>>>/watch?v=gGaxo98yHuI Bill Nye did a similar thing to that video with the Asian doctor. Only with a bit less sass because I guess Nye is kind of more serious.
Pie Five is a place where you can make personal pizzas and it's fucking great. >>97236 Blaze Pizza? It's not as good. There's also like uh I forget the third around here.
I can make personal pizzas from the pizza joint I can walk to here.
If I eat a pizza as opposed to something else, I'll be able to run better than if I had not eaten at all. But pizza is so far from optimal nutritionally that I'm tempted to eat something else so that I can be closer to optimal. I'm not obsessed with reaching that optimal point of performance, but I don't want to be really far from it.
Does Passover generally mess with eating nutritionally well? You have to understand I have a very vague idea of the event and no personal experience.
Not really. You can circumvent the restrictions /// the impact the restrictions have on your nutrition by substituting foods. For example, I usually eat a Clif bar in the morning before a run. They have oats so you can't eat them during Passover. So instead of that, I ate bananas in the mornings, which are probably better than the breakfast bars in terms of carbohydrates for running.
I didn't eat that well during Passover this year and even went a bit without eating at all, but I still ate enough to run.
I bet if you ate a pizza made with more nutritious foods it'd be fine. So feel free to make a wheat flatbread type pizza with sauce, lowfat cheese, and stuff like PINEAPPLES on it
I'm craving something fatty which is why I want pizza. It's probably because I get a lot less fats during Passover. Balancing things is such a chore. Life can be such a chore, too.
I think it depends. Instruments for learning often are a little quieter or have various types of mufflers for them. A full on performance cello will be loud since it's meant to be played in a performance hall. Most modern cellos also have the necessary guts to be hooked up to an amplifier if needed, too.
I got road raged at today. They got out of their car and started harassing me, too. We almost got in an accident because they tried to turn when I had right of way and then got really pissed about it, I guess.
>>97323 This is my third time being road raged at and the second time someone has gotten out of their car to confront me.
Their car was stopped in a way that blocked me from getting around them, and there was a car behind me that refused to back up, so I couldn't back out. The person came up and started shouting at me through my window, so I just turned my music up But then they started beating on my window so I started calling the police and made it really obvious that I was dialing 911 and they eventually left.
I really hope they do the female protagonist in the re-release this time because I want to give it all up to Yusuke!
>>97324 That's dangerous getting out of cars to fight people. Someone could get shot doing things like that.
I'm probably gonna go try the written test to get my license renewed tomorrow. So I'll be on the long and unrewarding process to being able to drive again.
>>97325 It's various dangerous. The car behind me wouldn't move so I could escape, either. It really was a little frightening. If she had a gun, I probably would have died.
I guess that's almost as bizarre for someone to road rage against, hah hah.
It was really annoying. I don't experience a lot of fear, so I can handle situations like that calmly/stupidly. I think it's natural to panic in that situation.
>>97331 Well, I don't think I would panic immediately. But the fact that you've put the idea of "they could have a gun" in my head has made it a much scarier idea.
That's one of those bizarre things. In a situation where I was being road raged at, I would never consider they have a gun.
Road rage is really uncommon. Most people, even if they have a gun, won't use it when road raging because road rage is a very explosive type of anger and their guns are usually in the glove box or center console. It requires more deliberation to use the gun than most road ragers have during that explosive anger. Most will just start honking angily and maybe get in front of you and try to break check you a couple times.
i got road raged when i was in a really unfamiliar area and there was a secret stoplight it was like really awkward of an intersection and i didn't know it was there so i ran a redlight and someone from the oncoming traffic turned and followed me, two big dudes in a jeep who acted like they were gonna ram me i was really scared and i cried they eventually just yelled at me a lot when i stopped (i shouldn't have stopped) and they turned around and went back
Yeah, the time I was getting road raged at where they didn't get out of their car - come to think of it, that was also a jeep, how weird - I didn't want to stop next to them because they clearly wanted me to at the red light that was coming up, so I turned onto an off road.
i was like 17 i didn't mention that
>>97336 It's okay Tony just move to Canada, where you never have to assume someone has a gun.
