First day back at work after the Daylight Savings Time switch Sure is depressing to step out of work to total nighttime I can't wait for summer to come ''round again
When I left for work this morning, one of elevators in this building was out of service Coming back tonight, two of the elevators were out of service, leaving the entire building with only one working elevator Good going numbskulls
oh okay I should look where I'm going more often the step between the bathroom and the sunroom floor is really sharp for some reason I stepped on it with only my toes and bent them back uncomfortably
maybe so, but the fact you somehow manage to almost exclusively post things that make my day worse for having seen them is something i could live without no shame in trying to affect it
Hey Rook have you been keeping up with CR campaign 3
I'm like halfway through episode 2 I actually JUST finished campaign 2 a few days ago
Nice I'm about halfway through episode three It's been a lot of fun They get up to some great antics in the early-level parts of a campaign
I'm looking forward to more for sure, seems like they all made really fun characters I'm curious if bertrand is actually travis's character though since he's higher leveled
The writing's really been on the wall for that since episode one, eh
I mean he's basically just a big plot hook so far a funny one
robbie seems like a good addition too he's funny >>999041 dude's great, masterful storyteller
god i love matt mercer
>>999040 Yeah, he meshes great with Ashley and Liam from the Unlimited series And with the rest of the gang too He's listed as a guest but I hope that's just for casting legality and he's in it for the long run
The whole Between the Sheets series was great I'm a bit miffed still Foster had to leave the company Between that, Talks, and Undeadwood he brought a lot of good shit to CR
>>999114 the grind for the next assignment begins, so I guess you could say that got in the rhythm of waking up early every day and somehow days are generally more fun and exciting how is it for you? I hope you plan on having a fun and exciting day in front of you too
>>999119 well it's almost bedtime here, but then i have a pretty easy day at awork at work* we'll probably be done by noon so then i'll have some fun and exciting weightlifting and stuff
I was planning on reading the mushoku tensei light novel, but I haven't gotten to it isn't the second season airing right now? maybe I should consider reading the webnovel instead >>999132 yeah I agree
>>999131 it is well technically the second half of the first season or however they sort it
i think if i read the light novel it'll be after the web novel i like seeing what creatives envisioned first and then other versions after i like to see the way things change and stuff
>>999131 I think you're generally better off reading light novels or watching anime adaptations Web novels are usually much more loosely written and poorly edited And can give in a fair bit to the author's powertrip fantasies
That's not to say that Mushoku Tensei is like that, but I usually avoid web novels for that reason
>>999133 which came first? the light novel or web novel? >>999138 okay, I see, that was sort of implied in your post that's a reasonable motivation to read the web novel >>999134 yeah I think I generally agree, it's also that light novels as a format lend itself to certain storytelling supposedly it's pretty good for mushoku tensei
in this case, the web novel
Web novels are usually what comes first They're kind of proof-of-concept by the author, or just pleasure writing for them If the idea's at all half-good it'll get picked up by a publishing house
>>999137 I don't think there's much difference between web novels and light novels in Japanese Most people who write web novels do so after getting into otaku material so they're probably writing from a light novel mentality anyway The difference is in the quality of writing A good editor can really improve a shoddy manuscript
from what i've heard, mushoku isn't very different between the two versions a lot of it is cleaning up minor things that might be less palatable for a wider audience
okay, I see I figured the artist would sanitize his work more for light novels and then there's also the editor(s)
That usually does happen Overlord got cleaned up a lot from its web novel when it got published Both content which is too visceral and grotesque or too explicitly sexual can be omitted from a published novel/light novel
Although there are recent trends for pretty highly sexual light novels and manga in genres like isekai or other popular powertrip fantasy genres
>>999146 interesting example oh well, I feel like web novels is more of a phenomenon with newer authors but I could be wrong I wonder when people started with web novels, but I would think that the generation(s) that didn't have web novels in mind is probably continuing on making light novels although I've not really a clue what I what I'm talking about when it comes to creative endeavors like this one
