>An0m could not be bought in a shop or on a website. You had to first know a guy. Then you had to be prepared to pay the astronomical cost: $1,700 for the handset, with a $1,250 annual subscription, an astonishing price for a phone that was unable to make phone calls or browse the internet.
>An0m was not, however, a secure phone app at all. Every single message sent on the app since its launch in 2018 — 19.37m of them — had been collected, and many of them read by the Australian federal police (AFP) who, together with the FBI, had conceived, built, marketed and sold the devices. big lol
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha that's awesome
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on one hand I worry about the creep on the other I think you should know an obvious honeypot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it's a good sign that end to end encryption actually does work, that the gov has to resort to stuff like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe that's what they want me to believe!!!!!!
yeah i saw a bunch of stuff about that it seems like it a very smartly-carried out operation was* they waited until pretty far in before they started making moves that would compromise the app's nature and the thing about getting something like this built up is that eventually it has so much momentum that people don't question it anymore when every other pusher and mover is using it, you just assume it's cool
in the end, if you aren't in complete control of the code, you aren't in control of much at all for that reason, actual truly private end-to-end encryption will only be available to a pretty small subset of people, and for the rest there's all sorts of external possibilities for compromise outside of the sending of the messages themselves
im playin this wack opening the shanzi wall defense i have no idea what im doing but it trips some of my opponents up and other opponents immediately identify its weaknesses and take me apart
i guess people sometimes do okay with him but it kinda sucks that he's pretty weak if onyl because for the most part the game is really balanced and almost all the characters rank pretty closely in power so for only anji and faust to be getting the short end of the stick is kinda lame because they're pretty cool
i heard Faust sucks now Faust is my favorite character.
anji is super fun until people realize that literally all of his pressure is fake and punishable his buttons are cool and stuff, they're just bad he's probably only a few frame data tweaks from being alright though
faust is super whacky and his problems are a little more deeply-run into his kit and design i don't know that he'll ever be both good and also healthy, unless they handle changing him carefully and focus on fixing the weird (seemingly unintended) interactions first if they just straight-up buff him he might end up being cancerously good but i guess that's kind of his thing
kangaroos are just like giant bouncing rats of the road they do get pretty swole tho
My grandparents have a story of them driving through cottage country one day, and they came across a stretch of highway that was running rivers of blood Eventually they came across an eighteen-wheeler truck and a dead moose The moose hadn't survived the impact, but it had also totalled the eighteen-wheeler to the point of being inoperative Moose are scary motherfuckers
>>980307 how mysterious i don't remember much from 2014-2016 those were dark times in any case i'm glad you decided to join us ☆
>>980310 This is a pretty neat clip! I was waiting the whole time for the English one and then they left it at the end.
>>980312 That's the star! I wonder how long I've been lurking then. OH i remember when doushio.com yukko worked. It used to play gymnopedies 1 i think.
Cirno would've been pre-2014 though since their time here and my time here didn't overlap
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>980296 I'm just impressed you lurked that long gold star uuuu >>980294 that's just like well not in nsw, vic, act maybe sa nt wa or qld dunno
>>980300 I think I remember a saka brains a lil fuzzy rn tho
>>980315 I'm not very good at timelines. The last 7 years have been a huge blur for me.
The only one I remember with a star in their name, I think, was that, uh, Erica? some weird person who I think changed their name a few times I think by the time I started here they were on their way out on account of being a difficult person with distasteful interests
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
saka was friends with sc I think? don't quote me >>980317 I think you'll be fine! trust meee
>>980319 cabt believe you dont like ACDC and barely like Midnight Oil theyre like the two most australian bands well acdc is australian but like not noticeably australian i went like 18 years withiut knowing they were Australian midnight oil I could tell were australian immediately after listening to diesel and dust
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the one difficult person I remember was uhh that card captor sakura poster >>980320 it's boomer core or idk every acdc song sounds too similar only good ones are like Jailbreak midnight oil is eh okay
i sometimes nurse a wee hate boner in my head for boomer music, specifically the old dudes who drive around blasting classic rock i think to myself "have they been listening to the same set of 2,000 songs their whole lives?"
