>>985199 rip I will either miss the stream again or catch it late, going to a friends place have fun
>>985200 I have a friend who is really into the monogatari series. he's bought all the ebooks of the official translations he also finds it weird that I like buying hard copies of anime I just don't get zoomers.
To this day I've been unable to actually watch more than one episode of monogatari Not even cause it's like, 'bad' or whatever, I just don't have the patience required to read a book in the form of an animation >>985215 Shit, I never finished that either
I did watch a fair amount of katanagatari though, i just sorta stopped at some point and never picked it up again It tends to happen when I go to bed and I wasn't super interested, so I do other stuff before watching the next episode when I wake up, and then I forget the show exists >>985219 >>985220 isn't fargo the juggalo drink?
oh yeah that's right then we watch uhhhhhh i cant remember the name but i remember the movie wife kidnapping, steve buscemi, etc etc fargo?
oh, kirarin, speaking of juggalos Have you encountered this Dr Todd Grande guy on youtube? >>>/watch?v=G0aePB_EWFs He does these psychology reviews(?) of various famous criminals, and also juggalos in this particular instance He had one on CWC too
aw man, I was hoping to get your take on the channel but if you've not heard of it before then it's not like I'd even really recommend it? every now and then some of it can be interesting, but it's mostly boring tbh
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
watching the first couple minutes of the video i'm pretty sure this guy is a crank
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's just making sweeping speculations about people he's never interacted with that's fine if it's like, you and me as friends talking about something but to have a big audience and to do that is actively perpetuating harm and a good psychologist wouldn't do that
I also think he's like, wrong.. about juggalos? Which is a sentence that honestly just seems WEIRD to say, honestly What I've seen of juggalos is like, sure, they're predominantly kinda like, trailer trash-type folk, but they're not gangbangers or anything
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he is very wrong Juggalos are some of the nicest people i've ever met
He also cites the FBI which has been demonstrably false with their claims that the juggalos are a gang he's just a crank who talks about shit he knows nothing about
well, trailer trash is the wrong term, but I dunno what other term to really use to capture it They seem like overall good people, mostly? if maybe a bit fond of drugs, but then I mean I can't blame anyone for that, I've yet to try a drug I didn't like
whatever was at the station cotton candy I got cherry dr pepper to back it up gonna overdose on corn syrup
>>985423 I've never heard of anyone overdosing on corn syrup before.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's because it's your bread and butter
>>985425 I think there is bread with corn syrup in it
Apparently this condo building has some master switch which disables cooling or heating for all the units I can set my thermostat as low as I want and the cooling won't turn on This feels highly inappropriate
@samu https://github.com/uuner/sedtris >>985427 wow, that sucks sorry to hear it
Saw this cat in front of my neighbor's house. Its a stray my parents see sometimes but I hadn't seen it since 2019.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this does in fact taste like a sort of caramelized sugar
can't believe you would try cotton candy flavored soda
Yeah It's not problem for me because my unit doesn't get hot anymore But I was at mother's for dinner and without her windows open her unit was reaching into - up to 24.5c Of course it not being a problem for me doesn't mean it's fine I feel like this is pretty egregious of the building
Well that or my AC's busted again which is a possibility I guess
I had intended to play a bunch of melty blood this week but I've been having agonizing headaches. ;_; they should go away soon because they were caused by me going off of a medicine I ran out of but I got more yesterday
>>985464 it's okay got Jake Gyllenhaal in it and uhh some other guy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
interstellar didnt explain gravity what interstellar said was there were advanced multi dimensional post-humans who had lost touch with humanity so much they couldnt even relate to a three dimensional world anymore
which seems kinda contrived i mean a 2D world is super easy to understand for us 3D/4Ders
>>985558 cute thankie theres one also im thinking of from the back too but cant find it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i kaant believe yohve sone this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my phone lock screen background is now my immunization record screenshot people are finally starting to ask for it most of them just look at the QR code and are like "sure that looks righr" but some of them actually scan it and check my ID
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm that's not a bad idea im thinking of getting one of those dad phone case wallets
I haven't been asked about it anywhere yet so keeping it as a lock screen doesn't seem necessary, but the CO gov made an app that has all your records available on a pretty easy to access menu plus I can put my driver's license and fishing license on there
sounds cringe having all those licenses ngl just do whatever you want
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a licence for fishin now I've heard it all what next a licence to kill
I've got that one on the app too
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I should be legally allowed to kill an unvaccinated person as a vaccinated person
also a fishing license protects fish populations and endangered species got no problem paying a bit to keep fish around, on account of them being so fun to catch
bet you drive with current reg and insurance too eek
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no mine ran out on the 22nd don't tell
you know with the insurance cards, you can let it expire and just change the date on the printable ones works great even got pulled over once and they passed
>>985576 Especially if you get the ones that are good to eat too
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's digital here I think well no longer sticker rego >>985576 man I haven't been fishing in years there's a lake somewhere up here I should try
I too haven't been fishing in years my mom tossed my rods during our last move I still have my hooks and lures though
Im Carbon Negative™ Are you?