the author of shinsekai yori for example opted to write a novel instead of light/web novels, which was actually very nicely executed
usually it's like light novels are typically classified as such because they're being published as such which means a publishing company is officially distributing the work and printing physical copies whereas a webnovel tends to be just an author or aspiring author writing on their own and posting it somewhere mushoku and sao and re:zero where all webnovles first until they got published, if i'm remembering correctly
a webnovel is essentially like someone's livejournal page it's just that livejournal is seen quite a bit differently, for good reason
Arguably Overlord is also a novel series The page count of each volume is much larger than what you see from most light novels A light novel might be more compared with a novella in English terminology, even though when you translate a light novel into English it's usually ballooned up to the size of a smaller novel anyway
>>999155 >classified as such because they're being published as such okay yeah, that is actually a tangible practical difference >>999156 in the back of my mind I had this comparison as well interesting consideration with the length of the work post-translation, I thought japanese was more dense depending on the amount of kanji being used? I could easily be wrong though
the light novel is also so common because the releases are smaller and more often, and the length of the overall story can be quite long and so money is made incrementally along the way it's similar to why japanese anime and tv shows are released a few episodes per volume and because consumers are willing to purchase them that way it helps that japanese consumers typically have much more disposable income as a proportion of their overall budget
the light novel format doesn't work so well in the US for a plethora of reasons although it is comparable to the way graphic novels run
Light novels do kind of have a general framework which do make them a categorizable media type, rather than just a light novel because they're classified as one They have a smaller page count than a conventional novel, and the writing style is much, well, lighter. You don't see as many longer paragraphs and there's usually a focus on dialogue and quick descriptive sentences. It's akin to how YA-yeah
while that may be so, that type of writing style has also been pretty popular in young adult novels in the west for a while now it's hard to deny that it's a characteristic of light novels but i wouldn't consider it a defining one
I definitely would consider it a defining category of light novels Because conventional Japanese novels really are much different in composition
I mean there are light novels which buck that trend, and proper novels which borrow it Overlord is written more in a light novel format despite being a full-length novel Haruhi is written at times in a much more traditional novel style despite being the physical size of a light novel
But like, if you look at even contemporary "proper" novels like the Monogatari Series volumes, the composition is way different from what you'd see in a light novel
>>999160 >the writing style is much, well, lighter this probably makes more sense as a defining property when considering the japanese versions instead of the english ones japanese has a broader range of difficulty if I'm not mistaken, with the convoluted kanji and all this is just conjecture however
oh, i do imagine light novels are more likely to use easier kanji and have the kana next to a bunch of them not always but i could easily see it being something publishers push
>>999163 I still need to read haruhi or watch the show which do you recommend? also what's the chronology of haruhi like in writing :o
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>999124 jealous. i've had really long work days recently.
>>999166 i know nothing about the books but i loved watching haruhi i haven't seen anything that came out after like 2014 but i thoroughly enjoyed what i saw
>>999167 don't worry i'll get my comeuppance eventually i gotta savor the easy days while they're here
>>999168 okay, thanks, I think I will have to check it out!
>>999166 The Haruhi novels are (mostly) chronological Although some volumes are shorter story anthologies which cover a stretch of time and various events The weird chronology was 100% a fabrication of the anime production
I think it's a better watch than it is a read, if only because the animation quality is great and the voice acting really brings the characters to life But there are some pretty interesting parts of the series which the anime doesn't get to I think watching the two anime seasons and movie are a good bet and if you're still craving more, go look for the novels
>>999171 oh really, that's curious didn't expect that, I expect the novels to have a similarly convoluted chronology okay, so I guess I can choose yeah that sounds like a reasonable strategy, it's not too uncomfortable to just watch the anime and look to the novels for more afterwards thanks for explaining anno!
