I was at a restaurant with Rin today and they were playing like Wake me Up When September Ends and Bring Me to Life and shit And I said it reminded me of high school And rin and his two friends with us started saying it reminded them of elementary school Made me feel so old
oh you guys went to a restaurant? how was it a client complained about my work today from last week it was humiliating so i went and bought a bunch of wine just now they didnt even care that my id was expired i spent two and a half weeks sober for fucking nothing
well because they paid a lot to have a transcript and the one i gave them was worthless to them fuckin, don't do your interviews at a cafe with other people around you and ask your two interviewed people not to both answer the same question at the same time i mean still it ended up pretty bad for a transcript, but deadlines are deadlines
industry standard assumed 4:1 turnaround time, but some files can take like 6:1 or 8:1 to do properly i won't do anything more than 4:1 unless it pays more, like legal does. at 4:1 i'm getting $15 an hour basically and that's barely worth my time so this was like a 6:1 kind of file and i did it in 4:1 time, so that means I'm not going to be able to research the names of counties you're listing off in the middle of some random state, names of people who aren't even famous but they have not normal names that you can't just know how to spell it, or even what part is the first or last name -- which syllables
it would all be prevented in the first place if i was able to preview the material before committing to it, but i can't. i just get it and have to do it, or say no before it's given to me so yeah it was pretty embarrassing because that client complained to my client (the transcript company incorporated franchise association) and TTCIFA looked at it and like yeah that's bad we can't send it out looking like that so it was humiliating yeah and very discouraging
>>99116 The best pranks are acts so random that the recipient wonders if it's really a prank at all. Just like giving someone a really small patch of sunburn.
Jokes aside I could do with atleast 1 on sun burn resistence. Only gingers have it worse than me And they only cause they get sunspots I luckily don't have that gene
>crusaded to cairo so far >all armies have gotten hammered by the 3 armies surrounding target Cairo >finally after many attempts genoa lays siege to cairo due to sneaking there >3 armies approach to hammer them >france sails in and hammers the mooslim armies >genoa takes cairo Cuck'd and there's the reason I don't take part in crusades in this game
Wow, you were shitposting! You like to treat me like a devious prankster but you're way worse than I am!
My kitchen faucet has this two-part rubber button on it for changing faucet output modes on it. Except recently something began to break and water can now get underneath it. So as long as the faucet is running, there's steady water pressure building up under it, until it starts spraying out--usually up into the air in a tiny microstream. It's really starting to make cleaning things hard.
We were doing it during our game last night >>99154 You're just as bad as me! Maybe worse! I have it on reliable authority that you're full of machinations and plans!
just a uh uh thing a thing for you guys i strongly advise you enable two step verification for any services that offer it in the next months
are you jeff goldbloom now?
>>99167 So gonna ask how does it make it anymore secure, that I have a second step security on a device that is 1000% more likely to be stolen than my computer?
>>99170 So... "someone brute forced my account, please reset password" email is no longer a valid thing to do, eh? Also Aside someone hacking the servers of the service provider and revealing my passwords no one is going to crack any of them ever
wh whats with all the all the questions just i'm just making a suggestion
I like to stay abreast on this stuff I don't doubt the earnestness of your suggestion
>>99182 Yeah and I dislike on principle providing phone numbers to services or relying on phone connected aps
>>99183 you ever watch the fuckin ernest movies with jim varney or are you too young for that
I am actually about to change banks, because my current one will switch from account protection being physical, to it being digital on bought gadgets or phone apps
A finnish bank account uses a hmm well Nordea calls it Solo service you have bank account ID that only YOU know and the database and then you have 1 use passwords, on a note mailed to you when you've used 65/90 provided passwords or 1 yearly the 1 use passwords are 4 number codes and the bank account ID is 8 number code but basically without matching the 90 codes which need to be matched per use for example upon receiving a new password note you start with 1 on first sign in you use #1 then #2 on second henceforth so you have kinda neear impossible to crack shit system here >>99193 The point is many banks here want to replace the mailed paper physical noteo f the 4 digit 1 use codes to a phone app that generates the codes as yo uneed them
Now How is this more secure You get your phone, with the app, stolen and now someone just needs to crack an 8 digit series of numbers from 1 //0 to 9 So far the system has been unbeatable, because you have to get the paper note, which anyone can replace immediately by just saying "I lost it" and it gets invalidated but when it is phone that you actually carry always with you, versus a paper/plastic note you leave at some secure location at home?
