I have this professor who does his absolute best to answer questions in dedicated consultation hours and also on a forum for a course with 500 people, and no one is doing anything. It's so bizarre. You'd think that students would visit these consultation hours because the lectures are prerecorded but there were just 2-3 people last two times. >>997484 distributed systems so many things nowadays are distributed systems, you could ask him literally anything and it would be relevant, but no one is doing that >>997485 you mean for operating systems or in the context of a distributed system? only the former
>>997487 yeah, I guess you are also referring to scheduling for operating systems in general that's a pretty hard problem in the case of scheduling processes >>997489 yeah, that's a classic deadlock example there was also the example of a roundabout that gets filled with cars to make a weak analogy to deadlocks lol >>997490 lmao
>>997488 you cover the dining philosophers problem?
>>997488 i have a friend who hates that one because she thinks its disgusting
I just wanted to highlight that there exists this professor who is really trying but no one cares, because I always hear the opposite scenario someone came to these consultation hours last week and asked a question about remote procedure calls and he gave a lengthy answer with a follow up post in a forum and code example he coded up on github literally unrivalled efforts lol
>>997489 dealing with problems like deadlocks in a language like java is horrible by the way, at least at first, because the java approach is just so damn confusing did you know that in java all objects have intrinsic locks? something like an attribute that represents an atomic boolean for each and every object although apparently there is some JVM optimization to eliminate the overhead when an object never needs to be locked still it's such a weird approach
>>997491 I think I just wanted to vent a little because that makes me sad, I wish his efforts were recognized
Kirara I guess in order to become a psychologist you had to get a degree? If so how was your experience overall? Just a bit curious because different field different continent
>>997492 >dealing with problems in Java is horrible fixed that for you
>>997499 My master's was easier than my bachelor's. Less time to get and less tedious. Didn't have to study for either, really, so they were both easy. The doctoral part of my training was so horribly tedious that I'd rather cut off my hand than go through it again. The doctoral stuff was horribly abusive, the professors were all gaslighting me constantly, torturing me, trying to break my mind. Doing my dissertation also laid bare the fact that I had been trying not to admit to myself since I started doing psych research in 2013 - that academic psychology and the way we do research is a complete sham.
>>997502 wow that's curious, the part about the masters/bachelors difference I hear many phd's get offloaded a lot of work their professors don't care to do themselves, was it that way for you? in any case that really does sound like a horrible experience going through the doctoral part at least the attacks on your mind have ceased by now (I would hope) thanks for telling me your experience, I was going to get my bachelor and maybe forget about the master but I might reconsider, or at least ask people who did go through it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>997492 java is such a hot mess i despise that ecosystem in every way people on the internet wax eloquent about the JVM and im still like it sucks it takes forever to start up it's memory hungry and the language is full of holes i dont get it but im just a hater
my mom is freaking out that I want to buy a surplus german police jacket she thinks ill get beaten up for wearing it
>>997504 yeah same supposedly it's the best thing to happen since the birth of jesus but at the same time everyone is flaming it like it's the second coming of microsoft >>997505 lol, just do it >>997507 ok I see, that's a bit of a subtle difference g-good to know they were still leaching off of their students... >>997508 lmao, you can really forget maven maven works as long as the project a) doesn't see any changes b) doesn't need to be updated
>>997503 I was working on my psy.d. so the atmosphere was a little different than a phd, the professors were mostly just lazing around and not doing much. They all leached off of their students, though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea don't get me started on Maven whenever anyone praises maven or jenkins i wonder if they've ever used another programming language ever in their life
also of course the example refers to a case about a printer, it couldn't have been any other way...
titan kawaii
It's starting to get a bit chilly outside here This thin hoodie I've been wearing doesn't really cut it anymore But I'd also rather wash my thicker one before I start wearing it again
NO DISRESPECT to all the hu tao mains out there but personally i think she's pretty meh
if i save, it's gonna be for the eventual ganyu rerun i don't know if i really want geo daddy i wouldn't mind zhongli but i think i want ganyu more i don't even really want to play ganyu i just like her more
well i've got three weeks i'll pull for thoma now and then probably just save
>>997529 im saving for the rerun too 20k gems + stockpiled rn.
The only thing is, I don't know if I want to go for her weapon as well because right now I'm still just using the prototype.