>Wait until now to email a professor so I don't have to get into a prolonged thread with her >She immediately replies from her iPhone Please don't be this dedicated to your job.
>>97346 My grandparents have told a story where they saw an eighteen-wheeler's front completely totaled by a collision with a moose. The moose died in this encounter, but the eighteen-wheeler was unable to drive after the impact. You really don't want to hit a moose.
>>97403 I'm going to Something Wonderful festival in Dallas/Fort Worth for the weekend So I requested the days surrounding because I don't have a better time to use them before November when I get them back.
>>97405 I'm off from today until tuesday, for the paid time off at least I was off yesterday but I still had to go in to do a thing last night, and then I might not be scheduled on wednesday if I'm lucky.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have about 20 hours of paid time off but I need to use them before it'/s too late.
>>97413 my company just went private so i don't think there will be anything like that
>>97415 yeah pretty much you have some of your pay taken out for a retirement fund and your employer matches up to a certain amount so you get a bit extra if you go for it most employers will also transfer your 401k if you choose to change jobs
privileged bang's first paid vacation
i think the catch is that your retirement fund is in the form of an investment in the company
>>97416 oh yeah didn't panera get bought recently?
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>97419 yeah by a private holdings company that owns a few other things, notably dunkin donuts and keurig coffee but the reason that we sold was mostly for more control from the administrative heads and less from the greedy stockholders panera's vision for the future involves expenses in the short term for long-term growth and stockholders (especially right now) are pining for short-term gains at almost any cost we want to offer higher quality and build a larger customer base through investing in our workforce and culture where a lot of the stockholders wanted us to lessen our costs and improve efficiency over quality
>>97417 So kinda like any retirement fund We have two retirement funds the basic state fund and then any plan you choose to get
why stockholders gotta be such faggos
privileged bang's first paid vacation
it's a job where you make money off of other people's work it's literally coattail riding professionally but also gambling idk, if i had the money to do it, i would do it probably but it's kinda fucked if you ask me
privileged bang's first paid vacation
my friend says that the food pyramid is more like a food christmas tree and that ass is like the star at the top of the christmas tree
>>97420 I accept the use and qualities of stockholders for some fields of economic investment. But I feel stockholders and the food service industry are things that NEVER work out for the quality of service.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>97429 Yeah the service industry had a place for it but you're never going to see the best quality coming out from publicly held/controlled companies unless they have a lot of safeguards in place I think this is will overall be a good change for the company The only issue is that now I don't have a chance to hop on the train. If I had bought panera stock when I got hired, I would've made some crazy 180% return or some shit I just gotta keep truckin where I'm at
>>97430 You want a case study of how stockholders are terrible for food service, just look at Tim Hortons. They got bought up by the investment company that owned Burger King and went public because of it. And in the time since have declined in quality massively and amongst a lot of Canadians are generally considered a bit of a shitshow now.
They even ditched their previously coffee provider and went with a shittier, cheaper one. (The previous coffee provider then got bought up by McDonald's who coincidentally then suddenly were able to provide much higher quality coffee than they used to.)
My return got rejected twice even though I gave it a correct info thing to prove my identity each time, but Kirara found a thing on the site I was using that said if your return was submitted last year after a certain date, just use 0. Turns out, mine was submitted after that date so I used 0 and they just sent an email saying it went through.
I hate it when developers treat me like I'm stupid. I was reinstalling chrome and wanted to put it in a different directory. but nooooo they've taken any input out of the process and it just installs where it wants to. It's so dumb.
Chrome warns me that i'm in dev mode every time i launch it and it never gives me the option not to show the message anymore it's an obnoxious prompt too it's like HEY YOU ARE IN DEVELOPER MODE THATS FOR IMPORTANT STUFF DONT MESS WITH IT DO YOU WANT TO TURN DEVELOPER MODE OFF and it's just yes or cancel. there's no "No, i know what i'm doing"
>>97474 It is when you're predatory about it. If a super fast person ran around snooping on everyone through their windows, they would no doubt be seen as an evildoer.
Don't hate Google just because it's the apex predator and you wish you were
The information they access is what they're permitted to look at or public.
>>97477 Stalking is a crime. The only difference between google and a stalker is that they stalk every other person alive at the same time they're stalking you.
