Morning after my second shot and I feel almost nothing at all from it My arm's a bit sore and I've got some basic muscle wearin weariness even But it's hardly something to feel incapacitated from
congrats my guy
No! No congratulations! I don't want to come in to work!
The sick I got, I'd rather have been working that day. It felt awful.
I think it's starting to catch up to me The muscle weariness is getting worse and it's harder to be on my feet for too long I'm still fine, and if I was doing literally anything that wasn't physical labour I think I could do it without any impact from how I'm feeling But this isn't really a fun state to be lugging around boxes in
yeah for me personally it took like a good 12-14 hours before i felt like garbage
oh and the very original one the uhh Omikron Nomad Souls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heavy rain is the one where you have to amputate right
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you gotta cut your finger off that part was great dik anyhting about this one
and press x to shout JOSH or what was the kids name and it could reaaaallllyyy bug out
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>If Ethan chooses not to cut off his finger, he will later be shot in the shoulder by a cop while escaping the apartment. To avoid getting shot by the police, he must cut off his finger. ah yes the classic conundrum
i think fahrenheit had one of the most amusing parts you clean up a crimescene at the very start and then you switch to detective investigating it and youc an go just "why the fuck did the criminal hide the body in the bathroom, but go out of their way to clean the blood" "is he a retard?"
and then it turns out you have some mayan/aztec shamans trying to cause the end of the world and shit or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also very logical what are these game designers gonna whip up next
>>964548 NZ horror reminds me of some, I don't know HBO or Netflix series I see ads for on youtube at times >X(15?) years ago a miracle happened >shows a kid with wings, kid with horns etc weird monster people being born yeaah... no
>>964532 It got rocky towards the end, but she was able to see COEXIST to completion I think it was almost primarily personal things that made her want to take a hiatus. Maybe a bit depressed over Coco's graduation, and the fact that she's going to university is a lot of time investment There's a NIJISANJI talent who announced a nine-month hiatus that conveniently lines up with the Japanese school year If there's an outside factor in her need to step away from streaming duties, it's almost certainly school
yup I definitely would prolly do a hiatus or half-hiatus if I started my first ever uni semester
Finally they put the bloody trim in my unit There's still the hole in my bathroom but once the paint on the trim dries I'll basically be free to get back to making this place a home
I was planning on stopping at 8 so I would have time to try to finish the first case in Ace Attorney but I think I have to let that go and just go to bed soon instead.
Oh yeah, I mentioned to my mom that I wanted to go to the everglades and she said I shouldn't and then listed all the reasons why I shouldn't. None of which I cared about.
I think I managed to find the perfect "AI 100% underestimates it" without it being tooc heesy and boring fyi this set up can take like 3 full on chaos armies no sweat
>>964596 tell her to splash red and just use rituals
>>964606 shows that you lack the gold to play the dick
or vice versa
those are the words of a coward, who dares not enter into glorious combat with such greatness as i and thus they are words to be discarded and scoffed at
I'd 1v1 you if I knew whic game you played even and gotit for free and could run it
so by hypothesizing a world in which you can even begin to attempt to fight me, you suppose you aren't a coward?
I lack the gold to play the dick
see my own arguments work
which means you lack the dick to play the gold
and on a completely different topic, but actually the same
what do you say to a woman when you say "you lack the dick/balls" etc
I mean there is "you wouldn't dare" but 1) boring 2) leaves out the puns like >>964615
regrettably on your part, i shall inform you that there isn't a permutation of words here capable of disproving your cowardice
>>964619 why are you still talking about your small penis?
im starting to suspect maybe having the heat exhaust on my PC pointed directly at the cable modem might be causing the cable modem to overheat and die maaaayyybe.
just your run of the mill country very green compared to what it used to be
I'll take you out back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything is turning yellow here it hasn't rained for weeksx
It's been pretty wet here the past few weeks Lots of the greenery here has been looking really healthy I think August/September are more the dry parts of the summer anyway
citizens who have been orderly and compliant will have their daily one (1) fun issued shortlly
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fillin that pipe can't throttle the fun train
Blackout curtains were a good investment This bedroom is now very dimly lit, even in the afternoon with a window which stares directly into the afternoon sun on its way down towards the horizon I look forward to moving my bed back in here, and seeing how hopefully properly dark it is at night
Been thinking lately about maybe getting a nice Japanese rice cooker I've got a cheap made-in-China one that's fine, but it's kind of clunky and about as basic as they come A slightly expensive but nicer Japanese one with some extra features would be kind of nice'
>>964857 YYoYou should do it. The only reasons I don't have one is that our kitchen doesn't have enough space and aalalsalso tthtttthat I've quit eating rice in a futile attempt to lose weight.
