In an effort to continue good habits, I have purchased only food I gotta like, cook at a basic level to eat, today No pizzas or frozen fishgratin, just meat and stuff
I mean, one of the things I bought was frozen burgers, which I just fry up and add an egg and some beans, but that's still like, cooking, sorta Though, mostly good for building the habit
I used to really like making food, but that was when I lived with my dad, so it wasn't just for the sake of eating
good job I did something I wouldn't have in the past went to a test i didn't feel like I'd pass cause I really skipped on prepping to it but i prolly passed it anyhow
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doktor engage my sinus inhibitors
damn vtm:b is half price I mean itm ight be cheaper come christmas or halloween hmm maybe this is a halloween sale already
huh I'd like to go back to school but I need other stuff to be in order first, and even then I dunno if I will I'm 30 soon, it feels like it's too late to actually start my life... like, now
>>995108 is not really starting life, but just getting a booster anyhow education is never bad and no need to be part of the university worshipping cult me for example, nurse
my tip if you do end up seriously considering: check where there are a lot of shortages of employees and get an education in that
lotsa jobs that need work force nowadays, cause people just headed for the "high jobs" and now the former "low jobs" pay a lot more, cause it is buyers market see truckers in almost everywhere atm
slayers are fun toss them together with the slayer king and they just refuse to die which is kinda funny, since slayers are dorfs who want to die in battle
hm, do I go back to the store for potatoes, or do I just use rice rice is alright, I like rice, but it's also like, a bit lacking in terms of food value I think?
>>995120 I mean it's not so much a dish as just coating pork tenderloin in spices and frying it I might make a pepper sauce to go with it, too, but not if I just go with rice
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
potato might be nice plain white rice is a bit boring
Oh actually I guess I could get some garlic and fry that alongside the meat for some extra taste, maybe well, going with potatoes in any case, I just think there's more food in that
one day soon but not soon enough
s c
I went with potats It turned out good Still kinda missing a way to get some more taste in it though I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to seasoning
sup lads, just got back from a small biking tour with friends out in the cold, it was nice >>995130 lol that is nuts >forbidden cube also Rei, you said you are interested in FPGAs (or at least distributed computer architecture), are you a student as well? (if so, ce or cs?)
also as an apology for starting a conversation I didn't have the time to keep going take this very nostalgic seeming track by hyperdimension and a humble touhou image
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
$divorce tsu kareta y
>>995131 Physics student on a break from school due to health reasons a looong break
>>995149 should have just filmed them back to back
>>995154 If they didn't, they probably couldn't Dune is a bit of a risky story to make into a "Hollywood safe" property to begin with, let alone an epic two-parter that'll likely square out at 5+ hours of screentime Combined with the previous commercial non-success of it as a movie and the fact that Villeneuve's movies do tend to be hit or miss when it comes to the box office, it was very reasonable to expect Dune part one would flatline
Now I think they also marketed this Dune hard and it really paid off, but I can understand why they might've doubted sufficient economic success to merit investing from the get-go in two long-ass movies
>>995144 it was just a small tour, there is a nice route you can take with about 50km and it doesn't take too long, is exhausting enough but not too tough, just an ideal afternoon pastime kind of tour
>>995157 actually you already know that I'm from vienna, there is this nice little island on a river (the danube) cutting through the city, it's fairly long and ideal for these kinds of tours if you want to look it up, search for "donauinsel"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
50 km wow hell yea i would like to see the danube one day maybe play some violin on a boat
>>995159 lmao if you come to visit and I have time we can rent a small boat and go for a cruise, it's pretty fun
>>995155 true dat dune despite well kniwn is a nische and not sonething like potter or lotr
>>995161 More than just niche, Dune is also just a weird book Pretty much everyone takes a psychotropic drug which lets them hallucinate the future, the main villain enjoys either sucking or being sucked by little boys (I can't remember which, and blissfully absent either way in the movie), there's human servants who act as biological calculators because any kind of computing device is illegal in their galaxy, but they still somehow have interstellar spaceflight? But there's also literal space witches? Plus there's the complex ecological mystery of Arrakis which I'm a bit nervous for how they'll handle in the second part because of Certain Reasons Oh yeah and also orgies. Forgot about the drug-accentuated orgies.