>>999173 Same yeah Personally I think people ought to watch the full run If you really want to enjoy the experience then watch it weekly like I did when it was airing One episode of Endless Eight, for eight weeks Just let that sink into your skin
this is pretty fun some cool variations of your image
>>999202 the image was just very good base material to fool around with these basic filters >>999203 lmao /moe/ got sentient and is refusing service so samu, why exactly are those images failing, I tried converting them with imagemagick, using jpg, making them way smaller, but to no avail
take in your fuckin bins cunt it's already Tuesday
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>999204 idk why are you tryna post the same image multiple times (:
>>999207 no, it failed to upload on the first, and it failed because it was a duplicate on the second the one in >>999205 is a regenerated image so it probably has different metadata I thought there was something wrong with the file itself so I was fooling around to test it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you probably happened to wait long enough for the dup to pass
>>999209 oh that's a thing? interesting so it's more of a spam protection
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorta yea it's got a long history the dup detector a long history of trolling posters
I don't know why but this place wants a scan of my medicare card (even though all the information is on the card and it's not like theirs /// there's holograms on it) they also want a copy of my licence although I don't have a psychical licence
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the rms don't just print out licences like they used to either
hey some of you guys play dnd >>>/@koumeposter/1458066317190238214 Please, help me figure out if this is a thing already or not, and tell me why it isn't if it isn't
s c
like can it be abused and break the game, or what? Cause it seems like something that SHOULD be possible, but from what I know it isn't allowed by the rules, at least
this is one of those things (like basically literally everything in the game) that can easily be determined by a DM or a joint decision between the DM and the players >>999230 while they've since gone back on this in the name of selling more content the whole idea of 5e in a nutshell is that there is less stuff in the rules so that DMs can make the decisions themselves the book highly encourages (and so do wotc) the players and DMs to play the game the way they want to, and even specifically state somewhere that the books are more of a guided path to a tabletop experience
well yeah, but I'm wondering why it isn't in the rules if it isn't
s c
hey rei
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the rules are just there to give a basic skeleton to the structure of play most non-beginner groups will have a ton of house rules as a group you tend to just get rid of rules that don't suit the group's style an easy example is that a lot of groups do away with carry weight mechanics
I mean I guess that makes sense, but it seems strange for "ready action" to be there, implicitly saying that this "lowering your initiative" thing is outright against the rules
my favorite example is flanking and how sneak attacks work that one seems to get altered in even the most casual of 5e sessions
>>999235 while there is a design intent somewhere in there for the most part they'd be happier if you played it in a way that makes sense to you, rather than losing out on fun trying to be a stickler for rules there is also, believe it or not, many cases of overlooking things and mistakes in the design as wotc's staff members are in fact human, and neither a realm of angels or a demonic cabal as some nd and mtg enthusiasts seem to have convinced themselves dnd and mtg*
apparently, from what someone on twitter responded with, it actually was a thing in 3e
Also it's not like CritRole is in the habit of letting the players pick who goes first They role initiative, and then go by who has higher Dex, and only then does it devolve into games of chance or courtesy Two of them even played Rollies to determine who went first in episode three
The idea of initiative is to ensure a consistent turn order for a fight, so that players are as upset as little as possible about when they need to react and make decisions It helps minimize chaos, and it's why the base rules about held actions are so specific You can't just say "I'll cast a spell if an enemy gets within twenty feet of me", you need to specify the spell you're preparing Likewise being ready to shield an attack from an enemy or attack them if they get in sword range isn't really clairvoyance, it's spending your main action for the turn sending a message and potentially reaping delayed returns If the GM is commanding an intelligent creature the creature might be able to gauge the threat of a clearly prepared party member and be forced to re-evaluate its strategy, or rush it in confidence or idiocy all the same, in which the payout is (usually) worth the player's gamble
>>999245 what I mean by needing clairvoyance is if you're for example the healer, you gotta roll the dice on whether anyone's gonna get hurt or not if yuo roll high initiative For some characters, rolling high just seems like a fucking detriment, and it'd make sense if you could just lower it on turn 1 if you wanna
Sure, but it's not often that a party will go into a moment of initiative needing someone with a healing ability to take urgent action Which is why the common healing classes of D&D usually have a plethora of other options for a first turn impact And once the first cycle of a turn is over, it's completely irrelevant who came first or last anyway
Also I think it's also important to overvalue a Cleric or Paladin or other character with a healing skill's turn, because if you overvalue their turn, by extension it undervalues the importance of magical items or potions with healing abilities D&D isn't WoW or another raid-based MMO; you shouldn't be caring about party comp or stuff like that To a degree all the players look after eachother and themselves, so the value of everyone's ability to help eachother is important
doushio doesn't allow pdf uploads huh so this is the result of the literature survey on systems that use multiple FPGAs as accelerators maybe some of my computer friends on here are interested or can use this somehow it's sanitized so as to not doxx myself lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmm FAP mmm FAP doo woo doo ya MFAP mm ooh yea yea
>>999267 how could this happen I tried to proof-read it thoroughly and even had it checked by a friend maybe I should use better spell checkers in the future than aspell
thank you for checking though Rei!