The guy I work with at work is in his late forties and plays basically the same thirty songs day in and day out Some times he goes on a binge which breaks the trend but otherwise it's the same playlist coming out of his computer of like, 70s and 80s hits He's a great guy otherwise but the music repetitiveness does drive me crazy some times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lots of people are like this, i guess it's not weird im just a judgy hipster my musical taste isnt even tastefully eclectic or obscure i just get tired of songs and change my whole selection year over year
Yeah I don't even dislike the songs he plays, it's stuff like the soundtrack to Guardians of the Galaxy and Green Day, occasionally some of The Hip, and some other things But I either have to listen to like one song or album on loop, or get regular variety And I wouldn't subject other people to that
It's better than the two guys who have access to speakers which can blast their music all over the warehouse though Although they have much more variety, the music they pick is much more often not to my tastes, and the guy I work with, he's only playing songs out of his computer speakers These guys have much louder speakers so it's harder to tune it out
The warehouse can get kind of noisy some times with all the box-taping that needs being done, and honestly none of us have particularly engaging jobs I can get why everyone's like, "Yeah it's good to have some music to work to" But when the ambient noise is that loud it kind of puts me off a bit, I'm not good with all that noise Fortunately I'm free to stick an earbud in and drown out some of that. Could probably even put both in but I don't really want to be cut off like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cut yourself off from the world completely enter VR psychosis see only the target box
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no i watched some warioware footage and am now desiring a mexican coke
Smuggle those Mexican Cokes over the border
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get dbz tacos while you're at it
you can get mexican coke in the US
I got new bed linens to swap out for the ones I've been using but I made the mistake of leaving washing them to kind of the last minute I mean I've been doing laundry like afternoon/evening but it's gotten pretty late now and my new linen are still in the dryer Now I need to wait on them to finish before I can sleep And it's getting pretty late
if it keeps up, I'll do that too but headaches aren't an out of the ordinary thing for me, it's just the sheer amount and intensity of this last week or so that's more than normal
Kudos to this Uber driver, who is going to get me to work about the same time my first schedule of the morning and after I had to wait like five minutes before rescheduling I just didn't wish I was late all the same
Who cares if it's Disney??? Some of the best studios and production companies are working on. TRIGGER is doing two of them, Kamikaze Douga (david pro's production company) is on them, Science Saru is doing two (they did Devilman Crybaby). These are going to be worth watching no matter what.
Why do you feel the need to make stuff up about things you're wholly ignorant about? The scenario writers are uncredited at the moment. There's no evidence that they were written by Disney.
do you understand what "even if" means?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do you? lol
yes, but you don't seem to
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I do, actually. "Even if" doesn't mean what you think it does. It means "despite the fact that"
no it doesn't
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It literally does. I would know better than you, and if you google it, you'll find I'm right.
hmm there really is a huge difference in the pizza/burger/kebab joint i order stuff always from depending on when you order, prolly related who is in the kitchen that day
>>980446 Raiden Shogun/Baal from Genshin Impact It's ... a gacha game, lol >>980449 Hey, Rei Oh, neat. I wonder what people were talking about then... Come visit again sometime. >>980448 She's much more recent, from the newly released region. >>980450 They are dead.
>>980463 Nah, I don't listen to much music. >>980465 Ah well >>980466 There's supposedly a rerun coming up in the next couple of releases. Ayaka is cool too.
hopefully i'll have enough primos i hear hu tao is maybe getting a rerun too and i have to pull for kokomi because she's too cute
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Ganyu is how to enjoy playing bows.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and also sex but mostly the bows
>>980468 I play on mobile/ipad, so I just shoot at the ground It's the only way. >>980471 She's too weak ;_;
i tried to do my abyss on mobile with keqing once didn't try that again
i can do it on PC okay i have aquila and decent-ish pale flame she's not as bad as people say, just closer to a good 4 star than a 5 star
trying to do charge attack spam on mobile is kinda whack tho and playing fast characters or animation cancelling is hard esp when abyss causes framerate issues on my phone
Yeah, I can see PC being better. I just dash cancel when I can, you get used to it. Charge attacks aren't bad, just press/hold the button. Getting the direction and spacing right, I can see being more an issue on mobile though. >>980472 >closer to a good 4 star than a 5 star And then there's Xiangling Hehehe...
i'm not expecting neco arc axcept as a DLC character near the end of the game's support cycle possibly i really hope we get sion at some point though
also, since this melty blood is more of a companion to the tsukihime remake, does this mean there's a chance of a sion route dlc!?!?