Dune is a weird book. Hella fun read though
1234 hoo haa airborne 5678 black hats eat cake
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>995162 sounds like they should turn it into a HBO show after part 2
>>995164 Nah, after they finish adapting Dune, Dune Messiah, the second book, is much shorter and weirdness-wise considerably more tame The third book would honestly be hard to
adapt into either a show or movie because a lot of it
involves what are biologically young children with minds eons old And after that the fourth book is almost entirely a giant sentiment sandworm monologue-ing to his servants as some people plot to kill him, so how the fuck do you turn that into, well, anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you would need to make some changes for the format and to get rid of the kids yea
Also HBO is already developing a spin-off series based on a Dune universe book exploring the history of the Bene Gesserit, the "space witches" which Paul's mother was raised and trained by Although the book it's based off was written by Frank Herbert's son, who doesn't have the best track record of writing good novels
The nights are getting long and the weather is turning cold And the urge for me to hibernate increases I wish I could work from home and barely have to leave my apartment during the winter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy crap
tim rogers' review of Cyberpunk 2077 is finally gonna premiere
I wonder how long it'll be the tokimeki memorial one was like 5 hours and this one will likelt likely be longer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh god he's streaming it what a madman >>995179 runtime: 11 hours 44 minutes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's confirmed to be less than 12 hours
my body is sor3 but i must go to the gym life is hard
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive skipped the gym for a week too much pressure to do other stuff always a bad idea
i was doing parachute landing falls all day yesterday and now my nexk hurts to hold up
oh nice right before my birthday so i don't have to live to be another year old
no but srsly it doesn't look as bad as i heard i'll probably check it out i'm a little disappointed that there looks like a lot of scenes that were already animated though i had heard something about this supposedly telling more stories, not the same ones but if it's just a live-action version of the same episodes then like, why? but maybe it's just the trailer trying to evoke nostalgia
the two complaints i had heard the most were about spike and faye though but nothing really seems too off to me that "what the actual fuck" line got a bunch of flak but it doesn't sound like something a spike spiegel from 2021 would say wait i messed up it doesn't sound like something he wouldn't say the "actual" being the only real difference from what i'd expect and after two decades of linguistic differences it doesn't seem off to me assuming that the show isn't going to be chronistically whack about that kind of stuff
Spike's hair looks wrong. At least they got the right type of corgi.
I dont plan on watching the trailer or the series though. Maybe if its worse than I expected I'll watch it with /a/ or something. Im planning on watching the anime with my dad next week.
i believe "chronistically whack" is more something i used to describe when shows mix anachronisms with things that should for other reasons make sense anachronisms wouldn't have fully covered the situation i would be worried about
>>995283 if you aren't reporting to a credit bureau then i'm not gonna stop
>>995287 how do you like your hot dogs i like just deli mustard, mayo, and pickles but i'll also have one with pickled jalapenos and salsa like fresh tomato salsa
>>995301 plain also I only est kosher hotdogs *eat oh I also like those miniature corndogs but the no ketchup on hotdogs is a chicago tradition that I also perpetuate
well i mean "hot dog" to me refers to pretty much any meat tube in a bun whether you're eating bar-s franks or kosher dogs from the butcher down the street, you're probably putting the same toppings i imagine but i typically actually only really eat kielbasa or brats like that
>>995303 not actually a big fan of buns generally dont eat my burgers in buns either unless its a particularly good bun
>>995302 wait you mean chicagoans are proud of not putting ketchup on their hotdogs or something is that like people who don't eat fecal matter as a point of pride thinking they're better than everyone or something or like musicians who don't listen to the barney soundtrack thinking they're better than the rest "yeah i don't even put ketchup on my hotdogs, you uncultured filth" lmao do people even put ketchup on hot dogs that often? i feel like barbeque sauce and pickles are the only things i see people doing here
>>995306 restaraunts here generally dont put ketchup on hotdogs and make fun of people who ask for it incredibly enough there are tons of people who want ketchup on their hotdogs also because of the toppings on the "traditional chicago hotdog" adding ketchup is supposed to ruin the flavor because it already has sweet relish on it