>>999268 its not a spelling error its a grammar error those are harder to check
>>999270 yeah, indeed, I was hoping that myself would make for a good enough checker when it comes to grammatical errors *I or *my humble self
oh well, the deadline is already over, but the document should be in good enough shape it was meant rather as something to look through for anyone who is curious
anya already looks like an anime character IRL the GAN just fucked it up
just had a moment of clarity and serenity looking around me wondering "how did i get here" and like a fast forwarded flash of three last two years ran through my head i feel good i could have done much better probably no certainly but where'd where*I'm at is okay, better than okay i feel good hope this isn't a death flag
What the fuck? Its not even the "I don't know linux users" thing, but am I seriously expected to believe that he doesn't know anyone who works on a Macbook? *its not even just the
>i have never seen a developer willingly use a linux desktop i don't even work in the industry and i have 3 friends who use either macbooks, linux desktops, or both at their job of all my tech friends, only one of them uses primarily windows for work
I have no fucking idea how, but I think one of my foot muscles has uh... died? I can't like, raise my right foot like I can move my leg and stuff, I can wiggle my foot sideways, but I can not at all like, raise it from the floor
i mean, maybe but that should pass fairly quickly like I don't mean it hurts, I mean the muscle in question doesn't function, at all I can't make it do anything
shit, maybe I'm fucked I can't even drive if this doesn't get better
more serious answer: the first thing should be not to freak out I slept on my arm once and I'm not sure how long there was this lack of feeling for but it was surprisingly long long enough to be a bit scary, but it was really nothing if you suspect something more serious, you should definitely consult a doctor
oh well, in my mind it sounded like more sound advice than it actually is I wish you all the best >>999506 that is really cool and scary at the same time
(maybe there is some diagnostic hotline you could call?)
I'll set up an appointment if it isn't better tomorrow
>>999520 they're a really good post punk band from Leeds one of my favorite bands used to borrow their instruments ill post something good by them in a sec
>>999526 lmao I've read this argument about dark matter developers at some point, the idea was that there exists a vast developer community that is silent and does the job using the most appropriate tool, which are things like .NET whereas something like HN talks about all the new ideas no one is actually using this kind of reversal where the linux devs are the dark matter devs I haven't expected impulsively I want to reject the idea because I can't imagine the majority of devs to use linux but not talk about it, but that wouldn't be so bad, if it meant we have more linux devs than otherwise... pretty wild
Kirara, you around? I'm looking for some use cases to try out a brain development link model im working on i thought maybe you would have some ideas thinking about looking at some gender self-awareness things from something like the development of jung's anima and animus but im sure that's really outdated shit and not taken seriously anymore wondered if mb you had some more modern work on that sort of thing
im guessing it isn't really complete anyway but i think mathpsych can drive some serious progress
and they don't have to be correct models even if it's been discredited as a model i can use it as structural data
i went to the doc with my fucked up foot probably a nerve issue, probably gonna get better within a week or so If it gets worse I gotta go back immediately though
>>999544 oh wow, thanks a lot for linking that I had a cursory look and it looks really fascinating didn't really have the time to check out accelerator architecture in general yet have to grind away at the next assignment, I'll probably have an in-depth look soon
welp i was getting settled in and everything boss calls a company wants us to get some work done pronto, like today usually we don't work without 24 hours notice and even then we almost always plan stuff days or weeks in advance such is the nature of our type of contracting but this company says if we can get it done by tomorrow they'll make it worth our while so time to suit back up and go be a hero i guess for the right price, anything
this is why being an independent contractor is so greaty great if its my day off i can just say im not gonna work or i can negotiate and say if you really need me today i'm charging more for the work i do today since it's my day off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>999555 security guard about to retire on friday be like
>>999558 I'll probably be back in like 2.5 hours Andy i don't have work tomorrow now so since everyone joining is west coast should still be more than plenty of time
>>999735 Not really, no It's not like I'm opposed to her music but I have also never gone out of my way to listen to anything she's performed And I would say I've never really paid attention to anything of hers in the rare occasion I'm listening to a radio station which would be playing something of hers
my boss was asking me if i want to buy his son's NFTs lol i was like hell no they're like the lion ones but they're giraffes so ugly procedurally generated scamtrash
>>999806 I was looking at domain names earlier and fpund that one ive been waiting to expire is owned by a company that is not a registrar, but buys and sells domain names and I was thinking the domain name secondary market is kind of like the nft market
like their website was talking about building portfolios of domain names well actually technically the domain I wanted expired but the who is says its still in the "buyback grace period" (I forgot the real name) even though its been over 30 days since it expired i think something fishy is going on
>>999806 I have a great idea for some NFTs but I'm hesitant to get in on this stuff because I get that social security money like if I knew I would male *make a ton of money I would do it
i don't think it's a good idea to burn down forests to make a few bucks off of a bunch of losers you could probably just scam them into thinking they've bought NFTs without actually minting them if you're gonna scam people you should do it without hurting the environment as much as possible
>>999835 ethereum is way friendlier to the environment than bitcoin
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a semi is friendly to the environment than a private jet
>>999839 they also have much more utility not that nfts have utility
NFTs as a concept can have utility for sure but no, the current common implementation of them is hilarious as best and a tragedy of human incompetence at worst
they're basically just rare pepes
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rare pepes that forests get burned down for.
