*Blue Period Episode 3-4 *86 - Eighty-Six Isekai Shokudou Episode 3-4 *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai *Kaizoku Oujo Episode 10-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 2-3 Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 *Mieruko-chan *Mushoku Tensei Muteking the Dancing Hero Episode 2-4 *Saihate no Paladin Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Dai Mankai no Shou
-- New Shows Build Divide - Code Black Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Shikizakura Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
Oh the list has gotten too many line entries to fit on one post Well that won't be a problem after tonight
There's a few somewhat nameless characters in these expeditionary fleets But also some ones we've actually had some time with I wonder which lot is at most risk
I hope that cute panicky shield girl survives though
yukki yuuna has always been so good at this keeping you on the roller coaster I was expecting deaths since it's episode 3 we've been toyed with so much already
They even lowered the power levels of the fighting characters to imcrease -increase the risk of it It would be hard to expect a death from the Hero Club at this point, unless some new, more intense threat arose But if its reject candidates fighting Vertex, it feels much more risky
Hah And there's the bargain The Hero Club could stand for an army just by themselves Though I guess for the time being it seems like it's just Togo
She's had a hard life so far And it's probably pretty easy to rage against what feels like a cruel and calculating god like the Taisha
Wow that's a mean line to end an episode off on
That kinda felt like a story arc they had to jump past or something Like Togo goes off to sit in God Hyperspace or whatever by herself, with the request that the world forget about her But then in like what feels like maybe only a few days everyone remembers her and drags her back? Maybe next episode we'll see the events of what happened from Yuuna and the rest's perspective
seems like no one is waiting then 86 play okay lets start
more Giad i wonder when we'll get more Lena
hopefully this episode
Hopefully yeah I was enjoying how she was growing as a person and now we've barely seen her since the first episode
there is a world where we stick with the undertaker until Lena appears but i doubt it also i get the impression that that giad commander lady is gonna set her eyes on shin in order to give Lena a rival
It also would kinda change with what seems to be the narrative structure of the series Flipping between Shin and Lena's perspective on events
yeah we've just barely had any Lena so far maybe like 7 minutes total screentime if that
Spider-woman Spider-woman Does whatever a spider can
actively disgusted
he just threw an empress at anju
Empress of nothing
that's a big base
To be fair the 86 in general have been treated as lackeys of everyone for who knows how long At some point it probably weasels their way into their brains
Giad seems to have a lot of military infrastructure leftover for a nation that supposedly traded it's entire military for robots the republic was probably just lying about that too
>>994573 We're also a bit fuzzy on the whole timeframe of the deployment of the Legion and Giad's eventual regret and reversal to a man-piloted army There might be more time in here than we're clear on
if they had time to build up afterwards, the legion would've had time to conquer them i think the republic was overstating giad's mistakes it sounds like the legion were auxillary to the army, not replacing it
Ohhhh no They're not trusting Shin's reports on the incoming Legion >>994578 Yeah I know But it does mean whatever fight Giad's about to go into is going to be a tragedy
they don't know about his PAIN BRAIN
what would they even do if he told them he probably feels like he can't
Doubt it of course, yeah I'm not saying it's unrealistic that they doubt his numbers But it just means they're going to be vastly unprepared for what's coming
doubt it or worse! if they believe him they might not let him fight and want to run experiments and shit
Shin's reaping might have a functional purpose, but she is right He's not really in any place to tell people to not meddle with other people's deaths
she doesn't know
Sounds like the Nouzen clan has a slight tendency to not handle the stress of battle well
The empress is a bit of an enigma She looks and usually talks like a kid But every now and then she acts or says things which seem way too much for a kid, even a kid who has seen her fair share of awful things, to know
i wonder how many eps we have before the big fighting starts
They invoked Lena at least Maybe we'll see her next episode
>>994588 I think we could see some next episode, unless we get some focus back on Lena Otherwise we'll probably see it the episode after
she exists! >>994588 surely next episode or the one after at the latest
they're doing a lot of setup so i hope so
>>994589 your post made me realize we might see Lena and fighting and lena doing the fighting
there she is! wow that's it
the republic is entirely surrounded 0.0
I guess that's why they weren't in the lists -list of nations that had responded to Giad's calls Although they weren't even brought up in the ones that had failed to respond So maybe Giad considers them not even worth trying to save Which, well, isn't an entirely unfair judgement
>>994595 giad and the republic might still consider eachother enemies giad was playing up the PR value of the 86 to shame the republic after shin-tachi were found
