i think it's the essence as in (the essence of this picture, it is me, we are one and the same)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1001878 i don't see why not it would need an insane budget
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is essence can you put it in a jar?
warning comtains chainsaw man spoilers https://mangadex.org/title/4813051f-a543-4fad-877f-337fed34820e/coffee-with-makima-san
>>1001883 well in fact you can fill a whole jar with your essence some people put figures inside the jar first
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what hours is Costco usually open in America
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what's the most American city in America?
that's not really how that works, i think
but if i were to take a few shots, LA, Dallas, and Chicago come to mind
there's just way too many ways to define what is "American" and what isn't and the implications of it >>1001886 the ones around here open at 10 usually and close around 8:30pm but there's very slightly different hours on the weekend i think saturdays open at 9:30 and saturdays and sundays both close earlier i checked it on google like a minute ago so that's probably pretty close but my short term memory could be wrong and i don't want to open the tab again
>>1001890 hmm seems like the same hours here >>1001898 neither but it's kind of funny or whatever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1001895 you are correct that said i have no idea what to do with this information
>>1001896 no, NYC is extremely unique it might be an important facet of american culture but at the same time it's incredibly unlike anywhere else in the US like i said, it really depends on what you define as being "american"
as i see it, LA, Dallas, and Chicago come to mind as being the most recognizable cities that are also the most like the majority of cities in the US it is in fact the lack of uniquity and flashy defining features that makes them the most american as i see it it might be more accurate to pick cities like St. Louis or Waco or Worcester but it's also harder to pick out smaller cities like that, as lack of renown obscures them from the most ocmmon common* of knowledges not that any of those cities are small but i can walk up to anyone and ask them if they've heard of Dallas can't say the same for Worcester
("which worcester?" they might even say)
>>1001899 I know jack shit about waco other than the siege of the branch davidian compound.
that's exactly my point but it's just a medium-sized city like any other which is also exactly my point not to say NYC is unamerican by any stretch but it's just so unique that it becomes unlike a typical american city most of them are instead, rather, more typical
>>1001902 St. Louis stands out a lot more than Waco. They had a world's fair back when that was a huge deal. The Arch is also very iconic.
the horror! i'm in some microscopic way encouraging the expenditure of electricity although to be frank that electricity was gonna get used on any number of mempool txes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but by contributing to ETH traffic i may in the short term be incentivizing more people to mine ETH with GPUs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
however in the long term the picture is rosier proof of stake will be substantially lower energu at that point bitcoin is really the only main electricity waster
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway thats my justufucation wow thanks phone smoke weed babyyy
>>1002004 That guy has sold a ton of NFTs of that character in the video.
anyways the character's name is Flat Eric he was based on a similar puppet from a thing made by that musician who was then asked to make a Levis commercial with the character Jim Henson himself made the original Eric puppet and the character has been in a bunch of music videos for Oizo's music.
i really would never expect a chinese gacha game to have such an intensely good OST but it's likely that genshin's music is some of the best contemporary orchestral work i've heard in well possibly the best of anything composed during my lifetime i mean that sincerely
it's also probably important to note that while genshin does use the gacha system for attaining characters and items, it's also a completely full game that can be experienced even without opening the wish menu once while for a lot of people the gacha system is the part the spend the most time thinking about it's honestly not really that important in the grand scheme of things while having ayaka and raiden specifically has made my enjoyment of the game higher than it would've been otherwise the other 5-stars i have i could probably live without noticing their loss i really like keqing but she kinda sucks and venti kinda ruins the game
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I only rolled for Eula because she has nice thighs.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Never use her
birthday bang
yeah i have jean but have never used her i rolled to get C6 xiangling and sucrose when they were each on other banners but i still haven't leveled sucrose and hardly ever use xiangling raiden, ayaka, diona, yanfei, xingqiu, noelle those are probably the only characters i couldn't stand to go without but even before i had any 5-stars i was perfectly happy with fischl xiangling xingqiu and barbara >>1002021 deshou!?!?
it does kinda suck when you start 100%'ing so many things that there isn't much left to do but that can be said for literally every exploration-centric game that exists so
birthday bang
i actually haven't gone to that most recent inazuma island yet i tend to play in bursts of interest maybe it's time i logged in again
birthday bang
oh and then i can finally fix my teapot and marsh can visit
I set up my teapot to deliberately tilt SC. Because she's really neat and organized and into design so it's just a random clusterfuck of junk everywhere.
