Another day where the third guy in the department I work in is absent I really hope he shows up for tomorrow, because the other guy in the department won't be in, so it'll be just down to me if that's the case And that means I might be tasked to work upstairs on the loading dock, which is poorly heated so it's always cold during the weekend And tomorrow is shaping up to be the coldest day of the winter so far, at -20°c before windchill
Pk still gives me shit about that - he was just a few cities over and we talked about hanging out but I never did it. But you know.. I was still drinkin then. i was a bit of a mess. goin through some SHIT.
> the average limerent reaction duration, from the moment of initiation until a feeling of neutrality is reached, is approximately three years. The extremes may be as brief as a few weeks or as long as several decades.
> Limerence is a state of mind which results from romantic or non-romantic feelings for another person and typically includes obsessive thoughts and fantasies and a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and have one's feelings reciprocated. Limerence can also be defined as an involuntary state of intense desire.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm buying some anime online and want advice I have to pick from Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress and Nausicaa Which do you think I should get?
>>1015208 I think perfect blue was the best out of those
i love lappland
>>1015213 figures are expensive and while i live in a generally comfortable state, that state has been achieved through pretty strict budgeting if this year's business prospects are as fruitful as my company hopes, i might be able to afford something so anti-utilitarian as a figure, but i generally only make purchases that provide some sort of practical purpose as a rule
>>1015217 I don't even know if there is a Lappland figure.
i love lappland
i've been eating so much canned soup recently mostly because i was sick but i still have a ton left over i don't want to eat more canned soup but it's the optimal choice here doushioooooooooo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1015220 You have a ton leftover? I thought he was in Kentucky?
>>1015222 i don't really have anything to cook i got the canned soup because i didn't want to spend time in the kitchen and risk getting my roommates sick since they work at home so i haven't got any other groceries i guess i can go to the store now but it's evening hmmmm
i love lappland
maybe i can barter with my roommate for a frozen pizza
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1015226 Good idea Damn I wish i had frozen pizza in the house right now.
i love lappland
by an act of god he is out of frozen pizzas i'm just gonna go pick up a pizza because of the canned soup i'm way under budget for food yeehaw
how dare you if you want to love lappland that's fine but you come in here attempting to impersonate me which by itself is not really a big deal but then you capitalize the i in my name and that's just rude
I love lapphand
I ha ve bad larp boomr schzio denencys /gr@mmrar probs?
yo have you watched that show? people in a bunch of different dsicords im in have been talking about it i wasn't really interested but there's so much buzz i'm kinda wondering about it
I love lapphand
>>1015353by stalking, I mean stalking a plate of pancakes. mmmm steamy!
i have an 8 min video and 8 minute break let's goo
it was alright maybe not as good as was hoping but I still enjoyed it
>>1015346 "Googhell" just shdw b@n me from installing a fun anime game TwT. Im traumitized now.
>>1015420 parses the bytes of an etherum tx into its individual values i'm gonna plug that into a different bit of code i've written that mines for specific TX hashes
ur sites been havin issues lately u ok? u change somethng?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i opened up the file sizes a bit but now with the ram pressure getting higher it is dying i need a new setup
download more
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Everybody mail your old ram sticks to Samurai's PO box.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
really i need one server doing the posting and one server that's sitting around waiting for images to be uploaded (could replace that server with a third-party image resizing service) then i wouldnt have crazy ram spikes killing the database and app
When i worked hospitality I hated people who came in right before close And now I'm one of them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i played some mario 64 some basic schmovement what did i manage to pull off mostly wallkicks high speed penguin delivery i did mips clip! i did silly kicks up the pyramid i think the switch version is patched out so you can't BLJ rip
mips is the name of the rabbit >The rabbit's name is derived from the MIPS microprocessor, Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages, which is the instruction set used within the Nintendo 64. oh hey
>>1015502 nah afternoon shift just woke up late actually I did test out this wacom I bought it has a display which is a lot more useful
>>1015504 Yeah tablets with displays are really nice When I used ones without I could never get over the physical disconnect of drawing in one place while following the lines elsewhere
>>1015493 we stayed up late drinking so we slept all day im watching animes but were grtting food now
>>1015594 >>>/watch?v=gKfMlQ7KWFE They're great. I've missed seeing them live like three times and only seen them once. David Lowery is an asshole though He thinks music pirates should be put in prison.
