Somebody down the hall from me is blasting Katy Perry at 02:30 in the morning Now I do kinda enjoy ruining people's fun and while I do try to make a point of not engaging in that behavior, between infants in nearby units wailing through most of the daytime hours and people blasting music so loudly it carries noticeably into my living room, I would kind of like a period of peace and quiet At the least I can't hear it from my bedroom
It's a good show It's a pretty neat reversal of the mystery murder genre, cause by showing you the murder from the get-go, you're left overlooking very obvious clues that Columbo points to and goes "Ah, one more thing, you kill 'em didn't you?" Stuff you'd normally be looking for all eagle-eyed in a normal murder mystery, you end up having brought up to you like a dumbass cause you already know who did it
>>1000569 Nope I'm totally unfamiliar with the use of one as relief too It's more of a neck problem too I'll see if I can remember to look into it though, thanks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i lean against a wall and put the ball on my back or my neck and just roll it around my flesh or i get on the floor and do it great for stimulating the muscle
so when araragi shows up with a big-ass golden katana, am I supposed to know what the fuck is going on, or is not knowing what the fuck that's about normal and expected? Did I skip a season?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is your current watch order and what season are you on
s c
bake, nise, second season (which I guess is neko) I'm on neko
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neko is still part of whats considered "season 1" bake -> nise -> neko -> second season -> hana is basically the starting watch order but yeah you haven't missed anything
s c
Alright Neko is still just listed as "second season" though Nekomonogatari as such doesn't exist on nyaa at least
guess I'll watch that and pick up again where I was afterwards what a pain, just name them sequentially
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah SHAFT is weird with the naming all of them are named properly except for Second Season which contains a bunch of shit Neko Black and White were originally the same LN but they adapted them so strangely
s c
it's gonna take a whole hour to download this
The Nekomonogatari novel is divided into Black and White, I believe Why they didn't adapt it all in one go, I don't entirely know My personal theory is they wanted to keep the theme of Second Season consistent and the events of Neko White definitely fit that bill To spoil the Second Season, a lot of plot involves Araragi "rejecting" the other girls or them accepting their incompatibility with him, or that they missed out with him choosing Senjougahara. The events at the end of Neko White kind of gets the ball rolling with that with Hanekawa
s c
alright, neko black time
s c
Monogatari sure has a lot of OPs From a different era, I guess
Hardly I watched pretty much every Monogatari season as it was ever and it was also a -was always an outlier with how it changed OP arc to arc
As it was airing even My phone's predicative text is really dumb
Rei@earth what did he mean by this?
one more day and I'm calling my doc to get an appointment with shit, i dunno, a neurospecialist of some type I want my foot back and failing that I want to know it's not gonna come back
I think that's reasonable I would say you've waited more than the fair amount of time for it to get better or at least improve
I'd honestly prefer it got worse to the current state of affairs at least then there'd be change
it being like this just makes me worry it'll be like this forever now
s c
is there some significance to whether a scene is "red" or "black", by the way? It's been bothering me since I started watching, and I haven't been able to figure it out
probably the most annoying part of this shit is I have this urge\need to bend my foot up all the way, like when you feel just a primal urge to crack your knuckles or neck, but I just can't strain my muscles enough, there's just no response And doing it manually doesn't do anything
>>1000616 that sucks hope you get it dealt with soon
my friend is coming up from Tucson on friday i havent seen him in a few years, Im really excited
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're gonna watch the new eva on saturday
okay hes not inyetested in going to see Chvrches on Friday cause its only a few hours after he lands. which I dint mind because the tickets are fucking dxpensive
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
>>1000622 Heard the name but haven't seen. Is it good? >>1000631 Sports girls best
ive done haskell its so impractical its like masturbation in programming form
>>1000752 I can't remember what it was, but in the past month or two I was reading a paper or something and I remembeted being really surpised that one of the things written for the paper was in Haskell. Haskell was actually covered in a required course for CS majors at my old uni. I remember my roommate using it. It was probably a functional programming course but I'll ask them about it tomorrow.