>>980566 unlikely it took them 21 years to release Satsuki's route wait no shes not even in part one yeah it could happen but its extremely unlikely, I dont even know how they could work her in unless it was a route that took place after either Arc or Ciel's route
>>980568 considering how much is being changed, i'm thinking that anything that happened in the original and melty blood can't really stand as very strong evidence towards what they plan to do in the future to me it seems like this is a pretty big reboot
I fucking love pictures of anime girls tickling the dragon's tail.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
doing what
>>980593 so thousands of years ago during the 1940's the US was actually in the middle of building a third nuke to use on Japan but then Japan surrendered the plutonium core was kept at los alamos and used in experiments in Err so anyways they did these experiments where they took the core and put it in a beryllium block with a hemisphere carved out of it and had a hemisphere lid for it but you werent supposed to put the lid all the way on top of it because that would cause it to go critical and it would release a ton of radiation now a safe way to do those tedlsts would be to put a wooden shim on the block and it woupd keep the lid from completely covering it but bad ass canadian american physicist thought it would be cool to just hold it there by hand with a screwdriver when Enrico Fermi heard about him doing this he said that Slotin was "tickling the dragon's tail" and that he would be dead by the end of the year. within some amount of months of that Slotin accidentally dropped the lid over the core and it went critical and exposed him to a massive amount of radiation before he fell over he was able to remove the lid he died soon after qnd the other people in the room also died from radiation poisoning
>>980595 ...but but why presumably you gotta put the little wooden piece in there when you like, go make some coffee or something anyway? You can't just stand there AND note down your findings, or take a piss
And good fucking luck getting anyone who knows what you're doing to hold it there for you while you're off doing something >>980629 Yeah fuck that shit, he knocks it off or I'm leaving, man I'm not sitting in here taking notes while this guy's sense of sleep deprived balance is all that's keeping us from an actual nuclear bomb's worth of radiation, and safety I want something a bit more reliable for that one
I assume because it made him feel like a big badass I'm wondering why anyone stayed in the room with him though, I wouldn't be anywhere near that thing
When you work like twelve-hour days on intensive research your sense of self-preservation probably waxes -wanes over time They were probably all a bit nuts, or at least bored People like to imagine scientists as stuffy or rational or sensible but in reality for the most part they're all as stupid as the rest of us
usually you do not look directly into the operational end of the device as a bit, though
>>980629 one of the guys in the room with him really didnt like safety regulations lemme go grab a quote
>>980633 Maybe the first hundred or two times you do it But after a while, you get comfortable You've looked right past it countless times and you've never gotten hurt Then maybe one time you look straight at it, and you're fine At that point, between your desire to get this done ASAP or your boredom or your extreme comfortability, you stop giving a shit
>>980635 it is a fucking miracle that this species yet lives
Not really Miracle implies statistic unlikeliness to the point of impossibility When in reality, when you look at the actual statistics, the odds of things turning out poorly were what was unlikely It's just easier to catch when things go poorly, because the bad result is Really Bad, but for the most part survival is statistically likely
>>980643 I mean we've been like, one guy disobeyind a direct order away from total nuclear armageddon once already, I don't think it's too far to call it a miracle we're still going
>>980637 >Graves, like Slotin, had previously displayed a low concern for nuclear safety, and later alleged that fallout risks were "concocted in the minds of weak malingerers."
although he was lartially right *partially right a lot of the early fallout estimates were a lot higher than what we predict now
>>980645 Nuclear armageddon wouldn't have made extinct the entire human population Survival might've been rough for a few centuries, but that's hardly extinction
Also it's easy to assume that disobeyed order would've have absolutely, without doubt, lead to mutual destruction, but we can't know for certain It's impossible to actually look down that world line because it didn't happen
No I mean like isn't that fucking game over? not immediately, sure But like, how long can we last during something like that?