Still maxed tho so the game obviously thinks it's a good house.
can't be bothered screenshotting this one but the guy fishing next to me has "cum sock" as his username. Runescape really is a magical place even after all these years
>roommate watching this >>>/watch?v=hHqAvzGyy30 >check the comments, turns out critikal left his mark >ask him if he's ever heard of critikal, he hasn't never change my dude
there's nothing good that comes in images over 10,000 pixels tall
>>1002128 what about longcat? although I do remember it coming up when trying to post long poland ball comics I cant sort my images by height so I can't really search for anything that would hit the limit
i just ate half a kiwi and it was super sweet surprisingly sweet i kinda wish it was more tangy usually kiwis are more sour and almost citrusyt but this one was like a sugar bomb
RIP Sugoi
I love the tasre of kiwis but hate having to remove their skin. gooseberries taste like kiwis but I remember having to spit parts of them out whenever I ate them such is life
regular bang
hmm the second kiwi was also super sweety very ripe, almost squishy extremely sweet i almost feel disappointed
regular bang
oh nice towards the end of this kiwi it had that sour kiwi flavor i craved the rest and the previous were just straight-up sugar barely any way to tell it was a kiwi but the final quarter of this one was much better
Listen just because it's going to happen doesn't mean I have to be happy about it I would never hold you against being upset about finding a huntsman under your toilet bowl rim
You see, I was going to post a picture of an anime woman in her underwear. But then I didn't but the spoiler box was still checked from my original plan.
oh i wish i could be of more help unfortuantely i am fortunate to have a job now where social mistakes are hard to make because in my previous jobs i did not do anything but make social mistakes
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1002347 you gon date someone at work or something?
i heard my work email go off and i checked it even though its after hours and im about to go to bed because i thought it might be my boss answering something important i asked him earlier
but no. just some random asking me a stupid question. and then i accidentally made a typo when responding.
>>1002378 love it i'm really waiting for fine grained control via brain so i can build a house in VR sims just by thinkin about it one dayy >>1002379 absolutely debased
i've had dozens of job interviews and only passed about 3 or 4 of the formal interviews but most of the jobs i've had, i didn't have to interview for just knew a guy or knew a guy who knew a guy who needed a guy
>>1002410 yeah I'm planning on using the "knew a guy" thing for starting an actual career once I get my degree. I know some people who work at Argonne and Fermilabs.
And also some government contractors. Not really sure what I could do at Raytheon with my degree though.
Oh, and by "government contractors" I mean like aerospace companies not like the people who sell heth isurance plans to the government
one of my best friends designs missile guidance systems for hypersonic missiles designed to shoot down icbms. He has security clearance and gets paid pretty well. I wouldn't mind doing something like that.
>Raytheon's Illinois office is in Rockford fuck that
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1002415 does he know where the missile is and where it's going
also speaking of knowing where the missile is and where its going I had a math professor whose phd thesis 's mathematical techniques were used in developing iron dome.