But then that's less times I'd roll for Ganyu
damn i got sacrifical bow in the first ten-pull (this is good i need more) and then TWO thoma's in the second ten-pull without even breaking into my primos nice
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
idk why you want Thoma either tbh
4-stars are pretty easy to get, so if i'm not worried about breaking pity, then i usually pull towards them just to have them now i'm just missing bennet and xinyan i missed the free xinyan because i'm stupid
i guess i posted these in reverse i'm somewhat worried that there might not be a chance to get any of the characters that have already had a rerun but oh well
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
holy shit you have an Amber?!
somehow she's only c2
i have c6 xiangling, ningguang, and sucrose i really ought to have them raised by now
Yeah man. Maxed weapon and stacked artifacts too After Ganyu she's my 2nd fav
part of what's great about noelle to me is that she's basically invincible so even on my phone i can just kind smash the attack button without really paying attention
before i had raiden, ayaka and yanfei were my only real damage dealers and they're good but you have to pay attention to get the dammy noelle doesn't hurt as hard but it's nice being a rock
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
you have a lot more 80s than i do most of my supports are just 70
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>997548 She can do good damage but only when her ult is up.
When you play on phone doesn't it take up a shitload of memory? the game is like 30+gb
i really only level the ones past 70 that need to be on the field or benefit enough from the additional levels like sara for instance it's worth scaling her ATK up because her buff benefits from it but for venti, since i have little investment into him, i just wanted the ascension passives since he's just there for the succ
i need get my yanners to 90 so i can crown her too ayaka and raiden are crowned and keqing ayaka and raiden for their bursts keqing's basic attack
man i cant fucking believe im seriously considering buying a fucking Burzum album fucking Varg ripped off art from a classic D&D module for this album cover and now I want it on my wall >>997591 opening a discogs account is a very slippery slope I put off opening an account on a magic card marketplace for years because I was afraid I would spend toouch *too much money on cards and for the first few months I spent about $100 on cards each month the problem with discogs is that we barely have room for the CDs and records we already own and I dont need the temptation to buy basically any cd I want, especially since most of them are probably $5 including shipping
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do it
oh also varg is a white supremacist which doesn't bother me a ton because I am sometimes capable of separating the art from the artist but it is still influencing my decision
oh also he stabbed a dude like 20 something times in the early 90's
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yikes don't do it
its a used copy so he isn't getting money people still like his music because it was very influential in the black metal scene. I dont really care that much about crimes musicians do. like tons of rappers are murderers and nobody really gives a shit about that ah, I dont listen to R Kelly though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like you can justify buying it then
morally yes finamcially though? its like $35 thats a lot for a record I'll probably only listen to once
oh yeah my dad got in an argument with my mom the other day because she said that she didn't want to see Dune and he said that he'd make her go see it with him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats weird
She's stubborn about weird things she said she doesn't want to see it because she claims to not like scifi but I can think of a few recent scifi movies she liked anyways it was really funny
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean more it's weird he's coercing her to go despite her saying she doesn't want to
The hairdresser wouldn't stop asking questions I didn't know like about parting and exact length so in the end I just told her to just make it look good and use her best judgement.
She's probably well-prepared to do that, but I think it's still good of her to ask her clients first Some of them might be a bit more particular than you are!
>>997777 What time I'm occupied ten hours of the weekday with work/transit, spend most of the evening usually asleep because otherwise I'd be going into work on three hours of sleep at best And even then I still get far too few hours of sleep and usually spend most of the weekend literally unable to wake myself up After which I'd rather spend the time I have doing what I want to do personally because otherwise I'd have pretty much no personal time in the week period Also it's not like I can just go buy a car, I don't make a lot of money so even a cheap used one would eat up my savings, on top of the ongoing costs of owning a car
The Animal Crossing update came out like a day and a half in advance and I want nothing more than to be at home playing it than being stuck here
You make a fair set of points but taking paid transit to and from work has to absolutely crush your finances too. If you managed to get your own vehicle and be able to use it, even if the initial cost is a setback, you would have gains both in terms of reliability, time, and eventually money.
>>997780 My work covers the costs of the Uber rides, there's no way I could afford it otherwise Public transit here is actually cheaper by far than taking a car, you usually only give up more of your time than in a personal car and even that's not true if you're trying to go somewhere with high traffic For example when my dad started working in the financial district he just stopped driving almost altogether and only ever took transit
wow, thats pretty nutty my experiences with public transit, while generally good, were definitely less convenient
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the last thing toronto needs is more cars on the roads
>>997790 the operative word here is "still" hardly anyone starts a project and goes "i know i'll use gcc" its only there for historical reasons
oh jesus christ http://icl.cs.utk.edu/f2j/index.html who would do this?