>>99191 banks aren arent really good targets money is not not nearly as useful information offers way more
>>99191 that's the banks i dont really thats i dont care what the banks are doing the banks can go suck a dick can go suck a fat dick they can do what they want if they want to use some fuckin eight digit thing bullshit go ahead that's not what every other thing literally ever would do so their unique little whatever shit they do i dont fuckin know go suck a bank dick it's not what im even talking
Yeah but I just kinda wanted to bring up why I dislike the "2 step verification" thing cause I don't see the phone being extra step in anything I see it as being a vulnerability.
>>99196 how does adding a step that doesn't make vulnerable the first step make the whole process more vulnerable
And so do my father and step-father who work for Elisa and IBM respectively
>>99199 shit let's go are you at home is it a voice discord or just the texts i'll go phuck with em
Huh just noticed that in the OLDER total war games indirect fire when your archers can't see the enemy due to walls, natural obstructions, armies infront etc is fucking well INACCURATE as it should be but in modern TW games it is as accurate as direct unobstructed fire What gives?
there's so much interesting stuff going on that i want to be a part of again i'd have to quit my job job which i should probably do anyway i didn't get my taxes paid on time because turbotax is a shit and fucked up my order and they TRIPLE CHARGED ME for some reason and invalidated the ability for any of the charges to be processed so my fully filled out taxes, completely ready to filed, were unable to be filed on the last day to file and now turbotax owes me a mountain of money as soon as these authorizations get rescinded but the irs is going to yell at me for not paying on time which i tried to do but turbotax fucked it up i even pushed off work in order to schedule it and then i ended up being a day late on work and got on trouble for that but i got paid two days late and had to go from thursday to monday on like one meal total because i got paid late and now that thing i mentioned earlier for not doing a good enough job on a job that didn't pay enough to do good on i'm tired of it
i also can't find my gosh darn corkscrew to open these wine bottles i just bought good thing ive still got plenty of WHINE in my system to last me until i find it
yo kirara i see youre on your phone are you able to watch a video or are you in classes
I am home but playing vidya
Moon is friday and it is fucking what 8pm in florida what college has classes now?
ive had classes at like 8-10pm before and kirara is grad student i believe right that's not strange at all
>>99216 Oh right the math thing you've never really gotten to use sadly
>>99217 double nigger what i studied medical physics haha all of my math has been self-motivated, and i use math all the time i probably spent like six years of my life doing maths full time for free >>99219 i'm not a genius that's retarded and so am i i just was into blackhat shit and studied cryptology for personal interest
>>99232 Most teenagers probably could But you're a special case. It's the same reason they give you your own helper at school and don't let you cut with the really sharp scissors.
>>99232 i was at the store looking at the chocolate milk i already had a gallon of whole milk in one hand i thought about it for a while, but i eventually decided against it and went over to get some raspberry kefir milk instead have you had kefir milk? it's really grand
>>99240 I didn't snitch on you though, so why bully?
I don't like kefir
>>99242 did you get the fat-free kind or something? kefir is the best >>99241 but have you had the kefir milks? they come in peach, raspberry, blueberry, all the fruit flavors but also like vanilla, honey, and others it's amazing >>99244 you could look it up and get the details, but less detailed, it's like drinkable yogurt something between yogurt and milk
Wass kefir?
>>99225 here we only get milk in boxes. chocolate milk is full of additives and shit anyway.
>>99243 No, my attempt at it was just normal kefir
>>99261 im afraid of talking to people i dont know i'm also afraid of going outside, dogs, the CIA (but not the NSA), zucchini, rabbits due to tuleremia, being criticized over something i try to do passionately, and trying to do things passionately
>>99253 The Wheel of Time tome of world information, right? I'd flipped through it in the bookstore before but it's not something I think I would buy in hardcover.
>>99281 pretty much I bought it to make more content into the wc3 WoT map I made back in the day I wonder was it worth the cost, sicne the map got fucked up by a patch less then year after its release
The music in dungeon #3 is really good. I'm a bit too sleepy headed to play well right now though.