it's hiding in a tyre that was here when we got here Im thinkign I'm not gonna fuck w/ it as long as it stays there it should be fine it's a decent sized bluetongue
guess i need a bottle of rum or brandy or cognac and a vat of raw egg mixture
what the fuck is in eggnog anyways? aside from egg
I don't really like the alcoholic eggnog I guess I could make it myself but it's just way easier to get it from the store Plus the PC umbrella of stores sells a really good eggnog
Some of the shipping companies which deliver stuff to this place can really be a bunch of dicks They're specifically asked to deliver especially large shipments (like 6+ pallet shipments broken up over two arrival dates Since the warehouse doesn't have a lot of floor space and having seven or ten palleta of shit can almost completely block movement through the warehouse But whenever they're asked they always ignore the request and just dump the whole shipment on one day It's just really frustrating
my decision making has dipped to a low i am tryna text this girl but dropping spaghetti abandon that gi
regular bang
just tell her about your friend bang and then when they realize how amazing you obviously are in comparison to literally bang they'll have no choice but to fall madly in love with you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ot // it can't go wrong ive unlocked the cheat code and all it cost was my friendships and reputation
Apparently the condo management is circulating a bulletin around to the residents of the building that informs us that we're not allowed to smoke weed in common areas of the building Which includes the building hallways and stairwells, which, sure, duh But also includes the individual units' personal balconies? That one just feels insulting
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1002665 yeah but I think they literally think it's from 1993
>>>/watch?v=kgUDbvKYbWk really a mojo for everything I thought they were gonna have a disclaimer to say they don't endorse blahblahblah etc but they just plugged themselves instead >>1002705 o I see 8 days until dunemas over here I'll probably go later in the month
what an ominous question asked in a way that makes it difficult to have faith in the good will of the one asking like, what artists do i like that rap? or what hip hop am i into? or what while it might sound like just semantics, referring to it as just "rap" can be an indicator of sorts
I'm just curious. I've been listening to a lot of rap recently so I've been asking my friends about what they listen to.
regular bang
in that case, the answer you're likely seeking
Kendrick Lamar is probably my favorite rapper he has amazing flow and presentation, and some of the best producers and sound guys in the business his topics are powerful and he manages to stay conscious without sounding overly woke or preachy good kid maad city and to pimp a butterfly were extremely important to me and forming the way i look at society as a whole to me in forming* J. Cole is also extremely talented, and is more on the poppy side of hip hop, with more earworms and simpler but catchier wordplay he has some less-than-stellar tracks and has said some whack shit in the past but i like him a lot Blu and Exile's Below The Heavens is a little older and is not a perfect record back-to-back but Blu is really insightful and the album has some extremely amazing work i've found myself getting emotional to some of the songs on that record, and i highly suggest it - just keep in mind there's some skippable tracks in there
for now those are the ones i'd suggest the most heavily but to name artists who also have some good tracks (but to whom i cannot guarantee a full catalogue of bangers necessarily) Pusha T Jay Electronica Nas Kanye (up to yeezus. i've heard pablo is good but i've only listened up to yeezus) Drake (i don't like the man but he's got some godlike tracks) Jay Rock Isaiah Rashad (this man has some amazing shit) Tyler, The Creator (deserves to be in the earlier section but he can be pretty polarizing for a number of reasons)
yeah that's all i can think of atm i listened to a lot of older boom-bap type shit but that's hard to suggest to people out of that, definitely some Biggie is worth checking out oh Joey Bada$$ has that mixtape 1999 and Capital Steez had some shit too back in the old ProEra days, that
>>1002722 my dad really likes him I haven't listened to him much
>>1002722 I for the most part listen exclusively to entire albums. Aside from my "background noise" Touhou music playlist I out on shuffle. *put
>>1002722 I mostly listen to rap from the 80's and early 90's. I really like sample heavy stuff. That stupid lawsuit against Biz Markie really fucked up the genre. today I listened to Three Feet High and Rising, Midnight Marauders (I'm on my third listen right now) and People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm. >>1002736 I like Criminal Minded a lot.
regular bang
Boogie Down Productions and/or KRS-One KRS did some good stuff
>>1002736 have you heard Paul's Boutique? its my favorite Beastie Boys album.
also I'm not really going to be able to go into anywhere as much detail as to why I like things as you. probably related to my nvld
wait no my uh i firget the name I just have difficulty wkth things like that
an off-season swallow so that's me non. stop. love song i will follow you where ever you go i can't wait to catch up before the sun sleeps not if you're short of breath i'm the disaster of passion
Also biking literally anywhere when it's 5c or colder is awful I don't care how temperate your weather is
okay sleeptime for bang i stayed up late even though i have work because i'm going to spend 4 out my 8 work hours in the passenger seat of the work van yeehaw
no. I stopped watching at the completion of the last major arc.
maybe i'll go on another one piece binge in a couple years time.