>>1015603 who's your favourite classical composer?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1015604 Not sure Even when I listened to classical a lot I didnt really keep track of what I listened to I just had a giant playlist id put on shuffle I prefer baroque to classical anyways
>>>/@TheSpiceDAO/1482404318347153413 this cryptobrained goon spent almost 3mil on a book and believes it gives him IP rights to make media based off it
Like an actual art book? I'm guessing it's some sort of limited edition thing from when tur books dropped? The books
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently its a rare book, one of fewer than 30 so its special but not what he thinks
Well obviously they're not gonna auction off the rights to dune for 2.6m right after the first in a presumed trilogy of movies banged at the box office Or ever 2.6m is literally nothing for an ip like that
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just goes to show how little these NFT idiots understand about what theyre doing or how anything works
I mean they think having an NFT in your crypto wallet gives you copyright of whatever it links to, so they were never all there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's pretty silly they shoulda gone with Winnie the Pooh DAO
can something be recopyrighted once it enters public domain?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think so that would defeat the idea of public domain
of course if you're an attorney at disney you can probably make it happen retroactively
Actually now that I think about it, it did actually happen with LOTR But only in the US
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>When will the copyrights to The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings expire? If you live in the US or the UK, the rights expire in 2043 (70 years after Tolkien's death in 1973). If you're in Canada, they expire in 2023 (50 years after). holy pog
It also was made public domain due to noncompliance with printing laws like, way way back one time, but then that was retconned at a later time There's a LOTR movie made under public domain during that time, even
well if its public domain in canada next year i gotta set up a canada-only website i guess with a big 20 year countdown on the front if you come from the US or UK
Yeah And only shipping to Canada is a minor setback since people are still able to buy fumos and other junk that only actually ships to Japan It only ships to Canada, but there's nothing in the legal code about being someone who sends it along from your Canada address to the US or w\e
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why that would be a ethically gray area that i have no comment on
It obviously can't be an official part of the storefront
Probably the most stinky part of Legend of Korra is that they've completely ditched the idea of bending being like, connected to martial arts or whatever Most of the bending is just done without moving a muscle in this
During fights it's mostly still martial arts or at least something that looks like it But outside of actual combat, it seems more like they're just using low level spells in a fantasy setting It's not like it's unprecedented, but it's so common, and not even touched on, it's like they forgot that's supposed to be a demonstration of the insane power of someone like Aang during the avatar state Also Korra's avatar state is... not really distinguishable from her not using it?
It's not like the original series didn't have moments of normal benders using bending in casual situations without the need to go through the motions The argument was always that the practice of the martial arts helped the bender properly get the feel for the bending skill and maximize / fully immerse in the ability That serves as both assistance when you're unfamiliar with the bending ability and to crank out the most effective use of it when you are
It's been a long time since I watched Avatar, so I mean, maybe Still wasn't as frequent from what I remember though, but that's not that big a deal I guess
Bending was also much more private and hermetic in Avatar too I mean Airbenders were practically wiped out, Waterbenders kept either to their small personal tribes or witch hut situations Firebending was fairly strictly controlled by the Fire Nation military The only benders who had any kind of social dispersion were Earthbenders
In Korra, bending has grown drastically in use, both in population and the kinds of people using it So you're naturally going to see a broader variety in the ways people use it
Kinda incredible how quickly stuff got moving once Aang came back though Like, the Avatar reawakens, ends a war, and within... like 60 years or so, they've gone from feudal tech to steampunk And also like 15 new types of bending have become common
The technological change was always something that I found kind of weird But The Fire Nation did have industialization-level technology at their disposal, it was just something they kept to themselves and fairly strictly for militaristic purposes Once the isolation of the bending nations broke and tech parity was (more or less) acquired, it doesn't seem unthinkable that the rest of the world could reach that state in a fairly short period of time
And I mean it's not like a long lasting peace is an abberation in Avatar's universe either War is the abberation in that world, because the Avatar will show up and whoop your ass if you try to deviate from "the natural balance"
Which, to some degree, I guess I gotta give credit to Korra for at least approaching with a little bit of criticism as a concept Korra reopening the spirit gates and keeping them open is kind of an admission that the natural balance is a fairly flimsy concept in the first place Either she is wrong, or the avatar who closed them originally is wrong And that means a lot of the "balance" they try to uphold really comes down to that era's avatar's gut feelings more than any sort of ordained state of the world
Wow this Kovirra lady sure is using a lot of violence to unite the earth bender nation, I guess she really is the bad guy, it'd be a lot better to just continue a monarchy that enforced a strict social hierarchy with slums that smelled like shit from miles in the air and had rotten fruit as a luxury good The monarchy didn't use violence either, if you don't count the entire structure
i think he's just throwing insults at entire populations
yeah I mean that is what he's doing, but I don't like, get the joke Like is it just pulling something out of his ass and throwing it at a random chunk of europe? definitely a few repeat buyers there today
>>1015701 the way i think of it, ether is a liquid, it sloshes around as you use web3 weth puts it into a box, or into any number of boxes that's why for example if you want to send a random bid on something it has to be in weth