And since stalking is a crime, you'd imagine they'd have encountered repercussions somewhere.
You have too much faith in the legal system. The law is notorious about being terrible at keeping up with technology. By the time people realized that what google was doing was wrong, they were wealthy enough to protect themselves.
No it's more I think calling it stalking is an exagerration. Exaggeration even. There's a lot of information I know about people just from osmosis.
>>97482 If someone followed you around collecting everything about you by watching you constantly, and when you went "hey stop that" they went "it's publicly available info deal with me following you everywhere" it would certainly be stalking.
I think you're a bit paranoid if you think Google is intently following you around collecting everything. To use the example i was tr-
Rika let me finish saying things before you talk back.
>>97486 So you're making the claim that google hasn't collected a ton of information on pretty much everyone?
>>97487 You could make the same argument to justify peeping on women through the windows at their home.
>>97488 I get annoyed when I'm trying to get to a point and people cut in before the point concludes.
>>97489 I'm saying a lot of information Google collects is stuff that's floating about. If I get up on stage and say, "hey people I like apple juice" and then someone comes and says "hey bud you like apple juice, I know a discount going on over at this grocer" then I can't really be angry at them.
>>97489 there's so many more interesting things to peep at than women if you were peeping in the first place i would probably peep and see things like how many suits they have in their closet, whether they keep the TV on when they're not in the room, whether they have dirty dishes in the sink or they wash them right away, what bath products they use you know, important information that's marketable, not what their body looks like what am i supposed to do with that information
>>97511 No human can collect all the information though, and normal people can defend against other normal people. No one can defend against google because it is too big and powerful.
No matter how much you want to lick the boots of your corporate overlords, google is EVIL.
if you can't beat the bad guys, join them
But none of the reasons you give are actual evil reasons. For all I can see you're just saying they're evil because you believe they're evil.
And you've told me to not trust anything you say so I guess that's that.
>>97514 I think Google can be defended against individuals and small groups can do things that google is too cumbersome and lethargic to do
I don't believe that anything getting too big is inherently an evil. Nor do I believe that Google in their wide girth are some beneficial organization either. They're a being in the grey realm of morality, just like pretty much 99% of every other being or organization in existence.
>>97516 People don't like being spied on. People don't like having giant corporations collecting all the info about them and selling it.
Generally speaking, doing things to people against their will that they don't like is evil.
If I could send a letter to google that said "hey, please don't collect all my info and sell it" and they actually did it, then they would be substantially less evil. My sentiment is hardly unique, there are a LOT of people out there who don't want google collecting all their info, but google is collecting info on them anyway.
Well I guess it's good for them that Google isn't collecting all their information then.
I'm not as effective as google is. I also wow you just yelled at me for going too fast and here you are
I also don't sell information I collect to corporations. I also would happily comply with anyone's wishes for me to not pay any attention to them, which google doesn't do.
I think you are seriously underestimating the impact of the magnitude at which google operates.
I drink water and that's fine. but if I were capable of drinking all of the water, that would be an evil act because everyone else would die.
Again, being effective is no indicator of being evil.
>>97527 My argument still works, despite your nitpicking.
Most people would not object to me knowing one or two things about them. Most people WOULD object if I were capable of easily finding out everything about them.
You seem to be ignoring what I said, does that mean you have no objection with the argument?
Imagine the power you'd have if you had access to googles databse
>>97532 >i hacked into the system, time to start downloading all of google's information >download started, ETA 17,640 years
>>97528 Google can't find out everything about people. They can only find out what is publicly available or what they're permitted to look at. >>97535 But that's not everything.
>>97534 Google can find out enough about people that they would object to google knowing so much about them. Yeah don't get autistic on me. This isn't about knowing everything, this is about orders of magnitude. Google can find out enough about people that they would object to it, there is plenty of evidence of people objecting to the fact that google knows so much about them.
>>97535 Then why do you jump to everything at every given chance?
>>97533 >hacking into the system >not just becoming the ceo of google >or alternatively becoming a politician and establishing a legal basis for you to access googles database at will You gotta play the long game with this sorta thing
>>97537 You're ignoring my argument again, does that mean you concede?