also https://www.vice.com/en/article/akvzma/nvidia-rtx-30-series-graphics-cards-stolen-in-truck-heist >>997792 I'm going to poll my programmer friends and see who uses what
>>997795 I don't see people really having a problem with gcc except maybe corporations who worry about the license as for performance, the occasional phoronix post show that they are still pretty much head-to-head in terms of features, I'm not sure, but gcc supports all important extensions I'm certain I would use gcc too because freedumbs license
As neat as this VR set is for just watching movies or anime on a simulated cinema screen, it's kinda becoming apparent that gaming isn't really something VR is made for unless you've got like, a REALLY expensive setup and a lotta space so you can move around a lot and not get motion sick
i think some people just get used to it so they stop getting motion sick but i've heard it can take a while
Seriously bad shit on the front page Samu fix your damn board
If nothing else, it's piss easy to pirate games and stuff on it, provided you can actually find a download in the first place I can play anything I pirate for the PC, too
I might end up returning it for the one with less storage though, having all of this extra space doesn't really seem to be worth it
if i could upgrade my desktop setup without budget constraints def a valve index but isn't it like 1k for the set with the controllers
yeah the full kit is 1000 usd
damn a new setup with all the boxes ticked would be pretty expensive guesstimating off the top of my head so like 2k for the 3090 probably like 1.5k for the monitors maybe i can get away with 1k another 1k for motherboard/ram/ps/bitties don't need keyboard or mouse or mic or headphones my desk is probably fine oh one of those nvme 2tb things would be a few hundred maybe so what like 5k? 6k with an index damn i could get a motorcycle
When SHIB hits a dollar I'll get myself one of those I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stupid video card inflation
yeah real talk all of the components are up in price too tho whether it's inflation or demand or logistics or what but i built this PC 5 years ago and some change for like 700 bucks and it's still pretty good >>997826 3x 120hz 4ks
this is a hypothetical maxed out setup
more realistically i'd be getting a 3060 or 3070, no monitor upgrade, cheaper internals, reusing my case and power supply
i could probably do a pretty decent upgrade for under 2k depending on card availability
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also wait why do you need a thousand dollar monitor for a VR setup
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
driving 4k 120hz x3 while also rendering the most GPU intensive workload in consumer software hmm
i feel like the monitors wouldn't be on while i'm VR'ing but maybe idk
oh shit i'd want a HOTAS for sure the only reason i actually want VR is for flight and space sims anyways
now without VR and a monitor upgrade though i don't actually have a reason to upgrade at all 1080p at 60hz is pretty much covered by my 1060 6GB i've only ran into a couple games i couldn't run maxed out and they are horribly optimized messes (namely, tarkov and arma) and i usually only play really non-gpu-intensive games anyways like fighters and rpgs
Isn't that kind of a life imitates art imitates life thing though It's not like the animators just came up with the motions themselves They're already replicated real people doing those motions in the first place
I'm pretty sure if there's any trace left of one of those, insurance will just go "naw, this is a case of insurance fraud" and give you literally $0 and maybe a fine for wasting their fucking time
s c
And they'd be right to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>998118 its fine maybe you'll enjoy it! i personally find it kinda tedious and i dont write it often but you can so much in sql if you are so inclined
Too bad I'm declined
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the dude is at maximum declination
how is that goin btw your application to the course
I haven't looked into it at all! Between having very little spare time and my already absolutely abysmal time management skills I have made zero progress on that front
And I am rapidly running out of time to do so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
relatable get really excited one afternoon and then despair
oh yeah that course ended up bein kinda sleazy the "advisor" was pushin way too hard eventually i dug a little deeper and found they were amping up their connection to U.T. and its staff way too much i'm looking at doing a python boot camp now probably a more expensive and long-term program and probably one that has deferred income-garnishing instead of a direct payment plan since i can't really afford it straight up like that but after talking to a couple friends who work in somewhat similar code-centric positions it sounds like these boot camps are a good way to shore up a lack of a degree
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people say they're gonna call me and then just email me instead regarding the thing why are you like this
content wise this is probably the best so far production wise this is probably my worst i tried to salvage the scuffed footage but it all looks pretty scrappy. and the audio levels keep fluctuating ah well. cbf'ed doing any more editing.
the most glorious of man's alchemical artifices a concoction of beanish pleasure with an aroma capable of instilling the most sacred of morning solaces oh coffee i beseech thee grant me your beautiful taste
this is the prayer i say every morning when i wake up
they took out all the chilled and sent it out don't know how it's gonna work but people are gonna get their chilled somehow buncha bullshit also I don't have a trolley?? not a good night
I tried Iron Rebellion and it's like, the only VR game I've tried so far that doesn't even make me a little bit motion sick Well, of the ones that let you actually move
And it's actually a lotta fun Maybe I'll give the multiplayer a try, too
idk what they have on it, but on my index, i like to play into the radius, beat saber, and pistol whip doesn't oculus have the new resident evil 4 VR game too?