>>1015702 what in the world does that mean? you can't lock ETH into a bid, basically?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1015706 pretty much your externally owned account or EOA as they are sometimes referred to but really only in dev circles anyway, it controls its own ETH supply, no contract can touch it
opensea should add monero support so we can REALLY crank those prices just openly enable every virus-spreading scumbag to use their platform to launder their money, pumping the prices for everyone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whereas WETH is more analagous to like a box packing/unpacking machine sitting in the middle of the town you can get a box that represents 1 ETH or however much, but the real ETH is sitting in a reservoir under the machine when you unwrap the box, you go to the machine and give it the box and it gives back the ETH reserved
So are weth worth 1:1 eth because like, some service will pay you back 1:1 or is there some actual 'thing' that makes them the same? Like is it the same as trading your old-timey gold for dollars, like it's guaranteed by someone who COULD screw you, or is it mechanically solid?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's totally mechanically solid because it's literally just a smart contract sitting there taking orders you can actually interface with it 'directly' in etherscan by connecting your web3 wallet then you can wrap or unwrap eth
Ah, alright so it's not like there's a person\service out there converting your eth into their "weth" so you can do stuff, and then you go back and swap it back it's literally just a feature of the ETH chain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
woops that was the token page
this is the contract page
>>1015713 pretty much someone deployed it a long time ago and now we're stuck with it
it's pretty much the simplest possible token contract and the easiest to audit you can see the balance of the contract account is 7.69 million eth which matches the amount on "max total supply" on the token tracker page
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so yea pretty reliable. expensive to operate tho just by virtue of being paid in gas
yeah that's one of the issues of accepting weth for your thing I guess, you gotta pay the gas to convert it back to eth but on the other hand, it doesn't matter too much if it's weth or eth if they're 1:1 anyway
I imagine unless they explicitly have a "deposit weth" option, you can count it as lost if you do that >>1015724 I'm just diversifying in general I dunno if ETH is gonna actually stay as big as it is, so I wanna have a bit of the up and comers too, preferably get some while they're cheap like I managed to with SOL Still a bit salty I didn't sell off my SOL when it went super high, but even as it is now I've made a bunch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive been tapering my actions in ethereum cuz its been crazy expensive since the year started trying out some other chains like terra luna and also arbitrum
Also wanna get some monero cause I have a feeling that's gonna grow a fair bit just cause it's so useful for what I still believe to have been the main reason bitcoin took off Illegal Shit
That and I just kinda adore the idea of a truly anonymous coin >>1015727 F I've got like 0.02 BTC or something locked in my old silkroad account too
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Miners is based *Monero
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i have an old monero wallet that i don't know the password to it's brutal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe one day i'll mount an adventure to try to locate the journals where i might have written anything down but not today and i need to write a cracking program for monero in all likelihood
dutchfriend actually has like, several actual whole bitcoins in an old forgotten wallet somewhere too rip big rip
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I spent twice as much as i intended to today. I halved my checking account ;_; The problem is that it was on styff I saw and wanted as opposed to the stuff I intended to buy online later this week.
My primary coin buying strategy is gonna be the same for a while tho I think Same reason I bought SOL It's all about that staking baby ONT gives fat returns on exodus So I'll likely get more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as far as staking goes im doing anchor protocol that's pretty much it apart from the whole validator staking thing of course
what kinda % you looking at with that? o shit that's pretty good shame it's usdt instead of the coin though exodus doesn't even have anchor >>1015735 Oh I see Still a stablecoin though I prefer my returns to be in the actual coin I'm staking so I can ride the wave up
technically, ONT staking pays you in ONG which is gas, but ONG seems to USUALLY be above ONT in value anyway so in some sense, the return is actually higher than advertised 17.03% as of right now, but it oscillates between 15 and 17 fairly consistently SOL is down to 5.63 which stinks but I've got so much in there and I think it's likely gonna spike again so I ain't fuckin' leaving
The wallet itself has an nft market using SOL already, on mobile, so once that hits desktop sol might go up cause Exodus is fairly popular
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think sol is kinda sketchy imo i still bought a bit and i bought some random names and one dog nft but other than that it seems too centralized
well, as long as the sketchy parts don't make it lose value, I don't really bother myself with that stuff I get that you're into the tech and health of it all, but I really am only interested in skimming off some money so I can worry less about my wallet Several coins that are highly centralized still do pretty well valuewise
I checked my options for maybe just mining some monero too the other day, but that's not an option cause the powercost:gain don't shake out Better to just take the money I'd use for the power and buying it outright instead
If you're willing to LEVERAGE TO THE TITS, thousands of percent of APY is possible, but you're taking the risk of going to 0 like an absolute dumbass, too
The snow's really blowing in overnight Looking like there'll be around 12cm of snow by the time it's over That ought to make getting to work pretty miserable tomorrow
another afternoon shift changed /// morning changed to afternoon I don't work the day after so it doesn't affect the following shifts one of the girls hurt her back
A vn I'd been waiting for forever came out in August and I had no idea until just now that it came out. Oh also the official release does not support Win 77. *Win 7 :v( I wonder how that happened considering that the original vn came out for like XP or Vista
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh NVM Came out in 09 so that would've been Win 7.