>>97539 The fault is not in Google for the information being available. I think it's kind of humourous that people stamp their feet at it when a system designed to gather information gathers information.
>>97538 step up your game son why not just let google collect all your information and store it in their database, and you selectively expose information in such a way that it encodes an informational contagion to probe the information that is in the very database they're putting this block of information from you and you can use a dev entrance by probing google's algorithms after it's been contaminated. all the data's still there and useful, but you've now made it readable
>>97540 So if you see no evil in collecting information that is easily available, do you think that stalking is not an immoral act? That it shouldn't be a crime? All a stalker does is collect information that is easily available.
Stalking isn't inherently a crime, though it can lead to a prosecution.
>>97548 By itself it is neither a moral nor immoral act because it is defined by the reasons for stalking. Is stalking a criminal to determine their crimes immoral?
but if they're not innocent it's cool, so no issues with us stalking google back
privileged bang's first paid vacationSearch [iqdb](4.3 MB, 239x286, WEEBLOOP.gif)Anno
>>97558 Actually, it's that I don't really think what Google does is stalking in the first place. Because it isn't a human entity behind what collects the information. It's a computer system.
>>97561 What is different between what google does and stalking? Both are just collecting publicly available information about someone.
If I form a LLC to stalk someone, then it's not stalking?
isn't that just a private detective do those still exist i bet that's not a very lucrative career now that there's the internet
They still do. I'm not sure if they're as rampant in Western culture though.
>>97563 I'm sure if you created a company that employed computer programs to trawl public information channels to aggregate information, you'd have every freedom to.
How does google collect the information again? Because as far as I know it does it with what you enter into its searches That's willingly submitted information
>>97567 how does that work? what do they do? i mean in the physical world where you'd have an office and be paying taxes i can think of some black hat spaces where they could find a home but i mean the normies
>>97565 If I set up a camera outside someone's home, it would be fine because it's not a human collecting the information?
>>97568 They're good for collecting information. You work Well you want to work in law, they get used there a lot. If you want photos of the hood but don't want to get shanked by urban youths, you can send a PI down there to take pictures for you.
>>97569 You'd probably have a harder time with that since it concerns private property.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
collecting information about people might be on the worse side of the neutral point on the vast complicated spectrum of morality but looking at my dick and finding out what websites i browse are two completely different worlds away from eachother in terms of how much i give a fuck
>>97570 It doesn't have to be private property. You can set it up in a bush across the road.
Looking at private property.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
The servers we access aren't owned by us It's just a fact of life that people will be looking at things done in public, and the internet is a public space except where it isn't, much like society
>>97573 It's publicly available information. You can see their house from the road.
>>97574 Yeah pretty much. You can get upset at people all you want for seeing the things you put in the public eye, but there's no explicit wrongness in them seeing it.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>97575 Servers aren't exactly private unless they are
privileged bang's first paid vacationSearch [iqdb](39 KB, 960x583, ellen.jpg)
You guys are just cucks lapping up google's hot juicy sauce right off your face
I'm kind of shocked at you, Bang. I'd not figured you for a corporate boot-licker.
Oh man look at that VICIOUS response.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>97579 Privacy is not something you can expect from others, it's something you have to forge for yourself Just like in physical society, we have our lives that we know everyone can see if they want to, and then we have our secrets You just need to know how to keep things secret, and we don't live in a world where the internet is reliably secret unless you go through the effort to make it so
>>97576 Well, that's where we disagree. I think that collecting a ton of information about a person, to a degree that they would be uncomfortable with, against their will, is an immoral act. Which is why I have a problem with stalking.
>>97585 >I dont care, so i'm going to argue that everyone else shouldn't care also because it's fine
No, I'm going to argue because it's fun. There's absolutely no chance I'd ever convince Rika of anything, she's too set in her ways. I mean so am I but the point is. It's fun to talk over these things.