>>99287 it would be pretty good to have a museum that collected receipts of services performed by prostitutes i think prostitution was mostly illegal before receipts were a thing though that would be pretty cool though
Obscure focus museums like that are kind of cool. I don't know if there's -that- much of a wow factor for prostitute receipts, but I'm sure there would be some visitors.
it was a bit heavy-handed of a hyperbole, but i don't think it's a wow factor in the case of prostitutes you might, but i think we're pretty different on that ground
First the strap on my shoe was rubbing it and makign it itch. Then when I got in and got my pajama pants back on the fabric was itching it. So I had to put bandaids on the bites.
i tried to donate blood and they threw it in the dumpster because i'm gay
basically you never even got tot the donation part, mate
no they actually started drawing the blood first i dont think that's policy but they hooked me up and started drawing and then had to do the survey while i was being drawn >>99324 yeah, there was about half a bag of blood they literally just took it and threw it in the trash
>>99323 Did they actually start to draw blood or did they just Holy fucking hell if you lived here You'd have a rare suitcase of making a good thousands if not tens of out of Red Cross
i don't think so because i was in the army at the time and it was an army thing well it was red cross or whatever, but it was an army-targeted donation and that was prior to gays were allowed in the army openly
>>99320 Nope. I'm afraid of being on that end of a needle and I have a naturally fast heart. So whenever I go my heart rate goes high enough that they won't let me donate.
yo nigga dont act uppity you know you like dick jokes
>Australian passport holders and nationals from 50 designated countries may travel to Thailand for the purpose of tourism without a visa. It's happening.
technically your login isnt relevant anyway and any verification steps you put in place can't save anything but it can limit the availability to access, which is pretty relevant since lesser persons willing to investigate lesser things have fewer resources, and it's less likely for larger scale thing to be harmful to you or be negative to you if it does impact you
hey rika are you still here? this doc gets a few things wrong but it's still reporting on something interesting http://www.pcworld.com/article/3188558/security/lengthy-gamestop-hack-may-have-compromised-customer-credit-cards-personal-info.html
doc as document not doctor i think i dont know why i said doc
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
but even mild bouts of diarrhea can throw you off cours--
oh yeah don't mix with alcohol either that's not fun or nicotine
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how would you even smoke these pills grind em up?
are they tablets or something? mine are usually capsules that you can open up and pour into tea if you wish i wouldn't pour them into tea, but they're actually not bad with just water and honey they're strong enough to be tea on their own some people are put off by the smell too much though and can't do that, but i dont mind it if you're just swallowing it, take it with some milk or a light snack and not on an empty stomach -- it can cause some stomach cramp pain nightmares are common when taking them during the day i know i'm saying a lot but i really like valerian root so i'm just excited to talk about it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i don't mind the smell really as long as it doesn't contaminate other stuff i took it yesterday and slept well but i was pretty tired when i took it we'll see if tonight is similar
You might enjoy more success if you adhere more closely to the form. A good way to do it kind of naturally is to start with an outline and then flesh it out.
>>99558 I've got better things to mope about than a test mark.
That's the spirit, Morsh. Don't be satisfied moping for such average failures such as lousy grading on academic assignments. You're meant for bigger things. BIGGER fuckups. Make such a momentous fuckup WORTHY of your moping.
>>99573 tghat is literally what I just dreamed about so yeah >>99574 ut was like the old spider man for ps1 byt then it turned into a retro 16 bit platformer with the same controls and then it turned into first person and I had to speak but I was in space with no suit so speaking was way too hard and then I woke up
Oh there was also some plot thread in my dream about somebody being threatened about money for buying drugs but since I was neither of those people I imagine that was a movie or sk ething something
I hope so. It's about time I made another attempt to capture Dash, but she's nowhere to be seen!
Oh so you guys are thinking about dash too
spooky dess
Futsuu dess
I found this pull-out shelving unit that pretty much fits perfectly into the little nook next to my desk that I've been wanting a shelf in. But it's way, way outside the price range I have for the idea.
It's so frustrating that the most suitable match I've found so far is so expensive.
steal it.
I don't know which Amazon warehouse they're keeping it in.
Hot take from twitter: The reason everyone's so outraged about the Syria thing is the civil war has become like a TV show, and now Trump is announcing he's gonna cancel it
I'll build you one. As long as you're flexible about how much weight it can hold and whether it stands up.
>>99611 That's more investment than I care to have in a project like this.
The truth is I wouldn't really want to do it even if I had scrap wood since it would be an ugly colour that clashes with my desk. Cheap wood from a hardware store would be about as terrible.
There was a story on the radio today there was a whole lot of outrage because there were people online with fake social media accounts pretending to be One Direction members or something like that and they convinced a whole bunch of women to send them nudes. And people were like: >it's twitter's fault this happened for not having better authenticity checking programs in place it was pretty funny.
