moe went down for a bit idk why some memory spiked
oh i didn't even notice it must have been fast
oh hey samram do you have tabletop simulator?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me? nop what ar yu play
there's all kind of games but there's exceed fighting system (which is a card game that's kinda cool) and then there's Clank! which is a 4 player deckbuilder that's like an hour or less and is really fun
there's also Catan and any game you've ever heard of
we have the dimensions of the truck on the dashboard iirc supposedly the gps won't take you under a bridge you can't fit in but when I worked at another store it did try
>>996420 >>996419 If watching all these battle shonens has taught me anything, it's that when you come up against a strong opponent - no matter how low that bridge is - You just believe in yourself and never give up.
can't remember if it was from that drafting course or if it was from work I learnt it but apparently they round up vehicle sizes and round down gap sizes to give a little buffer >>996421 Q: Do you ever buy tea from T2?
>>996429 By the way AOE IV follows the same structure of II, with tech starting in the Dark Ages and progressing to early gunpowder The campaigns are kind of similar to II's too, rather than the original story style of III
i bought bologna from the grocer a few days ago, hadnt had it since childhood it's not fancy but it's pretty dang good i missed a good bologna sandwich
i gotta use tortillas for sandwiches though bread is a nono these days
spam is pretty good as long as you don't overdo it sardines too, i bought some after they were talked about here. always good to have pantry foods that'll keep they didn't have the sardines in mustard sauce though, just olive oil, which just isn't the same they are skinless and boneless though which is fancy but im ok with them normal too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>996492 it seems nice idk i tried it once like a super basic breakfast
>>996497 nice, I'll try sometime >>996501 how many european countries have you conquered?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i havw briefly been to many i didnt stay a long time anywhere so j wouldnt say i conquered anything maybe like i have set foot in spain france germany ntherlands belgium croatia greece turkey
how was europe for you? any major difference to where you're from? sorry for all the questions but I am a bit curious because tourists don't exactly advertise their being tourists I've yet to visit the americas >>996512 oh I see sounds like it might be time for another round of visits >>996513 oh yeah that sounds amazing, especially amsterdam with all the bike-only lanes looks like a very futuristic city
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its been a looong time since i been to most of those countries it was lovely tho hostels were fun too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like the netherlands a lot bike culture canals
i used to be able to travel so freely at least within the states where i could travel cheaply
nowadays a journey to the kitchen is a daunting feat
but there is a pecan pie waiting there for me so i think i can muster the courage
Ado Campeol (1927/1928 – 30 October 2021) was an Italian restaurateur, who has been called "the father of tiramisu".
Campeol owned Le Beccherie, a restaurant in Treviso, Italy where tiramisu was "invented" by his wife Alba Di Pillo and chef Roberto Linguanotto.[1][2] He died in October 2021, aged 93.[1] >>996521 family get-together?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
boy howdy this cat has the wind up it's tale
Weird that the "Father of Tiramisu" did not in fact invent the dish and rather by two people he was associated with And rather just owned the restaurant
>>996522 I'm not stable enough in my life yet to live alone, so I still see her every day at home. But she decided to make tiramisu which she does every couple months and it's amazing every time. >>996524 food inventions in general seem to have odd stories
>>996522 besides, rent prices are so unbelievably high, as is housing costs, that I keep wondering at which point I am really going to move out it just seems to depressing to pay these incredible amounts of money just because housing costs more than it did in the past I might just finish my studies and move to a rural area because fuck this shit >>996529 torikku oa toriito!
does it seem like we, as people, grow and develop away from seeking external stimulation early on, towards finding stimulation from within later on or does that seem off i get the idea but it feels overly generalized, like there's a lot more going on there
you can enjoy vtubers without trying to sustain a parasocial relationship u kno you can just kinda watch their stream like most people watch most streams
not all vtubers are made equal though some are more geared towards interacting with their chat and social stuff and some just wanna play video games
>>996551 i think people differ on this way too much to make a generalization while there might be some pattern somewhere, it's not going to be a strong correlation i imagine people seek stimulation (and validation) externally and internally almost seemingly at random, but really it's just because the factors that lead them to their eventualities are so complex and chaotic that is becomes so the strongest reason you might find to lead to some correlation would be culture, i think social cultures divided by nations or regions, i mea some cultures are way more reliant on social interaction and thus external stimulation
>>>/watch?v=a5tBdv2_h6s annoying that the only existing sub video for it is low quality I'm curious about the translation too, it'd be nice if there was a second source or one to compare it to If the subs here are to be believed the line that they're doing as "love this world" is really interesting because it implies character development for Nier but if you deepl it you get something like actually that's the line that likes to get goofed up by it but at one point is manages to pull out "The World of Love" which is more in-line with what's she's got going on currently/before she joins the party, creating a world that loves her (and Death). Additionally, her first skill button is "World of Death and Love" which also is more in line with that.