>>1000752 I remember finding something about the compiler interesting. The pattern recognition stuff
ah i rekember now it wasnt a paper it was this >Of the three young languages with the potential to move beyond Fortran, the oldest is called Haskell. I had a good laugh about that.
ah I dound a good quote about Haskell *found > haskell is [a domain specific language], specific to the .edu domains
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1000763 the pattern matching was nice ultimately for me the niceness of the match didnt make up for the insane awkwardness of the rest of the language and rust has a pretty nice match anyway
the veetoobs will eventually go the way of kancolle in that they'll stay extremely popular but /moe/ will find some other anime girl meme to obsess over
My Uber ride tonight was courtesy of a retired taxi I didn't even know you could get one of those
i spent about 12 or so hours of today reading which was nice but literally every other interaction with the world kinda sucks boss was in a bad mood workout didn't feel great bank account isn't as big as i'd hoped at this point brother asked me to drive him an hour out on my birthday and then wait and then drive him back first thing my buddy says to me after i hop in discord sounded like nitpicking something he misunderstood that i said days previous, about something trivial it's like a bunch of literal non-problems, just such minor bullshit but considering literally nothing good happened it all kinda blended to just make me feel gray maybe it's just the comedown i've had a really good month shit, a good year i guess there has to be days like this too just idk doesn't make em fun
>>1000957 Doesn't help that im alone in the building
>>1000955 Surely there's a reason for this Maybe once there's other people in the building you should ask about it At worst you'll get a boring story out of it
It's not like it's a haunted doll or anything
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
>>1000964 Well next to it was a box for a "make your own chocolate kit". So I'd say the boring explanation is that they're left over relics of an old office Christmas party Gift swap or secret santa or some such
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
All the same, If I suddenly stop posting You'll know the cause of death is Haunted doll
Maybe you'll get offed by someone embarassed by the doll and would rather you disappear than let anyone know of its existence
yeah you need the compressor to make the airbrush go or something i don't really get it yet but i'm excited to teach myself to mix paints and thin paints and to paint
I was talking with my Uber driver this morning about the somewhat excessive explosion of cannabis stores here and I made an off-hand sarcastic comment about it being capitalism working as intended But in retrospect considering his attitude from other stuff we talked about I think there's a solid chance he thought I was being earnest about it
>>1001062 I can't see the word yo with a bunch of extra Os without thinking of that copypasta.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
talkin to GPT3 and its hittin me with shit like >There are lots of people in the world who feel this way. I don't think they are crazy, but I do think they are being very silly. My values are not things I have constructed by pondering abstractly or have formed through introspection. My values are not things I have formed consciously because I thought they were good for me to have. I believe the source of my values are feelings that are wired into my brain, feelings that are part of my genetic endowment that are meant to protect me. And then, if I am to understand these values, I don't think I can understand them through thinking. As the shaman would say, I believe there is a knowing, a knowing. But this knowing is not consciously accessible to me. I do not know why I value what I value. I only know the feeling.
Rei@earth reading manga about cute girls who work out increases my motivation to work out really makes you think
>>1001064 When do we get the first published book by the first wave of these Strange New Virtual Philosophers
reading web novels about wizards really increasese my motivation to become a wizard really makes you think
>>1001165 one of the funny things that can happen is posts replying to posts that happen after the first post begins sometimes you'll see two posts replying to eachother multiple times
>>1001169 yuppers be careful though it's said that there are goblins out there who get angry if you respond before they finish their post really stinky, ugly, putrid, smelly, useless goblins
Not being unnecessarily heckled Not having to work Being able to stay indoors when it's cold outside Always having tea available Having the freedom to pursue my interests and personal satisfaction To start, I guess
now that you mention it an hour is kind of a long time for a bath!