Yeah I've seen it in the store, at least I'm hesitant about anything in like, the shooter genre though, cause movement in most of these games just makes me wanna throw up
But piloting a mech seems to be detached enough that it doesn't hit at all I wish there were more mech VR games, it seems like such an obvious choice for VR to put you in the cockpit of a mech and let you manually interface with the controls
there are some dogfighting games but yeah VR mech stuff would be nice
s c
You should give iron rebellion a look, it's free for now at least, and I had a buncha fun with the practice mode I haven't tried online yet though
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'll probably try it when the game is out instead of the alpha thing they have on steam
s c
makes sense
s c
is moe still watching 86?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am i was building the juggernaut model last night on stream but got tired and had to quit early but i really love 86 after the anime is done im gonna read the novels
I'm watching more shows this season than I have in any season in the last few years. It's so good!
Yeah we're watching 86 It's a lot of fun
>>998215 mushoku tensei is really good like 86, the second half of the first season is airing now
>>998214 i have to really try to stop myself from reading the novels i've been reading the mushoku web novel and not allowing myself past them getting to Millis
s c
oh damn, I was watching that, so I guess I'll pick it up again
Mostly I've just been using the VR set to watch anime and stuff so far, though I watched Redline in Bigscreen's "Grand Cinema" yesterday, it was pretty great
The app wasn't able to actually run the video file itself though, so it had to be streamed from my desktop playing it in MPC, but still
it's a family-type weekend gonna see my long-lost grandma today and tomorrow as well as my step-grandma, who makes some mean barbeque and it's perfect outside low 60's clear sky little to no wind tomorrow i'm making pollo a la crema and chocolate chip cookies it's gonna be a great weekend
my brother actually visited austin last week i couldnt go cuz i still havent gotten my shit together but maybe around xmas~ >>998244 could be fun something low stakes maybs
>>998250 no experience really did it once or twice as a kid but i have really high bodily coordination so i think i'll manage if i actually go through it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow the Godot engine discord is goin mental rn cuz they released version 3.4 not even the long awaited 4 that's how long theyve been waiting for a new version
Just make sure you learn to brake and maybe pad your elbows and knees You look goofy all geared up, but if you tumble you're gonna fuck yourself up if you don't
s c
even with the protection gear, you're probably gonna wanna learn to fall properly anyway, or you might fuck yourself up anyway lmao
I had a buddy in elementary who messed his knee up real bad cause he fell wrong and his kneepad didn't really protect at all, it just slid back and exposed his knee anyway that shit was messed up
We were kids, so like, no lasting damage, but still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to do a stop by bending my knees, droppin my whole body downward, slamming my gloves into the ground and raking it like a cat
oh oh here's an interesting question do you peel your carrots before you eat them? do ya cut off the ends?
I cut a bit off the sprout-side end and maybe a bit of the point just because it's kind of nuisance to work with, then peel them
i cut the sprout side only as deep as the coloration changes from the end i usually cut the tip for the same reason as >>998267
but i always peel first, then cut the ends and when they're gonna be by themselves i cut into coins when they're gonna be part of a stew i cut em kinda big, japanese "rangiri" style had to look it up "random cuts" it's not actually truly random, you turn the vegetable and make a diagonal cut at a slightly different angle than the previous cut going for roughly similar size but slight variation in shape
I got a big fat Chinese carrot the last time I was at the supermarket because I want to make some Japanese-style curry It was both the cheapest by-weight carrot I could buy at the store and looks the most like what gets thrown into Japanese curry anyway I'm looking forward to making that soon
I gave into the radius a try accidentally dropped my gun it's lost forever now, on the ground right next to me, because the lowest you can get your hands is a LITTLE bit above the ground
This is a recurring problem with VR games, I've found >>998285 I tried adjusting the height both up and down, no effect
Practically every single fucking VR game thinks the ground is like 10 cm above the ground, and the guardian setting isn't helping It also fucking rules that you can't adjust any of this at runtime, you have to exit the game, go into device settings, fix it, restart the game
This shit is like my main gripe with vr so far
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you probably need to adjust your height in the VR settings, it thinks youre taller than you are i had the same problem when i first started using VR
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with the index i can just set it on the ground and tell it to calibrate floor and then it usually works
also what's the fucking deal with games being like "seated mode supported" and then all that means is it won't detect that you're sitting and crash the game because of it? It's not "seated mode supported" when the mere fact that you're sitting down means half the game is above your fucking head, and the other half of the game is on the ground so you can't access that either
