It's okay I was laying in bed sometime around 21:00 and blinked and it was suddenly midnight
Someday I will return to being able to get regular sleep at times which suit my lifestyle But for -But not for a while
*Blue Period *Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou Episode 4-7 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 2-3 Kyoukai Senki *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi Taishou Otome Otogibanashi *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 2-4 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou Episode 6-7
oh yeah what ep of blue period are we on do we have bang tonight?
i have no words
>>1000650 The one that has most recent subs, episode six Netflix has been releasing the episodes a couple weeks behind and took like a week or so off too
I've never met a good-faith artist who likes being told their talented Or even implied it, really They're talented, even Yatora saying he wasn't talented probably implied to that girl that other artists, like her and some of the other more-skilled artists at the school, are
>>1000670 oreo ice cream cake now im thinking of it
Skipping New Years with the boys to sit in your rooom and paint, eh Oh nevermind he's on a date with his boyfriend
Shrine visits are fun When I was last in Japan we went to the shrine near Akihabara that's shown up in a few anime and manga series, including the original Love Live Although we had to go on the like 3rd or 4th because the line was massive closer to New Year's Day
His skills are really broadening It's neat seeing how he explores different textures and design aesthetics
This twintails girls reminds me of Noelle from Black Clover
She's not wrong Practicing monochrome is a great way to understand how lighting and the lines of your art work
She's such a good teacher, man
It's always good to have food on you You never know when it might come in handy
Assuming Blue Period doesn't get greenlit for a second season after this I'm probably going to have to go read the manga And maybe do it anyway It's such a good series for me
Yeah! It's cool they're doing the space launch this early in the show Makes me wonder what'll happen next
Having to respond in codes like that would probably crack me up
Hosting a cooking show in space would be pretty neat though Ultimately impossible, probably, until we can manage artificial gravity But neat
because i learned the word jagaimo from korone it always sounds funny when pronounced without her accent
Hah hah oh no She almost got herself detonated by getting too excited
Reminds me of the old joke about NASA spending a lot of money to make a ballpoint pen that could write in space While the Russians just sent up a pencil
Even though in reality a graphite pencil would be a dangerous thing to bring up into space, so the R&D to make a space-faring pen is kind of warranted
btw riding a motorcycle in th e cold like that is so painful his face would be numb in a minute or two then it would probably be fine
Ah ow
>>1000735 Fine until the frostbite sets in This far north it's dangerous to have much of your flesh exposed even if you're just moving at human walking speeds It's probably a comfortable -20c out there at least
I wonder what it feels like To go somewhere no one has ever gone before And then come back home
I'd like to go to space Not enough to become a sociopathic billionaire to do so But if it ever became commercially viable, I'd be down for it
He has the expression of someone who has long since become used to this
dang i really want a plate of that
I wonder what diversions from our world line would have had to happen for Japan to lose WWII It's not like there was one deciding factor Like the nukes sealed the deal but Japan was on a losing trend long before that
She looks pretty weird outside of her business clothes
These established little fishing parks are a neat concept to me Like just imagine being able to kick back and fish in the middle of the Tokyo metropolis
i'd like to try fishing sometime but you kinda need a lot of stuff to do it