>>985593 maybe I don't drive I dont know what exactly carbon negative means are you sure you arent Cabron Negative™?
I say that pretty often to my irl friend who says based a lot and he always laugh we have another friend who says it often but never makes anyone laugh because he has awful timing
>>985584 lots of trout up here, good stuff >>985589 what's stopping you? took a kayak out to the river last sunday and got some smallmouth
>>985602 I caught some trout in the rocky mountains when I was a kid
>>985605 fine too how come you don't eat fish? what about shellfish?
>>985606 then maybe I wouldnt be >>985607 I don't like the tadlste of fish *taste I don't eat any aquatic animals shellfish are pretty much just bugs so I don't eat them the only aquatic animals I'm intetested in eating are seals and maybe dolphins too bad they're endangered whale is not appetizing to me because it has too much mercury
>>985631 you should get another one belling cats helps prevent them from killing native species
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
makes sense duely noted
really people probably shouldn't let their cats outside but belling helps a lot house cats are driving native bird populations extinct all over the world
it also looks cute
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's got a smol head wonder if it'll grow to fit his bod
another night pushes forward, my dragged feet reluctant, no refusing to follow into the next day tired but i wish not to sleep and yet with solemn resignation i have no choice but to accept another cycle must complete, it always must waking and working, the only way what else is there even to do? toil away at diversions needlessly into the morning? what diversions could even hold my interest these days am i upset that i have to work, or upset that i have nothing better to even do
i feed hte cat chicken nugger >>985672 oh I've never been to an izakaya sounds fun
man I cant believe Neco-Arc isn't in it how could they fuck up this bad? they already threw away the whole plot of the original game and didn't have Satsuki I thought maybe they could redeem themselves but apparently not
>>985672 I don't think I've ever actually had plum wine gonna have to change that
It's great I could probably irresponsibly drink a whole bottle if I had the chance and focus to do so Although I love things which are saccharine sweet and plum wine is definitely extremely sweet as far as liquor goes
>>985682 Yeah they're fun The one I went to fairly regularly before the pandemic had a pretty cozy atmosphere except on its rowdiest days They had a variety of Japanese-style cocktails and liquor and some great Japanese drinking snacks and full dishes to order I hope they're still open
>>985701 I'm not good with bitterness! Most alcohol has a bite to it which makes it unpleasant unless I'm already pretty far gone as is Which is why I like it usually mixed like rum and coke or gin and tonic But plum wine is so sweet that I don't find it unpleasant to drink
brb shower
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe jpeterson was right whatever they put in cider makes me feel like I'm gonna die
>>985767 I see personally I couldn't get into the more lightweight format rhythm games, but they are fairly fun it looks like >>985768 fun indeed but it's borderline impossible to be one of the best, there are some real savants in this space
>>985789 so what's up with meguca, just an urban legend? is it still accessible? can I eat it? is doushio a successor or competitor? or asked in the spirit of a certain news reporter "who is this meguca person"
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meguca is dead board as far as I know the git is still there https://github.com/bakape/meguca originally written like tano and moe but they rewrote it completely
I'm aware of the repo, I was just wondering if it is somehow still alive well rip also: https://meguca.moe/ lol >>985795 that's tough >>985793 does doushio recycle the meguca code or is it based on something entirely else?
