Just give me one moment and I'll have the list together
*88 - Eighty Six Isekai Shokudou Episode 3-5 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 2-3 *Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei *Saihate no Paladin Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi *Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Episode 3-5 *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Visual Prison Episode 2-4 Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou Episode 5-6
well that was a fast getting their butts kicked montage
oh no it's bad all over
Well I'm still convinced the Republic fell a good while before the events we've seen from the kids and in Giad But I did think we'd see a bit more from what happened when it crumbled than this
Mostly because I want more Lena
Oh boy it's more than a railgun it's a railgun on RAILS
that's a good way to get it around they can just destroy their own railroad to counter it though
though i bet the evil robots can build railroad
Yeah, if they're capable of the advanced strategizing we've seen them put forth, they ought to have the ability to repair a railway Also I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of rail already in Legion territory anyway
>Most likely to die >Most likely to succeed >Least likely to be missed Gee, I wonder who ever he might be talking about
why do i feel like the empress is more closely linked to shin than she already appears whats with this synchronization thing
It seems more advanced than the mindlink that Shin can do that the Republic copied for their Para-raid She was not only able to immerse herself in Shin's thoughts but also see him from outside himself I think she was able to do something similar with her Kiri who seems to be acting as a head shepherd for the Legion
From an ideal sense, they should be getting him to stop fighting The 86 like him are basically child soldiers who have become wrapped up in belief they need to be fighting because that's what they were raised to do You don't "make them better", if such a thing is possible, by continuing to throw them into the battlefield Even if they want to return, they should have been refused at all fronts
Probably a week filler so they can stay on schedule
I'm glad they're working things out and yeah that's surprising that paul is so young
I think he intentionally retired so he could have a family with Zenith
Pro bartender skills right there
i wonder what this means for ruijerd ruijerd promised to get them home but what happens after that?
His intentions are probably to return home and continue what he was doing before encountering Rudy and Eris Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that's still what's going to happen This series has been pretty consistent on people parting ways when they ought to be parting ways
fucking geese biggest fuckin bro god i love him
damn if mushoku was going to get me, i didn't think it'd be like that family stuff is a weak spot for me though great episode wonderful episode
Wait wasn't Geese one of Sylphie's bullies way back when they were kids
i don't think so that was some other random dude they were saving geese was the one rudy was imprisoned with by the beast people the guy that bullied sylphie was the one paul was "kidnapping" he had different hair and some other name
Yeah I know he was with the beastkin But there was more than one bully back when they were kids
>>998496 he was also one of paul and zenith's party members before paul retired
Yeah I went and looked that up He's in that age range where people could be anywhere from eighteen to thirty and all kinda look the same as long as they live a healthy lifestyle
damn it's a bit of a shock watching this right after mushoku
Magic which increases your running speed artificially is kind of funny to see in execution It sounds cool on paper but it just looks a bit silly "realistically"
Hah hah hah He gets one isekai protagonist line in there before reverting back to proper fantasy
damn that was pretty hype
He's acting like it was too close But they did just take down what's basically a weakened form of an actual god
Interested to see what they do here the show kinda loses its thing without the undead the thing that makes it different
unfortuantely my assumption is that he gets a harem of cute adventurer girls and fights monsters now at least that's what the OP kinda made me think
He's got to go out into the world to get stronger That sleeping Hiking is probably going to be a problem in due time I can't imagine he was sealed under this land and then everyone was free to forget about him
Man human Blood had eyebrows
The dwarves really must be master distillers to make liquor that remains good two hundred years sealed
I guess the undead is that he gets to keep the ghost
Well Gus can't leave this land even if Stagnant's been fought back So he's just gonna sit in this dead city even if he's still around
>until the god of the undead regains his power oh wow he actually fucked him up
Oh shit he gets to be a proper paladin even He has to go out into the world and remind people how to properly praise his goddess and the cycle of rebirth
There is a kind of funny dissonance to this show A lot of scenes are played for laughs and the OP is poppy and cute But the lyrics are basically a girl screaming to be free of a literal waking nightmare and when you think about it Miko's life is kind of hell
i never noticed her hair is gradient
Man she must be really haunted Oh it's the awful one from the night before That's not good
Oh she's a portable grill for tiny spirits Spirit barbeque!
wow she's in a crazy place i think the dog will be okay though
She was probably safe from any evil spirits in the building because of the evil-er spirit that was clinging to her
can evil spirits even hurt people
Hard to know Miko seems convinced them hanging around people is dangerous But we haven't actually seen any evil spirits harm the living And there's also been good spirits who started off looking like the evil ones, like the salaryman from last episode
This is such a CONFUSING series I'm not sure what it's supposed to be
yeah same sometimes it's kinda ecchi for no reason usually it's a comedy kind of? sometimes it's a little spooky and then this episode was like a battle between divine monsters and an undead demon
I like these little bits they throw in which show what she was seeing when reacting to small things
>>998617 The fanservice by what I've heard was almost certainly to draw in new readers Since once the manga got coasting it all but disappeared Otherwise I think the author just tells whatever story they think would be fun to tell Some times that's a comedy, some times it's heartfelt, othertimes it's outright horror
I'd also wager it's about this point the manga's serialization got a vote of confidence or something, so the author decided they could do something heavier, or would need more than a chapter or two to resolve