got some truly BS wins as sephiroth that DLC comeback power
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>964870 To be fair with the brand memery of GameStop and the relative uselessness of EB Games, it kinda makes sense If I were EB Games I too would want to be GameStop
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
with the stock goin crazy it makes sense
>>964870 but can I still use my eb games card questions questions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
poor Chrom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nevermind i got savaged by a doctor mario my ego is destroyed
>>964878 Oh no Have you tried playing KKaKazKazuya?
>>964990 I'm still mad about the outcome of that lawsuit. >>964992 Yeah and then were sold off by the owners
Weren't they the ones that got sued into oblivion You'd think at the least if the owners wanted to keep in the business they would have entirely scrapped the brand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
didnt they get sued by hulk hogan on behalf of peter thiel kinda
On the dollar of Thiel They were kind of scumbags so I dunno, they probably deserved it
Twitter is wild sometimes I'm not gonna respond to this, but it's still funny to me for someone to go out of their way to not just reply to the tweet, but to @ me and acknowledge it's 2 years old Like come on man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesse! james!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>965072 gonna put a signature on all my tweets henceforth
i underestimated this client's anxiety he asked if i go by matt or matthew and i did my usual joke of "matt, matthew, asshole, you can call me whatever you want" and he got really anxious and like, needed me to tell him specifically what to call me
>>965081 That's weird I swear being guaranteed a theatrical release was a known fact before the movie came out Maybe it's the exclusive bit that's the new news here
Either way regardless of anything, Disney deserves to get sued if they're just gonna ignore an agreement like that
>>965081 Today is the tenth anniversary of the release of E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.
old people comin at me today some guy tried to ask me about the olympics and i literally could not comprehend his speech some karen got pissed that i bicycled past her on the right side of a quiet road lmao gotta respect those traffic rules when im coasting at 5 km/h on a laneness empty pavement
>>965086 Some people just want a book club but for games and that's okay
>>965088 you know what? you're right maybe i'll get one i like Panic they made untitled goose game
Tonight'll be the first time iI -I'll get to sleep in my bedroom with the blackout curtains and bed out of my kitchen and back where it ought to be I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in relative darkness for the first time in like, months
Now that I live like, in a separate building, and can not be bothered by The Landlord anymore, I'm gonna start taking voice training more seriously I think Which will probably... significantly help my ability to not wanna fucking die
oh shit imats you should play alone in the dark, like the original, on stream It'd send people trust
It's actually a great game It's aged, a lot, but it's a really good game for the time it came out It's got like, PHYSICAL DRM though, so you might not be able to pirate it, but I do have access to a legal copy of the game if that becomes a problem
I bet pirated versions circumvent the DRM though But if it's a real problem, like I said I do have access to a legal copy and can probably get a hold of the information needed
When I say physical DRM I mean physical DRM Like it came with a fucking deck of card with punch holes and shit, and you'd put them over eachother to generate the code the game asked for at the start and shit It was WILD
Yeah it's like, one of the first iterations of real DRM But it's a pretty good game Or at least it was at the time, by now it might be fucking awful, I don't know, but I know it was real good at the time
>>965107 lmao that isn't even close This shit literally comes with a deck of cards and several punch cards it tells you to put on top of each other to reveal the correct code
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw i never had DRM that bad nor did i ever get to use a dongle haha dongle (gets canceled from cushy game reporting job)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im sure someone's implemented the cards in a github somewhere unless every deck is different :o
Oh for sure But at the time, it was fucking unreasonable to pirate the game
I snapped my exacto blade at work and didn't really like how stubby it felt with the shorter blade Fortunately the back end of the knife has a compartment with a spare blade, but for a good ten or fifteen minutes I couldn't figure out why when I tried putting the blade back together, the new blade kept jamming in the sheath Turns out the compartment had two spare blades in it, and I'd been trying to jam two blades through a sheath only meant to fit one. In the time they'd spent in the compartment they'd gotten stuck real well together and they're pretty thin blades, so I hadn't noticed the difference
you're not allowed to fuck with me like this, until told otherwise I just see everyone on moe as an amorphous, genderless blob I didn't realize Rika's a girl until years after I showed up
im not rei's a guy
Am I old? Is assuming everyone on the internet is male until proven otherwise an old guy thing? >>965134 Did you know that Kannagi is female?