at the same time i also don't see anything wrong if someone does i mean i don't like ketchup on my sausage, but not because it's inherently evil i just would rather not drown out the flavor of the pickles and the meat but like if someone is into ketchup then like word, that's alright i like things sometimes too, as a human
its really just a big meme to tease people for it here but ketchup on hotdogs is actually pretty popular in certain regions of the US
sometimes I wish I could enjoy food normally instead of being so picky
altough not all of my issues are just with taste, but with how the food feels in my mouth
It's been a loooong time since I've been to a location I think it was perfectly average You'd get better pizza from a pizza parlour-style place (BP is more of a family restaurant vibe) and better general food from a standard famires
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
marsh is doing fine last time I checked >>995421 figures
New York Fries does some bomb poutine though
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I'll have to check them out next time im in not new york
Man the Muv Luv adaptation is turning out pretty disappointing They're really rushing through a huge amount, this really should have been more than one season
s c
Is this how everyone going "Read the VNs" feels, I wonder? Like this is definitely Alternative, but it's like watching the wikipedia article animated
VNs are generally one of the hardest mediums to get good anime adaptations, because they can be really dense, or incorporate branching paths, or generally are too much text to turn into anime (a lot of mystery novels suffer this as well)
True I still think they'd be able to do this really well if they just had a season of Unlimited first, though Unlimited is significantly shorter, or at least shorter in the sense that there's more stuff you definitely can skip, and well, it definitely is a lot shorter too And just going through it would make skipping stuff in Alternative less significant and problematic
s c
I guess for the most part they're just trying to get to the BETA part of the story though I just think rushing it like this is detrimental to that, it ends up happening too soon
s c
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the gotg game is unironically fun
Cool I probably won't get it anytime soon since I barely have the time to play the games I actively want to play but I'll definitely put it on the list And keep my eye out for sales
I kinda wanna read another VN, but I dunno what I'm just sorta in that mood lately, I think
I wanna like, "play a game", something that's active, but I don't wanna make decisions or anything, I just wanna like, do something passive, but actively But a lot of VNs just don't appeal to me at first glance, at least
besides I wanna like, feel something when I invest a lot of time into reading something umineko's good and all but I've just not been in the right mood for that for a long time now
I only had $10 in that bullshit cause I had that leftover on binance after putting everything into solana, but it's already made like, actual money this whole fucking thing is such bullshit lmao
I'm sure investing in crypto bullshit makes me irredeemable, morally speaking, but then again I don't believe in an afterlife anyway Planet's dying anyway, I wanna have financial security until we all burn to a crisp
i did and my phone now has the messages app keep basically popping back into existence not a big deal face front BUT it does occasionally, but on say when playing video from firefox 100% of time when doing its prolly "checking for messages" prompt, exit fullscreen mode
just a heads up, since it started occuring immediately after I updated so must be that alternatively it is because I have not made a samsung account and never will but nonetheless, it shouldn't be occuring and it did annoy me just now as I was trying to watch avid on ff
Oh there's no way it stays this high, but I can't be fucked to sell off and buy again when I only put in $10 to begin with >>995494 I've already made $40-50 on a $10 investment I did because I didn't wanna take it out lmao, I'm just gonna leave it in and in a year it might be an actual real amount
It's tax free until I realize my gains lmao
you'd have to own quite many to make any muni
>>995493 devent and atleat here I thnk it would be tax free, being so small a sum
Cashing it out isn't a real problem honestly The crypto market is flush with money, and you can cash it out in bitcoin if you wanna, and then cash out the bitcoin And EVERYONE wants bitcoins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
converting it to another currency is the issue SHIB will start crashing the instant those tokens move
with shib you gotta remember to divide it by 2 cause half of them are already burned off to vitalix or whatever and will never again see the light of day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that includes the burned tokens i think they also have fully diluted market cap anyway, these shitcoins inevitably get rugged unless they have a real use case
shib surprisingly can't really get rugged too well, not enough in any one entity's hands unless that 50% account is actually still in someone's hands, in which case rip my $10 that and shib is actually like, doing stuff, as much as any crypto anyway
>>995508 I mean, I guess maybe I think it's gonna stay pretty stable though, at the least
