In other news I found the post that caused the "what's the most horrible thing youve done in dorf fortress" thread on the official forums to get deleted. It was honestly multiple orders of magnitude better than I expected.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
You probably shouldnt look for it though.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I only ended up looking for it because it was mentioned in the tvtropes page for unpersoning.
gah how to html cmon just need an opinion on 10.10 there under 10. part time employees we've had a change to our roster and recieved none of that and I was wondering if it was within reason to complain
>>1013642 so they rostering you on like a casual. but not paying like a casual?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013644 how do I put it usually our weekly roster is 5:45-6:45 starts they had locked in our roster for this week on the 6th, but changed it to 4:45 kind of starts on the 7th, the best warning we got was just a verbal heads up a couple of days before
and I have screenshots of the roster because I'm autistic about that stuff and the site often stops working
and you're getting a part-time award wage instead of casual rates?
hmm I uh probably misworded this it's more about the principle y'know? people at least a fair warning before roster changes like that this is like the second or third time they've done it and i don't know about where the unions stand on it, but nobodyI've spoken to likes or agrees with the changes
I see my tomcat has met the street's feral cat come out to see the two frozen in mutual pissed off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013655 How many cats do you guys have? And are they fixed?
>>1013656 just the two we had three but that one had to go to the 'rents for the sake of finding a rental
I've only seen this one feral family of cats on this street just the mother and the kittens, all feral >>1013659 are feral cats uncommon in the world unless you live in a tribe somewhere untouched by the white man
>>1013651 thank you btw just needed a 2nd opinion that wasn't my roommate's don't wanna go gung ho into something and then realise I was misreading something
I'm just gonna sit on it Put a little bit of money into ONT cause it's got excellent staking, too binance made me buy 10 bucks worth of gas, though, which is ass because that's way more than I needed So now I just have that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ontology eh never heard of it
exodus' staking option on it is 16.9% so it was in my sights for a while It's a safe-ish way to allocate limited funds, I feel like, just aiming for the high staking returns I'd have gotten more SOL too, but I wanna be a LITTLE diversified, at least, not have the whole thing in one coin
oh I mean for stop signs that's illegal, but for lights and intersections that's kinda normal practice bikes could do that too except if you go slow enough for that you're gonna fall over and faceplant like a dumbass cause you're on a bike
I'm not really comfortable with the AI even being in charge when you hit a stop sign, honestly that shit is the kind of thing where the human being should be nudged and told to make an input, at least in my opinion
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the end game is supposed to be that the car drives itself and stops whenver a hazard appears... not that we're there yet stop signs should be a pretty simple case tho if stop sign then stop
who do you fine if the self driving car breaks the law? tesla? the owner? I feel like you should get to fine tesla or sue them for the fine you were given
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
def tesla if they advertise full self driving then they should be on the hook for liability none of this "ram into a pedestrian and blame the driver who has been cajoled into a sense of false security for the last year" bs
right? but also you as the driver are ultimately the one who decided it was a good idea to listen to the habitual liar guy with the rocketships and dogs in his twitter bio it's not like it's a secret that teslas are just... awful vehicles on many levels
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eh i don't think the existence of his twitter changes anything there's tesla dealerships all over, they advertise "autopilot", so they better take responsibility
I mean yeah, you've still been sold something under false pretenses I still think you're kind of responsible with how well known the various issues with these cars are, though Tesla definitely shouldn't be off the hook though, because you can't possibly be blamed in the first place if there wasn't anything wrong with the car, cause nothing would have gone wrong that could be blamed on you
I didn't even realize that guy was still around Full house just occupies a "really old tv show" place in my brain, so I thought he'd probably died already
I never watched it but my sister did. When I think of Bob Saget I remember Gilbert Gottfried at the roast of bob saget going on about how Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in 1990.
I watched the episode of Norm's podcast with him and the roast I think that's the only roast I can sit through
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all of our old heroes are so old they're gonna keep dyin faster
i should just buy a bunch of adderall off the darkweb
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013854 Currently on Live at the Whiskey A GoGo on the Fabulous Sunset Strip by X.
>>1013855 idk, probably not still have my sense of taste and i can still smell things when my nose isn't clogged no nausea or fever just crazy sinus pressure and phlegm and headaches
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
could very well be covid doesnt hit everyone consistently and like literally everyone is getting omicron right now
Previous two were The Wedding Present George Best +10 And The Presidents of the United States of America Next is Uh fuck i forgot the name of the band Uh The album is International Pop Overflow It might be self tirled *self titled I remembered the band name, Material Issue
>>1013859 i think i got it from my brother, who had the flu but tested negative for covid while he had it but yeah everyone is getting omicron so the only way i can know for sure is to get tested
either way i'm not really worried, it seemed to peak last night/this morning and is better now than earlier
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The last cd in the changer is Animal Rights by Moby Which honestly migjt be my favorite album of hus. *his Like I love his electronic music but his hardcore punk stuff is so good.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1013860 Mister Bangerson You appear to have been living... two lives
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I didn't know we were allowed to say glowie on /moe/
Maybe it's just perspective. >>1013869 Thanks, you too.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013871 What do you think of the stuff in my cd player?