and lobster and dash
And the original SC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're not old you're just uhhhh dated obsolete deprecated yknow
yeah she only shows up for anime and then leaves ignores my happy birthday
>>965163 Yeah that was irritating me for a while but when I imagined what it would be like to have her back it didn't really seem particularly better either.
yeah but you're the admin so you don't get abandonment valor
i go through phases of not posting for like 2+ years at a time, it's fine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guess i'll have to make a bunch of blogs about depression and existentialism and Why I'm Taking Down The Site and other stuff for a while then not do it
I'm basically exactly 1 month away from getting rediagnosed And I don't really know why I'm even going through with it anymore
>>965188 No I mean I don't... have to There's nothing in it for me
Disability is uh... not on the table anymore Cause like, I can work, and that's all that mattters
So this rediagnosis shit is fucking meaningless, but I'm just doing like I'm told really If this fucks anything up for me, I'm for real just gonna chug a bottle of vodka and lay down on the tracks, I don't care
nothing better to do
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds like its workin and you're just used to it
>>965185 Been wondering if it might be worth seeing if I'm a bit that way too I think it's a reasonable assumption but assumptions are assumptions until proven medically
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is ur brain this is ur brain on WebMD any vexations?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha i lowkey dont care about throwin my life away and im gonna post about it in a friendly way ;)
I've actually never like, irl, met anyone who's noticably not cis which is strange, honestly, I'd kinda thought I'd run into at least 1 other than myself, yknow?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fox news would have you believe they're everywhere undermining civilization dragging honest folk into pronoun jail
oh yeah, I mean that's been the case for 10 years by now after all, men are biologically superior to women in every way, and divinely ordained to rule over all of creation, anyway I'm a feminist
oh good im not the only one who realizes men are superior
Anyway to the extent my self-depricating posting is bothersome I do kinda apologize, but I am also fucked up and it's not like I'm only doingit for attention
gucci golden homie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's fine you deserve to have ur problems be taken seriously you deserve good things everyone does
like, i dunno being honest, I feel like there's a reason I'm like alone, and without a real future or anything Even if I don't really know how to pin it down to anything, I feel like there's probably a reason I'm like this, and I deserve it
you dont have to agree you just have to take the good things when they come >>965223 nah he's probably rubbing his dorito crusted hands all over the arcade machines
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmmm board chow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all my friends are like "found a wife? when r u gonna have kids?"