the character design has a lot of things about it that i like, and her weapons are really cool ranged guards are powerful and good to have and she's one of the best ones her characterization in fanmade material is really fun, especially in regards to texas the voice acting for her character is really good her cosmetic item is also really good and the crazy, obsessive personality-type she has is done in a way that i like
having a designated waifu is kinda weird imo i mean people can do what they want, i just would feel weird being like "yeah this anime girl, i'm monogamously committed to this anime girl"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1015951 Yeah I don't jave a waifu either Buts that's because I have commitment isdues. *issues
like you have any right to step up to me, you dirty australian boar you'd jerk it to faint resemblance of an anime girl if you conviced yourself her tits were huge
No one is on the roads today because of the snowstorm Normally that would be a good thing, but right now I'm stuck at home with no one taking my Uber request because there's no cars on the roads
>The color he got is sRGB(148,177,255). And according to the experts who sip latte all day and make up names for colors, this color is called ‘Perano’. >The Color of Infinite Temperature >This is the color of something infinitely hot. Of course you’d instantly be fried by gamma rays of arbitrarily high frequency, but this would be its spectrum in the visible range.
if it's over 40 inches does work give you a snow day?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo >Governor Jesse Ventura stated "Why? I mean, we won" and that “We took it, that makes it our heritage” in response to demands to return the flag.
>Moe uses ISO-8859-15 instead of Unicode (ISO 10646) because an 8-bit character set (combined with romanization if needed) can convey meaning safely and more efficiently than Unicode can. For many everyday computing and communication tasks, an 8-bit code like ISO-8859-15 is much more practical, efficient, and reliable than UTF-8. There is no such thing as an 'ambiguous', 'invalid', or 'out of range' ISO-8859-15 character. >An Unicode text console is both a danger and a waste. The right mode for presenting a large variety of complex glyphs is graphical mode using a specialized program. The text console is for a limited, portable character set. Namely, for an universal character set.
>>1015982 I initially yikesed at that but I'm on the fence now.
>>1015975 I just flat out took the day off Tried to look for an Uber ride in the morning, spent twenty-five minutes before the app just outright told me there were no drivers on the roads To take the transit would have gotten me anywhere from an hour to two late depending on how inaccurate Google Maps was with the traffic predictions -- not accounting for service instability from having to drive a bus through a blizzard of course The storm didn't really clear up until around one to two in the afternoon either
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1015984 >guy who agrees with rants posted on
its the only project im invested in more than like one or two speculative tokens i feel like they actually seem to understand how to make an aesthetic result compared to most any project ive seen
not really nothing stops you trading coins or jpegs without involving opensea or any exchange at all
It's a lot harder to sell something delisted by a big market, but that's not really different from it being difficult to sell any product if like, walmart decided to not carry it You can still sell it, and people can buy it, but they're gonna need to go through alternative channels
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016022 This makes me think of tje magic cards that were banned for being "racist" Well okay s ome of them were But none of the card markets carry them anymore So now they're worth a ton of money I was also thinking of flurks because they're worth way more because they got banned
Though, to be wholly frank, opensea nixing your jpeg is effectively a death blow The whole fucking point of buying these things is to display your status more than anything, so when the Big Place doesn't show it anymore, they're fucking worthless (other than some that have other functions associated with them, but they're unlikely to ever be blacklisted)
that and unlike many other types of bullshit being traded, you might get your whole self blacklisted if opensea so decides, if you hold a particular NFT or something unlikely, but technically they can do that if they blacklist your account and any account you transfer significant funds to, you're sunk
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ugh I wish i could get into crypto
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is a lot of talk about replacing opensea now cuz of moxie's blog post looksrare is getting lots of attention even tho their implementation is certainly lacking
Well, I mean I think centralization is an inevitable result when large amount of money swaps hands Decentralization is pogged and all, but decentralized things lack the ability to pool resources and dump them in mass marketing You'd need to incentivise that marketing in the decentralized people themselves, similar to how crypto overall does miners >>1016033 It's easy to pool US Dollars too, it's not about the ease, it's about actually doing it A company's CEO goes "we're putting 50% of our profits into ads" and that happens Someone suggests that on a forum for DecentraExchange, and they get tumbleweeds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait a second its become real easy to pool resources thanks to crypto