>>1013872 not much not really stuff i'm into or knowledgable about
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013873 I figured. Thought you might at least be familiar with the moby album and The Presidents the United States of America.
I knoew about them but they're not really stuff i am interested in moby is cool and all for being famous and "influential" but he's mostly pretty boring imo and Presidents is just not really the kind of band i'm into >>1013877 stereolab i don't know about but might be interesting but if it's anything like a lot of the stuff you've shown me, i'm expecting a very specific kind of "this definitely influenced the people who make stuff i actually find interesting" sort of vibe
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't really own much electronic music on CD aside from Stereolab.
>>1013878 I know that "glowie" takes out the other part but knowing its etymology ive never said it here. I don't think I have anyways.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Man I really like Terry Davis but he was just so fucked up. I hear people were harassing him and shit near the end of his life and that makes me sad.
the etymology is something mostly lost at this point it's pretty normal for very online people to use it to refer to feds at this point "glowie" is also the way more popular form of the words
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013884 There are a lot of things that are normal for very online people to say that aren't appropriate for /moe/.
how did we end up in a timeline where literally rei is the one chiding me with something sound huh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
But I won't give you shit about it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013886 I have recently been trying to be more careful about what I say, and especially on /moe/.
it's important to remember that what's "appropriate" is not something written in stone somewhere there are things that are, but for the most part "appropriate" is just shorthand for "things that will not offend anyone who will interact with them" i tend to only be inappropriate by deliberate act, and your calling me out definitely caught me off guard here as the etymology of that word had been complelety forgotten by me at this point
>>1013892 the term has been around for a long time it's well-known most specifically wait rvision it was previously well-known only by two specific groups - programmers and tech nerds that were somehow in communicative proximity with people who frequent /g/, and guns rights advocates that were somehow in communicative proximity with people who frequent /k/ ever since jan 6th tho, it's definitely a lot more widespread in its use for somewhat obvious reasons
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wait bang brought it up lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1013885 very online is quite broad now could mean anything
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Does this mean I go outside wearing this and not have to worry about being cancelled?
its most specific use is to describe law enforcement and otherwise federally-tied agents and actors who are on the internet with the express purpose of discovering the unlawful or conspiratorial actions of citizens without their knowledge of doing so, usually via posing as "one of the group"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1013897 i dont know the subtext here but superficially it seems pretty dank
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013899 Terry Davis referred to the federal agents stalking him in his delusions as "glow niggers".
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1013894 but wait im a programmer and tech nerd just not a /g/ browser
no yeah 4chan sucks /a/ is still fun but it mostly sucks >>1013903 yeah i wouldn't say regret and i still go there every now and then , specifically to /a/ and specifically to look for threads about anime i'm currently watching
it's kind of funny how the most familiar looking boards are /a/ and /v/ and everywhere else has mostly withered away or is actuallly terrifying to browse now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't really go there for conversation anymore, just for images.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
One of my friends are texted me asking if I knew of any online communities that were like In between 4chan and reddit, and I told her that I didn't. >>1013908 Lost like tears in rain Scoob.