like I CAN but I don't wanna Cause I don't... like who I am I don't like this this person isn't who I wanna be in appearance or anything, and I don't wanna date anyone who wants to date this person because that can't last cause I don't wanna be this and I'm gonna change it so I can't date anyone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i tire of your self pity i will go to my steel steed to traverse this sun drenched jungle
yeah well please fucking tell the single institution in the country with the authority to give me that go-ahead, headed by like 5 people, all of whomst are cis pieces of shit
okay im on it what's the number
i don't fucking know, that's not public information
Yeah we decided to have a single institution responsible for trans healthcare, and then we put only cis people in charge because trans people are categorically mentally ill
oh yeah, like 2 years ago, they did decide you don't need to be sterilized to access HRT, so that's pretty pogged Or wait, no, last year, so 1 year ago
or some shit honestly it all kinda doesn't register with me anymore, cause every time I learn more about what I'm up against, I feel like it's already too much, so it all just goes in a big box labeled "obstacles", and I hope it goes away eventually
Who the fuck knows
have you considered moving to a better country somehow
The idea of there being a "better country" than Norway or scandinavia for this shit is laughable on its own, is all This country SUCKS, but that's not relative to anywhere else IT's just that everywhere else is even worse
idk im sure there's somewhere that you wouldn't have to deal with goober ass beuracracy over all this
you lemme know when you figure that one out the "sodomy is death penalty" countries don't count btw
the problem is I think they consider me with another woman to be that I don't fucking know I don't speak the language anyway
Like I'd rather live in misery here, being questioned about my sexuality every time I have the stupid idea to talk to a psychiatrist, than being reported to the secret police because I'm either no into men, or because I'm not into being a man c
so that's a no to russia then
I'm not moving to the "yes we are actively going to kill you for not being a cishet person" country, no
really though, I don't know if I'm ever gonna like actually try again
as fucked up as it seems, I'm way more likely to just go "fuck it, there's nothing for me", and take cyanide or something, rather than having to meet with
some cis woman interrogating me about my sexuality for 2 hours only to tell me to get a fucking job and get out of her office, again
seems // ill hold seems like more the reason to give it one last try then if you hit the fuck it stage
you have to understand, hen I said "5 people" earlier I fucking meant that
that's not hyperbole
there is a single institution in this country that deals with trans healthcare, and it's headed by... 5 cis people and I'm not like, I don't fit the criteria, and I'm not straight, so I'm kinda fucked
like yeah, I cried myself to sleep when I was younger, but I don't for this particular reason anymore and I'm not good at articulating it, so when talking to some cis piece of shit who just goes "yeah I know nothing about this" to me as the opening statement, I don't fucking have a chance but it hurts, man
wow but im a cis piece of shit mainly just sounds like they stuck 5 people into an instiution they didnt want to even be in and now they take it out on the people coming to them for help
i mean really their reasoning is meaningless to me
i was told i'm in insufficient pain, and need to get a job, and that was it and since then I haven't tried again because it was kinda... unpleasant, to not be overly dramatic
id consider calling it unpleasant to be under dramatic if anything, cause it sounds more like it's fucked up
well yeah, most of it was an interrogation about my sexual life, but like I don't wanna say it was traumatic
Not that I know of the whoe medical system is nationalized here
Also it's on my record now, so every single other medical thing I talk to from here on out will question me about it, which is exceptionally Cool And Good, and not at all demeaning or anything
all the way down to the "drug addiction\home help service" I talked to because I struggle to like, keep my living space clean and in order Yeah of course they ask me about my "transexualism" Of COURSE Yeah that makes sense
i can see why it would go on file, because it is important to know, but kind fucked that it's accessible all the way down to something like that
it'd be fine if not for the fact I was just outright rejected from anything that addresses it
im gonna give it one more go anyway, once this moving situation is done if that falls through, fuck it, i'm done hoenstly
as grim as it sounds, I'm kinda done
I'm permanently unemployed, I'm never gonna be happy in my own fucking body, and all the shit THAT carries with it like what's the point at that point? I can barely listen to myself talk without feeling like I'm stabbing myself in the back just by opening my mouth
Cause I know this is just what my voice is like, but every time I talk, I'm reminded of not doing anything to change it
can only really give it so many tries before it just feels pointless i guess, especially with such joke feedback from the instiution i guess you could try to make progress on changing your voice but honestly that shit's really hard to do unassisted because habits formed over a lifetime
Anway, sorry to go off like that, but thanks for talking to me about it, anon-san I'm not really the most social person, so it's not like I have this large social circle to unlead my problems on, it just tends to come out when I drink And a lot of it happens at once cause I drink a lot less often lately
that and I just generally feel like I'm being annoying just for existing, so anyone acting like I'm not is appreciated
>your account does not own The Cycle First of all, Epice Yes it does, I only have one Epic account Second of all, The Cycle is a F2P game, literally everyone owns a copy whether they have an account or not Fuck is wrong with you, I have hours logged in this game
Oh actually, here's something that might seem counterintuitive, I actually really like MoxiFloxi, the musical artist Which is like Highly sexual in lyrics and general energy I mean really I could do without the lyrics really, but I like the sorta deep beats they go for a lot o f the time
>5GB update on a 10mbit connection I am going to become the Joker
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm readin about the infamous cat lickin beer off their fur Dorf Fort bug hehe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently the bug was that beer spilt on the floor was tracked as being a full pint of beer and cats would walk in it and get a beer coating on their fur and try to self clean, but every time they did it they would consume a full pint of beer so all these cats were dyin of liver failure
Oh speaking of strep I was told that if I consumed dairy my mucus production would increase and I don't care sso I had pasta with a bunch of cheese I'm sure I'll regret that later.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lemme taste ur mucus
>>965314 Sorry, I don't have enough in checking to send you a bottle of my mucus with dry ice in the box to keep it fresh.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I mean the reason I was interested is cause i've got ideas spinning through my head too, but I'm bad at putting it to words I don't wanna write to write, I wanna write to put my own thoughts into words >>965342 "write a book" yeah no ToN that's the issue
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>This is the story about a girl named Isabella. The game has some in-game choices, but you don't get to know the consequences if you pick one of them. It's definitely a game I recommend for any age and for any gender. It's a great game to just get lost in.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
write a light novel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
One day Isabella's father got a new job. They had to move to the other side of the country. The only thing Isabella could bring with her was a backpack. She didn't want to leave her friends, so she didn't tell them goodbye.