Crypto and NFTs have undone every single bit of progress we've made for the environment not really worth it imo
a non-fungible token is probably useful somehow there are ways that you can use them usefully seling links to jpgs is not one of them
ugh we really need more nuclear power plants
as for the environmental stuff crypto is definitely a problem but it's hard to imagine manking not finding a new way to ruin earth every few years one way or another mankind*
oh god speaking of enviromental stuff fucking australia they're gonna triple their emissions in like 15 years they need to stop fucking using coal
there are too many humans and there isn't really any good thing to do about it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>999850 yeah but it's not either or, it's BOTH we'll get more and more bad shit in a world that's already doomed so i am anti all the bad shit that's going to plummet the world into ecological collapse even faster
i just don't think anything i do is going to change anything and i'd rather live a happy doomed life than a panic-fraught doomed life
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
same but i can live a happy doomed life while relentlessly mocking the people making things worse and making them confront the fact that they're selfish bitches
well good luck that kind of energy just tires me out
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it doesnt take any more energy than posting "i like this anime" does
for you maybe
there's been some promising stuff on nuclear fusion recently and also some new developments in fission reactor tech too we just need more people to get on board with nuclear energy
transport and shipping aren't going to be able to use fission probably ever and i don't imagine portable fusion in the next 20 years even in a world where we have portable fusion tomorrow, widespread adoption in china and the US is nearly impossible it's too late to reverse the damage we're all doomed
>>999868 oh portable fusion probably won't ever be a thing electric semi's fueled by nuclear energy though >>999868 china is building a bunch of small reactors soon i mean we are probably still all doomed anyways can't wait for the thermohalene to get fucked up so we can undo global warming by having another ice age!
uh oh anxiety is getting pretty bad right now
>>999872 toouch doomposting? want me to post some cute anime girls
im feelin kinda existential now
rei i'm convinced you are wholly incapable of posting a cute anime girl i don't know if you've ever seen one and recognized it even
I'm bummed whoa didn't have any leave while he was in the states he's from the chicago area and we planned on hanging out while he visiting his family.
damn we were at 2mil in 2014 hmmm i wonder if that was when r/a/dio was around?
>>999921 that was around when I started posting althoygh I had been using /cards/ from near the beginning I was a regular there fpr years until all the old regulars stopped coming they all have a discord channel they use and I feel like I'm missing out by not joining I have a few of them on steam though
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah 2014 was when r/a/dio showed up
everything before 2019 feels like a blur of depression and alcohol 2013 and 2014 were definitely my everclear years too
jacko or aba jacko? jacko??? wtf testament or aba probably testament looked at characters for like an hour unless they deliberately pulled some hijinks with the silhouette there aren't very many candidates simply based on hair and head just kinda weird that it's not jam or baiken
I want that chick with that evil sword
>>999947 oh wajt strive doesnt have baiken? def no buy then
>>999967 he has a degenerative brain disease that affects his dexterity as well as his memory by the time err he basically only has his life in highschool before he forgets everything and the girl who likes him becomes a doctor because she wants to cure him he avoids getting into a romantoc relationship with her initially because he is afraid of causing her pain by having her see him suffer and forget her
>>999968 damn that's pretty heavy that's a lot more than i would expect
>>999973 oh i was just on tv tropes apparently he confesses to her from his hospital bed in the US and tells her that he knew she loved him the whole time and explaims why he pretended to not notice and then he realizes that she was a hallucination
>>999950 lol memes become reality right before your eyes
>>999982 ;_; no bully although actually she does kind of suck she causes a lorlt of trouble for people
my limited knowledge is that most 2hus cause trouble
night /moe/
>>999986 That's generally the plot of any Touhou game Then they fight with colourful ball patterns and then everyone sits down for tea afterwards
>>999979 i almost said something extremely similar
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I hate driving in this town
how come
the world may never know
Maybe the world should never know
the horrid secret of this town
i love driving in my town the speed limits are high there's lots of fields and cows and corn you can usually spot speed traps from really far away there's a lot of cute little backroads nearby my car is quite a fun one to wring out and there's rarely traffic on the route i take
unfortunately, the drivers here have no idea how to deal with inclement weather though so that can be dangerous