2007 4chan was kino tho and i won't take it back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
desu desu
tbh it wasn't really until like 2013/2014 that i started to feel like it was declining although it could have to do with growing up a little from me also i think the reason /a/ mostly has stayed the same is because there's always a constant stream of new anime and manga to watch and the culture on the board is just insular enough that new people can't easily water it down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was probably a function of age yea evaporative cooling hits everyone a lil different
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
A big part of the spread of /pol/ tier garbage comes from the fact that Hiro is hands off and the lead mod unironically believes that shit and instructs moderators and jannies to not remove a lot of that stuff
oh yeah /pol/ shit ruined 4chan deffo hunny p no cap on a stack
yeah but what was moot gonna do lol he was right to jump ship 200% never blame the guy
also i met him and had ice cream with him and some friends by chance, during SXSW that was cool
well remember he was doing that thing or whatever moot wanted to seize on what was the most valuable thing about old 4chan (and the thing that it lost in order to become shit) and that was the creativity of iterative memes memetic iteration was the gold that old 4chan thrived on and where most of the fun came from too bad that project never really panned out
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I miss moot. He's basically dropped off of the face of the Earth.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
moot isekai on netflix wen
do you wash out the little shot cup they provide with the cough syrup or do you just put it back on the bottle dirty like some kind of disgusting pig
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1013917 just wait till we have Neuralinks connected to the internet
i mostly just wanted to call out the fuckers who don't i remember as a young lad wanting to soothe my aching throat with some dayquil and there was crusted orange substance on the inside of the shot cup so my revenge was to drink it straight from the bottle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1013917 i think it was a vital component in bootstrapping thr kinetic memesis we have now
oi m8 u makin a jab
>>1013921 i'm probably not going to chip in there's no way we can trust it right
god only knows defo dont hook that shit up to the internet keep it between you and the AI waifu who runs on Amazon Web Services and will never betray your trust
maybe if i had nothing left to lose imagine getting hacked
i don't really think elon musk is any more than just another eccentric billionaire but if neuralink happens humanity will have to contend with some seriously terrifying issues
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1013931 Have you read Snow rash? *Snowcrash Fucking autocorrect
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
snow rash is me trying to walk the frozen over seawall earlier today
Oh boy, AM talk radio complaining and downplaying unions What a lovely attitude
AM radio also just always sounds awful on the route to my job Like not even content-wise, the audio quality is fuck-awful I don't know how anyone enjoys this experience
Depending on how my finances look now that I'm not smoking anymore, I'm probably gonna go ahead and dump some more in during these incredible discounts though But I gotta see how my money shakes out at the end of the month
Wow You guys are second in the world for mesothelioma. >>1014151 Yeah I saw and said >>1014149 Because I didn't want to point out that there was a phone number.
Yeah, I just gotta keep myself off it I mean, I really do kinda have to right now, cause I gotta use less money this month after dumping some money into internet coins I don't wanna start eating into my buffer
But also mixing nicotine and HRT is apparently a really bad idea, and I'm gonna do what I can to get on HRT Shit's like a big health risk in combination, and arguably more important is it makes the HRT itself less effective
Rational reinforcement is good As someone who is really often at times at the mercy of my irrational psyche I get it can feel like no matter of rationality helps But it's still good to have
It's good to have a reason beyond the actual thing you're doing
Like, I do not think if be able to quit if I was quitting simply for its own sake
>>1014482 You taken a look at this Million Token things? It sounds stupid as shit, but at the same time throwing like $50 at it and getting a few just in case it goes off seems like it's wort the risk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i already have a fair number of yolo shitcoin bets
Fair I'm still sitting on like 27 bucks worth of shib It'll reach a cent sooner or later copium
NFTs strictly speaking aren't exactly files in the first place, but the collectable ones raking in money contain a link to an image file Well, some are like, deeds in worse versions of minecraft and stuff, too I guess
must be nice to smugly look down upon a billion children
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1014499 I don't really look down on the children who play it But the autistic manchildren who obsess over it. Although I guess i look down on children who take minecraft too seriously and seriously harass others are people I look down on. Serious harassment isnt okay Only casual harassment is
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Whatever that means
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Jesus Christ this is impossible to read on mobile. Fuck scan groups who make every page a double page. It's fucking obnoxious.
I can't believe they rushed the plot of muv-luv that much only to end the season right after the civil war part I guess in some sense it's appropriate that you see exactly 0 BETA during the first season, even if this is still staggered by a full timeline
>>1014505 I was very surprised by it. I did not expect it to end in a mostly satisfying way.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm said we never got Gendou and Fuyutsuki travelling through the desert in 3.0 though. The screenplay for 3.0 was mostly rewritten after he got over his depression. That's what I heard anyways.
The stuff with Asuka being a clone was really weird and completely out of left field, is she supposed to be a clone of Asuka from the tv series? Asuka shoupd have won.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Asuka wasn't best girl though, Rei is best girl but she cant win because she is a clone of Shinji's mother.
I'm probably gonna rewatch the whole movie series again one of these days not the TV anime though, I feel like that's kinda obsolete if you've seen it already
It's good to watch if you're just getting into EVA, but rewatching it seems wholly meaningless
Tonight's Uber, from a distance, looked like there was a thick brush of white paint over the license plate Which felt pretty fucking sketchy But getting closer I realized it was just a cake of snow-turned-ice hah hah Still totally unreadable though, which I feel is a driving by-law violation or something, but whatever
how many of these witches did you even mint, anyway?