can't wait for my copy of the Tsukihime remake to arrive so I can get mad at all the changes
waiting patiently for more nier content in granblue I got a couple drops to live off of from her halloween seasonal lines some guys try to hit on her and take her into shady places but they get axed as expected of Nier. Good to know she's still murdering people without the MC's approval
It is in fact not good to murder people regardless of whose approval you get
>>996805 True, but what's important is that it means that Nier's character has not dramatically progressed off-screen. That's what I'm concerned about. When they released her summer outfit last year, she gets some very MC-sexual lines, whereas when she joins up normally she's not immediately obsessed with MC or anything as much as happy to finally have someone who accepts her (which applies to Lyria and company too) That was some characterization that wasn't otherwise shown, and while I certainly won't say no to service, I was actually kind of liking that she didn't immediately latch onto MC romantically. >>996806 I've been wanting to quit, and still should. My only concern is that if I do quit my commitment, and Nier's story/buff stuff come out, I won't be able to feasibly obtain the items necessary to do it.
>>996809 the first step is admitting that you have a problem
>>996809 ah i see it's like that i mostly wanted to ask what the game is like i've heard mixed things about it mostly complaints, but people tend to complain about any game with gacha more than anything else, so i kinda filter a lot of it
I'll give you my viewpoint on it, for reference I'm a ""casual"" player who has tossed more money than I should have over the course of like 6? years The problem granblue has is that, while the gameplay was fun for a time, it's stagnated, at least for me. One of the most important events in granblue summarizes it pretty well: Guild Wars, which is where you and your crew (equivalent to guilds in most games) just fight the same couple fights over and over to generate points with the goal of out-scoring your opponent. Obviously you want to optimize your elemental grids and character teams to do this as quickly as possible, but then this just turns into literal hours (if you're hardcore) of doing the same things over and over for nearly a week of play. very good items are obtained through Valor Badges, a currency you get for doing well, items that are basically a necessity for progression. There's a more crew based version of this event called Dread Barrage where you just aren't fighting enemy players but only farming raids. This also gives valor badges. The core problem remains that you're doing otherwise uninteresting fights. In fact, in Guild Wars, the hardest fights have all had similar obnoxious mechanics to slow down point-earning (because how else do you balance this), such as purging debuffs and adding powerful defensive buffs to the boss at 50% hp.
Speaking of fights and gacha, powercreep is rampant. They might keep releasing updates for older characters to buff them, but the problem remains that new limited characters that aren't permanently in the pool (and some that actually are permanent) tend to end up game-changing or meta-defining. I might speak too highly of FGO due to personal experience, but FGO has the benefit of not having a competitive aspect to it outside of your own brain. The problem with powercreep in Granblue is that good drops in high level raids are tied to doing well in them, such as MVP (doing the most damage), hosting it -
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(which you can only do a limited numbero f times per day), or the newer "blue chest" which you can have an increasing chance at based on how much damage you do, capping at a certain point. As a result, all good drops from raids are gated by generally doing well in the raid. And of course, though hosting and trying to solo can up your own odds, that otherwise means you're gated by strong characters and strong weapons that you might be already grinding for to begin with. Speaking of high-end raids, another issue I have with the game has presented itself: The v2 battle system. v2 feels refreshing, the game is still turn based, but you became able to choose to "guard" to take less damage, and bosses would announce what super powerful attack they would do, sometimes otherwise hidden behind hp% in v1 raids, and you could sometimes even clear a condition to negate the attack entirely. This sounds nice, but then they do things like have all of these high end raids negate damage cut, which was a basic staple or hard fights in v1. Additionally, some of the super attacks, even with guard, could do astronomical damage, making the point of // which both forces guard and takes away the idea of a choice. Furthermore, some of the conditions to negate these attacks involve things like "deal 30 damage instances this turn", which can be difficult to perform without specific characters.
I've simply gotten tired of the stale content, either boring grindy fights or difficult fights I don't want to do, required to be done a gross number of times in order to farm items for things I actually care about. I don't really want to commit to an event that lasts a week and mandates at least an hour of my time each day either, even though guild wars has decreased in frequency. I've even generally stopped caring about most other characters, to the point where I'm skipping events entirely. It doesn't help that I haven't really been pandered to but that's a personal thing. I'm still waiting on
power creep is my most hated element of games that persistently release content
the funny thing in genshin is that the developer is clearly trying not to introduce power creep and people keep complaining that new characters aren't powerful enough to make them want to roll i can't believe it sometimes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there goes october
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
a seasonal version of a certain doll-jointed girl.
But yeah even th oh I forgot so about powercreep, Granblue might have 3% SSR rates, 6%s two times a month, but the gacha itself is so full of garbage that it's hard to get what you'd want anyway. Rateup on specific characters during these 6% things tends to be like 0.3% anyway, and there's a couple characters on each banner.