>>97588 That wasn't what this conversation was about. It was about whether what they do is an immoral act. I don't leave my car unlocked downtown either, that doesn't make breaking into a vehicle okay.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>97591 Oh, well then yeah I agree it's immoral. But I think morality is more of a distraction than anything else. It's nice to do things in a moral way when you can and most of the time morals work out for the better but sometimes life isn't pretty
what do y'all use? Startpage or duckduckgo ?
privileged bang's first paid vacation
On the computer I use for almost everything? Chrome. I'm deep into the google. But then there's other devices that i have which are more or less private and secure
>>97593 I use Chrome for moe and Firefox for most other stuff. I agree with Bang in respect to the idea that it's kind of pointless caring about privacy because there's nothing you can do.
I still think what google does is an immoral act, but you can't really escape it. Kind of like how ISPs and power companies are assholes but you can't avoid them either.
That wasn't the question if you look at the second line >>97600 Let me finish then
Yeah but you were asking about two fairly irrelevant search engines.
>>97598 yeah memphis electric fucked me out of about 400 dollars for nothin maybe some of it was my use, but it was mostly their fuck up on the readings and a chunk of that is late fees they tacked on while having the account on hold to be investigated for two months between the time wasted with them on the phone, work i needed to do, and the stress, it was easier just to cave and less taxing on me
>>97600 did this nigga just call duckduckgo irrelevant
You betcha.
what a stupid cunt
>>97600 Furthermore there's nothing in there to suggest browsers You could have just told what search engine you do use
>>97606 No I don't think you understand. You were agreeing with me the whole time but too focused on being sassy to realize that. Now tell me how to big text.
privileged bang's first paid vacation
>>97608 Are you sure you're not doing the exact same thing? Or worse... projecting?
wow there's a big fat juicy contract that does specifically market research stuff and it'd pay 75% more than my current pay but there are people with like decades of experience applying i'm just a dumb kid in comparison but i really want it that would be a lot less stressful, higher pay, more enjoyable, and a good career boost
i should probably put something more witty than 'cursor' though
people sure use the opening "Like I said," a lot when they're about to say things that they never said in the discussion prior to that point this is a recurring theme
I wonder what it feels like now to be a Cubs fan. They won the World Series, tore apart the previous identity their team had...and now what?
the kid's just sobbing uncontrollably and the mom's like "What is it?" and he just looks into the camera crying and says "Dad and i are going to wrigley field" i know he's super stoked and that's cool but it looks like he's devastated it's amusing to me
It's kind of weird that all right and alright mean the same thing but when you look at "all right" as a combination of words it doesn't mean the same thing.
I always take it an hour before bed, but it usually kicks in in about 30 minutes. When you first start taking it, it knocks you out quick, though.
I see. Would the effect possibly be modified by body physique, or things like your heart condition?
Not really. Melatonin is naturally secreted by the body in response to circadian rhythm and absence of light, so it's really just adding what modern technology is stopping you from getting normally, the body doesn't normally secrete more based on physique
Generally people have to find a sweet spot with melatonin that works best for them though Usually like 1mg-20mg Somewhere in there I take 10-20mg
finally done with work 4am fuck >>97784 the amount the body produces naturally is in the range of micrograms, but it's like a drip release i remember hearing some medical opinions on the matter and some said that the body doesn't really use most of what you take in orally by a pill anyway, that most of it just gets flushed i don't know if that's true but i think about it from time to time there's also the counterbalance that you're not really producing it yourself if you're ingesting it from an external source, so there might be some balance in that sweet spot of finding enough to stimulate sleepfulness, but // my brain's a little tired i just worked for 16 hours straight
>>97789 Just take a knife to one end and chop the tip off.
>>97790 I've heard that most of it gets flushed too, but I don't really believe it.
>>97791 Mou I'll have to get up and go downstairs to get a knife
Knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife
these files were actually due 34 hours ago but i got FUCKED OVER HARD on tax day and had to waste the entire day on bullshit i was going to complain about it but i was too mad and still am so i won't go into detail
Well clearly it's like watching stuff by kyo-ani. Every show they make is the same. So if you wanted a season 2 or something just watch whatever new show these guys put out. Because it's the same.
>>97800 If the movie does well it may revive interest in a new season. I don't know if there was enough material back when the first anime came out for a second season, but there should be now. There just needs to be buzz about it.
>>97813 That's really, really far from the case though.
>Tim Pool guest hosting a video on Sargon's channel Sargon is getting so HUGE
And I still have no clue who that's supposed to be.
