subs yet Might look into over the weekend if there's any fansubs or if it's just people don't have rips yet
They introduce a new enemy doll and then blow her away like every episode
I would imagine that's not too far from the game's combat stages though You got to go up against a new Sangvis doll and beat her by the end of the set of stages
Sure is a suspicious turn of events All the Griffin commanders are gathered up at their main operations for the first time in a while And then the enemy forces come crashing in
i love lappland
wait what a semi-interesting turn of events what the hell
i love lappland
ar-15 is actin like a hussy she needs some chill
Hah hah hah This one Russian guy is all excited to die in combat and they're having none of his shit
Fuji might be kind of irresponsible at times but she is pretty good at her job
Now they're all bullying their chief
I think that two-pronged fork thing is a part of the police tool arsenal in Japan But I don't know how much it actually gets used Like the two guys were saying, it might be that modern police just use more generic methods of apprehension
There's got to be a better way to break in than to break his window i think officers have lockpicks and stuff
yeah it's what i thought he actually went to do it
I don't know how easy Japanese locks are to pick Especially if officers only have a precursory training in lockpicking I think Fuji's breaking of the window was probably the best short-time option there
i love lappland
all locks are easy to pick for the most part there isn't really a lot of good locks on the market in any country and you have to spend a pretty decent amount it's a mix of picking and picking technology and techniques being extremely advanced at this point and a general lack of enthusiasm for defeating pickers among the lock manufacturing industry breaking the window is probably appropriate for a suicide call though yeah if he wasn't killing himself in there, he'd be liable for the damages because he called to say he was and since he was, his life being saved (or not) makes the window kind of trivial afterwards
Breaking the window was appropriate since he was actually dying in there She probably had a hunch which is why she went with the quickest method for gaining entry.
>>1032693 as an addendum to this the companies that construct apartments and such are absolutely not going to spend $400+ on locks with decent pick resistance considering an apartment complex with 25 residences would cost 10,000 dollars to outfit with locks as opposed to the more reasonable 800 dollars at 20$ a door the lock industry is pretty broken right now unless you're a lock connoisseur even someone with only 20 hours of practice or so can probably get into anything you own at least if they're only required to defeat locks which is why security ends up being much more about a series of other systems in place, in addition to the locks, in order to be effective
sorry i know too much about locks and building security in general
Ai yo
The recaps at the start of each episode for this show keep throwing me off I had to go check the date created for this episode to make sure it was actually something I'd gotten just earlier
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well espeicially because this recap is also the start of the previous episode which is weird
i love lappland
oh no i did the tilde thing where i started off with "well"
When it works, it works well
i love lappland
oh yeah he choked her out damn
And here's the elder Ryang-ha
i love lappland
i think that's him
i love lappland
i love lappland
just like that, huh
Ryang-ha's eyes always lose their luster when he's not looking at Chateau He goes back to having just full-on killer eyes
These are the kind of piercings which give me almost inflexive unpleasant reactions Kind of like spacers for your ears I'm not going to tell people what not to do to their body But I also don't really want to see it either
i love lappland
hu h he really lived
Psychopathic assassins don't seem to make for great bedfellows
We could all use a friend like Jim
We could really all use a friend like Jim
i love lappland
i love lappland
so i said that expecting he only fell down from getting shot in the leg but he was incapacitated? didn't she only shoot his upper shoulder and shin on the same side? he didn't drop the gun so he still had motor function unless she hit him several more times center mass, and they didn't show it he should absolutely still be a threat then but he just passed out? weird
I'm not entirely liking how this boss guy who's concerned about Ryang-ha might be a pedophile Or whatever's up with that kid he's got on his knee
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i just figured that one was particularly nutso and needed constant attention
>>1032733 this whole second cour has been banger after banger after banger every episode has felt like the kind of intensity and quality you only get at the end of a series so much gravity
Can a hand even be reattached if you're a vampire Even if you're a vampire Oh Astolfo isn't down for the count yet
Also cute
It's really adorable how wildly Jeanne has swung from her original opinion of Vanitas
i love lappland
i love lappland
i love lappland
so uhhh
i love lappland
She's got this nice winter coat on and is wearing armored greaves underneath it
Jen Jacks is a good guy too
i love lappland
i was semi-joking when i said aoty but actually on further contemplation not so much joking i think mushoku, 86, and vanitas are the shows i'm going to think of when i look back to this period of my life and the ones i'm most likely to suggets to others
This has been a really solid arc It's going to be rough when we hit the season ending and likely don't have any guarantee of when it's picking back up for more I might have to go read the manga to see what comes next
i love lappland
the story and characters and designs being interesting is impressive and noteworthy on its own but the execution the animation and style, the flow and atmosphere these guys are performing this masterfully
This series probably has BONES's A-team working on it Unless the A-team is working on the Eureka Seven movies, but at this point I don't know how much they really care about perpetuating that franchise But they don't have any of their other major focuses that they normally put their best talent into There's no gay yaoi show they're doing (this being the closest thing), and there's no Hero Academia season running at the moment So they're probably mostly free to work on this
It's a good series seems like this arc is finally winding down a bit
slow loop okay lets start
I peeked my head into one of the rare threads for the series on /a/ and I saw someone mention that they figured as much And were guessing what they'll do with the final few episodes
you guys might change your tune if you lived here the other three seasons are much nicer
People always tell me some thing like that I'm very comfortable in high heat and open sun No one ever believes me though so I've really just stopped trying to convince them They're always so self-assured in their own distaste for summer that they can't imagine a contradicting opinion
cellular bang
koi and koharu are more interesting than hiyori usually i i forgot my second thought here
cellular bang
when you have to remember to put the sunshade on your car or burn your hands on the steering wheel when you get in it kinda sucks or when your bags skin touches the hood of the cat and you get a blister that sucks
An unusually dorky, or at least energetic-dorky mood from Hiyori
I wonder how normal it is for a wife to call her husband -san Even if it's a remarriage
I also get sleepy headed like that when running a fever
I get muscle aches and a bit disorientated Haven't gotten my usual day or two of winter flu this year so far, come to think of it I did get it last year so it's not like my Covid precautions kept it away Maybe I just got lucky