My temperature regulation is being annoying. When I woke up it was 78 in here and I was burning up. So I set the AC to 72 and was comfy for awhile. Then I got cold, moved it up to 74 was still cold. Now it's 76 and I'm still cold. I guess I'm going back up to 78.
>>99619 All you have to do is slap a coat of stain on it and let it dry.
>>99615 That is -definitely- more investment than I care to have in a project like this.
After buying the can of veneer. Which unless I can find the absolute precise amount I need, means I'll have a bunch of unnecessary veneer laying about now. Never mind the fact that I've never really done a carpentry project and would be for all intents and purposes, a total beginner. Which means I'll probably be stuck producing some crappy-looking piece of work or going through trial and error until I can do something satisfactory.
>>99620 But that's how you learn! >>99618 Wear more clothes instead of being a slave to technology.
Not to me. Sounds like a pain and a bunch of frustration for a skill I don't really care to learn right now.
>>99621 I'm under no obligation to learn something just because I don't know it.
when society breaks down the people who can build furniture are going to rise to the top of the anarchy.
Well probably not, but they'll probably find themselves in a comfortable niche. At least after the anarchy cools down and people realize they like being in structural societies again.
Rebuild the world from the ground up with your own hands.
and your own veneer.
The simple truth of the matter is carpentry is time-consuming if you have a constant influx of custom. At least if things are made project by project. There just isn't enough time in the day to both rule a post-anarchic world and pump out furniture.
Then you're doomed to spend your life always building chairs for other men never achieving comfort yourself.
yeah you'll never fuck a thai girl(male) like that
I can accept that sacrifice if it means I don't have to lead anything.
>>99630 All I want is to be free to do as I please. Having to lead others means I have to take their interests in mind--which detracts from doing as I please.
This is like the third episode in a row that ended with the girl screaming out the guy's name and cutting to a camera shot that makes it look like he was in an explosion. And then the next episode begins with an asspull about why he wasn't actually hit after all. '
I was doing research for something else but I ended up watching a documentary about Thai prisons. it was pretty intense. They don't fuck around when it comes to drug charges.
Most Asian countries are super strict on drug-related convictions, if I remember correctly. At least in situations where corruption doesn't play into account.
>Peter had to luck out and be bitten by a spider for his powers >this girl got the same powers from a fucking tat
>fisk with spider powers Now there's a powerhouse
Well, it does depend on whether the spider powers' strength and stuff are additive or multiplicative If they're just additive, he won't be that much stronger than Peter But if they're multiplicative, oh boy Oh man oh boy Cause Fisk may look fat, but that's ALL MUSCLE BABY
What the fuck is antivenom Throwing characters at me left and right here
Antivenom is what the original venom became He's like punisher
But with venommy powers
Wait so Thompson... stole it from Brock?
>>>/@JohnJHarwood/855766955772530688 >>99684 It was given to Thompson for some military shit I think Someone was trying to turn it into a force for good I don't completely remember tbh
Oh, so the webs are something Parker CAN do, but it's just way more convenient to have the option to reload a shooter?
Traditionally he can't without the shooter but some writers say he can do limited webs
>>99685 So is Thompson then only half as strong as original venom was, since it's split in 2 now?
Something like that
I mean I should have noticed that Peter was also shooting webs in public as Peter But I didn't even notice lmao
Also the avengers all turned into venoms one time? That sounds terrifying Venom can do what spider man can but is also just insanely strong on top, right? Something like The Hulk in a venom suit is the most terrifying fucking thing
Yeah haha And also is constantly hungering for destruction
>Venom Ironman is literally just any random dude in a venom suit
idk man araki and kaneko (founder of smt) are weird
That is like >central park is nice and beautiful, but back in the day they had no watee founttains just blocks of ice that melted and when you went there at 4 am, you got stabbed >why? >cause is ny
Why do so many Translations from Japanese sound awkward, I feel like the level of effort towards Japanese -> English translations is pretty low. or people are so inclined to move from literal translations. >>99717 Both. Fan translations can more often than not get the right balance of literal and liberal. >>99718 I suppose that has a lot to do with it, certainly a lot of translators don't seem to get naunces behind words in Japanese very often. I feels a shame. *it
Fan or professional?
>>99716 Because Japanese is awkward by our social norms
Most professional companies feel really lazy, So many translation companies like Yen Press simple *simply mistranslate some very simple phrases. >>99723 You don't need to say "would kannagi pour me tea" you can just say "pour me tea" or "please pour me tea" I don't get your point.