That's Capybara from Kemono Friends
I mean the people you're talking about.
Tim Pool is a journalist, somewhat well known Sargon of Akkad is a youtuber who makes political videos mostly talking shit about the latest weird stuff to come out of the left Things like Universities introducing race-based segregation and whatnot
her mind is so disjointed now i really wish i could evaluate her or that someone else would and i could see the results there's something seriously weird in her head and it's getting worse haha
oh yeah she was also like "I'm getting off twitter to write an article" like 10 minutes ago and then posted that and retweeted some other shit since then haha
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
when passover started, she tweeted that she was going to take a break from twitter for passover and then started spamming retweets and shit for the next few days
I know she never needed to do a second take on a script never even a stutter or screw up it was pretty impressive
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
she's an impressive person a big part of the problem is that she's so competent though
she was the first person to report on the FISA warrant that trump was wiretapped or whatever, like three months before trump got wind of it and flipped his lid when everyone got wind of it and started reporting on it, she got a ton of attention and i think the validation of that finding validated her belief that she was a good investigator and so other stuff she found must be right so she drew herself into this absurd web of conspiracy and justified her belief in it by saying she's a good investigator now she's in so deep she can't even see reality
people still believe in Pizzagate so it's like a normal human condition.
>>97869 well that's about the time she stopped running heat street isn't it she launched it, got it rolling, and then stepped off maybe this is just how she is when she doesnt have that focus to outlet it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
looks like she reported on the FISA warrant in late November and left Heat Street in mid-December
did she leave it or just stop out of the driver's seat step out*
Do you think we really need capital letters anymore? i think we're solid to just go fully lower-case in this era
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>97875 Looks like she's still officially affiliated with it but acts almost solely independently now http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2017/01/louise-mensch-no-longer-leading-heatstreet-233235
i am working on a rush file at the moment due in a couple hours that's why i'm just asking things i could easily look up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i figured but i wanted to post the article since sometimes you ask for them haha
thanks i opened it actually but i'm not tabbing over to it until i'm done
Spider-Octopus hired goons through the company that seemingly most villains use It's a pretty cool story
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
have you read the Flash Thompson Venom comics?
Nope I've read very little comics Red Son and this now is like... it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you should check them out, the first 20 or so issues at least they're about Flash Thompson, the bully from Peter's childhood, receiving the modified Venom symbiotic suit
New poll: would you rather be stuck on moe or have glue stuck in your hair I meant gum not glue
>>97892 Is he not the one who becomes Venom regularly?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
No, he's not
Flash Thompson is a war vet in it, his legs are amputated He tries to use the Venom suit to be a hero It's a really good story (until the writer got switched)
Oh is it anything like when Carnage became Spider Man?
i think i have the comics i can probably upload them somewhere for you if you want
I can probably find them myself But I'll let you know if I can't
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
alright it's Venom (2012) issues 1-22 are really good
after issue 23 they changed the writer to a retard that thought it'd be interesting if venom got possessed by the devil instead of writing a story about a guy struggling to control an evil suit and do good
Doc Oc as Spidey is fun because he's obviously gonna do a lot of shit Spidey wouldn't But the devil controlling Venom? That's... not gonna change much in what he does or anything Isn't Venom just fucking rage anyway
went from a guy dealing with childhood traumas and fighting violent impulses to LOL HE'S THE DEVIL
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
5 years later and i'm still mad
This just in Ciara STILL mad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wonder how she stays so mad about this why is she even mad maybe a guy she liked dumped her for his waifu
>>97908 speaking of childhood traumas check this out >>>/@ABC/854797063036514304 i'm being sarcastic, he's happy as hell but i would cry if my dad forced me to go to a cubs game
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
damn he's so happy he's probably happier to get cubs tickets than i've ever been in a singular moment wtf
dude that kid is awesome the dad's just like "i need you to do this with me all day, are you okay" and the kid's just thinking it's more farm work, chopping wood and hauling hay and hard work and he's just like yeah dad i love doing this work with you all day what a badass
but the part where he's crying and the mom's like "What is it?" and he's just sobbing "Me and dad are going to wrigley field" and she's like "Who are the cubs playing against?" and he looks down and sobs again and in the most depressed tone "The saint louis cardinals" goddamn brutal
