Tilde — 10/11/2021 Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Episode 2-6 *Heike Monogatari Isekai Shokudou Episode 5-7 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 3-5 Kyoukai Senki Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Muv-Luv Alternative *Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei suru Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Shin no Nakama Taishou Otome Otogibanashi *Takt Op. Destiny Visual Prison Episode 3-4 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
Boy's got music on the brain Looks like he can't sleep
my mpc crashed >.< what second are we
1:15 1:20 1:25
this blonde guy is kind of a loser
He's not a very nice person, no
oh jesus
Oh they've hit the Appalachians
Holy fuck
destiny please
Music composition seems fun
his eyes get all blue and crystally
Yeah, they match Cosette's
Knowing her, important plans probably just entail stuffing her face with sweets
Yeah that whole monologue from her had "I want my little sister back" hanging over it I hope Cosette's not gone for good
oh no i'm gonna cry
oh action is here to save me
the reason is it showed his dad earlier and his dad say that you just think about who you're composing for takt is going t ocompose a song for cosette ;_;
There doesn't seem to be much point in fighting the D2 unless you're a mahou shoujo
wtf are these posts updating in real time wtf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Last episode was pretty comfy so it's fun they're firing up the tension again
i wonder what the green guy is up to is the green guy aware of this guy's D2 manipulation is the symphonica cool with all this and their only disagreement is about takt or is this guy just super rogue
I suspect he knows and isn't cool about it per se, but he's trying to get blondie dealt with without dragging the Symphonica through the mud to get him out
I lose where my mouse is on my monitors a lot these days Makes it hard to navigate hah hah
There's apparently a memorial stone at Fukuhara where the Heike palace once stood After it was razed by the Genji, they never rebuilt it
that one triple-storied tower with the spire is that still around? or is that the heike palace that's gone
I hope the child emperor doesn't end up harmed He was put in a difficult place because of his greedy grandfather But no kid deserves the fate of an ousted emperor
Dang Here I thought he was renouncing worldly desires or something and becoming a monk, and being saved from the fate that's befalling all the Heike But I guess another one of Shigemori's sons has found his doom
It's been neat seeing Shigemori's sons grow into adulthood Although mysteriously Biwa has never changed I wonder if she just never got the healthy diet she needed to grow
Cute eyebrows
i hope this weeks assassin episode doesn't make me depressed like last weeks
>>1001199 it's better it was one of my routers so i just disconnected it
One of? You have more than one router? How fancy
Bacon steak sounds really rich, man At least I'm assuming it's like, steak encased in bacon
it could be like a pork belly dish translating it might have been weird
Looks like he forgot to turn off his swag
Plan doori doesn't have the same charm as keikaku doori
yeah big agree
He hasn't really taken much advantage of his isekai'd state since his experimentation with making guns and rare metals Stuff like this is classic isekai material, "inventing" products that exist in their original world
It's probably not a big deal because I'm assuming this merchant family caters to the richer classes anyway, but stuff like moisturizer probably has a fairly limited customer base in this society
ahahah did you see the 3D carriage handler man he looked hilarious
The entire carriage, man, and horses looked like something out of an early 2010s JRPG
All of Maha's friends are helping staff the store too While handwaving the trauma of what they experienced is probably unrealistic, it's nice to see them happy
He sure is raising a bunch of little monsters
hahahahaha nice
the fuck
His flow ain't half bad But I dunno how good he'd be for killing the Yuusha
>>1001206 I had a really old one in the system for my PS3
He sneaks in to see his cousin like a man sneaking in to see his mistress She's an excellent onee-chan character
>>1001224 Ah, I see Well hopefully retiring it solves the problem
i wonder if the goddess gave the other reincarnates as ezmode setups as this guy he got the best assassin family in the entire world with a shitload of money and power i mean obviously he's more capable than the other ones we've been shown but he really did get an OP start
The first two seem to have been placed in well-off families at the least The hip hop guy though looks like he ended up just a farmer
This is the second show we've had this season dealing with a boy's first wet dreams >Let me take care of this Gosh
Maha is down bad for him, man Torte at least masked it behind "I'm your maid this is my responsibility" But Maha was "who cares if you call me your sister let's fuck"
i mean it was kinda obvious something like this would happen if this show was going to not just ignore the subject the wet dream wasn't expected though and funny
This series is written by the author of Redo of Healer so he's definitely not averse to writing sex into his stories Dunno if his publishing house would clear it though
Yeah There's kind of a mini-mystery being set up Looks like Red and Rit are kind of going to have to be amateur detectives in addition to running their apothecary
Hah hah Red Nice broom action He's probably a good mentor himself Maybe his Blessing doesn't let him excel in any particular weapon but he's got the broad skills to teach people all sorts of things
Wow Guy got an unskirt shot and blew up as a reward
normies explode?
It's interesting how the khopesh-like swords that Rit uses seems to be native to this region That Obviously Evil sword the goggle monocle guy gave the elf boy was similar in design too
He'll literally blame everyone except himself And maybe the Yuusha but he's probably scared she'll explode his guts again if he tries to be angry with her
;_; Honestly before she put herself in direct opposition to Wakaba I thought she might survive as, like, a broken shell of a person To show that the wounds and fatalities of this battle with the Vertex are more than just physical But she's dead now.
Oh she was entirely censured from the memorial for the heroes too
I guess that she probably doens't have any descendants so here's no present version of her
This past Yuuna has an entirely different family name from the Yuuna we know too The modern-day girls even remarked on how weird it was So despite the visual similarity and shared name, I think the two Yuunas are unrelated
Of these girls, the only one we know has an actual descedent, or -descendent, or at least relative, is Wakaba And she and Sonoko look almost nothing alike, aside from the hair and eye colours
I've got a bad feeling
This is another one of those series where you have to remind yourself every now and then "Oh yeah, these kids are in MIDDLE *SCHOOL*"
yeah they're just kids i wonder which of this batch will live this is really set a long time before the series we know
I think there's a fair chance all of them, except that one friend who doesn't seem to actually fight, yeah, her, die After all, the Nogi we know, Sonoko, could be an indirect descendent But also Wakaba does live long enough to chronicle all this, since the Hero Club is reading her account She's got the best chance of surviving
yeah but we know they do survive though i bet they lose some land or whatever
Wakaba survives I could see this former Yuuna doing a "hold the line" sacrifice After seeing most of her friends die and now knowing the magic of their weapons can mess with your psychological state I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a bit of a death wish