my work got cancelled last night so i can watch all the animes tonight! my work got cancelled tomorrow*
what did you guys think of the shows you watched after i had to sleep
Shikkakumon was fine. Kinda standard power trip-y fantasy MC. Cute girls Slow Loop was pretty cute, with a fair bit of promise of comfy fishing times. Takagi-san is more of what it's always been, which is great because it's a really cute series
All right let me get the list together
-- Winter 2022 Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Baraou no Souretsu Cue! Futsal Boys!!!!! Girls' Frontline Princess Connect! Re-Dive S2 Sabikui Bisco Tribe Nine
-- Fall 2021 Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 7-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Yuukaku-hen *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Platinum End Episode 11-13 Scarlet Nexus Visual Prison Episode 9-12
I'll be honest aside from PriConne the other two shows that are new for tonight don't seem particularly impressive But maybe I'm wrong Sabikui Bisco might be funny because the MC's power is literally mushrooms or something And Tribe Nine is about a bunch of kids in "Neo Tokyo" playing EXTREME BASEBALL
iut's getting a lot of buzz i dont think it will be good but i gotta see the meme
girls frontline okay lets start
I never actually played any of Girl's Frontline so this'll be fun for me
On the flipside I'll be coming back to PriConne having played a fair bit of it and knowing the plot of the mobage makes me curious since absolutely none of that got into the first season of the anime
sorry i had to exorcise a piss demon piss demons can't be exorcised at the desk
Man, we last to 2045 without WWIII breaking out Better than I would have expected
hm i still kinda don't know whats going on and nothing really happened
the only experience i really have with girls frontline is fan art and i downloaded this mod for Stellaris where UMP45 gives you alert messages instead of the default voice
pretty sure this is starting with the start I remember the tutorial mission being kinda like this kinda just starts in the middle of things
The only characterization I have for Dolls' Frontline girls is from doujin manga so it's going to be funny for me how much is headcannon for various people Although I don't know if I'd even recognize the girls I've seen hah hah This is something Kirara and Ton would be much more versed in than I am
i know that a lot of the t-dolls are based on guns and i know a lot about guns
I also don't even know how much plot Dolls' Frontline actually has Like Arknights has a pretty complex plot and a lot of substories And even PriConne has an actual narrative, although that wasn't adapted in the anime I've been playing a lot of Blue Archive lately too and there's kind of a plot there but it's more a bunch of disparate threads at the point I'm at
It's an interesting departure from the older mobage like Kancolle where there wasn't really a story at all Also at least with Arknights and Blue Period, the player character, the faceless Dokutah or Sensei, is kind of relevant to the story So you kinda need to give voice and face to them, where as with some other mobage plots you can just remove the player character entirely
yeah after starting Arknights, i realize it's kind of a rabbit hole
i really like adaptations that choose to be like a comedy or sol it's really only the games that already have good plots that are worth making a serious story adaptation of but idk i haven't seen anything terrible yet
oh well this isn't exactly great
Damn she just blew half that meidos face off
is that meido really dead? i don't buy it
They're all androids so maybe she can keep moving Might be hard to fight if your optical sensors aren't working on account of being blown apart
what kind of game is girls frontline? auto-battler?
yeah this is tracking the tutorialk really closely
You know when auto-chess had its brief fad period thanks to DotA Why didn't anyone put out a cute girl gacha auto-chess mobage
i'm sure someone tried there are hundreds of shitty auto-chess games lost to the void for every app or mobage you've heard of there are hundreds, even thousands of dead ones
Also I don't know shit about my gun history either So there's going to be a bunch of trivia and referential bits incorporated into the girls which I won't get at all hah hah
i think it's funny that M4 and SOPMOD 2 are different T-dolls because they're the same thing just that a sopmod specifically refers to an arrangement of attachments
I played this game a little bit but didnt really get into it i also played arknights but also didnt really get into it
i've been playing azur lane awhile though
I've been on a bit of a break from Arknights but that's because I played it pretty much literally daily for like a year and a half and needed a bit of a break But I've also been playing Blue Archive a lot lately and that's fun I started PriConne when it came out and did pretty well with it There's an in-game pseudo PVP and I made it into the top 1000 for a while but couldn't keep up the energy Blue Archive also has one but I've not been having as much luck with it
i don't know what kinds of games girls frontline and azur lane are i didn't know arknights was a tower defense or i would've tried it way sooner
i thought about trying Blue Archive but it had like a 2.4 rating on the google play store so i decided not to
That feels a little unjustified People are probably just pissy that it has awful 3* rates
They can really pull none of the punches with these combat scenes though Since it's just shooting up machines
i think i'm in the weird position of being too knowledgable about this sort of thing and so it kinda makes these battles seem weird like it's too much suspension of disbelief for me to pull off
remember that one airsoft anime i liked that one
I guess Dolls' Frontline is going for the "cut out the player character" route for adaptation Unless it doesn't have much of a player character in the first place I dunno
yeah that was alright i'll continue watching if you guys do i don't have a strong opinion in either direction it wasn't terrible
Oh maybe not And we'll see a player character insert next episode
putting a PC in is an interesting choice overall it's still kinda eh okay
sasasasaki bisco okay let's start
I'm a bit curious about this one There's actually some chatter about it, which is more to be said than most things so far