but I wouldn't put large amounts in it, just a bit for when\if it goes fucking insane, which it might
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bruh that billionaire account alone could rug the whole currency
Kind of has the problem of actually trying to liquidate that though lmao You can't put that much into a market wallet without crashing the price before you even finish the transger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup you can't sell anywhere close to that amount cuz there is not enough buyers to hold the price up at all shit's gonna become the size of a small country's economy and then implode in five microseconds
if you sell it for other coins though, you can probably liquidate it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only if there are buyers! it doesn't matter the currency pair you either exchange for another shitcoin and have the same problem or exchange for something real and immediately destroy the value
s c
with this amount of pumping, there's a lot of ape mains
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who knows maybe the USD goes into hyperinflation and an erc20 becomes the reserve currency
the USD has been dropping steadily for the last like, year, so which pisses ME off cause it means despite my Gains, I'm not gaining as much as the %s would indicate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuckin' money printer i been slowly converting my assets to canadian dollars not sure if that's more or less inflation resistant we don't have the same industrial meme complex about the bank of canada
I don't have assets other than my car and bullshit cryptocoins, so I'm just a long time hodler I'm just gonna dump some more in now and then and in maybe 10 years I'll cash out, never have to worry about money again That's the dream Buy myself a VR headset and play vidya and shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats what im doin too except for with cryptos that i expect to be around in 10 years heh
I mean, other than the ETH you gave me, 100% of my holdings is (at time of purchase) $10 of shib and Solana And I think Solana's gonna stick it out Shit I think it's gonna go big
all of crypto's fucking stupid, but SOL seems to already do what ETH2.0 promises it will do well, it doesn't have currency burn, so I'm gonna get some more ETH too, but still
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@0xzeze/1451233401432854529 ok heres a shitcoin with an actual app maybe ill ape in a little here >>995521 everyone wants to be ETH no one has gotten close yet i do hold a lil SOL as a hedge tho yea
s c
I've got like 6.34 SOL and it goes up every 2 days cause staking owns
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice i should try writing something on Solana they've got some weird but cool tech i think the currency itself won't scale tho too many TXes no one can afford to run a validator it's probably still super centralized
it's not bad considering I started out only putting like $300-400 into this bullshit in the first place, and I lost some of it before I just turned it all into solana just for the staking
it's got better interest than any savings account you can get in this garbage country, so
how many sols do you need to run one of those fuckers anyway?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>There is no strict minimum amount of SOL required to run a validator on Solana.
However in order to participate in consensus, a vote account is required which has a rent-exempt reserve of 0.02685864 SOL. Voting also requires sending a vote transaction for each block the validator agrees with, which can cost up to 1.1 SOL per day.
wait you pay per vote? how the fuck can this even be profitable?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can only assume you earn more than you pay in TXes idk maybe that's where the minimum SOL requirement really exists no idea but i feel like this system is gonna keel over and die at some point unless they have some radical scaling solutions
it definitely seems kinda spooky I guess I'll pull out of SOL at some point and just get ETH instead if things get spicy
my buddy pulled out of SOL when it hit like 180 a couple months ago, and left his initial investment in and then pulled out completely again now >>995534 it was also a couple months ago
but i agree with his decision, i think the most sensible future crypto is probably ETH but i probably wouldn't want a lot of my money tied up in crypto in general i know that we should probably start worrying about some type of recession or depression in the next decade and there's not exactly an easy way to know if crypto will spike when that happens, or hit the floor ironically, the more legitimate crypto becomes as a currency, the more likely people will try to liquidate in the case of economic collapse which is not good for the price
i don't think BTC can really hit a floor anymore unless the entire internet went down even if it went down to $1000/BTC a whole big whack of kids who have been growing up hearing about bitcoin are gonna be like "now's my chance to own a whole bitcoin"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or maybe it dies and gets replaced by eth or some other newcomer who knows!!!