Isabella had to start a new school where no one knew her. She made a new friend named Megan. Megan was a very nice and caring girl.
Isabella and Megan became best friends. They did everything together. When they were together everything seemed to be perfect.
Isabella was really happy, but that didn't last long. Her father died in a car accident
i can pump dis shit outto all day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>965340 you gotta put in the hours write ten thousand hours worth of bad writing
PAN is the person who said he jokingly crushed on Rika at 7 pm eastern and continued to type on /moe/ afterwards he is also the person who joked about half an hour later about the superiority of men
i mean tilde doesn't like me either, but tilde's chaotic so who fucking knows
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>This is the story about an internet poster named Pan. And about the people who reply to him.
Most of the time, the “Pan” in question is the real-life person who goes by that name. He is an avid online commenter who posts on sites like Reddit and 4chan, often using his real name.
The other “Pan” is a fictional character, a person of questionable existence who has been communicating with the Internet for more than a decade. In this version of the story, Pan is a god: an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent deity who lives up to his name by ruling over everything online.
Sometimes, it’s hard to tell which Pan you’re dealing with.
The most serious Pan-related incident occurred in May. A man named Gary B. said he encountered Pan in a Baltimore bar. The person claiming to be Pan told Gary to get on his knees and worship him.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>965385 tilde isn't chaotic tilde is true neutral
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>965386 the only part of this that is false is the fact that PAN would never go to reddit
>how much pan would a panpan pan if a panpan could pan pan?” was less a question about the ontology of pans, and more one about the ethics of pan-handling.
I don’t think that’s quite the case. The question “how much pan would a panpan pan if a panpan could pan pan?” is a question about the ontology of panpanness, which is a rather different matter. If I asked you “how much money would you have if you had almost no money?” the answer would be “I would have almost no money”
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thanks GPT3 ur a useless oracle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta go find some fooooooood gotta bicycle off into the sunset
let me tell you a little story about a guy we all know very well his name is a name you'll all find very familiar and that name is gutei whenever gutei was asked a question about zen, he raised a finger one day a visitor asked gutei's student a question about what gutei had spoken about in a talk and the boy raised a finger GUTEI HEARD ABOUT THIS MISCHIEF, SEIZED THE BOY, AND SLICED OFF HIS FINGER THE BOY SCREAMED IN PAIN AND GUTEI RAISED HIS FINGER SEEING THIS, THE BOY, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? HE WAS ENLIGHTENED
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can also ask GPT3
Once the monks were arguing about a cat Nansen lifted up the cats and shouted "Monks! If anyone can say a single word of zen, I will spare the cat. Should no one speak a word of zen, I will cut it in half!" No one could answer and Nansen cut the cat in two! Later that evening, Joshu returned - yes, that's right, the joshu of "mu" fame! Nansen told Joshu of this incident at which point Joshu REMOVED HIS SHOE AND PLACED IT ATOP HIS OWN HEAD! Then, he walked away. Nansen mourned, saying "ah, if you had only been there, the cat would have been saved!"
But you can't go "I'm gonna kill this cat if you don't say the zen words" and then go "ah yes, putting a shoe on your head, that's the zen words" and pretend you're not a joke
You just don't understand the metaphor because you don't study zen. It makes perfect sense to me. Cutting off the finger is a very succinct metaphor that describes the job of a teacher.