>>1014269 Makes sense, Arknights is one of Yostar's big games right now, next to Azur Lane They seem to like doing things in house Yostar Pictures also handled the Azur Lane anime and putting aside the plot, the visual direction for it was really, really good
have you guys seen last year's arknight's 1st anniversary animation thing >>>/watch?v=u82r6NIkTbU i thought it was pretty cool i also heard the studio behind the arknights anime is gonna be yostar pictures
i feel like cover art ends up telling me a lot more than a synopsis but really nothing matches up to watching an episode it's part of why i don't really go through the effort of looking at stuff ahead of time unless i hear a lot about it if i'm gonna end up trying almost everything, i'll just wait until i try it
I'm curious to see what exactly EXTREME BASEBALL entails
Yeah I saw that Talk about dumbass way to get fired
hmm that guy just smacked a baseball with a cyber bat
Maybe it was actually a cyberbaseball
that dude's got some teeth on him
More beaver than human
I think the character designer for this might be the same as Dang It Ron Paul Dangan Ronpa They have the right kind of eyes and some of the hairstyles are very much their style
It's a bit doofy but not unpleasant I still want to see what exactly EXTREME BASEBALL is all about
Oh, the composer for this is Masafumi Takada, who did the music for Dangan Ronpa It actually looks like a lot of that Dangan Ronpa creative team is working on this They seem to like to work together a lot
i was thinking the designs looked very dangdangronpa
Yeah, so did >>1014318 I Looking at MAL it looks like he is working on some character designs, but there's a few names credited with original character designs
The blonde one seems to have superhuman reflexes so yeah At the very least they can probably dodge the punches that are supposed to get you out
he turned into a samus
You gotta swing the bat
Man this OST really knows how to kick in
this is fucking ridiculous i'm super down for more
Colour me surprised Both shows that seemed kinda iffy from tonight ended up being absolute bangers
Granted if I'd known Tribe Nine was being done by the Dangan Ronpa creative group I'd have definitely had higher expectations for it They worked on Akudama Drive last year or so and that was actually a fantastic original concept
there's always a chance it's good but i doubt it and the threads on /a/ are way too creepy
The thing that I keep in mind is someone can be a rampaging lolicon but still make a good manga The mangaka for Senpai ga Uzai from last season has put out some extremely risque art of Futaba And Takagi-san's mangaka definitely has a thing for slim little girls
I think this will be like subtle fanservice like this foot shot or how extra attention is done here to draw both her tank top straps and her bra straps underneath
the director of this is an enthusiast
That's a cozy kitchen
>>1014351 Oh how she's going around in just a top and panties
making your own school uniform is weird usually you just go to a place that's partnered with the school
and wow their house is picturesque
Yeah that's a ridiculously fancy house for rural Japan
huh they did some weird audio stuff with their voices there that was weird maybe they didn't want to do more takes so they just had the audio techs mess with it sounded weird
i wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt on the feet thing but there's way too many shots
Some animators also have real particular preferences I know KyoAni has an in-house animator who has a Very Particular fascination with that part of the leg right below the calf and right above the ankle
Hah hah hah What an amazing blunder That's an atomic mess-up on both her and her mom's part
oh now that voice is way more familiar
Yeah, I can't remember her name off the top of my head but I've recognized it from the moment her imouto started talking
frederica right oh the actor's name yeah no clue i just remembered it was the empress from 86
i feel like this is the fastest possible route to having your hair cut off or your locker filled with hate notes or your desk filled with peanut butter or the other things middle schoolers do to kids who stand out
There really are all sorts of people out there in this wide, wonderful world
hmm the blonde twin-tails just said "atarimaideshou?" and it triggered like a montage sequence in my head of the trillions of times i've witnessed it
the animation is really pretty but i just don't see any outstanding reason to want to watch this and i can't help but get this uncomfortable feeling watching it like i obviously watch shows with fanservice and enjoy them even but something about this just feels weird
That was cuter and less weird than I thought it would be
It was okay it was very novel in the way it delivers fanservice not necessarily my thing but i can see where the producer or author or whatever is the kind of person you'd call a man of culture
although the toenail clipping was a bit much
Honestly as long as it keeps being cute I don't really care about the creator's personal fetishes It takes some pretty offensive preferences from the creator for me to get uncomfortable watching something I'm indifferent most of the time
the tonail clipping scene was whack for sure i'll watch another episode but only if i feel like it at the time idk there's just like this strange subversive insidiousness i feel that i can't quite come to terms with like when prisma illya shows two lolis kissing it disturbs me but like i can identify immediately what's going on and then it's easy to just be like 'yeah okay i'm not watching this' but this show seems like it knows what it's doing but also wants plausible deniability
>>1014384 I think probably the best way to describe it is that it's voyeuristic there's nothing inherently lewd in a girl sitting around in her undies, but when a male audience gets to see it, it becomes lewd
but what they're doing is very subtle
it's kinda interesting in that respect
okay let's start
It's almost artistic, hoh hoh hoh
yeah i mean i can definitely respect the efforts made towards the subtlety i just can't reconcile with it though i have some suspicions that they were going all out for ep. 1 though 50/50 i'll watch the next episode
I can reconcile with almost anything! It's my superpower!
well that was a fun show also i'm looking forward to more EXTREME BASEBALL and mushroom terrorism
Yeah what started out seeming like a weaker night for anime ended up being a great one Mondays are going to be pretty fun this season, between Bisco and EXTREME BASEBALL and leftovers from the weekend