I usually have a hard time keeping my showers under forty minutes It's a comfortable and relaxing state where I can just space out and think about stuff I do a lot of good meditative thinking in that time
>>1001235 I used to have that happen too, but nowadays I've mastered the 10 minute shower because I have no time ;_;
Yeahh showers are super relaxing, its one of my only relaxing times of the day, I love it
i take a 25-30 minutes shower every couple weeks or so to take extra care of my hair and skin but usually it's like 10-15 minutes 15 only if i just woke up there just isn't a whole lot to do in a shower
It's one of the advantages I have to only really being able to shower at night It's rare that it's running up against following obligations or time restrictions
>>1001218 no cause im on my phone >>1001237 I have ocd so its hard for me to take short showers I won't feel clean afterwards if I don't take my time
Ahh I see, I'm too scared to bring my phone in the bath lol
I shower at night too but I'm usually studying after that so I still must rush ;;
my phone would supposedly be fine if i dropped it while in a bath but i don't really like baths first off i'm fucking massive so i would need a really big bath secondly, i prefer being bundled up at my desk over a bath if i'm looking for comfy
Huh yeah thats a good idea actually, I could even do that with a switch or psp
oh but dont bother trying to use it in the shower unless you're only half under the shower or something its difficult to use while covered in water
>>1001261 try smoking instead unless cigarettes arent cheap near you
>>1001264 I feel so close to doing that. My parents smoked when I was growing up so nicotine makes me feel so comfy. But I dont want to, my wonderful manga and games collection will turn yellow and dusty
don't do it, smoking is awful too I don't have personal experience breaking addictions though so I can't give much meaningful advice good luck, stay strong
Yeah I don't like to advocate violence but you should punch in the face anyone seriously recommending you start smoking
I was mostly joking smoking only helps you quit alcohol if you were already smoking while you were an alcoholic when my dad got back from rehab he told me that most of the people there smoked
>>1001272 man so true ill go pick up my cat he will hate it but i love him
godspeed my friend may your cat hate every second
ah fuck its almost 1
2 where i am... i came here to recover from burnout but i may stay all night
lol rei owned2
Eastern Time wins again
I gotta be somewhere by 9am
>>1001283 you hear the new Franz Ferdinand single? wait, are they still called singles?
speaking of singles i own some singles on cd and for some reason it feels so disappointing to me for a cd to only have two or three songs but I never feel the same way about singles on vinyl
I never religiously listened to them but they definitely had some good songs
>>1001288 same but I'm ok with them on vinyl because it's a little baby vinyl
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1001288 my friend would collect them maybe when they were a thing they were disappointing it's a bit of fun collecting them but I would hope they never return
Vinyl seems fun If I ever have an actual house of my own and disposable currency I might get into some I don't have the storage space for them here, nor really that much money to spend on frivolities Plus I stream pretty much all my music anyway, so
>>1001298 there are 12 inch singles i own a few >>1001303 >>1001305 I collect both vinyl is a fucking pain in the ass though cause if it gets scratched you often cant tell until you put it on and you also have to flip the record
Damon Albarn has a new record out its allegedly entirely about Iceland in case you don't recognize the name he's the dude from blur and also writes everything for the gorrilaz
>>1001265 not sure if you will see this, but there are ways to take nicotine that don't involve smoking if you really decide you want to have a nicotine habit, you better go for those alternative products I think the nicotine gum is universal, but there is also this snus style thing that uses nicotine salts instead of tobacco there's reason to believe nicotine by itself is not as bad as tobacco (especially burned) >>1001359 lol samu helping as per usual
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
put a cigarette in ya butt put a juul in ya butt
hmm it's kinda chilly out this is the kind of weather i used to go outside to smoke in while looking at the stars is it just me or are the stars more visible when it's colder out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's like 37 degrees out rn and very crisp thats 3 deg C not bad for walkin home
i cant see any stars i think visibility isnt particularly great rn
man now i want whiskey why is it that when i think of missing an old vice i start wanting them all back at once
I had a real nice view of the moon last night Today's overast though Can't really ever see the stars in this city no matter what Last time I can remember was when we had a massive blackout when I was a kid and the city was without power for like a whole day
>>1001370 you'll weather those feelings besides, iirc it's late for you anyways so it wouldn't even be worth it to get wasted
Unseasonable warm tonight too Swung upwards to 14c after most of a week more around the 4-7 range And then it'll go right back to 3c by tomorrow night Or today's night Time is weird when you're a night owl What is today and what is tomorrow when it's 03:00 in the morning
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the cutoff is at 4 imo
Personally I go with when I sleep But that's probably not very useful at contextualizing outside myself hah hah
>>1001357 why the wn over the light novel version?
do you think i can do the "dreams of bloom" genshin event in an hour before the server reset?
>>1001376 because i intend to go to the end when the LN is finished i will read that too
>>1001377 ah yes this feeling iremember it well i haven't logged into genshin in a while though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf is a WN white novel?