>>985794 no its kill was shut down after a user tried to shoot up a synagogue in Germany
It's not about sexual preference it's about sexuality I mean it's not not bunny girl suits are really SFW but they're not quite NSFW either Kind exist in a nebulous state Kinda like swimsuits Underwear is private and a focus on it is pretty clear-cut sexual
Also it's Samu's dictation so logic and fairness is kind of irrelevant here!
just quit while you'r ea head retard
the real question is why revealing swimsuits but no underwear
>>985831 yea it's clearly the same repo i mean my commits are there and a lot of the old keywords and names i used are still there hahah even though it looks like most of the old code is gone
Critrole is a fairly popular series which introduced a lot of people to DnD which led to more people playing it. Rei doesn't like that DnD has become somewhat popular because he feels that it's changed the culture in a way he doesn't like and has led to things like 5e being bad
>>985838 thanks I was gonna talk about that but I was walking home from the bus and dont like to walk and type at the same time
I'd figure most of the problematic things will bleed off over a little time
>>985840 I wish what I consider problematic about the current version of D&D and the community is probably a lot different than what people who joined after 5e was made would thimk *think My biggest issue with 5e is that they dumbed down the rules, other issues I have are the fact that they changed the default setting from greyhawk to forgotten realms and the amount of criticism (mu ch of which is valid) the older fans (grognards like me) get.
>>985844 Episode 1 of the first campaign is at least uploaded on youtube june 24th, 2015 So either they streamed it and then waited a year and then uploaded it, or you're wrong?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Critical Role is an American web series in which a group of professional voice actors play Dungeons & Dragons. The show started streaming partway through the cast's first campaign in March 2015.
>>985845 >>985846 yeah I was wrong they started the campaign in 4e but made it a show in 5e
s c
like I said, after 5e
s c
hell i think their homegame was pathfinder or something
>>985849 Yeah, Mercer ran a Pathfinder game with some homebrewed elements tossed in, like Tallesin's class for Percy They changed over to 5e at the encouragement of Felicia Day and the creative heads at Geek & Sundry, who hosted CritRole before they went independent, since 5e suffered less from some of the anally details of Pathfinder/3.5e and they expected would make for better streaming content Which I think is accurate
speaking of pathfinder, has anyone here played pathfinder 2e? I'm probably gonna stick with 1e since its 3.5 compatible I mean assuming I ever run it I have a bunch of books but I really prefer GURPS to anything else these days
does 5e have attacks of oppurtunity?
okay the answer is yes but it doesn't have the feat that makes attacks of oppurtunity really good >>985859 probably a good idea i recengly started taking a break from a 3.5 campaign id been in for 13 years.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will probably not run dnd or anything dnd adjacent for a long time i'm just so tired of it
i wanna run heart the city beneath and this jojo ttrpg and maybe DIE
ah but my other friemd started running a 3.5 campaign that I ended up joining because he went years without playing and I play with him despute the fact I'm 3.5ed out
jojo campaign gonna be such a mess
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is it gonna be a mess its gonna go so good
yeah a good MESS gonna have to interact with twitter weirdos
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one of them lived in a buddhist monestary in thailand and the other one builds gunpla (:
My mom gave me some cod last time I was at her house and I made it into fajitas and they were really good So I texted my mom thanking her for the cod and said I made fajitas and she goes "Really? With onions and peppers?" every time i eat food she doubts me one time she's like "do you eat matzo ball soup?" and i said "yeah" and she goes "Really? With matzo balls?" WHAT DO YOU MEAN or "Do you eat stuffed shells?" yeah "Really? With tomato sauce and ricotta cheese?" WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAN
5e is the best framework for DMs in my opinion it can be the best for the players if the DM is up to the task of essentially creating most of the game and just using 5e as a base although it also depends heavily on the players and what they want out of the game in my experience, the kinds of players that want to play pathfinder or 3.5e are really just looking for spreadsheets that say "you are very powerful" or rather those players are typically looking for those types of PnPs more often than for more roleplay-oriented ones hmmm i messed up phrasing pretty bad so my point isn't going to come across they way i'd like