s c
I mean surely at some time BTC has to fucking die because it literally doesn't do anything and lives exclusively on being digital gold without the utility
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk it's still the OG, the name everyone knows, with the fixed supply and the utility of being transferrable anywhere unlike gold which is a bitch to hold
I dunno, I don't see BTC holding on through the avalanche of cryptos with actual utility, even if 99.99999% of that utility is internal speculation bullshit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm in a telegram group that has a shib pumper makin all sorts of claims rn they're gettin eaten alive
>>995640 pokimane is a partial owner of RTS, who alongside Sony is getting involved in some fighting game events and evo-related stuff she also made the above tweet, not directly in response to but tangentially in regards to the Maximillian video about MvC2 being in "jail"
i'd have to watch the video to know exactly, but i believe it has to do with there not being a legal way to purchase and play the game online legally i'm also speculating that maybe the publishers is being whack about it or something people have been talking about and renewing interest in a possible modernized release that runs on win10 and has netplay (pref rollback) so that there can be tournaments again
it's not the easiest thing to do to convince companies to do stuff like this but with a name as big as pokimane thrown in the mix, it's looking optimistic so in a sense we live in the timeline where pokimane is saving mvc2 or at least i like saying it because it's funny
>>995646 i'd love a modern rerelease but that probably wont happen because of Disney also, really who cares that you van't play it online legally ah well actually if you physically own a copy and rip the rom yourself and your opponent does too then i guess thats legal it would be nice to get a remaster though MvC isnt the same without sprites
>>995646 oh also if it does get ported I want win7 support
speaking of emulating im having trouble getting my xbone controller working with fightcade i forget about this every time I open fightcade because I use it so rarely
I wish they still made first party wired 360 controllers I should probably get a hori fightpad though those are way better playing capcom fighting games without having 6 buttons to press with my thumb or an arcade stick is suffering >>995658 it doesnt feel the same plus same problem for arcade games because I want more than 4 buttons to press with my thumb
i should grab some fighting and multiplayer games for ps4 oh well isn ot like we are doing any big gatherings anytime soon
I got the street fighter collection for pretty cheap during a sale I also have that Nitro+ fighting game with Sonico in it its okay I got my money's worth
speaking of ps4 my friend bought me tsukihime ill probably spend more time on it than any other ps4 game I have here mainly because its a fucking pain in the ass to game in the livingroom
is your jp pretty decent then?
>>995674 no im pretty sure there are a few people working on translations so ill have to have my computer open nect to me the whole time
does your cell phone work with the google translate thing where it translates in real-time
i think it would be funny someone sitting there with their phone on a stand in front of them in order to play
although it is voiced my err if the kanji have furigana I would be able to understand it better if they don't then the voiced part will help I might try playing some of it without consulting translations I wish it were on oc *pc fucking Nasu
Theyve definitely changed a lot and I'm pretty unhappy about it. And then Melty Blood is missing so many important characters too. Its just a Tsukihime fighting game, other than that plotwise it has so little in common with the original series.
do you have two monitors? i used to have my ps4 hooked up to my secondary pc monitor and i'd use both that way
>>995700 I have zero and currently no room for any. Hypothetically if we put some stuff from the basement into storage I'd have room for that.
well, excluding my 15~ year old vga monitor I do have a crappy 720p tv in the basement but there's not room for the ps4 down there.
>>995701 i can hear the theme in my head it's drowning out everything else i hear
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would like to have a two monitor setup but i dont really have space in this room would need an unwieldly arm that would smacc around i gotta move out
by some strange twist of fate i've ended up in a 14 x 14 room with a walk-in closet i've lived in rooms literally half the size of this one too big
I hate the current place I live but I also really really don't want to move. Last time we moved I had a nervous breakdown.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
movin can def be stressful but you gotta do it now and then why do you hate your place?