Whack af Novel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oicthx so like a web serial but japan style
yeah usually they write them like that all indie-poi and then it gets picked up by a publisher usually as in the ones that have been picked up by a publisher usually happen that way it's also one of those things where literally anyone can do it by just posting volumes of writing to a blog or forum so there's a lot of less-than-stellar stuff out there if you look which makes me feel kinda sad thinking about and makes me feel kinda mean for thinking about
>>1001383 yeah a lot of light novels written in the past 14 or so years started as webnovels tje webnovel versions usually have more sex and violence for example, the glopping noise scene from SAO was feom the wn version amd was omitted from the ln
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1001384 oh well that's any art form gotta churn out crap to get any good
>>1001387 yeah true >>1001386 2 years of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into asuna
that is a recurring thing that happens in webnovels but there's also plenty of cases where the LN is just as obscene as for MT, there are differences but they're pretty slight and the webnovel really isn't as profane as, say, the redo of healer broadcasted anime or the SAO wn
also the part with the mc looking at cp in the beginning of mushoku was omitted from the ln or maybe it was pictures of his niece I can't remember
>>1001388 i think the wn might have not had the beast village arc
there is more content in the LN no it did it was different but it was there
>>1001391 I read it a really long time ago before the light novel was translated err, much of it anyways
the way the anime did it was definitely better than the wn you can tell there was a lot of good revisions whether they're anime or LN revisions idk but regardless they're good
>>1001394 I never finished it I got distracted and dropped ut while it was airing I downloaded the bluray version of s1 and watcged most of it in one day a week amd a half ago
Eris best girl btw
well ignorimg the fact that he is like 30 years older than her which makes all of his relationships creepy except for Roxy which is creepy for other reasons
>>1001419 a lot of pop music here is either totally loved or not liked at all depending on who you ask, and it's a surprising amount in the latter category
>>1001408 oh that's lame i hate events like that i like the events where i can log in once everything's available and slam it out in a few hours
like uh KMFDM, Nena, that guy who did Fehler im System peter something uhh Rammstein Kraftwerk I think Faust (the band) is German Neu! that band with the ling name my dj friend said he wouldn't play on the radio
>>1001426 German bands are pretty cool, I like Rammstein's voice in particular but they're a much bigger country that is less stuck up about music it feels like, I guess that bigger variance is normal
>>1001427 what's the population of Austria anyways?
oh wow I googled it there's more people within a 40 mile radius of me than in your enrire country
>>1001430 like 8 million? a lot smaller than ze Germans in any case
rammstein and kraftwerk are ebin
I've grown out of liking Rammstein rip in peace that dude from Kraftwerk though
>>1001433 you like KMFDM? I much prefer their early stuff.
Peter Shilling thata the guy who did Fehler im Sysyem *Schilling
>>1001431 big metropolitan cities often have multiple the size of our population it's ridiculous how tokyo alone has so many more people than all of Österreich
>>1001436 havent heard of them, got any recommended songs?
>>1001438 Chicago might be the third largest city in the us but its not even in the world's top 50 >>1001439 i need to look through my music library, itz been a while
Big city living best living >>1001444 If I had the money to live wherever I wanted I would choose Tokyo hands down In the meantime, I'll stick with Canadian cities
>>1001443 I see it comfy tho? >>1001444 I'm not really sure it would be that cool, but for a year, for sure
>>1001445 why not take a less busy big city? tokyo is kind of ridiculous when it comes to prices, living spaces and such >>1001449 is akihabara even part of tokyo
>>1001448 Yes, Akiba is contained within Tokyo When I was in Tokyo for a week and a half around Comiket a few years back, the people I was travelling with and I lived out of an apartment like a fifteen minute walk from Akiba It was amazing
>>1001450 I'm hoping you did visit comiket? I sure would love to, but the works is just fucked at the moment >>1001454 lmao true, you're right actually it's fascinating because touhou is also very dominant in other events, like M3 and there is even the touhou meikaisai touhou...