I hate driving in my town denver is the culmination of all the shittiest drivers around the US, barring maybe LA and NYC luckily I live just 15 minutes walking distance from a train station >>1000062 fair
What about Florida
florida has the fortune of very flat land and lots of big roads it's kinda like that here in the cities though it gets real bad real fast
I saw someone take a full minute to change lanes the other day
>>1000061 oh no isn't there a lot of elevation changes in denver too i'm fortuante to have a good land layout for driving i visited san francisco recently and i would hate living somewhere with such constant elevation changes and steep hills driving seems like a nightmare
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like to walk in denver
walking in denver is AWESOME
>>1000064 Me too but I was in the car and it was more because traffic here is a fucking nightmare
pain >>1000065 it's pretty flat out here until you start heading towards Golden or deeper past Boulder the front range is basically Better Kansas
everyone come walk in denver with me
Some day yeah
we can get ramen at the GOOD traditional ramen place or the GOOD traditional ramen place or the GOOD traditional ramen place or the GOOD fusion ramen place
>>1000070 ok maybe i can convince my family to change to a colorado vacation instead of las vegas i hate vegas
>>1000072 If we walk enough maybe we can hit up all four in one day!
>>1000073 vegas seems lame unless you like doing cocaine
i could imagine vegas being fun if you have way more money to throw around otherwise it's kinda like some weird theme park in a lot of ways
>>1000074 we can even hit the GOOD traditional and fusion ramen places I didn't want to type out
why is there so much good ramen here I don't understand
Probably because Colorado has a somewhat high Japanese population That or all the Thai/Chinese people think ramen is a hot sell on weebs And to be fair They're not wrong
there's some really good ramen places in austin too i think some of it might have to do with the fact that making a really good pork bone broth is a well-studied affair
>>1000081 oh and the other thing is that i could probably get whatever services people talk about being able to get in LV easily much more affordably here if i was into that shit so like not even that has any draw gambling can be done at reservations i mean the resorts are nice if you have a lot of money and the shows are cool if you have a lot of money i mean like i said i'm sure vegas is great if you have a lot of money but i'd still probably rather just go to somewhere pretty
I have little doubt that vegas will wither and die in the next 50 years or so
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/moe/ i need your opinion on something
I choose to represent all of /moe/ on this opinion btw
I know nothing about guns or soldiering but that is my expert opinion
One day I need to get Kirara to Odaiba so he can see the actual Gunpla exhibit at the Gundam museum with all the custom make actual art pieces There is some amazing shit there
2 looks the most soldiery but it's hard to tell since I can't see the model with it you didn't ask but 3 looks the most GUNDAM 1 looks kinda weird tome
1 and 2 look good 3 looks the most like ones i've seen in mecha anime 1 looks the best imo
that's pretty crazy, can't believe samu kept it running that long not to be mean, but I didn't expect the site to keep running that long did you celebrate the 10 year anniversary? or will it be celebrated? maybe /moe/ didn't/doesn't care about celebrating
I think the only one who knows /moe/'s actual birthdate is Samu But there might also be hardcoded hats a la 4chan I don't remember Either way it might be nice but I think the most of us aren't too caught up in anniversaries
>>1000123 Funnier yet, there was a stretch of a couple years where Samu was barely here, since he was busy with work and living life He dropped in on occasion and maintained the board's upkeep (and maybe cleaned up? But we did have more active maid s back then) But for the most part /moe/ and Doushio coasted by hands-free
I guess for that to work he has to enter a specific date either into the code or database, so if there is such a feature he'll have it written down if not, I guess he doesn't really care, which makes sense, I'm not sure if I would care so much about anniversaries that's actually pretty impressive, not just abandoning /moe/ while being busy, as being busy can be really busy
wait, does /moe/ have mods? I wonder how that's implemented if it does
There are people who can delete posts, I'm not aware of the full extent of their powers though We've had some come and go over the years as posters have come and left And others who just forgot their credentials
I see, kind of expected there to be mods because of how little trash litters the threads oh well, the mods make a job at not broadcasting their mod status though
>>1000130 nice image mod-san I keep wondering, what timezone are you actually in? I hope pic-related pays the price for my freedom of information act request
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we're just small time like that also the mods do a good job deleting spam
I'm not sure if anyone ever checks out my music recommendations, but I have one mroe I want to share >>>/watch?v=pDYpTynDRn4 enjoy (I'm not sure whether there is a non crossfade version anywhere, but the album is amazing)