but i think 5e is heavily underrated by people in that it gives such a flexible framework for the DM to mold the game to their will, and basically any and every fault that could be found with it can be fixed by a DM willing to just change the parts they don't like the most important part of the dmg (and i think it's in the phb too) is where wotc says that in the end, the players and the dm choose how the game is played and the content they write is basically just a bunch of ideas and stat sheets to give inspiration they know that people often (usually) just use the content word for word but they specifically allow (intend) for DMs to deliberate how the game is run
i just generally don't find dnd (5e or otherwise including pathfinder) to be very interesting anymore they're not bad systems by any means but they're not things i enjoy running and wouldn't want to play an extended campaign with them
i really really love basic roleplaying system i don't mind d20 systems that are rules lite but a lot of d20 systems just arent that interesting to me
>>985882 >>985885 formica is a brand name for a plastic laminate countertop so a plastic laminate is possibly formica but formica is definitely a plastic laminate
>>985886 Wow I can't believe you're breaking my heart, dashing my hopes of you playing in a 5e campaign I'll never have time to run ;_;
>>>/@IGN/1443667225450266625 >a number in a netflix series was a real phone number >they didnt check with the owner >some unrelated guy is getting tons of phone calls
That's pretty unprofessional, hah hah The least they could do ifis fund what he needs to get a new number I mean maybe it sucks because he has sentimental attachment to the number, but at this point they can't really go back Even editing out the number probably wouldn't help much
Apparently it's some kind of death game show? Someone /// Some folks I respect say it's not great but a lot of people seem to like it now that i hear about shit like this i probably wont watch it
also im watching kamen rider build and they played the jaws theme for a crocodile themed kamen rider lol wtf
>>985925 If she is Riamu Alter shouldn't she not have the ahoge?
>>985910 Weird, the Play Store update went ahead normally for me Are you trying to update from Arknights' store page, or from your Play Store downloads?
that dude got socked pretty hard by that gator but also that other dude got tail swiped combat gator
>>985943 Kaiji is "the mafia hosts a series of death games, and Legendary Gambler Kaiji finds clever ways to continue to win despite severe adversity" Squid Game is, so far, "some rich person, probably, hosts a series of death games for no real reason other than watching people get shot after failing to win in simple children's games"
Kaiji's strength is in the games all being like, first of all kinda gambling themed, but more importantly you can win by being clever Squid Game has games like Red Light Green Light and "cut a shape out of a piece of caramelized sugar"
>>985972 From what I'm guessing, the final game will be the titular Squid Game, which is apparently some sorta popular kids game in Korea? They explained the rules at the start of the first episode, and it hasn't been mentioned again, but I'm assuming that's the final game in the death dame death game*
I kinda zoned out when the rules were explained, didn't get it, though
Gladys is resigning it seems- that is the premier of the state https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-01/icac-investigating-gladys-berejiklian-daryl-maguire/100506956
I'm looking forward to streaming gunpla building again. I think my overhead shot setup will be good. I learned a lot from the first try I think the only thing I need to worry about now is getting the lighting good to avoid bad shadows But I'm not going to go buy lighting right now www
I've seen the prices on good lighting hardware for things like that They're kind of pricey for what's essentially a single-function item At least a good mic or webcam is kind of broadly useful
Deshou? My plan is to create a light board reflector out of a white material, but I'm not sure what I'll make it out of yet. And then I'll just use the cheap lamp I have. The goal isn't necessary to have professional lighting, but just to eliminate the shadows of my hands which will probably make it harder to see what I'm building.
Yeah, I think good lighting is something a lot of people interested in streaming underestimate It's kind of one of the big advantages of Vtubers, you basically get to discount lighting entirely unless you're one of the few that want to do live-action fusion stuff like cooking or gunpla
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this mic I bought on a whim has no physical end to signify max volume also no grapghic to show which way to turn poor choices
If I go to this 1:20 showing, I should be fine. My favorite theater, on opening day for John Wick 3, had like three people in the theater. Nobody really goes there so I should be fine. Hopefully.