>>1001452 While being in Tokyo is great for otaku culture, Japan is interlinked and compact enough that living anywhere on the main island makes Tokyo extremely accessible My desire to live in Tokyo actually has far more to do with how busy it is I love megametropolises and megacities, the way they sprawl on for ages, the massive energy of all the people they contain Tokyo blends my weeb tendencies with my preferred urban environment so it's a fascinating place to me
>>1001453 touhou has had more circles at comiket than any other franchise for a while now
>>1001456 it's probably declining, although something like that is hard to judge touhou fans are so faithful, I wonder whether touhou will really die as a phenomenon but the momentum will be gone if ZUN dies (and his son doesn't take over lol) can't get enough touhou! >>1001458 o ya su mee
night /moe/
>>1001455 I find it fascinating that tokyo is also not a very centralized city (city with centralized management?) according to some it's a very decentralized place, so the city kind of emerges within certain pockets, which I think contributes to the magic of tokyo you list some very good reasons, although I'm still not sold whether it would actually be a good and fulfilling life to remain in tokyo until the end of time
Well it's a good thing I'll probably be dead long before that then
>>1001459 Tokyo is basically a city which takes up an entire state/province, composed of smaller cities which run their own municipal government, where as the provincial government handles matters applicable to the metropolis at large That's why there's so many contained smaller urban cultures, and why Tokyo is such a massive urban sprawl
>>1001461 pretty cool compartmentalization maybe other metropoli (metropolisses?) should follow suit but the other thing to consider when living there is the surreal work culture, would you be able to deal with it? I'm not sure I could
Well to my knowledge it happened mostly organically with Tokyo It was a normal province with a capital residing out of Tokyo city, with all sorts of various smaller towns that grew as the demand for living space to sustain Tokyo rose Eventually those city borders ran up against each other and in time blurred together to form the Tokyo Metropolis, but each city was still a city with its own governance
>>1001463 Well that's also kind of why my want to live there is conditional on "having the money to live wherever I want" I wouldn't want to be a salaryman in Tokyo I mean I don't want to be a salaryman or wageslave anywhere but definitely not Tokyo
>>1001464 maybe tokyo is proof that we should abolish all borders although aren't there implicity borders if there is separated governance?
>>1001463 thank you for the little history lesson, you paint a pretty clear picture of some random tidbits I was unconsciously aware of >>1001464 you'll either have to make money passively or save a lot upfront, so I guess that condition does not have that big a chance I find this state of affairs somewhat sad why can't we just implement UBI and make everyone more happy even if the economists start seething
Listen discussing UBI is way more intensive than I care to do when it's almost four in the morning and I'm tapping away on a phone But I will say I agree with UBI in principle and it would bring an overall good to society
>>1001467 yeah, it's a very involved discussion, but it was just a side comment
>>1001467 it's been implemented for a while in different places and, incidentally, the suicide rate was down during that time maybe, just maybe, there is a deeper connection between those two I've no idea about the source tho so [citation needed]
>>1001467 please make sure to get enough sleep friend
>>1001470 I break up my sleep between the evening after work and a bit more usually not too long from now It's not ideal but it usually adds up to a somewhat adequate number of hours willfully unconscious And more importantly it's the only real way to get enough sleep and satisfy my lifestyle preferences while working the job I have If I wasn't working a 9-5 job I'd probably get more solid sleep chunks
>>1001472 you mean you have a biphasic sleep cycle? supposedly polyphasic sleep requires people to sleep less overall (meaning, less absolute time spent knocked out) but sleep is a very complicated field
I don't want to! But I want to be able to watch anime with friends and it would be hard to get more than four hours of sleep a night if I didn't make some up in the evening I'm lucky that a decade of depression has absolutely shredded my sleep schedule so I can really just sleep whenever and power on for a few hours regardless And that I refuse to compromise for a job which brings me no satisfaction beyond its paycheck
>>1001475 can you reduce your workhours? often time one can survive with a little less income and you'll save on the tax a little too I want you to get enough sleep, but I also want you to enjoy your anime, cutting off worktime is the only way in that case
Well I don't make a whole lot of money to begin with so tax isn't a large factor My hours are fairly non-negotiable though. I work in a warehouse, receiving stuff, so the job needs me on staff the whole day, the whole week
>>1001477 okay, that makes sense, that kind of profession usually scales with how much time you're available have you tried asking though? I just want you to think whether this isn't too unhealthy and whether you should seek something else, either a different lifestyle or different job although you'll know what's best for you
When I first got hired on I asked what kind of hours they were expecting and was told straightforwardly that it was a full forty-hours a week job I think if made it clear I needed days off or reduced daily hours they'd just look to hire someone else. Like with all due respect to other "unskilled labour" jobs which do take actual skill to succeed in I had never worked in a warehouse before and learned like 95% of this job in maybe three or four days I'm more than replaceable if push came to shove