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1000131 nah I'm not a mod just a guy who doesn't like porn spam
>>1000122 2010 but it's real birth into activity was fall 2011 4chan went down for a day and a few of us got linked here and stayed though most of those posters have faded away
the old archive still exists on the internet archive but only scattered chunks, and without images careful what you put here. it can never truly be erased.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw your posts on doushio dot moe 😠😠😠😡😡
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
our lease has been terminated and we have until the tenth of February to leave I can probably work something out easy enough but it's gonna be hard on roommate who has 3 cats and 3 dogs
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp night's almost over would've gone much smoother if the truck headlight wasn't out
i dunno what im gonna do about my lease either guess i'll fuckin wait and see
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when does yours run out
like 10 months but i don't think i'll be able to maintain it alone i wasn't alone when i signed it for 18 months we'll see what happens there's only 5 more months anyway
This was my shit when I was younger, but at some point I forgot it existed But someone in a long-ass twitter thread mentioned it, so now I'm back on my bullshit
not if i break them! then the rules are dust and parchment shavings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> NPC can do all the things humans cannot. NPC will eventually be playable, customizable, and able to cater to each individual listener’s unique desires. Decentralized Popstardom. Made, not Born. enter the grimesverse
>>1000212 oh wait thats the chapter anyways ots not about working out its also a bad not quite battle harem lots of cute girls im sure youll like it
It's starting to get real cold now And my foot's still fucked up At least it's "just" a nerve issue, so it's not like my foot's like, dying But it's real annoying
I was doing my favourite weekend tradition - cooking up a pot of pasta at 3 in the morning but as I was draining it, I put it in the sieve, and then instead of tipping it from the sieve back into the same pot, I dumped it into a different pot that was soaking next to the sink and was full of dirty dish water
I'm gonna bite the bullet and fucking watch bakemonogatari This time I won't drop it before I've watched at least 4 episodes
good luck have fun
just got back from my workout i feel terrible but im going to breakfast after I shower so that's good and I no longer get the really unhealthy breakfast full of calof *calories there I get the mildly unhealthy three eggs and ham and toast breakfast instead.
get the mexican tres leches pancakes
>>1000247 no thank you how are you today? you at work?
I'm starting to worry this nerve might just be fucking dead Like it's not gonna come back It's not getting worse, and it's not getting better, and either of those would be better
>>1000265 Hitagi gets a lot of character development, especially ouside of her own immediate arc But she's also a character of nuances, and the Monogatari Series isn't really in the business of usually giving a nice big celebration moment for when characters come to some personal awakening or realization
>>1000262 I went and bought a bottle of vitamin D the other day Nice chewable pills that taste of orange Now I just need to remember to take one every morning
honestly I hope it's that simple But the lack of pain is worrying there's just nothing, and my foot and the right side of my ankle is like, asleep or something, somewhere in the middle between normal and without feeling
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1000237 I just find this funny the band are super apologetic about the whole thing
Already did visit was told it'd probably get better on its own, but to come back if it got worse, and talk to my general doc if it doesn't improve by next week or so
well, that was bakemonogatari I guess I'll watch s2, too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im getting zonked on the futon
Gad zooks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and eating chocolate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to buy a candle or make one
Any particular reason?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for the good vibes
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
making candles is fun owning candles is also fun
I've had this knot -- or something -- in the side of my neck now for like two weeks It makes it hard to tilt my head back or turn my head the side too much without generating some pain It also starts to hurt if my head's been set in one direction for too long and I move it Normally it's just a discomfort but I swear the longer I go without laying down for a bit, the worse it gets To the point where after a good twelve or so hours it's actually pretty painful
I should probably go see a doctor about it, but the last time I went to my GP, I was left feeling like he'd more or less ignored the concerns I went to him with for some entirely unrelated things So I've been kind of discouraged about going back since Also my healthcard is expired and while I don't think that'll stop me it'll probably make things a bit more complicated bar minimum