i bet a lot of parents treated their kid super nice the last couple of days after the news stuff seeing that makes you love your own child a little bit more i bet
the scale starts 0-35 and then starts going by 5 i have to mark 30 but where the fuck is 30 supposed to be exactly
I did notice that but i wasn't sure if that was what you meant >>97921 i would probably manually label the right side of the notches 0-30 and use the right side to mark those numbers i know that's not intended at all but i would do it out of spite at that shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like where does 2 go where does 14 go how am i supposed to show a difference between a score and /// score of 2 and 5?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like a score below 35 doesn't even matter like it's so low you don't even need to look at it so i'd understand if it were like that, and you aren't supposed to mark that because it's so low
>>97965 At least there won't ever be a time when the question "where's that hammer at now?" won't be answered within like, 10 seconds with pinpoint accuracy
It actually is a bit weird that villains and heroes don't have eachothers phone numbers once the villain's been in and out of jail 15 times Like you know eachother now, might as well have an easy way to communicate if you want to
Like next time the Goblin needs to tell Spidey something, he can just send a snapchat or something instead of kidnapping 3 people and holding one at bomb-point
Apparently there are studies showing how the actual best thing that ccan be done for like really poor people in African shit nations and whatnot is to just give 'em money No strings
And capitalism will actually kick in
As if The warlords would still grab iy
Well of course those areas will need some sort of protection too
>>97992 Don't worry guys I still got reception I'm on BAT&T
Bruce probably bought a custom twitter handle too B@tman
>he just makes passive aggressive tweets like "Man these streets are getting really bad, I wish someone would increase funding for the police in Gotham"
>@TheJoker is just a bunch of sub-par jokes from some mediocre comedian >@realTheJoker is actually the Joker but it's mostly rage at the guy who took @TheJoker
>>98010 >@TheJoker I'm coming for you! I'll kill your a hole family, and that's not a joke! >#HAHAHA
>>98010 >constant tweets of shitpost while doing crimes all aimef at @thejoker and b@tman
i want an ice cold beer, like the coldest possible that a nice crisp beer can get without freezing or slushing all i have is whiskey and that's not crisp and refreshing at all
>>98031 ...well Trump is more than 10 years old, so
does twitter work like moe in that you can pre-tweet people like me typing >>98037 can you @ someone who isn't a real account yet and it will show up when they are made into an account later as a proper callout to them >>98034 dang
until i make a bigger name for myself as a market research i should just go onto dating websites and find some dates go to the park and a cafe with people on a date for like 2 hours and just bring my market research scripts and ask them questions that's like 20 bucks for two hours of good interviewing instead of a 200 dollar honorarium
>>98040 Oh no no no no no you've got it wrong i don't care about purchasing habits that's the sleazy end of market research i don't care about market reception and advertising and that crap i'm in the unmet needs / R&D side of things i'm supposed to find out what's missing and what spaces can be filled
so it'd be more focused around figuring out what they're interested in, then probing about it and asking them questions and this is something they're so intimately in tune with too, so they'd just be like >wow, it's so nice to just have someone who's willing to listen >I enjoy hearing your opinions. So what do you think about this restaurant? How would you rate your experience here from 1-5?
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
haha i would be pretty weirded out if someone asked me stuff like that on a date if it was that specific at least
nah i wouldnt do that. i was just thinking it was kind of a funny concept i bet i could write a skit about it, a market researcher interviewing someone and the girl they're interviewing mistaking it for a date that could be a pretty good comedy skit
if i was actually going on a date with another market research // researcher i would totally do that though >end of the night >drive him/her home >Please fill out this survey on how you feel this date went on a scale of 1-5. If it's not a 5, what could have been changed to make it a 5? Please be descriptive.
i would love a date like that that would be so much fun
>>98046 me and my ex (we were together around 4 years at this point) we used to go out on dates to Lowe's and go look at their kitchen displays and critique the design they were a graphic designer and i was me we'd probably do this for like two hours every few weeks just on a whim, since it was right next to the grocery store and we just wanted to stay out longer i think those are my fondest memories
i used to go to forums.digitalpoint.com and stalk the services section, where you find filipinos and indians offering content creation services for like 2-3 dollars an hour, and you get americanos trying to source graphic design, logo design, branding and stuff to them there and i'd find the worst stuff i could find and email it to them i guess my professionalism has jumped a bit because i'm doing that with frontier, best buy, and chipotle now instead of small fry indians and filipinos
Completely off topic, but i never have gotten the point of americanos Why order watered down espresso?
