*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Kageki Shoujo!! Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon *Love Live! Superstar!! *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 6-8 Night Head 2041 *Sonny Boy Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu *Uramichi Oniisan
so i have bad news and then i have worse news
the bad news is that i really should only watch one show tonight but i can maybe stretch it to two
the worse news is that i definitely won't be here tomorrow night i have to stay overnight for work
>>974380 We'll probably go ahead and watch Scarlet and Shiroi Suna tomorrow since we'll have Kirara most likely
pig-chan is wearing pretty fancy clothes
>>974386 that's fine that'll give me something i can watch during the trip too
If something goes awry with him and he doesn't show, I'll try to let you know on Discord ASAP That's something you'll be able to read from your phone while out of the house right
Oh right I remember the title of this episode from the PV now Guess that makes sense
Battle mage orcs are a neat concept Normally they take the role of more brutish combatants
She talks like they're building a fighting force, but a fighting force for what purpose here It's not like the MC is waging outright war with other military forces
yeah I was gonna say it was good she wasnt killing them but then she kinda is but i guess her training was really good
oh they did it
After seeing how shady Rembrant was last episode, it's probably not great for the MC to keep relying on him for busness assistance He already kinda hinted he'd try to crush the MC if his competition got too hot
That's usually how bad colds like this go for me There's usually a real bad peak where I can't properly fluctuate my temperature and I'm a mess for like six hours or so And then it quickly calms down
this is a side effect i would like to experience
Oh yes
Iruru is some fun chaos
This boy is a rarely properly perceptive character in this series
Maybe it's a ghost's doll
Seishun da ne
That was a very sweet chapter
they managed to cover everyone except for that fatty sea serpent
Elma's a working adult she doesn't have time to be an anime character
Looks like a lot of next week's episode will have Elma though How nice
wow an elite job her power is kinda low maybe she'll be strong with this
So far her biggest problem is she's not great at being a fighter She's shy and overly hesistant The blonde girl and the obnoxious guy were both the same class family as her but were much better at committing to fighting
She'd do better probably with a ranged or support class
I guess this is the knight lady's daughter? Oh maybe even granddaug No just daughter Time does pass a lot in this world when they're not here after all
I like that it keeps returning to the knight lady and how she was his first real grounding point to humanity Every time she or her family shows up it feels he gets a bit close to not being so edgy
Kinda sad for them seeing all their npc friends getting old
Oh I was thinking this too They had a translation app running when they were in Japan But they don't have that here and she's speaking fluently I did just assume there was magic translation going on though
Hah hah hah He talked big shit about taking them himself But then he gets killed like fifteen seconds in
The wilderness seems to be getting more dangerous Monsters that weren't a threat initially are getting stronger I wonder what this bodes for their missions
I wonder if Aoki Ume has a thing for navels Iroha's outfit, this KanaHana girl's outfit I think Kyoka's casual wear -Kyoko's casual wear in the original Madoka and Sayaka's mahou shoujo outfit too They all had navel fanservice
Oh, supermassive typhoon formed by the merger of a bunch of typhoons That was how Walpurgis Nacht appeared to the mundane world in the original Madoka
There's some neat parallels being drawn between the Incubators like Kyubey and the mahou shoujo of Magius The whole thing about the Incubators is using the energy of mahou shoujo to stave off the entropic death of the universe In doing so they have to sacrifice the lives of mahou shoujo but as they see it, it's a small death for the greater good
Magius are "farming" mahou shoujo turned Witches for Grief Seeds and using Uwasa to gather people to serve as witch food They do so because they resent the deception the Incubators sold them on with the mahou shoujo contract But in doing this, they're not much better than the Incubators, the only difference is they're doing the sacrificing for themselves than "for the universe"
The thing about Magia Record that is kind of off-putting for me is how they kinda downplay the threat of Witchery There's this hanging implication that it's still a bad thing but they haven't really elaborated as to why Like the mahou shoujo can go half-witch with the Doppels and be mostly okay
They're kinda on the cutting edge seems like this is a pretty bad situation for her though
Yeah, but they are still not fully Witches yet The Horie Yui girl said they're still just their Doppels Which implies to me they could probably be brough back from this The only event horizon as we know it, I think, is going full Witch
>On our island Do these girls just ... own an entire island Or are they school idols from like a small island community
Well if they're the Tokyo reps for Love Live then I imagine they come from Tokyo So I guess they just have a whole island to themselves
I wonder why her friend is so fixed on doing solo dance stuff She's obviously enchanted by the whole school idol idea But she keeps choosing things which keep her from working with them
Is Kanon wearing any pants It just looks like a shirt and hopefully underclothes
I wonder where this island is supposed to be They said it was a part of Tokyo, but there aren't any islands really all that close to Tokyo At least ones that haven't been entirely taken over with metropolitant development
Yeah, it's beautiful And being Japan it would probably be mostly outfitted with modern conveniences And you're just a boatride away from Tokyo, so you could even be there for all the fun things like Comiket or day trips to Akiba
Yoga as meditation to think of lyrics is a bit funny Although it's definitely a meditative procedure
When I went to Japan in high school we had an overnight stay in Atama, a coastal town close-ish to Tokyo We got to walk the streets in the evening before turning in at the hotel. It's built on a fairly steep incline from the hills down to the coast so it was a really lovely place to wander for a few hours