Human populations have survived Ice Ages
humans are pretty tenacious it might not be a super fun life or whatever but people for the most part refuse to die
>>980650 the jury isnt out on nuclear winters yet theres been a lot of climate modeling that supports the theory and a lot more recently that dont support it
what do they predict, then? I thought Winter World was the prevailing theory
>>980662 when I said "the jury isnt out" I mean it hasnt been decided yet I dont think its realistic though
Even if a nuclear winter causes an artificial Ice Age or Little Ice Age, it's not like the entire planet will be at permanent -20c The equatorial band of the planet will still continue to be habitable, as it was during the colder parts of the planet's existence And if we've decimated the human population or worse, then there will be more than enough territory down there to house the remnants
>>980662 you should be more worried about CO2 induced climate change thats way more likely to cause another ice age
if humans managed to get through the first few millions of years, i'm sure they'd do fine after a nuclear catastrophe
>>980665 Well it's not like I'm "worried" exactly Nuclear war seems fairly unlikely to take place, climate change is already fucking too late to do anything about worrying doesn't make sense
>>980668 well yechnically its not "too late" to do anything about iits just really hard and expensive
I phrased that pretty poorly, yeah I don't mean we can't I mean we won't. this thing's happening, whether we like it or not, because some of us have more say than the rest, and those don't particularly mind
anyways the freshwater coming from melted ice sheets in the arctic is going to disrupt the thermohalene and thats gonna cause another ice age probably
why do they have the lid at all, though, actually? it's still, presumably, radiating the same amount more or less, right?
>>980699 putting the lid on it reflects the radiation it emits back into it which makes it releaae mor>>980701 no you dont want it to go critival they wanted to get it near criticaim not going to explain criticality right now cause its like 1:30am
I kinda still feel like my criticism stands then, but I guess you maybe need to close the lid to get it up to the place you want it, and then pop it open again or something I'm not a physicist
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nobody said it was cheesy they're playing the usual pop hits from like 2010 or so
>>980734 i didnt see him he told my dad that he was going and my dad told me i did run into him at the festival like 13 years ago though >>980733 I'm so sick of coldplay
FrP is the rightmost viable party we've got, basically They've got some wild eggs in there, they've got a guy who's been registered as living with his mom and pop since '09 in order to siphon money from the taxpayers, they've got a guy who threatened to kill a journalist a while back, who also got caught embezzling money It's a wild, rowdy bunch
There are of course parties even to their right, but they're not viable enough to get so much as a local seat anywhere, as far as I know Well, I say parties as though there's more than one There's one Which is, effectively, a straight up neonazi party with a paintjob because technically nazi parties are not legal
Oh, FrP also had that guy whose wife sorta kinda did a little bit of fake death threats against her own husband and tried to pin it on the left because of a theater play she didn't like It's not exactly known whether he was in on it or not, though I have my suspicions
Gonna be interesting to see how the government forming proceeds, that's for sure SP is kind of in a great position cause they get to pick the winner if they want tho SV and R may outnumber them depending on how the compensatory mandates shake out, but both that little block+MDG and FrP are kinda locked in already for opposing sides, or at least would never even consider the other big player If H refuses to work with FrP again, which is unlikely but possible, SP can't do a thing tho
It's so weird. I opened up the thing I needed to and then I actually worked on it. I had forgotten what focus feels like after a few months. I don't think I'd want it every day but I might go back to taking it maybe every other week at least.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for a day
I've been kind of listlessly drifting without prolonged focus, aside from the occasion short-term burst, that I don't really know what it feels like to be really sunk into something I'm pretty sure I did at one point, putting hours day after day into writing or drawing, I can't recall the feeling anymore, but it must've been a focused one It would be nice to have dedication again
I'm tellin ya, amphetamines would change your life
Probably! I sound really get in contact with ... somebody to see what kind of coverage my job's health insurance has for things like psychological diagnosis tests I'm pretty sure there's was supposed to be a briefing or document I was supposed to get with the necessary information on it but the guy who was handling my insurance application is a notorious scatterbrain who forgets to do things a lot He already forgot to adjust my pay back when I became a full-time employee back in February and only noticed after like three months I did get the pay I was due but still
yeah, the reason i stopped taking them is because of how much it impacts the depth of emotion you feel life is way more fun without them but i wouldnt have gotten to where i am if i hadnt taken them i'm just lucky to be at a point in my life where i dont need them every day
>>980823 Strike the Blood is one of those more risque LNs with sex appeal I believe Not as blatantly ecchi as like DxD and none of the softcore porn / actual porn of, uh that series where the girls fight in suits and get stronger with the MC does lewd things with their bodies I know you watched this show But StB is still pretty lewd and amps up as the series progresses
>>980824 Yeah. For sure. I feel that. For me though, I'd probably go back to day drinking without it so lesser of two evils. At least for the time being?
