i'm not in that big a hurry will bang be with us tonight?
I'll send him a ping if he doesn't show up by the time I have the list together
-- Winter 2022 Cue! Futsal Boys!!!!! *Hakozume - Kouban Hoshi no Gyakushuu Koroshi Ai *Leadale no Daichi nite Orient *Tokyo 24-ku
-- Fall 2021 Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 7-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen Platinum End Episode 11-13 Scarlet Nexus Visual Prison Episode 9-12
Bang'll be around but needs twenty minutes or so We could do Kimetsu no Yaiba or Orietn -Orient in the meanwhile
Tanjirou's been up against this Upper Moon by himself much longer than I was expecting Maybe she's just been toying with him for a bit instead of seriously trying to fight him But my impression of the Upper Moons is the three of the gang are way too unskilled right now to fight them on even terms
Yeah it's stuff like this Which makes the Upper Moons feel absolutely beyond the capabilities of the main gang
Pretty crazy to see Tanjirou so absolutely enraged Like he can get angry, of course, but he's normally such a gentle kid that to see him get angry feels kind of alien
There is a new show tonight, Koroshi Ai It seems to be a romance thriller about two assassins who have to work together but also start falling for each other We could maybe fit that somewhere in the middle and still finish on Leadale
this show seemed cool i'm actually looking forward to this ep 2 >>1014958 >>1014957 i'm down to watch koroshi ai and leadale last if that's cool
you can tell this guy listens to a lot of american pop punk because he's so good at emulating the whininess
Her circumstances are pretty ridiculous Chasing your dog out onto the
rail lines through considerable police and employee presence Definitely the kind of thing which would make the police curious
Very Yakuza-poi Although I guess a lot of business managers in real-life Japan are Yakuza or Yakuza-affiliated at the very least
bro what is that even 100 pounds i mean we don't know how many reps hes doin but shit they coulda made it look a little heavier
Whenever stuff like comes up, I wonder if it's really something that happens in places like Japan, where houses might be close enough to have windows that basically open up to each other It's certainly not safe to jump from window-to-window like that, but it's also defintiely not the biggest risk
it seems like asumi and blue kinda had some interest going on maybe probably why blue was hit so hard
I think all three of the RGB had a kind of infatuation with her Oh though I guess Green is her brother so maybe his was only familial But well it's not unthinkable But Red made her his whole motif so I think he was crushing on her too
Blue's definitely the only one who hasn't gotten over her in that sense though
dang that was a high quality thank you
Also Mari, the girl with the red hair, I think she was/is crushing on Blue while he was crushing on Asumi
asumi almost seems a little too good you know they're really hyping her up
So that Yakuza-poi group isn't actually Yakuza I guess they're like posers compared to the actual organizations But still serious enough that the police are still monitoring them
legally operating companies can be just as scarier and worse for the community than even the yakuza though apparently they're trying to do here what californian real estate monsters have been doing in my city
Plenty of Yakuza organizations operate paper companies like the one they're setting up here It's less about the scariness and more the attitude and culture they seemed to have in that scene we got of them earlier If the company isn't actually a Yakuza organization, they're trying to be one
but you could tell they were small time cause the yakuza in anime always have crazy penthouse temple-like facilities with super tall windows and golden statues
Yeah but realistically a lot of Yakuza groups operate out of relatively normal looking offices They might live in high-rise penthouses but the management of the group happens in normal places
in anime, they're always operating in crazy fancy properties they might not be allowed to be protrayed as being any lesser
So the school that burned down was abandoned anyway A fire like that could have been just an accident of faulty wiring or other unmaintained parts of the building Or it could have been arson on an uncared-for property
i didn't see very much about this one but from the cover art and the two sentences of the premise i read it looks kinda cool
It's genre'd as josei so I'm interested to see what kind of mood it has
well we're starting out with a lot of killing
What a romantic first encounter
what the hell
Hey a Blackberry!
well one of my main concerns was that it was gonna take itself too seriously which it very well still could but i think i can consider those fears allayed for now allayed? allaid?