Maybe it's an issue with running stuff off of the PC on this thing If I can't find some fucking way to remedy some of these issues though, this thing will become a glorified anime watching device, and at that point I might as well return it for the cheaper model
s c
or just return it outright it's a costly way to watch anime, even if it's pretty great
Radius overall seems like a fun game though I spent like 15 minutes looking for like, a shooting range or something, because the tutorial killed me so I figured I'll just learn as I play the game, but I wanna at least get a feel for the shooting bit
that's enough family time for today i'm spending all day with them tomorrow a few hours is enough for now
every year i see egg nog at the store and i think "oh yeah it's egg nog season, i should pick up a bottle and enjoy a seasonally available treat" and then i take a sip of it when i get home and remember i remember that i don't much care for egg nog and so it is again
there was some good fucking eggnog at the local convenient stores in michigan they sourced all their milk and dairy from local farmers and everything was way fresher than you'd find at the normal grocer never cared for it til i tried eggnog there kinda miss it
i think it's the thickness i heard they have light egg nogs maybe i'll like that as long as they're not like drinking mollasses
either way hot cider or wassail will probably always be my favorite fall/winter drink i haven't tried mulled wine yet though maybe i'll have that tomorrow
The tutorial pitted me against 5 enemies at the same time, that's the only time I was armed, and it just went "you'll have to fight" So I shot one, it turned into a fucking haze, then reformed, so I figured "Oh, I can't actually kill enemies, I gotta just at best incapacitate them for a little bit and then rush through if I have to go through them"
Because the tutorial said nothing about this mechanic But no, turns out you can just shoot them and then shoot a little ball that shows up
I bailed on the first mission cause I thought I fucked up, when really you're just supposed to kill those fuckers
It definitely seems like a fun game though, now that I can access the floor, and know the absolute basics of how to play
Still a little miffed about how janky the ""inventory"" that isn't the backpack is to deal with though Like, sometimes I wanna turn to see what I'm doing, but then the game goes "Oh you turned while looking straight at the little pouch? better move it out of the way for you"
God watching these shonens makes me feel like all my friendships are such garbage like i've got a few mates that I can mess around and shoot the shit with but I don't have any NAKAMA that would fight with me to the ends of the earth and draw power from our bond
>>998310 due to some recent fortuitous circumstance, i am now in the possession of many catgirl and kemonomimi anime girl images and have access to a yearslong curated collection of them
uh i wrote some but it wasnt working right i did get acquainted with a new library i hadnt used before so that was alright except the part where it isnt adding new data to the dataset that i have to figure out next one step forward one step back kinda deal
im not too mad tbh because i already took profits but still lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my GOD i have some shares
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am diamond handjng these
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if it goes down i will buy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lmao calls are stressful i can't even do them i just sell them the safe way
once i make like 30-40%, I grab a portion and let the rest float so I dont lose
lmao i was just warning my dad about this too. you cant trust elon to NOT SAY DUMB SHIT on twitter and tank his own stock. he doesnt care! he doesnt have to!
I was having this issue where whenever I looked in very specific directions in Into The Radius, the headset would freak the hell out, lose track of my controllers, and the screen just started shaking all over the place, in all 3 dimensions After looking into it a bit, it seems that for whatever reason, whenever I looked in that direction, ALVR decided to crank the bitrate something fierce, so every single frame took like half a second or some shit to render, meaning the lag was out of control capping the bitrate seems to have fixed the problem
im on da plane home
This is a rough time for me When days can swing in temperature from 3c in the mornings to 17c by the afternoon my head gets really fuzzed Too much air pressure changing
Also unrelated but I think at least one of my immediate neighbouring units both sideways or vertically is keeping birds
he used to make us end D&D early so he could watch anime on adult swim back in the mid 2000s.
who said anything about anime
speaking of mushoku tensei https://mangadex.org/title/41c60ded-ce8b-45dc-a9b3-fe0e74ac5fe6/mushoku-tensei-isekai-ittara-honki-dasu-anthology-side-roxy >>998384 hey, you back in illinois yet?
ya i was in illinois last night but im flying back to jaoan now cause of my school dates and other work related issues i dont get to take leave in the ststes nkw now
I wish I understood the content scale awareness algorithm i was reading abput it and sort of get it but I remember being really intetested in some of the terminology used and not being able to find a good explanation for it anywhere
ohisamu! well, I've been rushing to finish these assignments that are about to reach their deadline I've been writing on this literature survey I have to write all day yesterday maybe I can share the fruits of my labor once it's done