the only thing i know about this episode is that my friend said he loves eris greyrat after it aired eris episode maybe? >>994599 i feel like we have at least a few episodes before they're back home although technically speaking it could end up being the end of the season they've sped through some parts and focused on others so it's hard to say i don't have a ton of knowledge from the source though, that's just something i heard
Her granddad got executed at the end of the previous episode Although stranded as she and Rudy are still who knows if that news has reached her yet
despite being a transplanted personality, he is his father's son
Funny how that turns out
my initial theory is/was that he was assigned parents in his rebirth that it would make sense for him to be born to since he shares too much in common with paul
i love these openings so much they make me so happy
Twintails Eris
uh oh eris maybe don't bring up ghislaine i have a bad feeling
Beastdaddy took it pretty well though Even if he has a poor opinion of Ghislaine he didn't reject their respect of her outright Even if it confused him
oh wait ghislaine was there she's still alive right? i hope
Cute beastgirl
>>994615 Both Eris and Rudy seem to have faith she's alive And she is an incredibly strong person Assuming she just got warped somewhere weird like Rudy and Eris did, I'm sure she's survived
i wonder if she got warped and is travelling on her own
I imagine she assumed the kids landed near wherever she did and is trying to find them locally But who knows where Ghislaine landed Even this Magic Australia that they teleported to seems to be a very wide area
wow they're so hayai rudy and his demon eye doesn't even know what happened
Hah hah he's got the figure of Ruijerd
oh i forgot about this guy
Yeah I completely forgot about him
i do like this feller i hope he doesn't do a betrayal
love how a tall-tale mythos-type legend like that is just something eris takes at face value i love it espeically because ruday's probably wrong and it's true
She' not the brightest bulb on the tree But yeah, I'd at least assume a grain of truth to a myth like that in a world this fantastical
that was great wonderful episode
This series kinda bounces between not a whole lot plot happening for several episodes then a whole lot of plot happening in one Like we got several episodes of Rudy growing up at home and learning magic and then shortly after his dad beats the shit out of him and sends him off with Ghislaine Then there were a few episodes of him learning with her and Eris and then mana disaster and they got stuck in Magic Australia Or Magic Utah
i, for one, welcome the slower episodes IF AND ONLY IF AND WHEN they provide worldbuilding that makes me more interested and invested in the world and characters and actual character development this show does a really good job of that as does 86 plenty of shows don't though
people seem to enter other family members' rooms a lot in anime it's always so strange to me i see rooms as personal, private bastions i feel extremely uncomfortable about people even acknowledging the existence of my room without my express intention for it
Kuri kuri purin
she's got a lot of snacks....
Some people can just eat and eat and it all goes to their assets
Man imagine dying and then your grotesque spirit is doomed to haunt the conbini you worked at
that guy hates his job
>>994658 there cannot be many worse fates than that
An understandable resentment
Commercials are the perfect time to get a drink anyway
>>994700 You know if you'd asked me in the moment how many plates were at that table I would have said three, I swear But I definitely overlooked what that actually meant
bathroom fast
ready sorry
I wonder if as a creature of the Makai realm, that Jahy is immune to their bad luck effect
i love this new OP this kind of music really gets me going
Geez Jahy she only just annihilated the entire Makai realm it's not like the mahou shoujo's a villain
Where are these mana crystals coming from anywhere Surely one laying about in a place like that would have gotten grabbed by Druj or the mahou shoujo It has to have only been there a short while
succumb to the trivial happiness that is humanity, jahy
I think this is more the trivial happiness which is childhood
Jahy is jumping to conclusions I wonder if she really was that terrifying in the demon realm
she was probably just a big jerk but that's how demons operate
We have verification from Druj and that other loser demon that she was actually the second in command So at the very least when she was able to draw power from the big mana crystal she was probably pretty strong and terrifying Nowadays, less so
oh you're right there's a good bit of scroll bar left
This Animal Crossing-poi OST is hitting extra hard since I've been getting back into the game lately
Uh oh Crane games are good fun but someone like Jahy-sama is not going to succeed at it
did you know those machines are designed to drop the item on purpose they only hold the item properly a certain percentage of the time or rather they're assigned a random pressure-over-time curve that they're supposed to follow and engineered so that the curve will only allow for a possible successful attempt a certain percentage of the time
I wonder how long until the Maou shows up in the show She's in the OP/ED now so it has to be due time
she kinda sorta had a cameo in the last episode right? in jahy's dream? or did i imagine that