*Blue Period Episode 3-4 *Gyakuten Sekai no Denchi Shoujo Isekai Shokudou Episode 3-4 *Kaizoku Oujo Episode 10-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba - Mugen Ressha-hen Episode 2-3 *Kyoukai Senki (K) *Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Love Live! Superstar!! Episode 11-12 Muteking the Dancing Hero Episode 2-4 *Saihate no Paladin Selection Project Episode 2-3 *Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi *Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu
-- New Shows Build Divide - Code Black Deep Insanity - The Lost Child Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. Shikizakura Taishou Otome Otogibanashi Visual Prison World Trigger
Yeah, I'm gonna wait until it comes out on Steam though Plus it'll be in early-access until it comes out on it next year anyway so I basically get the game at release anyway
well there's tje baclstpry O giess they can't leave that's kinda boring for them
I guess the kid is gonna have to save the world
He's got a lot of work before he can reach that point If not even a buffed and constantly healed Blood can best the High King, then Will's inability to beat Blood puts him a far degree below the High King
gus REALLY doesn't want this god to get his way
Gods of the undeath are generally not very amicable to get along with And it sounds like this one wants to make a world of entropy with no death nor life
when will says something like "that's cheating!" i think i saw a screenshot where crunchyroll subbed that as "that's Hax!"
I wonder if we'll ever see stuff from the UK/American side of this Space Race It feels a bit weird to me that they'd set this in an alt-Earth Space Race Cold War era and only feature the USSR
this is the same artist who did the OP for Another, right? man that show was fuckin whack as all hell
>>994897 Yeah, Ali Project I think they might've done an OP/ED for Katanagatari too maybe? I think among otaku/weebs their biggest claim to fame is the Rozen Maiden OP though
maybe among anime boomers like us rozen maiden is ancient, arcane knowledge anime is the realm of the zoomers now they don't know
Well among zoomers Ali Project is probably a literally who Despite being a pretty long-time J-pop band
Man people sure love to hate vampires
Joke's on this lady though she's as much an object for this space flight program as a vampire
sending a vampire to space is a really weird concept
yeah i mean she's right that the vampire is only an object to the USSR but as you pointed out tilde she is forgetting that they're literally all objects to the USSR
The USSR doesn't exactly have a good humane record after all I would suspect this fantasy USSR isn't much better
food tube
Funnily one of the better reasons to send a vampire into space Since she can't taste most foods it's not like gross tube food is an issue
i've always wanted to go into one of those anechoic chambers it sounds nice a place so quiet you start to hear your heart beat and your blood pumping
They've only mentioned the UK I feel like there might've been a mention of an American equivalent in the first episode but they haven't really talked about it since
oh no he saw pink bubbles
>just a sip then
As an adult, maybe there's an ethical concern here with him knowingly letting a minor drink alcohol
for now all i can do is play Astronner Astroneer oh no i can't type anymore
More like Astro Nerd
you'd probably like Astroneer, tilde it's really good even though it's co-op it's kinda more fun solo >>994940 yeah i played it like 70 hours in the last two weeks i love it
Yeah I know Astroneer, I've had my eyes on it since it was in pretty early beta Always thought about getting it but never really got around to it Plus I watched a fair bit of the content from that early beta time so I cooled on actively wanting to play it
>>994942 Hah hah, if anything, it's not affording it which is a concern for me Like the game's not particularly expensive But these days I barely have the time to play a fraction of what I want to
my favorite thing to do in astroneer right now is to terraform gigantic tunnels to core of planets so i can drive a large rover all the way there
I did finally finish up all the content in Outer Wilds the other week though That is another amazing space game I still keep turning the game over and over in my head
wow rude! what the hell
i watched ame play outer wilds and jeremy and i think someone else too at some point
I was really excited when I saw Vtubers staring to stream it because of how good it is Although it put me in a rush to beat the DLC before Amelia and Anya started playing it hah hah
Nijisanji EN's Elira has also started streaming it and that's fun because she's easily spooked And is absolutely awful with underwater scary
her hair is cool i like her hair
Kind of animal-like with how the colour shifts
The tetchy kid's got some solid skill
damn she kicked him
their uniforms are simple but good
Yuka's wearing a male blazer with a skirt It's a neat combo
he does look pretty cool, not surprise the vtubers like him
Oh that guy? with the braids is in the OP I guess he shows up regularly
I like this giant of a woman
Arguably all art is imitation so even if everyone starts with imitation, everyone never really leaves it either
This poor anti-social kid He just wants to do art on his own but Yatora keeps trying to make friends with him
i haven't been to an art museum since before lockdown i'm sure the exhibits at the Blanton has have* changed quite a bit by now i should make a trip one of these weekends i haven't gone by myself before but it sounds kinda fun
I went to the Art Gallery of Ontario here before lockdown It was really nice, wandering it at my own pace They have a lot of Indigenous art and art of early Canadian settlers/citizens And some cool modern art
The Philly gang's also hit up the big art museum there twice and I really like that museum too
he's been humbled a lot throughout the show but he keeps taking it pretty well
i really like the way they approached that event with yuka providing multiple realistic perspective s and people acting in ways that humans act without forcefeeding a particular stance or enforcing an ideal paradigm they display the elements in a raw fashion and let the viewer come to whatever conclusions they have the right to come to it's (somewhat surprisingly, i now realize) probably the most mature and respectful (to the characters AND the viewers) portrayal of that subject matter i've yet to see
Yatora being a really good friend for her is nice too
>>994979 getting called out and responding disrespectfully is probably worse indignantly might be a better word
Oh it wasn't a dream or a stage thing They've got him VR-saving the girl's heart
wait are they all gonna be battery girls
oh i see they are
The more the merrier! If you don't have enough power just add more batteries!
>powered by a pilot's patriotism terrifying
oh but that means if they weaken the resolve of their enemies then it will have actual literal combat effectiveness in the same way that believing in yourself and powering up will literally work
It's better to believe in yourself than some silly thing like a nation though! You'll be stronger that way!
Hah hah hah >My dream? Oh that's why I'm having so much fun
hahahahaha they hooked them all up? oh i see
Conjoined dreams has a kind of lewd feel to it
Wow she just broke out I mean I guess it is just a dream
Her tall friend is having a bit of fun but there is the whole societal thing in Japan of giving people you owe nice gifts
Unit 01 colours
every show needs hayami saori
Don't make her overwork herself like that!
she's already in nearly every show she's been in like 12 shows over this season and the last two 86, tsuki isekai, mahouka, senpai, heike, cramer, kumo, she's been in a lot recently she did a character in genshin a couple months ago too
hopefully i'll have the second half of december mostly off work again i'm going to sip so much cocoa and coffee and wassail and mulled wine and i'm going to bake cookies and scones and pumpkin pie and make chex mix again november and december are my favorite time or year oh no i can't get all excited like this i won't stop thinking about it
The end of the year is a lot of regret and feelings of wasted time for me Combined with getting older, with nothing to be prideful about to celebrate The end of a year just always reminds me how little I've moved in the past year
just make your way down to texas and get drunk with diego and i
He's lucky she's so fond of him otherwise his actions would be a bit weird But I guess maybe it's because he's a bit weird that she likes him too