Isekai Shokudou Episode 4-7 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 2-3 *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei *Saihate no Paladin Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Taishou Otome Otogibanashi *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 2-4 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou Episode 6-7
i've caught up reading mushoku to where we left off last episode after watching this one i'm going to go all the way to the end
I supppose it doesn't really need mentioning but as expected, Eighty Six is a recap episode this week The production staff brought it up on Twitter I think They knew they needed the time
Hi sorry ready now You showing up a bit early threw my expectations off a bit hah hah
oh we're going ready i
Spears are still cool weapons More anime protagonists ought to use spears
Plus Will's spear has some Monkey King shit going on so it's doubly cool
Man his undead family was really out in the absolute middle of nowhere Although with all the ruined cities I guess there was once some kind of nation here Maybe the hanging omen of the resting place of a Maou is enough to keep people from re-settling in it
i had a feeling the sword going down on him looks like his in the vision
Will's probably had some pretty good anti-magic training from Blood
Will really feels like someone who is going to get taken advantage of before too long Surely not every human in this world are as noble as Blood and Mary were
Oh doubly so if he flaunts Gus' old fortune around like this
he is definitely being ajust a tad bit naive, which is to be expected maybe this elf will help him there he seems like an edgelord elf
Cynical and naive is always a fun buddy cop duo anyway
yeah I enjoyed that episode this series has gotten pretty decent i was wondering how they'd handle it once the undead part was over
okay mushoku
okay lets start
It seems like there's a neat world out there to explore And I like Will, he seems like a nice guy
Ready when you are
i don't know if you guys can tell but i really like mushoku the world is really interesting and i really like rudy, paul, and ruijerd and i really like how the story handles differing perspectives and emotions especially in regards to different emotional styles and levels of emotional intelligence interacting with eachother the characters just feel more real than i'm used to seeing in anime
also gisu is the best
hahahaha yeah you're gonna have a hard time with that fight
Hah hah he got a consolation prize of a Ruijerd statue though
i can't imagine i'd make it 20 years like that before leaving but i guess the magic continent is kinda rough it must have been difficult for her to make it out of there alive
The way they convey her inability to pick up on it as the crackling noise is neat
being the only one who can't use telepathy in a village where everyone uses it to talk is probably pretty hard i don't think i'd be more agreeable
It's understandable the rest of the village might have a hard time manging it Managing it, even But you'd at least expect her family to know to cooperate with her inability to hear them
She seems to be kinda a genius aat other types of stuff though.
the telepathy thing is racial to the blue haired demons of her clan she was born defective i guess they didn't really say why she can't
Yeah, it's less about being a genius or not here, and more seems like a physical defect Like someone being deaf You can be all the genius you want but you won't just magically stop being deaf
sorry rowin i don't think you're gonna win this one
elinalise needs to chill out
I dunno I think she's free to sleep with who she likes in her free time
i love this stoic dwarf >>1000442 her timing and location seems to involve people who don't want to be involved too often
WAIT THAT WAS TWENTY MINUTES am i getting old what is happening to time
It just keeps slippin' Slippin'
it's nice that we still see roxy sometimes she's definitely had very little screentime in comparison to other main characters so far we haven't seen or heard much about sylphie since forever though or anything about zenith at all poor paul ;_;
roxy is the kind of character that could do well with a spinoff
meriuko okay lets start
Paul's been looking for Zenith, so that can only end with him finding her or her body Assuming the maid and Rudy's half-sibling were with her, which is what seems to have been the case, then I would assume they're all right I doubt they'd write off Rudy's half-sibling at the least
Sylphie though, who knows Maybe she died in the mana disaster
Ready for Mieruko
>>1000447 she has a spinoff manga! or she's getting one? i haven't looked into, i just heard about it today
looks like there's 10 volumes and 6 have EN ISBN numbers maybe there's fan TLs for the rest
I've heard some chatter about the localized versions of Mushoku being not ... great They tweak some stuff to tone down on the lewdness, I think
>>1000450 man i hate shit like that in general i just hate localization at all i just want straight up translation
Probably in declaration only I don't think this girl is going to be an effective enemy
>>1000452 All good translation involves localization Straight up translation would make no grammatical sense and be syntax-ally confusing Not to mention passages in one language which flow nicely sound stilted and weird when you move them into another language Localization is as much making translations sound nice in their new language as it is tailoring the content to be culturally understandable
If you really just want the straight up original, learn the original language
>>1000454 you aren't teaching anyone anything but my assumption that you knew what i meant by speaking broadly was way off the mark so i apologize for only my confidence
Unsurprisingly, there was something in the picture
>>1000456 Plenty of people have this assumption that all they need is the direct translation! I just don't think you'd enjoy it very much
yeah every single picture is going to be horrifying
>>1000457 i already feel like you have too many assumptions about my perspective to talk about this any further in fact i'm rather confident that we're mostly on the same page but your tendency to sound like a condescending contrarian asshole is triggering me pretty hard right now so i'm giving up on further discussion
>>1000458 The real trick will be keeping Yulia from freaking out about it Miko's got the practice to keep a straight face
>>1000459 I just don't understand why you get so upset about it It's the exact same tone and manner I take with everyone, even with you in voice calls I don't think I'm being contrarian, I'm just trying to make conversation
Miko already knows all the spooks are there though I guess this is what Yulia wanted
Yulia's weaker spirit sense is a bit weird You'd think she'd have a harder time seeing the mook spirits and the bigger ones would be visible to her But she can't seem to see the more powerful ones
if only yulia knew she'd be having a panic attack
Oh maybe we'll finally see what Miko is so scared about About making sure they don't know she can see them
When visuals first started coming out for this adaptation, I saw some people complaining about how the style ruined the eyes of the manga I think the anime did a pretty good job of the kind of distinct heavy lidded eyes for Miko and Julia But the faces are a bit dopier than in the manga
Having not read the manga up to the point where Julia shows up, I kinda expected her to be someone who could help her handle the spirits Instead we got a big baka who's only good for bullying
That's still a pretty nice tagline for this series
Yadano Makeru Yada no makeru "Hates to lose"
And then Tadano was never heard from again
I'd like to see a pink moon some time
Chihuahua doesn't feel entirely accurate for Komi
Oh no they've turned Tadano into a talking desk
this girl mis scarier than the ghosts in mieruko
It's hard to tell if Najimi is just being frank or knows something is up It's probably unusual for Tadano to be missing And Tadano is Najimi's childhood friend!
Man I wish that were me
Sasuga Nijimi
Najimi even
this is legit creepy
Komi is such a serious and earnest person Hah hah Tadano and Najimi Or just Najimi It kinda looked like Tadano was there behind her too
>If you forgot about it, it's probably not important
Tadano please You were totally trying to sound cool there
She had a harder time with the words this time than when she was on the phone But still saying it in person -- even if behind a barrier -- is probably an improvement
She deserves her place as the dark realm's second in command!
reminds me of dating someone from work seeing them all the time gets old very fast
Is it just normal for mahou shoujo to be called Kyoko
Scheming Jahy-sama
Oh ginger pork is pretty nice
Izakaya culture in North America kind of gets an "import" increase in pricing, but in Japan izakaya are supposed to be a bit on the lower end of mid-range pub dining A fancy steak dish would probably be outside their accustomed price range
my new grandma visited recently and i got to cook a lot of things and have my family taste test stuff it was fun cooking is my favorite pastime probably