>>995714 layout sucks its kind of small basement floods the landlord was supposed to install something that would prevent flooding but he still hasn't I can't shit in the upstairs toilet because it clogs too easily (according to a plumber that needed to fix it, it was the weakest toilet he had ever seen) oh and my room has a giant closet its a super wide thing if I didnt have it I would have room for more bookcases
oh and extremely tiny yard like I dont need a giant yard but my parents want another dog
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic oic
sam would you be willing to take a look at this thing on encoding structures when i'm done with it
oh and I can't leave my window open at night because there's a somewhat busy street nearby and the noise keeps me up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>995727 um ok i can't promise anything tho but i'll try
>>995733 Compassion is tough And even when you do have it Some times it's hard to know how to show it And other people have a hard time seeing things they don't see I don't think you lack compassion though.
tbf I was just the one delivering bad news to this person that wasn't any liability and we weren't paying damages.
i think the person hearing that would have got the shits no matter who said it or how it was said. it was quite a lot of money too..
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=cbWTnIRkpiI >>995736 is it that you don't have compassion or that you have hard time conveying it in a neurotypical-prescribed conventional way?
>>995743 Yeah that definitely sounds like a somewhat different matter entirely Having to break bad news as a part of your job is always a nightmare I know a lot of healthcare positions actively train it now because in the past doctors were so bad at it
>>995746 I have Sufjan's Illinois on CD in my car i don't use the CD player ever but i still keep that disc in my car
in my limited experience the state itself is mostly corn but the area surrounding chicago is pretty cool it's kind of a massive metroplex there's some dangerous places but there's also a lot of really nice places and i had a really good hot dog at this one place "where man bites dog" was on the sign
How much corn is too much corn
in america/ ? there isn't really such a thing i mean there's whole states that are nothing but corn there's probably more corn in texas alone than there is land in several states combined
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
No corn is good corn!
I am the husk of my corn Kernels are my body and potage is my blood
>>995753 iowa and illinois is too much corn its just a cornland wastefield
well at least illinois has cities in it though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i say this having eaten popcorn 30 minutes earlier it's a low nutrition blight grr
Let's demolish the cities in Illinois and replace them with more corn
i got my pixel 5a last weekend been liking it so far
The Xa Pixel models are great You get pretty much all the quality of the flagship phones while saving like 200-300 dollars I might go for the next release of Xa phones because I'm really not happy with the replacement display I needed to get after I broke my original
through Google Fi i was able to get a 5a for 9/month + 6/month for device protection (which i always get anyways) so 15/mo but it's for 2 years, so i'll probably wait until the 7a before upgrading if i even need to i'm curious about the new processor in the 6, but i've heard mixed reviews on the 6 so far not like some good some bad but like a lot of really good and a lot of bad this is probably the most buzz a pixel has made since the 1 or 2
>>995768 Something I've noticed from the Pixel phones is if there's some blistering issue with the flagship model, they usually fix it by the time the Xa phone comes around So I might get the 6a XL or whatever they're calling it at this point
yeah i mean i heard the 3 wasn't amazing but my 3a was a wonderful phone
things that interested me the most about the 6 probably won't be in the 6a though namely, 120 hz and the better camera in the 6 Pro
120 hz i n a phone is kinda whack tho like my monitor isn't even 120 hz checking my email at almost double the rate of my pc monitor is kinda funny
Honestly I think I'd rather stick with the current refresh rate of phones to keep battery use lower My big draws to phones are a long battery life, a nice big screen, and, well, that it works as a smartphone A nice processor is good because I do like playing some mobage on my phone but it's not like I need some crazy processor for that
>>995769 hi marsh! >>995773 i got a phone with that and all i really notice different is that scrolling pages is smoother lol >>995778 yep i'm still living here
janners are you still in TX? i've a lot of free time these days if my christmas bonus don't look too bad maybe i makes a trip to dallas
the only condition is that throwing up in this car is expressly kinshi
i don't drink or do drugs anymore i've been sober for about a year and a half
well fuck yes brother that's more than i could ever say for myself hope it doesn't sound weird, but hearing that makes me feel some kind of uplifting feeling
that said going to a sushi place and eating a couple hundred dollars worth of sushi could also do the trick you never know
jinjer plays house of blues in a couple months thundercat plays it on my birthday but i'm going to a ducky show that night here in austin
mastodon's playing in a month but it's too expensive
