my coworker is still sick so i can stay up late tonight
-- Winter 2022 Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to Futsal Boys!!!!! Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja Princess Connect! Re-Dive S2 Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu
-- Fall 2021 Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 7-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Platinum End Episode 11-13 Scarlet Nexus Visual Prison Episode 9-12
Three new things tonight
Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to is about two "old men" (I think they mean like forties, tops) who get isekai'd to save a world, standard shtick But the MC gets summoned as a cute young girl while his friend gets to stay the handsome oji-san he is
Kenja no Deshi is about a guy who plays an old man wizard type in an MMO, but on a whim changes his avatar to that of a cute girl one night But then the next day wakes up in the world of the MMO he was playing in the body of the cute girl
Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu seems to be about a lazy prince who doesn't want to rule the kingdom he's inheriting, so he tries to auction it off to the highest bidder, and things go horribly awry from his plan
well does anyone have anything they want on the list tonight?
Well I really want to see the new episode of PriConne, especially if Bang's watching of season one is anywhere from a few days to a week in completion Don't really want to wait that long for it!
This one is probably going to cater pretty hard towards a female audience Not 100% on if that specifically means fujoshi But defintely a female audience
While Shakespeare's Richard III might be a pretty fun thing to adapt, especially with how monstrous Richard can be in it I think this series is going to be taking some considerable liberties with the original narrative
By the time Shakespeare's play starts, Richard is already a grown man who ends up being, I think, it's been a long time since I read the play, King Regent to his nephews, who are the righteous kings of Britain
Wow that was a pretty gay moment for a moment there
There seems to be a bit of a fey aspect to this which wasn't present in the original The play's a pretty cut and dry historical fiction which interprets the real life of Richard III
stylistically, i'm interested, but if it's already this gay i'm worried it might be too gay for even me
Also Richard III in the play is an ugly, hunchbacked man They're definitely trying to skirt around that by making this Richard sickly and with heterochromia, I think
Everyone in this series is unbelievably horny for him
yeah that would be another good wild twist this is pretty good
>>1014590 i was thinking he was looking really feminine in the chain scene that was one of the ones that caught my eye as i was flipping through this to preview it
I was definitely not expecting much out of this and got way more than I was ready for Man
they hinted at it earlier when that guy stopped richard from knifing themselves >>1014594 yeah seriously
Hah hah hah Hoisted by his own petard Talk about burden of competence
i think the audio and video have desynced slightly for me i'm guessing maybe it is a bad rip wow she's still nyaa-ing
They have a kind of funny relationship
looks alright i'll keep watching it not particularly impressed or anything but it seems like it could grow on me and it doesn't seem bad
I was definitely expecting more in the lines of Black Company with scumbag antics and karmic retribution Instead it's closer to Genjitsu Shugi with the minutae of ruling a kingdom
This is definitely isekai tier like just absolute power
I wonder if he'll get nerfed when the incident happens
What I'm wondering is, it sounds like he gets stuck in the world of the game once he changes to a girl But one of his IRL friends is the actual prince/king of the kingdom Does his friend, and the other super powerful player characters, also get stuck in the game? Do they become fantasy people who don't have any memories of being IRL people? Are they just entirely absent?
The silent montage is kind of weird
it screams budget to me
Not to me I think they're playing something with hiding what his voice and attitude is as a cute girl now
this is a pretty extended amount of time for the only audio channel to be music
hmm would his friends get stuck too? is this a stuck in mmo kind of show
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering It's either they're stuck too, or they're fantasy people now Like, maybe their personalities are similar to who they were But they're now people who have always been in a fantasy world
well it's got me for two more episodes probably not more
wow he's ultra handsome I guess he is a lot more handsome than his friend
>>1014670 turning into a girl or being an ultra-handsome guy that isn't interested in girls?
>Every girl he's fallen for has been taken by his best friend Ouch
>>1014671 someone i grew up with who ended up being very different as we aged and some really troubling situations that arose from the less-than-standard circumstances i really dislike this kind of stuff
His friend's also a pretty swell guy What a gentleman
he's been a girl for like 30 minutes and he's already acting like a thot
There's a kind of Kaguya-esque thing going on here Where both parties are trying to guess things about the other without playing their hand too heavily and getting caught in a trap of their own making
Oh they ended up going with the princess carry anyway
You know i'd watch this show if it was just him isekai'd as a really powerful office worker
I like their dynamic
i would really like a show like that and honestly the show executed things okay i just can't really stomach the premise easily would have to battle some demons i'd rather just not
>>1014718 I didn't hate it it wasn't the best thing this season but i'll continue to watch it
Karyl Karyl
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Did the mountain god show up?
I wonder if they'll do any of the plot of the mobage in this season The first season kind of seems to exist as a bit of a filler between the prologue of the mobage and any of the actual story plot in it Aside from some of the stuff towards the end
Oh and there he goes again Poor Yuuki Still can't even handle the most basic of monsters
It's kind of impressive how good he's gotten at playing dead when getting chomped on by monsters
That's two :x faces so far
Oh and they're all out for the count
There's a series of challenge dungeons in the mobage which kinda follow the arc of this episode The Gourmet Guild goes out to some remote location on the hunt for some legendary ingredient or seasoning Karyl is always despondent, but the others drag her along You have to fight past a bunch of AI teams of other characters until you get to the final boss , which is a raid-type boss which often takes several passes to beat And in the end the crew always gets a nice meal made out of whatever delicacy they found
this was a good episode both as stupid and crazy as i remembered with a nice moment at the end
Yeah it's great to see the charm of the first season still hits as hard years later
>>1014734 Out of the Gourmet Guild, Karyl's defintely mine too There's a bunch of other really good characters in the series we haven't seen much of in the anime though
That's a really big turtle How did it get stuck up there on that mountaintop anyway
Hah hah hah What a final beat to end on
The food in this series also always looks really good Except when it involves bugs
i haven't palyed the game in awhile i need to look in on it
I played pretty hard for a while Made it into the top thousand in the PVP system for a while But I got kind of burnt out trying to stay on top of the work needed to stay there I know they're doing some promo stuff because the game's coming up on its one year anniversary (at least in English) and also because this season is starting up So it might be a good time to jump back in