He has a kind of indifferent approach to his time looping Doesn't really try to conceal knowledge he only has because he's been 'round this bend before
what the hell is even happening
I wonder how much of the game they've retooled for this modern remake of it Because some of the content still really feels like it's smack out of the early-00s
yeah i mean that was a pretty weird 5 minutes considering the rest of the show feels kinda out of place
>arem't you a genius why didn't you fail er why did
Yeah that's a pretty dumb assumption from him hah hah Plenty of smart people run up against the unfortunate realization that their intelligence isn't always enough to solve serious problems
this whole conversation just now was whack as all hell
I saw a lady earlier today in a Wendy's that was carrying either a tacky katana hilt umbrella or an even tackier mall ninja-esque katana I'm pretty sure it was the umbrella because I can't imagine she'd be in a public place like that with an actual weapon
This is some pretty cool mecha combat action The units look cool in motion
i'm sure that's a pretty big cliffhanger for someone who knows whoever the fuck that guy is
i think i might drop this show
I'm still down for watching it It's definitely something that could have needed more time building up though Still weird they went straight in to Alternative when it builds off of two other whole scale narratives in the first place
assassin battle time this is the first time he's really been tested
It's probably also the last time for a while he'll be seriously tested, at least in combat With how much he's a perfect breed of an OP isekai protagonist, it's hard to imagine anyone would be able to best him At least before the Yuusha makes their appearance
murder murder murder
There's a lot of people who need being assassinated, eh
Merchant's a good cover for an assassin Provides validity for why you're travelling all over the place
Haughty noble brat Doesn't really fit the rest of the Tuathe De
I guess he turned around pretty well Maybe all he needed was someone to beat him up a bit
ominous OMINOUS
>>997655 his personality is too fiery and loud to be an assassin anyways he'll probably make a great knight
that episode was pretty cool but i'm sad that there's going to be at least one more episode of training probably i want him to start doing assassinations and stuff
I guess the action is going to start soon I expect the hero to be a girl still
heike okay lets start
I really like the video for the OP Like the song is good too but they set up the video like it's a music video almost That's something you see for EDs some times but it's really rare to see it for an OP
This guy looks far more like a bandit than a general
Shigemori's sons are really starting to look like they're growing up
Stories of battle like that always make me feel bad for the horses The human soldiers in one way or another are unfortunate, but the horses didn't understand the situation But fall to their deaths all the same
The hats from then were so goofy koreans had funny hats too
Plenty of Chinese Imperial dynasties had silly hats too
Although on the European side we also had those dunce-esque caps you see ladies of the court wearing in some art from the Medieval eras
It almost seems like a rule of thumb for the ruling nobility is to design some ridiculous hat to wear
This series does a great job of conveying a sense of tragedy for Shigemori's children They were caught up in a duty to their family and the machinations of their grandfather, and the complicity of their father Who knows if the real sons felt as they did, but their regret and feeling trapped by an obligation to their clan makes for a good tragedy here
>>997671 The story of the Heike actually happened long before the Sengoku era kicked off! The Sengoku era begun sometime in the mid-1400s, and the Genpei war, which the Heike Monogatari is a somewhat mythlogized account of, happened in the late 1100s >>997675 Yeah but Goku don't real and Kiyomori is only like 33% don't real
back sorry i am good now >>997673 actually the son goku period is all the time because goku could def beat kiyomori in a fight >>997673 if goku isn't real then explain how i lent him energy for the spirit bomb when i was a kid yeah i thought so
there is fairy tale in the title so i think that makes it easier to overlook the darker side of things at play here
i haven't had fish in a while aside from fried fish, but that doesn't really count
i want some salmon in a salad with spinach and olive oil
makes me want some fish it's been awhile since i've had some good fish
I wonder if the izakaya I liked going to before everything had to shut down is still open They did a great salmon burger with a Japanese-inspired assembly
that's not very comfy
Poor kid's not really getting the help he needs His whole family besides his asshole dad dies and instead of getting trauma help he just shunted off to some secluded mountain estate It's no wonder he's struggling to get out of bed
he's losing it
With how hard he's blushing I'm surprised his head felt cooler
he was probably really really feverous so now he's only at 100 instead of 105
Tokyo! Taishou-era Tokyo was probably a cool place You had all the style and modernized infrastructure of the Meiji Restoration before it all went to hell in WWII
>>997690 100%, because Kimetsu no Yaiba also takes place in the Taishou era
>She's just like a little kid Isn't she still a little kid?
Wild to imagine buying that much fabric for only 22yen
Also I guess despite all but abandoning his son, his dad must still be leaving him with a stipend or allowance
back then, it was 2 yen to a dollar not 2 yen to today dollar but 2 yen to 1921 dollar so that would have actually been pretty expensive apparently his family is loaded as all hell too if his father didn't consider it a big deal to buy him a wife for like a decade or two of a working man's salary
i'm already at my calorie limit it's just sitting downstairs in the freezer waiting for me but i can't
I wonder when the Japanese transitioned from it being "ice cream" to "ice" Although the Japanese "aisu" covers a broad variety of desserts from actual ice cream to things like frozen popsicles/creamsicles But I don't think anyone over there really calls it ice cream anymore
So they're both dead kids to their parents Although with different circumstances
how devious
I thought the premise was his mother and imouto died Maybe he never really liked this one in the first place so wouldn't have mourned her death
i don't like her
thought he had like a bunch of siblings
this is the one who had the really evil demon teeth in the first ep when he was remembering what she said to him
She's so tiny compared to everyone else in this show
i'm enjoying this show so much that it might end up being my favorite i can't really say it's better than some of the competition but i have quite the soft spot for it
Each episode the question must be asked Will Red continue to be a dense motherfucker
damn the guy with the hood and the creepy eye
I wonder what's up with the arm wrap or bracer-y thing Red wears Maybe it's just a style thing But he's wearing it even when he's dressed casually at home
Oh well that's an oddly coincidental title
hahaha of course
She sure is happy to be needed
Thieves' Guilds are always one of those funny contrivances of fantasy While organized crime has almost always been common, the notion of an organized guild of thieves is pretty silly Especially one that has members known to the public
Happy people living satisfying lives sure seem nice
hahahahahahaahahaha ruti is either going to see through this guy or she hasn't found out yet and when she does she's probably going to turn this guy into a paste
she kinda snapped for a split second like the conclusion she came to was right but they way she handled her emotions was something like a psychotic episode like damn she exploded his side with her palm
To be fair a couple of the others who knew Gideon think the mage offed him to get him out of the party If she even considered that as what happened I don't think her reaction was entirely unwarranted
well aside from rupturing that guy into oblivion for a few seconds that was very nice and fun this episode showed just how committed rit is, and red too to some extent