there should be a way to search for analogous structures between fields disregarding the need for an archive to search
'should be' as in must provably exist, not as in "someone should make one"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything is searchable if only we had the right index
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
index my BRAIN
yeah but what about a natural index, not a constructed one it'd be like informatic archaeology
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk what the difference is
a very loose analogy but if you had multiple sets of code architecture or programs or something how would you go about searching for duplicate high-level structures within them it's not like you can just ctrl+f a whole system
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean the difference between a natural or constructed index
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway searching for structural closeness is pretty difficult yea like perceptual image hashing its pretty hard to come up with something that doesnt have huge blind spots
this isn't really important, just a late-night ponderance it seems challenging but fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
our brains do it by the same mechanism that we find analogies maybe idk turning structure into visualizations, breaking those down via neural nets into feature vectors, and then looking for nearby vectors could be one way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive been struggling with my ADHD a lot lots of forms that ive been putting off filing hrrrrgh
I've been trying to get my address changed in the CRA so I can get my taxes filed but between being easily distracted and them making it really dumb it just doesn't happen Twice I've tried to log in and the service has just been down And then I tried earlier tonight and apparently they have hours of service? Which are not mentioned anywhere except after you try to log in and when you follow the link to read up on them they're stored on a webpage that doesn't even list them anymore since all the stuff in that domain got moved to a new one in 2017?? And provides you with no new direction link???
>>995800 heuristics in the brain is a good example of the kind of structures one might want to search for and it's not like we have a backend to the brain to see how it's indexed so it'd have to be by considerate probing
i think if you probed the natural world deeply you'd see a lot of the same high-level structures emerging from all sorts of different assemblies it'd be nice to have a searchable archive of something like that
a language for expressing system-level concepts is desperately needed while we're at it
>>995819 Because the Northern European languages use J as a soft consonant, rather than the hard consonant it is in Romantic languages The hard "jeh" and similar phonetics are conveyed with a G more
Maybe you should invest in one of those robotic fleshlights
>>995861 no idea its from years of extra terrible typing posture might see a doctor about it again ive recently changed the way I hold my phone because I found out that that was aggravating it the wrist injuries were actually part of the reason I started my break from uni
>>995872 my dad has a friend who grew up in the part of the city wear John Wayne Gacy lived and his dad took him and his brother to go watch the police dig up his yard apparently hundreds of people went to go watch
Did I mention that whenever I download a file in chrome on my phone it crashes within a few seconds. which has helped a lot with reducing the amount of crap I fill up my phome with.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>995887 we will look back and remember we were the first ten kuhrazy
Just wait for the movie nerds I think they've given enough of a tease to us at this point People complain about trailers basically being the entire movie at this point but then complain when they don't get the entire movie in trailers
is it addiction if you're not all that picky about what exactly you're putting into your system, or what is that? Cause I'm pretty sure I've got like Some sort of problem, going on
I dunno how apparent it is, but I'm rarely actually sober, and I kinda abuse my ritalin regularly But it's not like I need anything in particular to feel OK, I just fucking despise being outright sober
yeah i don't know man i can't really relate and i'm not really good at advice for these kinds of things
uhhh it wasn't like that but aight im out then i guess
closer to pity probably ending sentences with the word man is more like a colloquialism or dialect thing like i said "i don't know man" to my mother literally earlier today so getting a response like that tells me you're obviously not in a state of mind where i feel like interacting with you
I know it's nomral I do it too I just type way faster than I think right now cause I've got like shit, I dunno, 100mg of ritalin going through my blood, as well as alcohol and nicotine
I'm genuinely fucking zooted right now, I don't mean much by anything I say like that
With addiction, what you're generally addicted to is the dopamine you're getting from the drug. The reason why some people have specific drugs of choice is because people metabolize drugs differently and therefore different drugs have differing levels or reward they give you. People who metabolize things generally the same will often just swap between whatever is available and use whatever they have access to.