I thought maybe there was an original 90s eroge or something. and in all the scenes where he leans in for a neck suck It's actually FULL BLOWN INTIMATE CONTACT.
I never actually watched the show but I'm 99% sure they don't in the anime From peeking in on chatter they might in the LNs, not sure, but I do think there's some implicit offscreen boning
>>980828 Yeah the show is actually pretty tame. Which is why my off-hand theory was that there was some original source material and bits had been cut out.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
who needs to look anything up on a wiki when you can just ask tilde
Please send help I don't want to be an anime database I am a human being with human dreams too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
human being? or self-regenerating blood reservoir?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry CSIS no it's a vampire joke again i'm sorry sorry sorry
I recently got some new bed linen, including a duvet cover for my comforter And I don't know if it's coincidence but man I've been sleeping pretty heavily after getting it It might also be that the comforter is plain white and the cover is charcoal grey, so I don't have the whiteness brightening up my room even just a shade or two anymore It's nice though, I like having it
>>980844 oh yeah I recently noticed that :^( works not sure when you added this exception but I remember bugging you about it at some point thanks Samu
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a sign that has "kero" short for kerosene on it fuckin weeb gas station
>>980870 its almost 6:30 i'm going to make taco meat and pasta and eat it in about an hour >>980873 any mexican restaurants near you? do grocery stores in australia carry tortillas and taco seasonjng?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh your arvos been it would appear my roommate is covering the apple thing cause he's making a video >>980872 guzman y gomez is like 40kms away there's one in Chicago btw gentrified Mexican none of the original franchise owners are Mexican just two Australian dudes
>>980873 is it a taqueria or actual mexican cuisine?
>>980873 >there's one in Chicago its in Naperville REEEEE
I pretty much never go to Naperville
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>980872 yeah Mexican stuff exists in grocery stores we're not that behind
honey goes really well with peanut butter on a sandwich although if you're using sugary peanut butter i guess it might be too much, and most people do i like the stuff that's just ground peanuts and salt
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
make me a playlist shuffler that gets its randomness from random events occurring I want the truest shuffle known to man
I suppose if your idea of peanut butter combo is Hershey peanut butter cups...
huh? peanut butter and chocolate sandwich? i dunno, it probably is good but it's basically a dessert
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my idea of peanut butter combination has been tainted by those things like the worst chocolate and the worst peanut butter and yet that's a best seller
>>980943 I'm planning on making a true random number generator in the spring at uni.
>>980954 oh well that's dumb why would you let a cheap low-quality candy ruin your concept of one of the greatest ingredients known to man
i want a peanut butter banana milkshake now
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I dunno I just feel like I'm taking a gamble everytime I go for something with pb and taste is subjective so naturally something like that would affect yeah it's dumb monkey brain shit
ruh roh https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/nkorea-fired-unidentified-projectile-yonhap-citing-skorea-military-2021-09-15/ hopefully japan has good missile defense
Big thunderstorm tonight I like opening my windows and hearing the rain and the thunder
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this shuffle is so baaad
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>980960 you're a braver man than I I get scared if I end up falling asleep to ambient soundscapes and they just happen to storm sounds I hate storms
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
one time I had a dream my brother drowned and then a fucking huge thunderclap woke me up that was pretty scare
At this point I don't think there's much in the natural world that can scare me At least that comes from this part of the world I'd probably get spooked by a serious earthquake But I've been around enough errant weather that I'm not too scared by it
Oh the new Switch system update allows you to pair Bluetooth audio devices with the console It does use up a channel that would normally be used to pair a Joy-Con, but that's probably a non-issue if you're using Bluetooth audio
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh word? finally
Yeah Expect the usual Bluetooth latency, and I think you can't use local wireless link-up while using them (Internet connection ought to still be fine), but that aside, it seems like it'll work
>>981053 yea its gonna be hard to get good landscape details with a lens that's an inch wide
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
figures I think you mentioned there's attachments when I was talking about space stuff once I suppose I'm not spending cash anywhere else maybe I should look
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then again this is a galaxy a51 not really the creme de la crop
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive def ranted about this before on moe phones with 20 MP sensors behind a tiny glob of glass thats part of why newer phones are putting two or three or four lenses on the back that and the ultra WIIIIIDE shots
Geez Samu it's not about your size it's how you use it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its about the motion in the ocean!