Weirdest thing to me about japanese, is how they go "would kannagi pour me tea" instead of "would you"
I've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle
just realized im following an Egyptian weeb on Twitter The world has become so small
>>99722 various "you" words apparently are ruder than replacing them with name
Most of the time you aren't using pronouns or names at all. or nouns even, you can imply a lot via context.
It isn't just the idea of "rude" it is more like it is too much emphasis, using "you" etc is making it overly clear that you mean "you. if it can be implied from the context of the conversation it is not mentioned. >>99729 No the translation would make it sound natural in the language it is being translated too. I have no problem with adding you to it. I wouldn't translate something so literally.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Is the problem you're having in this scenario that the japanese don't use a pronoun or "you" when asking someone to do something in some situations and you feel that the translation is adding something to it?
Demasking antifa is a generally good idea though Not just cause they'll hit each other because you've removed their uniform But when they then do anything, their face is visible and they can be identified
>open image to see which one it is cause twitter images don't get thumbnails properly >as I click the second time, I realize it opens in honeyview >I'm reading spiderman in honeyview
So do not all avengers know Peter is Spider Man? Cause in Superior Spider Man, Doc Oc berated them for keeping his mindscan and stuff on file, because they could use it to figure out who he really is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>99780 I'll be unwholesome with Sachiko whenever I want.
Superior Spider Man isn't even that weird Doc Oc just took Peter's body and mind
that's not really that out there
Yeah pretty standard stuff Even Cap has been body snatched
words are pretty useless data points by themselves it doesn't matter anyway you can tell pretty easily why, rather than what there's been CPS involvement and they're in forced compliance at the moment i almost guarantee it
And even if they are being honest If you can't instinctually tell that BULLYING YOUR CHILDREN ON A WEEKLY BASIS isn't OK just because you said "it was jok" at the end, you're unfit to be near children, much less have authority over them
That's not something you should need to be told That's an instinctual thing
>>99890 well yeah, their last 2 uploads have both been to try to excuse it for when the cops showed up That's why they deleted \\\ privated the videos
This wasn't a fucking accident from their end, they just don't give a shit about the well being of these children You don't accidentally start bullying your kids You don't accidentally keep bullying your kids
Also >talking about the fact that you've been abusing your children for the last year or so and you just found out in the same kind of tone as if you're on the phone with someone you owe money or something It's just a "thing" Like it happens, man, some people are slow to pay back money they owe to their friends, some of us abuse our children on accident, nothing to get overly emotional about
jan's deathly allergic to cats but i can't just get rid of a cat i dunno what to do really i didn't plan on taking this cat with me but i didn't have a choice and i'm not gonna abandon the poor thing
quarx wants to save up so he can move to phoenix which i didn't know he meant he intended to do by moving in with his parents, i thought he meant while staying here so uh i thought it'd be like til the end of the year or something not really sure what to do i dont have any plan i probably won't stay in tennessee if there's no reason to that's a massive pain hmm
Why'd you have to take a 🐈 anyway?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like cat
>>99900 my mom wasn't going to i guess so i had to it was that or take a 15 year old cat to the humane society which seems incredibly cruel to me
kittens dont care but you got a cat that old that would be traumatizing to just be abandoned and nobody gonna adopt a cat that old
What I don't really get with Superior Spider Man though, is why Doc Oc decided to be a hero instead of puruing the same goals as when he was Otto What changed dude, surely there was some reason you were doing whatever caused you to clash with spider man, reasons unrelated to the existence of spider man
>>99909 Still would think he'd pursue the goals independently I don't really know what motivated Doc Oc to begin with so
He was bullied and a Mama's boy But then he gave his mom a heart attack by accident Later while mourning a radioactive spill fused his mechanical arms to him and mutated his brain And turned him evil
Ah, the classic mid-1900s excuse of radiation doing everything for you.
Yeah Octavius' only real goal is to beat up Spiderman
It makes the portrayal of him in Spiderman 2 seem just so much better.
But I guess that movie is also a huge black sheep of comic book movie excellence.
Why wouldn't everyone want to be on team with Deku, by the way They START with the 10 mill
Because it also means every-fucking-one will be targeting them. And also people don't know shit on Deku. Half --Pretty much EVERYONE in UA don't know what his Quirk is, he rarely ever uses it. Sure he's capable in a man versus environment situation but it's hard to tell how he'll hedge up against a PvP environment.
Easier to stop deku than to be on a team with him
>>99940 All anyone knows is that his quark breaks his own bones
I mean it's probably pretty obvious it gives him some kind of super strength too.