It's a real shame. Musically, granblue is still phenomenal. However, they just announced a new "hardest" raid and I'm just not looking forward to it. More content for "Replicard" which is related to "Arcarum" which in turn is related to Nier, is coming soon, so hopefully grinding that is painless since I have reason to believe I'll hav eto do it eventually to empower Nier and continue her story.
i'm really sad about Granblue Versus's release timing just before rollback became the new standard, right before covid so offline events were nonexistent the music and animation is so pretty in so many ways i love GBVS but it's a game that never really got it's fair time in the sun
As an example of how tired I am, oneo f my other favorite characters has an event dedicated to them right now and boy howdy I just can't be bothered. Something similar happened during the summer. I'm just tired man
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>996824 Outside of the abyss or special events the game is already super easy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>996831 yeah i know, right? people were up in arms about raiden being weak i can't even imagine where someone has to be mentally to be in that kind of place they're whack for that
>>996840 i scrolled a lot on this guy's page and he retweeted a lot more ganyus than i saved so if you want more go for it
>>996929 it's very smol shinmyoumaru, but with the power of the magic mallet she can be big shinmyoumaru >image is too wide and too tall omg lmao why is doushio like this it's just a 8000x8000 image with 1.3MiB
Man I don't know what my Uber drivers are always saying about Waze is seems like a fucking garbage app to me They claim it's faster than Uber's routing algorithm or better than Google Maps but every time I get a driver who uses it and it routes them into "faster" routes through smaller streets and residential neighborhoods it never actually saves time and usually ends up with me getting to my destination later than Uber predicts
this is also interesting whoops meant this page
moon, you may be interested in some of the stuff on there theres a bunch of tutorials about different types of information encoding
>>996976 at first it looked like a typical signals and systems resource but it's actually more of communications centered one so I guess it deals with RF and electronics besides signals and systems? in any case interesting resource your typical signals and systems course will only show you amplitude modulation but there are more interesting schemes on there than I would've thought maybe for reference, a resource I used last semester for digital signals processing was can recommend
>>996972 No he just goes around YouTube grabbing whatever song he wants to listen to Which usually consists of one of the same forty or fifty songs
I'll tune in once I get home but I will also almost certainly fall asleep not long after in the meanwhile I will use my now expert Inscryption knowledge to backseat you to Leshy
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this restaurant is blasting monster mash with some tin can speaker this is violence first of all its november imagine having the prescience or good fortune to upload an animated kurisuSpin twitter ava back when GIFs were allowed
if you live far away and use wifi yes otherwise they've mostly patched it up i have no problems playing from texas to cali like 1-2 frames of rollback and i can almost never feel any against my friend in portland who plays on wi-fi, there's the occasional hiccup but they're not very common at all we played just after the most recent patch too
huh looks like it workd well on GNU/Linux too. It really irritates me that it doesn't support Win7 despite the low hardware requirements. but im probably getting a new computer soon anyways
Just got a text from my insomniac accountant friend asking if I personally knew the murderer who graduated the year after my in highschool. *after me
Genshin told me i would get a fish if I shared this link Genshin Impact: Come grill some fish with Shiki Taishou, and earn various rewards like Primogems~
This new Android 12 release is going to take a bit of time getting used to In particular it retools how to bring up your installed apps and it's going to take some time getting used to that
I did get the 256gb one instead of the smaller one my mistake so I ended up paying like $200 or some shit more than I intended, but I wouldn't have actually gotten it if that was an enormous problem at present Worst case I can just return it and get the cheaper one instead
Today has stretched on long and dull It doesn't feel like there should still be another hour and a half until it's over, but here I am I'm so tired of this
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
>>997246 How much longer are you working there for? Youre leaving when you go back to school right?
>>997247 Well it would be impossible to stay here while at school But while I'd really like to go back to school I'm also pretty paralyzed by fear at failing again Ending up in an even worse situation than I am now I don't feel like any better of person than I was before starting to work here -- if anything I feel like even worse with no desire to do anything because my brain just feels fried Who knows if I could be even motivated to do anything even if I was free of this Stuck between a considerable risk with dubious success, and a continuation of a miserable situation for me, I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to move forwards
i don't even know what direction forward is anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately no one can tell you what forward is
we can always go inward at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
join my cult! it comes with step by step instructions on how to be
I always think I know which direction is forwards But it's always accompanied with an equally heavy counterweight telling me it can't be anything but a mistake So I just end up spinning in place
Marsh shit posting on the go via Telephone
I don't get why people are so scared of cockroaches. They're kindda gross but they don't actually hurt you Like a spider or a snake
For example, I have a friend who thinks that pillbugs are gross and scary because they have so many legs but giant isopods aren't even though they're basically just giant pillbugs shes afraid of any land animals with more than 4 legs, but not stuff like crabs or lobsters