>>981063 The newer phones with all the lenses gives me mild trypophobia irritations
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apertures and lenses and shutters isn't quite as catchy
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I was going to gimp a trypophobia lense phone as a meme er just photo edit damn brand words
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gnu imp
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lemme ddg something
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
funny how t he phone trends work >>981076 did you watch the Apple thing I know my roommate did
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how many years until apple releases a little picture taking drone covered in lenses wedding photographers BTFO
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>981075 of coursh being an ex iphone app developer i like to keep up 120 hz screen pog
sorry but i just dont really listen to boomer music other than once in a while ill get obsessed with a random classic pop song for a few days >>>/watch?v=dQsjAbZDx-4
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Coomer wow I actually have an album this guy drummed on in my phone's music library. i guess coomer music is based after all
I never really understood the "I dont listen to old music" attitude I listen to music from each of the past 6 decades and the current one on a regular basis.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets get into lanscape painting bois
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if only I was allowed to go out and take pictures of other scapes instead of the same backyard
>>981097 what's your cut off for what counts as boomer music?
>>981101 i find it mostly boring and samey personally i find modern music more interesting tonally can only listen to so much of the same guitar bass drums white guy drawl before i get bored like i said there are exceptions
oh apparently fever ray is just a name she releases stuff under.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that knife album is not bad yeah that's it shaking the habitual
>>981123 shaking the habitual? i love the cover ive seen a lot of meme edits of it on /mu/
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh that's why I haven't seen any I hate going on mu
i also saw them on /g/ I remember people getting into a dick measuring contest about how much they they coukd losslessly compress the image of the cover art
>>981128 I just think it's neat but I probably wouldn't use I do stream a lot but lossless would kill me
I could see them maybe doing like "stream lossless only when on WiFi" option Services like Spotify are usually pretty good at looking after your data consumption
haven't seen a dress like this in a loong time where did all the galas go maybe i should get a suit'
I think most galas were called off when the world went into a pandemic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean even before that in the Before Times i was just workin i didnt go to fancy dress up parties or anything even when i had a gf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess i havent been to a wedding in years thats probably why
I've never been to a wedding! Honestly I don't really want to Parties and similar occasions kind of make my already considerable social unease get real bad I don't feel comfortable rubbing elbows with people and would rather just spend time either alone or with people I like
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
flat out like a lizard drinking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lyin on the ground lickin booze out of a puddle
Can't you all just use a cup like civilized people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
CUP??? thats no fun
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I was kind of bugged I was only invited to one wedding but on the other hand I don't want to go another wedding! get a suit get a present get time off work too much hassle! I'm fine with the social interaction I'm just lousy with the other stuff maybe one was enough I am not a fox reaching for grapes
As is the only weddings I'm liable to be invited to are those of my siblings, probably I don't have many friends after all, and I would wager I'm in fair probability to be completely forgotten if they want to put on a wedding with invitees I'm not particularly morose about this, I'm well aware it's the result of my general anti-social behaviour and poor social skills And it lends itself well to my unease with social functions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who needs the wedding really i just wanna be in a fancy ballroom plenty of time for that when im a senior that's all they do anyway
When I'm old and crusty I'm just going to sit at home alone all day like I do anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
perhaps by that time we will all be brains in vats zoomin around the metaverse
>>981179 wirehead AI poor thing we would have to turn it off because it wouldn't be able to do anything productive unless we had lots of extra energy lyin around