>>98049 i literally didn't even know this was a thing i looked it up just now
>>98052 fucking look at this shit dude https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/30-logo-simple-redesign-contest-vape-shop.2800560/
instead of paying someone to do a job, they hold a "contest" where the winner with the best design gets like 30 bucks like straight up, logo branding should cost about two grand for a smallish company. if it's just one person with their own website, they do shit like this though look at the fuckin entries it's so awful
Huh And i thought you lot were more cafe aligned than us home drinkers Then again most people don't look up what exactly all the fancy cafes are like cafe au lait is just coffee with hot milk >>98055 Haha true dat I drink it mostly black, though i ro prefer a touch of milk And at cafes i always order latte
>>98054 i make my coffee how i like my coffee if it's got a name i don't know or care
>>98056 dude you have no idea sometimes it's not even graphic design, but just "name my website for $10" you should see the bullshit on here i already know what i'm doing for the rest of the evening besides working
The avengers during this comic have literally just >been in space >WE'RE BRINGING SPIDEY IN >go to earth >Spidey just ignores them >they go back to space >WE'RE BRINGING SPIDEY IN >go back to earth again >venom spidey kicks their ass until venom is removed >they go back to space >WE'RE BRINGING SPIDEY IN
>>98056 https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/20-logo-contest-paypal.2800089/ fuckin, the lengths people will go for a CHANCE to win 20 dollars and then the OP will be like "I like this direction but not the execution, do something better" and people just try again because they want 20 bucks
>>98063 https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/30-logo-for-realestate-company.2799449/ >I AM LOOKING FOR A TALENTED DESIGNER.... >$30 contest oh yeah, and this is just a forum so there's literally no obligation to commit sometimes they're just like "These all suck, i'm closing the contest" back then, i guess it was six years ago now, i used to dig deep and find out why these people were running these contests, and it usually turned out they had some outfit that pretended like they were legit designers and then they'd get clients paying real money, and then they'd go to this site and make these contests then just use the best thing for $20 or whatever even though it was shit although i don't think it's so easy to get away with these days as it was back then
>>98066 that's the best one dude you probably don't get it because you're a stupid american who has to have a giant home but most cultures appreciate the tinyhome trend
here's a unique contest they're asking for a tagline instead of a graphic design https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/10-tag-line-for-baby-toy-review-site-24-hours.1462973/
let the nigga take his time appreciating the storyline and artwork you fat fuck
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
No bib. No crib. No problem. Born to go wild! Adventure from a whole new perspective. When the toys call, they have to answer. We'll take care of you while you take care of them. Because you want the best for them. Everyone likes to be pampered[secure/safe/etc.]. Babies can be a handful. Shopping doesn't have to be. They get the preview, you get the review. Now you know. Safe toys for your girls and boys. A review never went so far. A baby never went so far. A little safety never went so far. We tell you toys your baby will enjoy. To the point, we don't disappoint. We don't disappoint, just straight to the point.
this is probably the most surreal point in history, in the early days of the internet where everyone was able to open up a website marketing either simple products or information with little or no competence, and have a marketbase that was receptive to it i think ten thousand years from now, there will still be people looking back at this shit and wondering what the fuck like this is embedded in there for eternity. the servers could go down, but the data itself is more valuable than the servers cost for any forward-thinking organization
there's also a green and blue armored knight i thinkt // that are super fat with HP and two tome users that are wimps they're actually all wimps but they have a buttload of hp so just bring out your heavy hitters >>98104 is that a bad thing
Do you think super villains in Marvel have another company they call for like, decorating and stuff, or does the same company that handles goons and private military handle that, as well?
Evil inc It handles gadgets, lairs, goons and anything a villain might need
No in this comic it's actually canon. There's a company Doc Oc just calls to get goons
And also the Hobgoblin is selling villain identities?