But I'll risk getting sick for something as sick a Venom.
Venom 1 is a movie that helped me through my alcoholism a little bit actually. When it was in theaters, I had a really bad stuff happening and I was on the verge of relapsing, so I went to the movie theater to sit in a movie for a while so I wouldn't drink, and it ended up being Venom.
Nah, it's a good memory. I had a lot of fun. And it was really helpful.
i had mahjong to help me through it the hard part is finding something stimulating enough to satisfy your unquenchable brain thirst drinking was always just a means to quieten that thirst
new vapin laws come into play today I think it's basically illegal guess it'll go underground maybe we'll get a scenario like that synthetic marijuana situation
idea for cocktail Reading Steiner japanese whiskey doctor pepper banana liqueur
gonna try it this weekend and work out the proportions
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>986229 oh wait that might be hyperbowl just a very tightening of how you can gain access looks like you need a prescription? I wish news articles would link the bills they talk about more often
vaping is probably not so much healthier than smoking cigarettes that it's worth doing over cigarettes, if that's the sole reason for the preference the flavors and lack of cigarette smell are decent reasons, but also i feel like watching someone smoke a cigarette will likely not influence my opinion of them as much as seeing them vape
vaping for THC on the other hand, i preferable to smoking weed, imo edibles are really the only method i like though
I'm fine with it But I wouldn't say I found the previous one all too attractive The new one is kind of boring but in my opinion they've traded kitschy for boring, so it kinda balances out
>>986317 woke up at a crispy 8:30 today and enjoying my morning coffee somehow life feels great in the morning I suppose most of America is going through the night right now huh is this place even predominantly American like most parts of the interwebs?
>>986318 cycling in colder weather is great but I guess not really a thing while it's raining, rain pretty much ruins any activity outside
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the majority of us are in north america
it would make sense, there are lots of people living in NA after all although by that argument we should be seeing more Indians on here lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this breed of weeb is unevenly distributed
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ɐpun uʍop ǝʌᴉl oɥʍ ǝʇɐɯ ɹǝɥʇo ǝɯos puɐ ǝɯ ʇdǝɔxǝ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we jive now
Also despite historical circumstances a lot of Indians don't flit with the Internet Anglosphere all too much You'd be way more likely to get someone here from some small European country who learned English playing WCIII or something than the Indian subcontinent
>>986326 it's curious however, especially with all those Indians who perfom tech jobs and have everything they need to get addicted to online media like we are somehow >>986329 yeah you're right, I suppose they have their own online spaces, is all
I didn't say they weren't addicted to online media, I just said they don't get involved with the Anglosphere There's whole vast digital continents out there that you never see because you don't speak those cultural languages
>>986326 you'd be surprised to see how many European schools teach English nowadays I've talked to people who sound native only to find that they're from the Netherlands (although supposedly the Dutch have an advantage because their language is vaguely English) Added with the prolification of English on the internet
I don't doubt European schools teach English, even pretty comprehensive English But I'd wager good money most of the native-sounding writers/speakers are people who took little or no English study in school and learned pretty much all worthwhile English from practical communication online Which is what my WCIII was getting at
>>986332 yeah you're definitely spot on, but that little spark in school helps ignite the flame of language in some people >Which is what my WCIII was getting at I see, now we're full circle
on a different note, anyone here use pine64 products? particularly the pinebook pro or pinephone they make me very curious but I'm not sure if this is the time to go for it though they're so cheap maybe it's silly to ask
>>986339 like, i like open source in general and i use linux on some of my devices but when it comes to my phone i want the convenience and the modern features so it goes
>>986343 I can agree with that sentiment, but parts of me wants something to tinker with and simultaneously support a less proprietary future when it comes to mobile devices part* but on the other hand it would be too bothersome a change to make now, I've started using a dumbphone some years ago to hold out for things like the pinephone and by now I don't feel the need to change might still be worth getting one just to tinker with it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i see yeah if you have the time then tinkering can be fun
pepsi cola sucks it tastes like fucking shit flush it down the toilet and get rid of it if you drink coke well then you're in luck but don't drink pepsi cola because pepsi cola sucks