well ritalin doesn't so much GIVE me ritalin as stop me from burning it all off immediately
but still
Though really the only negative aspect of abusing this stuff is I can get paranoid if I overdo it, and I get a bit overly aggressive Oh and sooner or later I'll get the distinct feeling I'm a different person than whoever is piloting this body, but that's a few months out still
Dopamine is produced when the brain thinks something is rewarding, so ritalin is causing dopamine rushes in addition to its intended effect. For addicts, the brain considers certain substances to be ridiculously rewarding. For me, my brain will probably never respond as strongly to anything as it does to alcohol or percs or lean. what? I'm just fucked? I can't BE SOBER, man I don't know how to properly get it across, but I hate being sober It's the worst fucking thing I know I don't care what the fuck I'm putting into the blood flow, but there has to be something or I feel fucking awful
I mean, that's how most addicts feel. That's how I felt when I was in active addiction. So no, you're not fucked, but eventually you'll reach a point where the drugs make you feel worse than they make you feel better, or you'll die.
I consider just taking my pills as prescribed to be *not sober*, but I fucking need it to not go up the wall
but now and then I fucking crack and I do like now where I've crushed up and snorted up ritalin like a fucking junkie I'm gonna be fucked up tomorrow, but right now I'm feeling pretty good
Basically, the brain gets hijacked and becomes oriented towards survival, but because of the way the brain's reward system is broken, it believes that survival means more drug. So all you care about is drug because your brain thinks it needs it to survive. Like air.
>>996198 i mean, i'm not gonna go there cause it always kills the mood but like I mean.. I don't think I'd be here anymore if I'd been sober for the last 2 years
Again, probably most addicts would say the same thing! And again, if I hadn't used when I did, I wouldn't be here right now. But that doesn't make using healthy. It's just easy, that's all.
good morning fellow doushioers >>996205 ritalin is hard some hard sh1t, I can't imagine having a ritalin habit an ADHD person gave me one of his prescribed pills and I had a very odd experience, the thing I remember most is how it messed with my perception of time time just doesn't pass on ritalin probably it's not that hard when your body downregulates whatever it needs to downregulate once you use it regularly
this is a real email from a recruiter well "HRT" are the initials of the company i don't have ANY idea why they used the word "mandate" tho just cuz its a zeitgeist word? do they even know what that means? is this some kind of jedi mind trick?
do you reckon there are dudes out there who can blow a load form like waist height and catch it in their mouths as like a party trick?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i roll to doubt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
#d20 (15)
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wonder if my boss would give me as much shit as he does for me being late if he knew how much of those inaccurately long Uber trips promoting the store I mean obviously not, and he hasn't really said anything about it for a while now anyway
Question, does copper/etc somewhat valuable metal things get just stolen in your country say copper decorative railings of a building or like just last night, the copper bells of a church
Not to my knowledge, but I'm sure it happens on occasion
>>996241 hmm but that is more normal I suppose since it is in kinda stealable form
this is a while ago maybe 10 years at this point a new music hall was built here and it had some copper decorations outside it those copper thingies were stolen atleast twice but maybe more before they finally just gave up and replaced them with something else
it was an amusing thing to follow especially since it was really publicized as it was a brand new building and it just kept happening
I don't think there has been any other really "televised" cases since and now a new one to baffle people who aren't aware of the copper thiefing get baffled by the church bell case
Tho there was an amusing case of "tree thieves" in one city just a while ago too some guys just dressed up in work clothes, took some chainsaws and chopped a bunch of public park trees out in the open and then carried them away
it is amusing how many things you can get away with, if you either just do it as if it is your job/you belong there or just do it fast enough, as is the case with the copper thieves
lumber is quite valuable and who is going to ask "where did you get this lumber" when you are selling it there are hundreds of thousands of forest owners here
and any local that might pass by would immediately go "hey you aren't matti kuusikko"
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also while it's not necessarily "stealing" because it's junk throwout anyway, but apparently when there's a council pickup people go around cutting off the cords on electronics to scrap the copper because it's quick and easy
that would prolly be hilarious thing to do, tho quite mean look into people's oc waifus cos as them and send suggestive dm pics to the author then ignore them
>>996294 i took a video of driving past the Austin Gigafactory gimme a second to find it and upload it somehow it's kinda huge the building and the video it takes 47 seconds at 70+ mph to drive past it
wow it didn't focus at all on the stuff in the distance when i took a still photo lucky the video is good though might have to upload to YouTube or something though