But he's still a huge unknown factor. Is it really worth putting your eggs in that kind of basket?
Self destructive glass cannons are useless in that situation
As long as they just keep running they win though
Uraraka could just make them weightless and Bakugou could guide them around in the air with his blasts Instant win cause nobody can fly
Also gotta look good Beating deku sure looks good
>>99947 Uraraka has a pretty small timeframe she can make things weightless. At least once you start dealing with stuff as heavy as three people. Also pushing her to her limits puts her out of commission.
>>99947 Bakugou would never even consider that an option
>>99950 That's fair It's not a win for him if Deku doesn't also lose
plus others went for combos of powers which can't really do with Deku
Told some normies about Chechnya and they didn't believe me >normies
I don't understand anyone who would even want to go for that thing. Not only does it look ridiculous it's pretty much just a coffee-excuse for a metric fucktonne of sugar.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
consumerism gone wild baby
Would that even really be consumerism? Feels to me more like a total disregard for what goes into your body.
It's perrine and iowa coming in a few days. I got Perrine 30% off and she's still in stock even though she came out July 2016. Nobody wants her. It's so moe.
Waifufags are seriously some of the most absurd people in the anime sphere. I've known them from a safe distance for a long time now and they can get really fucking crazy over waifuism.
>>99993 Stocking has 500 pictures of Haru on his phone We've been talking about things Haru probably likes for like 10 hours These guys are the real deal
>>99993 There's probably a ratio of shitposting to actual devotion with the people involved but there's definitely a number of them that are going to be -this- completely fucking crazy.
I should have saved some of the waifufag chats my friends had spied on over the years--there's some crazy waifufags out there.
This season has been pretty okay. It's not a season with enough great shows to make me go "wow this is a really good season" but there are some that I like.
I heard that Fish watched all of Spice and Wolf season 1, what did she think?
If she ignores the pearls that I offer her and goes on to consume slop, that means it's a matter of nature. I've only shown her the best! Maybe Anakin was just bad on the inside and that's why he turned evil.
My job is to teach her, not to program her. It's up to her to use my lessons as she sees fit. It's like that old guy that lived in the mountains in Kill Bill. He was a great teacher but that one slutty lady turned out to be evil anyway even though he tried to teach her respect and stuff.
>>100062 Watching anime isn't as complex as war though. It's just a matter of finding what kinds of things she likes. Maybe Psycho Pass will suit her better since it's edgy and stylish, more like Persona 5.
>>100086 It's too late she can't admit that she's wrong now. So even if she goes back to watch it she'll insist there's no character depth to Hei whatsoever.
Even the manga for School Rumble has a relatively unsatisfying ending. I'd forgotten how terribly the ending for that was handled, I'll probably not recommend that.
Code Geass was the thing I watched after School Rumble when really getting into it. I don't know if most people are strong enough for Code Geass that early though.
If I had not seen Code Geass my immediate plan would be to watch Code Geass, canceling whatever I needed to. Code Geass is a masterpiece inverted upon it self.
Yeah but I take considerable pleasure in not being you.
>>100128 I'm sorry, but you've said a lot of things I don't agree with before in our long, long time together, but I don't think you've ever said anything that left me as speechless as this.
I am eating ice cream with pancakes right nOW
I'm not too big on pancakes and ice cream together. I had it at a breakfast place in Japan and it was all right, but I think I would have enjoyed just the ice cream more.
>>100155 luck stat is for other builds >>100154 It's more that I was trying to think of what times tonight I could NieR since it's Guild Wars and I need to farm meats to not be hated by everyone, so I was like "Oh okay, so at 6 I do that, then I can NieR all evening" Which was then changed, clearly. But I can NieR anytime.
>>100157 That's the opposite of what I'm doing! >>100158 Increased item drop rate, increased bleed and poison proc rate and bleed damage, hollow gems give luck based on your hollowing.
Luck builds are for poison and bleeding folks. You can use hollow gems to make things scale off your luck stat though
>>100159 I wanna game where luck just makes your hits turn critical and make enemies fumble and shit like "spell blowsu p in own face" or "enemy tumbles down stairs"
I can't control myself with cookies. If there are cookies, I'll eat too many of them. I can totally control myself with ice cream, though. Cookies are more cost effective, but ehh.
Muffins are really good. Maybe I'll get muffins instead of ice cream.
are tanuki significantly different from regular raccoons?
>>100168 Raccoons are actually not that closely related, biologically, to tanuki. At least in terms of North American raccoons.