got damn that's good return on investment right there One issue that's making me a bit worried though is the owner count doesn't seem to be going up at all despite the high volume
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh i minted like seven or eight? they were like .03 or .05 to mint each i think and i bought a few
That's one possible problem, I guess, but mainly I'm just not sure we're gonna stay at wherever we end up cause there doesn't seem to be interest outside the people who already have them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see a post of twitter every now and again about welcoming someone who just found it and bought one or was gifted one idk i hope it catches on more
It sure would be nice to see this thing hit a high price so I can cash out ETH is neat and all, but I don't wanna have all my eggs in ETH and SOL, so it'd be nice to crack a full ETH and spread it into other stuff, including a meme coin or 5 just in case they take off SOL I'm pretty confident in though, so I don't wanna take out the stake
It's still super puzzling to me to have been just given it it's a lot of money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if 0.5 will be a big obstacle from what ive heard it might be for this kinda project who knows im just HODL even if the floor goes back down
A lot of the projects on opensea seem to hover around half an eth yeah I'm in the same boat anyway, I'm just sitting on this at least until we're above 1
the water drains into the wall but there's basically no lip that plus turbo taps what everywhere water everywhere >>1014742 nah it was some ritzy hotel I delivered to
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
What the fuck? That has to be a code violation. Is this your house?
My valiant steed has returned to my side, its wounds fully healed. Once again, its heart burns with passionate fires as it races through the city streets at my command!
Another day where the only guy working the loading dock here is AWOL, third day in a row, meaning between me and the other guy who work receiving, we're stuck doing the work of maybe four people It's just all so exhausting I don't want to knock the guy because I think he suffers from pretty bad depression and very poor coping strategies for it But I'm also really tired of having to pick up the extra work
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Do you get paid more?
Nope It's not literally extra work in that I'm not being given additional duties than what's expected of my position But, like, there's always new product coming in which needs to be received. Ideally, this department is staffed by four people, even five, if Covid distancing didn't make fitting three people into the space I work in impossible. Five people in this department , two on the loading dock, three here in the basement, would be enough people to handily manage the incoming work flow . But in lieu of five, four is enough a s long as there isn't a flash flood of shipments that come in, we could manage But we don't have four people, there are three employees to this department, one of which has these unpredictable periods where he's just completely absent for days at a time, so we're down to two people, trying to handle a work load that should be managed by at least four people
And in the end, the product has to be received by someone, so it's not like I can really just ignore stuff that comes in, because in the end, there's a 50% chance I'm going to be the one receiving it And if I don't receive it, it just sits there taking up space, making navigation difficult and resulting in even bigger headaches if there's no receiving space available for when new stuff arrives So the only real choice is between work harder and be exhausted, or slack off and be stressed Which is kind of exhausting in of itself
i rabu lappland
Also I've had an eight-hour long headache because the temperature has swung like fifteen degrees since yesterday What a lovely day
turns out I was wrong actually, owner # is going up, albeit fairly slowly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets see the floor on red moon bows is... there's only two listings at 0.75 and 1.11[stringTraits][0][name]=Top&search[stringTraits][0][values][0]=Moon%20Bow%20%28Red%29&search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE
I mean the red moon bow is super rare as is it accounts for like 60+% of mine's "rarity score" or whatever And that's enough to put it at like number 1500 or something from the top
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice which rarity score site
I don't exactly know how those scores work but I figure they're at least legitimate in some sense
london meme has fallen down fallen down fallen down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all hail the giant money furnace
I went to try to use the little bit of eth in my wallet to trade it for million tokens because it's not a lot anyway But the actual cost of conversion is like, as much as I have
I don't think it's just eth fees though, there's several networks involved
>>1014896 How much would I have to pay you to go to a Midnight Oil concert and film it for me. Cause they're doing their last Australian/New Zealand tour this year and probably wont do a world tour.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Im assuming i would also be giving you money for the ticket.
this one lady had a gargoyle on her lawn to match her personality
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Night /moe/!
>>1014896 i remember when i used to work evenings the hours leading up to work always got progressively worse and worse
nowadays i make sure i wake up just in time to get ready for and commute to work so i don't have to face that dread anymore too tired to worry until i'm already there then it's not so bad
firefox shat the bed worldwide a bit earlier if you're having issues connecting to the internet on it, you can disable network.http.http3.enabled in about:config No idea what that actually does, but it does fix the issue
would guess it disables that draft of the new http protocol they are supposedly testing now i'm not sure how that would cause the whole internet to not work on the browser though
Yeah, I just dunno what that thing actually does, or why it somehow fucked EVERYONE over at the exact same time I'm guessing some certificate server or whatever shat the bed, or something like that I dunno how the www works anymore, shit's gotten complicated as hell
Also what the fuck happened to make chrome dominate so hard in terms of browser market share? Even on desktop it seems to have completely taken over during the last year, according to\\ wait not even just the last year, it seems to have dominated by an enormous margin for a very long time now? I get it's popular, but I kinda expected firefox and maybe opera to at least be competitive