I get the feeling they manage to become more than friends
her name is chateau i don't know how i'd feel about being a house
When one's worth is pretty dank
Wow he's really smitten with her
isn't what the this is like really fucked up isn't it
I mean, sure, from a normal world perspective But this is a serious about assassins and bounty hunters I think a measure of fucked up is kind of the base level of things in the first place
i just mean like, sending that video and her just kinda watching it and keeping it to herself i'm thinkin she's kinda freaky like scary freaky
I'm getting the feeling the guy he had tied up probably wasn't the most respectable person himself But who knows Maybe the guy just tied up some random civilian to catch her attention
damn i kinda want to go to a juice stand
the weird thing is i kinda like this guy
He's admirable in his pursuit of love Even if his methods are questionable
holy fuck
This mouthless kid's Japanese is really funny I always wonder if that's really how gaijins sound like to the Japanese
they should probably be worried about being seen, right?
Well Chateau seems to be kinda small-scale, or at least relatively unknown Maybe Chang-se should be a bit more careful, but there's also an argument for a somewhat unremarkable-looking guy like him disappearing into the crowds of a city
being small time in this line of work is dangerous too someone might whack you and not think anything of it
I'm just working off the fact that Chang-se didn't recognize her when they first squared off with each other At the top of the episode She might be so unknown that the chance of being recognized is unlikely Oh it's not Chang Rya-something I'm not as good with names that aren't Euro-American or Japanese hah hah
hmmm i don't quite understand why but i really like this i feel like i shouldn't but i'm super curious
Interesting premise you don't see this kinda thing very oftne
It's kind of hard to do a slightly serious story about assassins and do it well I mean if you play up the edge or camp you can get some fun shounen or seinen action stuff But generally if it involves people who kill for a living, I think viewers/readers can have a hard time sympathizing with the characters So instead you take some of the edge off, or you go full campy edge like Black Lagoon
my brain is drawing a blank on what happened in the first episode of leadale
The main character was a hospital-ridden girl in her past life but then her life support failed and she died And got isekai'd into the world of the VR MMO game she loved playing
She does seem to be a bit of a Sherlock Holmes But the way her step-dad was acting and the girl's reaction Did also immediately send off a red flag in my head
Yeah Statistically, there aren't a whole lot of sixteen year olds who get really into things like compensated dating or prostitution without some serious sexual abuse or other horrible situations at home The girl was a red flag case to begin with
you know part of me wants to believe an japanese police officer would actually notice something like that and stop by out of worry it's a hard sell though as i don't think it's a normal cop thing to do i know american cops are a whole special case but it's hard to imagine a cop being so nice and worrying because a distraught lady is missing a sandal
I approach this show the same way I'd probably approach a police procedural on American live-action television It's an inherently fictionalized presentation of the police force and involves personalities and behaviour you'd probably not see in real life But, on the other hand, it could be we're just too far removed from Japanese daily life culture to have an accurate image of what ground-level police would act like
Hah hah hah wow Imagine being a Shinsengumi nerd so hard you took up working in the bureaucratic part of the police force
they really ought to apologize for the pomps tho
No apologizing for nothing! If you're going to grow a pompadour, you gotta own it!
i just had the sudden epiphany to rewatch gabriel dropout weird
Isekky Living an isekai in a comfy MMO world would probably be pretty nice I think I'd definitely prefer a world like that than a realistic isekai world
Oh right, the wine >I'm never drinking alcohol again Said everyone after their first hangover ever
i remember thinking something similar after my first blackout man i have no memories of basically all of that night but my memories of the week after are really terrible if you guys thought drunkard bang was bad, apparently blackout bang could ruin his whole life in a night
I've never managed to get black-out drunk At the very least by the time I drink so much I'd not remember anything, I'm too sleepy and just, well, fall asleep
Yeah, after one being an elf and another being a dwarf, I kinda expected the girl to be a different race But I guess she made two elf children, got bored with the race, and jumped over to dwarves
This is one of my favorites so far, yeah probably best comfy show of the season so far
My money's on Slow Loop for that, but it might need to get into the swing of things Also Sono Bisque Doll once they start getting to the actual cosplay clothes-making