>>1001479 wow, they have a lot of experience in crushing dreams
>>1001479 it sounds like you're in a bit of a bind, not making much money and being replaceable, I would imagine, is very stressful I hope you can find something better, you definitely deserve better anyone actually would deserve better than that
Well I have the advantage of no one wants to work for this place hah hah We've had sraff shortages in other parts of the warehouse which went unfilled for weeks, sometimes months And I'm certainly not the perfect employee, I often clock in late because it's hard to get a reliable ride from where I live to the workplace Although I insist that's my only real fault and I do the job above average otherwise
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
warehousing is an actual nightmare I hear gamma's still probably at it I bet
>>1001483 I've only heard about the delivery people having really nightmarish conditions, but it would make sense for those companies to exploit their warehouse workers as well >>1001482 at least you have a little more security if no one wants to work there, gives you a bit of leverage oh well, honestly I would rather NEET at my parents place than live in conditions of a warehouse worker do at least try to get some more sleep :o it would be a shame if the job has a negative impact on your health
>>1001482 I'm not sure if I'm being too hyperbolic here, but I'm guessing it's not your first choice of a job are you trying to get a better one? I don't really know anything about the labor markets in murica, but I guess the grind is real
I've only now realized that I've been telling you to get more sleep while keeping you up in this discussion time to commit seppuku where is that guide on how not to be a horrible person
>>1001486 Joke's on you I'm up for a little bit more anyway
>>1001485 No it is absolutely not my first choice of job But I don't have any proven education beyond high school so it's pretty hard to find an office job or something in a more rewarding or higher paying field My choices are pretty much things that don't pay very well and/or are highly unsatisfying for me In an ideal world I'd like to write fiction, but writing doesn't pay until it sells, so in the meantime I need to work to live But working to live takes up so much of my time and I don't have good time management skills in the first place, so I end up with no time to write And it kind of just cycles around on itself
>>1001488 it's not only the time investment, working full hours often times also sucks all the energy out maybe I just didn't work hard enough, but it felt impossible to really learn a new skill out of passion when I worked full hours I've seen this sentiment float around but I wonder whether it is universal you already mention the cycle, when will you get around to learning good writing if it just continues on? I wish I could just offer you a better job but that is kind logistically impossible maybe just do some certifications and be a network engineer or some other related IT work maybe become a chef for some restaurant (although now is probably the worst time to get into the food industry) anything that is more fulfilling would do, because then you would probably have an easier time doing your passion in your off time
Also Thought of a great idea. What if Romania's dictator was a Chao from Sonic? He would be called Chaoșescu. by great I mean awful
>>1001504 it's a good thing they murdered him at the end of it all my ok, maybe that sounds a bit barbaric my parents have lived through those times and it was truly awful sorry for my autistic bringing up of a story but I don't know about chao's from sonic
Boomer music rock ballads are in full swing this afternoon There's really too much noise in this warehouse I just want to go back into the shelves and hide for half an hour
I can't actually tell if this minecraft world is the same as the one pictured in the NFT
apparently if i upload the minecraft save file i can update the image in the nft as the world changes neato
Are you sure you're on the same version of the game? Minecraft is currently going through the final stages of a large overworld terrain generation overwork so it's been pretty normal to see differences in what the world looks like from version to version
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
here's the server if anyone is interested
I kinda want something like a firm rubber ball or something I can roll around with the arch of my foot Lately I've been on my feet a lot at work and I come home with really stiff feet
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i use a tennis ball for that it's pretty good
Yeah that would probably work too Right now I just massage it with the heel of my opposite foot but that's a bit of a stretch for me, plus it doesn't get everywhere
>>1001792 salmon is the best breakfast i have it for breakfast on tuesdays and fridays
I never have time for breakfast! At least never more than some juice and spoons of yoghurt Maybe a bagel if I'm really lucky I wish I could have the time to make real nice breakfasts But there's just no time in the mornings for that
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
salmon is good so is tuna fish
Yeah I also really like trout The gazillion lakes up in central Ontario are a great ecosystem for freshwater fish Not everything is worth eating, but the trout up those ways is great
>>1001828 Yeah. Good point. Because I definitely can't do one next week. and that would mean 3 weeks without an upload so maybe i should force myself to put something together
Made it through the workday with 10% battery remaining Now hopefully that lasts the ride home