dispersing them in a constructive manner, that's another question
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
DAOs have big pools of money gatekept by multisig wallets, its just hard to ensure they are put to good use different voting schemes are out thete but if the poeple in charge are negligent then what can you really do
Well sure, but if I was running part of the hardware for some decentralized thing, and I got asked if I wanted to dump money into advertising for it without a very short term benefit, I'm not fucking doing it, I'm gonna move to something more profitable if this thing fails anyway They're there to make money, and only to make money, most of the time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
usually the proposals are like "hey! we should buy an ape!" or hey lets buy this project my cousin started VERY promising
well I think you could probably make it work well if you integrate a native coin or something, and that's paid out to the people actually keeping the infrastructure running, and also that coin is like premium currency in a video game, letting you unlock premium features, so you gotta pay the hardware guys for it Then you've got a pretty good feedback loop where the people operating that hardware want the website to succeed, cause then they get paid more, and moreover they won't get paid at all if it tanks
But I dunno how viable it is to do something like this
centralized exchanges also have one enormous advantage over decentralized shit trades don't involve gas costs at all, because the crypto doesn't actually move until you withdraw it it's just internal ledgers or at least it CAN be done like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true that's true decentralized projects will probably always cost more unless someone invents infinite scalability
if it costs more for the user, they're always gonna lag behind in adoption in times without MTGOX type scandals it's also a lot easier for proprietary stuff that's centralized to just lie to people, and stuff like that
things just trend towards centralization when there isn't an enormous drawback to it Even bitcoin mining is centralized as shit, and so will everything else be given time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
centralization is heavy on the convenience side of the scale but there is always the risk of getting rugged keeps things in balance a bit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
decentralized exchanges also carry the weird coins that centralized exchanges can't, for better or worssw
The weird coins and upcoming coins being adopted faster is definitely a benefit to those exchanges, yeah But it's also kind of a problem for mass amounts of people cause like If you're new, do you wanna start where everything is vetted, or in the wild west?
Aside from a brief few hours Monday morning, I've pretty much been without Internet for over a day now It's really pretty boring not having something to put on to listen to or watch What a waste of a day off
seems a bit of a shame - they put all this work into the Original with the art and the song writing but the Ochame Kinou cover which came out around the same time has like three and a half times the views
Got to work only twenty-seven minutes late There was a back up of six or more streetcars on the road my driver was taking any it had slowed everything to an absolute standstill Winter, sure is fun
microsoft has purchased activision blizzard and its so bad but so funny
i love lappland
at this point literally anything is better than ATVI going on the way it was bobby kotick killed blizzard already blizzard hasn't made anything good since the initial release of overwatch but really hasn't made anything amazing since WC3
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
microsoft just needs to make some more tony hawk games remake underground 2
tbh tho the pictures of the festival i saw make it look like a rowdy muddin and chuggin festival with tits, trucks, and guitars maybe it's a good time i'll never know
oh shit they got florida georgia line
i love lappland
alright i checked two of their songs and i'm assuming you don't actually listen to this
>>1016314 I don't know fpr *for a fact that any of those bands are bad. I recognize plenty on the lineup for the other festival and know that they're bad.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although also I do dislike most contemporary country. But there are plenty of country acts that I do like.
i love lappland
there's nothing inherently wrong with country but unfortunately a lot of the more modern/contemporary country artists exist in a void of creativity or originality it's the same concepts rehashed ad infinum, and a very specific target demographic that i absolutely do not belong to
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1016328 Most of the contemporary country acts I like are on independent labels. Bloodshot in particular has a lot of great bands.
>>1016336 >>>/watch?v=ScT9eo5cljk She's my second favorite country singer. *second favorite female country singer Although I haven't actually listened to much solo stuff by my favorite. I had a few of her CDs but i think they got ruined in the flood.
>>>/@STEVIABEAR/1483516564410359812 I chuckled at the audio clip he played. As far as I know there's no real reason to keep watching past that part. Oh also high volume warning I guess