Heyo Give me a hot minute and I'll have the list ready
Actually the only thing left for Bang tonight is episodes two and three of Kaizoku Oujo
*100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte Iru *Boku no Hero Academia *Kageki Shoujo!! Kaizoku Oujo Episode 2-3 *Love Live! Superstar!! *Magia Record *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Episode 6-8 *Sonny Boy *Tonikaku Kawaii (OVA) *Uramichi Oniisan
>>974172 Me neither Hopefully there's enough idle time spent out on the open sea that it grows out at least a bit
Also man it must suck as someone who enjoys silence to be stuck on a submarine with a bunch of chatty people
the dialogue and character interaction avoids falling into the typical rhythm and formula and syntax that anime typically has for the most part the show is very pretty and neatly animated and the atmosphere of some scenes is tremendous i'm keen to wonder if some of adult swim's talent pool is providing consultancy or assistance in addition to just the funding
The OP at least seems to imply her hair grows back out a bit
If he's a colonial overseer for England, is he looking over Chinese territory? I don't remember which of the Oceania islands England colonized, that was usually more the Dutch/Spanish
I wonder if they're nicknamed Goblin Knights because they dress like oni in armor Oni being translated to goblin or ogre is pretty commonplace, especially in older translations which made effort to localize regional proper nouns like that
they were flung
he was flung
With chains like those he probably isn't getting back to the ship though
I'd be surprised if it grows out that much again during the series The OP has some shots of her with neck-length hair though, so it does grow out
they're about to go to germany, aren't they? it would grow at least a couple inches in that time
Hard to say It was definitely a German name but it's not a real place So can't really pin it's >>974214 Is that with or without the L at the start It didn't show up when I googled the name earlier
idar-oberstein is in western germany, south of cologne
>>974213 libar-oberstein isn't real as far as i know but i feel like it's going to be in germany
Shigaraki is looking a bit worse for the wear He never looked great to begin with but he seems even more ragged
Oh I think this takes place further back than I thought it did I think the High End Nomu the doctor was talking about was the one Endeavor squared off with that gave him the nasty face scar We're seeing what's been happening with Shigaraki and the villains in the time since then
yeah kinda weird how nomu have been such a consistent theme
It kinda fits when you think about it All-For-One has a kind of thing for moving people's Quirks around and seeing what happens when they merge He did it on his own brother, the original One-For-All, after all Nomu are kind of the natural prgoression of that
Shigaraki's gotten better at being an arch-villain as time's gone on I guess the next few episodes will be focused on the villains and this Meta Liberation Army
the villains are kinda okay i wonder if some of them will get redeemed
I don't know if there's many that can Maybe that lizard one but he's also like the most mook-y of the League I know a lot of people like Toga but she's just all crazy and "lol blood" to the point where it moreso just tires me out As long as she continues to be crazy it would be pretty weak to have her redeemed
Although with the League squaring off against the Meta Liberation Army we're going into a bit of an anti-hero vs. villain fight here I just don't know which side are the anti-heroes
I think this episode might have action yeah that's why i didnt put it last
okay lets start
They baited a talk episode last week and we got a lot of action instead
There's still a lot of the fighting that started last week that needs to get wrapped up
Looks like these disciples of Milim ended up being a pretty tough fight Although Gabiru is pretty low on the power rankings of Rimuru's lot and who knows where this beastlady squares up
i guess scheming is how clayman plans to contend with all these strong people
It's worked pretty well for him so far it seems I think he also knows it's fine to get dirt rubbed on his face if it means he survives A // I bet a lot of his survival comes from not offending people enough so they don't see him worth crushing He only picks outright fights with people he thinks he can beat That kind of wriggling about is likely just amusing to most of the stronger Maou we've seen
Clayman's top five subordinates are down to three now With the masked guy dead and that magic lady that Rimuru freed from his control no longer forced to serve him The hand is down to three fingers!
I used LINE a bit when I was in Japan Since a few of my friends I was with had rented SIM cards and Japanese cell networks have special provisions for LINE usage It's a fair bit like a cross between Whatsapp with a bit of features from Discord Which honestly both of those probably took from LINE since it precedes both
Can you imagine a work culture where impromptu overtime you can't decline that even has you stay overnight in the workplace is the norm I mean I guess there's certain emergency services that might be the same here But not a job like the MC's
I get caught up sometimes and have to stay late but usually not too late
It would be unthinkable to be there overnight too, right
The warehouse I work in is inside the actual shop the warehouse provides for I literally can't stay late because they need to lock up the store
I can understand his exhaustion though I don't sleep great so even by the end of a regular full day of work I'm some times ready to just collapse into bed when I get home
Doki doki doki doki doki doki doki doki
"Visit your futon" feels like the kind of phrase that would have a lot of additional subtext
Yeah Hata seemed like a bit of a one-hit wonder after Hayate But this is absolutely adorable
It's just really nice to have adult romance shows Even if they act like kids a lot of the time Just being adults let you do things that wouldn't fly with teen romance