what to,e are we at time clicked my scroll bar thanks
5:00 5:05 5:10
Oh there's a Shougunate installed in Japan again I guess they're probably under martial law at this point anyway
It really would have been neat to get the first Muv-Luv VN adapted so we could see all these characters as "normal" people But it's also just a pretty normal romcom eroge VN
At least Lugh looks like he has every intent of being serious about his goal
Oh we got the timeskip earlier than I expected He's a shounen now
timeskip! tarte is cute!@
like father like son?
oh i forgot, someone told me to download a different version because crunchyroll censors a bunch of this episode oh well anime titties are easily found otherwise
I sure am heartbroken that I didn't get to see a clearer shot of Tarte's naked body In literal tears right now
Spears are the best weapon after all
is this the girl who used a spear and a revolver in episode 1? isshin ashina style
>>995602 I don't think so The Hero has some insane aptitude and she seems adequate but hardly exceptional
I would sooner believe his mage cousin is the Hero and I still don't really think she's got any chance of it either
i do still think the hero is going to be a kawaii anime waifu
Well that I do kinda expect too
if the yuusha is some marth-ass lookin fuckboi i'll be kinda sad but i guess i'll also want to see him die more
Yeah, like I said in either episode one or two if the Hero is a boy he's 100% gonna die It's a bit more nebulous if they end up being a cute girl but still favouring surviving
i like her hair length where it is now this is the best hair length
Good ears
One thing I've been wondering since last episode is how often people have -- and who they would be -- come to this island There's a lot of treasure here and it comes from all over the world Someone has to have been dropping it off
this show was waning in my interests for a little bit but this episode and the last were quite the thrill! i like this
It's a bit of a jump for me but not bad Honestly I would have preferred it was actually her dad hah hah Although they've been kinda buidling up the kid this episode to be something weird But this is also pretty weird relatively
so was abel her dad!?!?
i'm a little confused about the abel flashback episode i thin
>>995634 I I'm working off the assumption Cody was telling her he was not her dad because Cody is in fact, not her dad
i kinda get you but i kinda don't but i guess i well i guess we don't know what the Observer is or what the hell cody is or how the hell any of this is happening
Also why did Cody walk up to them looking like Fena's dad He dropped it awfully fast Maybe so that Yukimaru wouldn't try to gut him on the spot, is my best guess
He just seems so scared to make waves that it feels like she's the one that has to make actual progress with him
he also seems like the type who is pretty content with his lot so for him there's not really a lot of need to make progress which is a nice way to live, in my opinion