Oh hi hey hello The night got a bit away from me One moment
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru Boku no Hero Academia *Bokutachi no Remake *Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoko Saikenki Hamefura *Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 9-10 *Kaizoku Oujo Magia Record Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 9-11 *Meikyuu Black Company Sonny Boy *Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. *Tokyo Revengers Uramichi Oniisan *Vanitas no Carte
oh yeah this floor on the dungeon is like the pacific northwest and i guess it has dinos
Kinda reminds me of DanMachi where some of its lower levels are practically outdoors
how did he shoot glue like that anyways
Maybe it's a less mana-intensive mode for the gun
the first half of this OP is pretty alright but when it kicks in the breakdown/bridge i immediately start funkin and groovin fortunately it's on youtube music
The trend of all powerful species is towards cute girls
It's kind of funny that the main conflict of this series at the moment is that Rim was too dumb to do her job properly and got distracted by the promise of meat
what if she ends up actually liking him and then he ends up actually disliking her
hahahahaha that getup
Domi puts on a good tramp boy's dress
domi this is YOUR fault
I get this guy is like the Arch-duke or whatever but surely there's hospitality standards which keep hotels from letting people into their customers' rooms
i would like this guy if it wasn't for the fact that he's really evil underneath
He seems reluctant to dole out treatment without knowing if the vampire is a cursed one or not And since Jeanne is either under some compulsion or is just scared to confess, he's not going to act until it's guaranteed
Man how many personalities are crammed in that one body now There's Hel that Siesta is suppressing, Siesta after her heart got put in the body, Aisha was there too before Hel or maybe after And then Natsuki came about at a later date
It's been eighty minutes since we started oranging up That's enough time to fit three shows in if we don't hit too many road bumps
Two weeks since Halloween Takemitchy has spent a long time in the past this time Although it was also like months that he spent in the future the last time he was there
Living right in the middle of Shibuya in the 00s would probably be pretty wild Oh his family run an interesting establishment
if anything the reason we were tricked is because how the hell is this not something we know already it's almost like she wasn't until just this moment and now she needs to be his sister for an upcoming plot development
Or maybe we just never got much insight into Emma because she's been around all of maybe fifteen minutes And Takemitchy hasn't exactly shown much interest in her We get 99% of the series from his perspective, so if he's not privy to something, we don't know it You can't really know how far back the author planned this
Well that's kind of sweet Takemitchy might not've shown any clear results but people are noticing the subtle ways he's helping Touman and the people around it out
It looks like fate might've gotten turned entirely around In the original timeline, Valhalla absorbed Touman Now it seems like Touman might be absorbing Valhalla
>>980236 looks like you were right they needed to kill time for the real meat next episode
chifuyu being up there is a good sign Sin and Punishment is a pretty scary guy but it's way better that chifuyu is up there than, say, kisaki although maybe kisaki planned this too
Kisaki's seems deadset on being the shadow king, and Hanma seems to be someone he's either made subservient or has serious dirt on I think it's probably safe to assume anything Hanma is doing, it's as a piece of Kisaki's yeah
On the topic of timeslip series, I wonder if the MC in this will get another pass at going back to the past Like Aki might seem to have made peace with retiring her art career, but there's still Tsurayuki and his novels, and Nanako never making it big He ruined quite a few dreams to get to this point
ah yes this is where we are i have absolutely no idea where things are going to go now
his life is definitely orders of magnitude better than if he hadn't gone back in time ut now it's complicated
He's really the only one who it's turned out inarguably better Like the rest of them were creative celebrities basically, or Buchou working as a director in the industry-leading studio
Yeah, she's the one who it's kind of arguable She seems to have made peace with not drawing anymore, and enjoys raising a kid But art was her life back in university, and she talked about how much satisfaction she drew from it Would she have been happier, or more satisfied, continuing art? It's hard to know
we don't really know what nanako and tsurayuki's lives are like, either
Art is hard work when you're having motivation issues It's something which needs you to put in effort and consideration There's a lot of jobs you can do on autopilot, or at least you have a concrete order of operations to use while doing the work Your task and objective isn't always so clear when you're doing creative work though, and that is always at risk of worsening if your motivation or inspiration dries up
I wonder if she can't draw or she just doesn'tw ant to
Judging from her explanation last episode, it's kind of inbetween Like with the artist he's been having trouble with, her motivation and enjoyment of art dried up You can't really force art out and expect to keep doing it Eventually she probably just stopped wanting to
yeah you can't really fuck up gacha like that it seems like a minor inconvenience on the players end but massive legal battles can happen from this kind of stuff