wano arc is p cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im watching the new cowgobbled beansbop
Good luck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also i did the bicycle drive thru it was fine crisp
wow this movie has a LOT of dudes pointing guns at each other in tense standoffs
You have stronger shins than me It doesn't matter how bundled up I am, unless I am windproof my legs end up icicles
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1002902 im looking forward to it. I stopped right before it began. >>1002903 but why
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're stealing all the casino coins wow it's a wacky outer space heist
I want to go on a wacky outer space heist
Elon hurry up and get on with your dumb capitalistic colonization aspirations so I can rob you fucking blind in space
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is uncanny
I started watching Netflix's Daredevil series recently because it seems like he cameos in the upcoming Spider-Man movie as Spidey's lawyer And man it's pretty wild Part of the fun of it is seeing him get the absolute shit kicked out of himself too Between Disney family-friendly glamour and most of the MCU heroes being, well, superhuman, most of them usually end up with mostly superficial wounds But Matt gets absolutely fucked up fighting even mob punks It's great
>>1002921 That's what makes life so wonderful! You never know what's going to happen, but whether you like it or not, it's happening, and that's a miracle in itself.
>Uber driver messages me " I am getting gas can you wait for me" Honestly, no, I'm already cutting it close because and the extra fees minutes for you to get gas will undeniably put me past the point of being late >Cancel ride, schedule a new one >Same guy >Cancel that ride, schedule a new one >Same guy Guess I'm going to be late
I watched the ride scan the second and third times and I'm pretty sure he was the nearest ride to me There's no real easy to tell the app to ditch a driver before you've ridden with them, so it just meant he got first dibs on me And apparently he didn't get the memo.
The music goons are starting really early this morning too Normally I get maybe half an hour before something starts coming on And they keep it quiet in the mornings, usually
I'm staying with the fam at a bnb for a couple of days watching Seinfeld rn
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's sup with you
>>1002944 on the train late for a thing theres a homeless guy next to me arguing with advertisements hung up on the train. *homeless guy near me theres like 20 homeless guys across five traincars
>>1002924 I suppose you're right very uplifting words, as always sometimes it just gets a bit overwhelming, but apart from that it's just as you say maybe you can appreciate this nice image
youtube auto-deleted my comment for calling legal eagle a self-serving scumbag
that's the kind of thing that makes people hate internet moderators I have no issues with /moe/'s moderation but mods on most forums are like the fucking Stasi
i don't have work until tuesday but i'm already bored i didn't even have a ton of free time today and i've already managed to become bored
regular bang
so bored that i'm even posting on /moe/ about it i haven't bangposted in a while
regular bang
hmmm welp it is thanksgiving week the day before thanksgiving maybe rika has plans or something tilde i'm gonna pass out from boredom soon so
I would've hoped she'd have said something, but yeah Still Wednesday night feels a bit early to start the festivities And she has been kind of consistently later, like around :25-40, for a few nights now
regular bang
a lot of the time people have to adjust schedules because of someone's work or travel or whatever random reason or they have too many friends or family and have multiple nights yeah i'll still be around for a little bit but i will disappear eventually
>>1003015 There's three shows that you watch up for tonight; Heike, Shin no Nakama, and Assassin I'd kinda like to save Heike since we're close to the finale for it now But we could watch Shin and Assassin Or just Shin if you'd rather have something comfy to drift off to
regular bang
yeah we should probably save heike tbh i'm probably just gonna pass out right now i'm feelin p dead
Aight, all good We'll have Kirara tomorrow so we probably won't get to tonight's shows until Sunday the earliest But we also have a fair bit of wiggle room Plus the Autumn season usually has a pretty long deadzone at the end of it because Japan shuts down around New Years So there'll be plenty of time to clean up anything that's started to build up
regular bang
yeah we'll probably be fine after the end of the season but we might even catch up by then the only shows i really care about being current on are 86, mushoku, takt and the shows besides those that i am most excited to see are blue period and shin no nakama but i'm tired and i think shin is one out of those three you mentioned that all three of us enjoy a lot
Yeah, Shin seems all around liked It's still in the middle of its season though so I didn't feel so bad about ditching Rika for one episode Especially since she seemed up for a slight bit of catch-up
Nothing like a cocktail of stuffy, overheated apartment, vague insomnia, and general emotional indifference towards sleep to head into a day of work after I should really learn how to call in sick days even if I can't ever seem to be sick