Koans aren't for people that already understand the teaching of the koan. They're there to be learned by practitioners. The student works on the koan and by doing so, they come to understand the metaphor intuitively. Just because you don't understand zen doesn't make it all a joke!
I started zen because I wanted to understand the Heart Sutra. But everywhere I looked said that the Heart Sutra couldn't be understood without meditation practice. So I started practicing zazen. The reason these things can't be understood is because the conditioning we go through in our lives loads our brains up with all kinds of ideas and stories and concepts and phrases. Zen is about breaking free of those.
Of course it does. The meaning of "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him" isn't to literally kill the Buddha. It's to kill your idea of them. To have no attachment to that idea of them. As soon as you meet your teacher, leave him.
You're being way too concrete. To the point where it almost seems like you decided zen was bad and are working backwards from that conclusion to justify that belief you hold. But that can't be right, can it?
you can't go "it's not a cult cause it says to kill the leader" and then backtrack to "well by 'kill' i mean argue against sometimes"
Esoteric, definitely not. You don't have to be a buddhist to be a buddha You don't have to study zen to achieve kensho Zen is just one path up the mountain, of which there are many paths Zen doesn't claim to be the only path or the best path, it just claims to be a path. We don't recruit people, and in fact, we often encourage people to remain lay practitioners. We also don't ask for money or anything like that. I mean, there are certainly false masters that use the word zen to amass cults, but zen is just zen.
Zen isn't really about spirituality in the modern sense. Zen is about this material world at its core. And being here, together, with that world. It's about getting rid of abstractions that pull you away from this material world. For example, when a bird is singing, you hear it, and you say "that bird is singing" When you say that, your head is full of abstractions of that bird. You're several steps away from that sound and from that bird, you're in your head. Zen is about hearing that bird without the idea of a bird.
Abstracting it more by perceiving it without abstractions? It's hard to talk about because to talk about it forces you to use words and phrases. Zen is direct experience. My words are not the things my words represent, it's hard to get these kinds of meanings across through text.
But if I clap my hands together, you'll hear a sound. Hearing that sound is the answer. You hear the sound before you interpret it. When you interpret that sound, you've already left direct experience behind.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can also drop acid that's another way to somewhat similar experiences
I mean you say this stuff like it's not like, default stuff I don't really get it at all Like yeah, when you hear a thing, you go through a process to figure out how the thing came a bout But what does cutting off that process do?
Right, but you're so stuck inside your own head that you're troubling yourself all the time, aren't you? Always thinking about things, nonstop, to the point that it ends up bothering you. I mean, there are topics that, if brought up, would send you spiraling down right now. That's because you're stuck in your head. Zen is just one of many ways to get outside the head.
well yeah but that's because I know how people perceive me That's not my fault, that's just social awareness
I didn't say it was your fault. I just said that's how it is.
>>965459 You seemed super convinced earlier that someone you were talking to couldn't possibly be Pan because he "doesn't like you", but it was still Pan.
Pan hasn't really changed. In fact, just today, we were talking about how much he dislikes people that he disliked a long time ago too! Pan has been Pan for as long as I've known him.
>>965466 Are you sure? Is that what your social awareness is telling you?
pan didn't like me last I knowingly interacted with pan
I'm not sure of fucking anything when it comes to my memory but I have to trust it because it's all I have
In zen, we talk about having shoshin, beginner's mind. We want our mind to be open to any and all possibilities, never becoming an expert on anything, because when we view ourselves as an expert, even on ourselves, we limit ourselves. Because you believed so strongly that Pan dislikes you, you couldn't believe it was Pan you were talking to even when people told you it was. That's what I mean by getting out of your head.
In either case, I don't like, have the memory capable of knowing why I just know I jotted down pan as not liking me And I see no real reason to not keep that I don't know how to recognize anyone here anyway
i just don't really get whyit's so strange for me to not trust people saying "this person doesn't dislike you" when my own brain tells me they definitely do
It's like if you were getting work done on a car, and the mechanic said "oh, your radiator's gone bad" and you said "but my brain tells me i just need an oil change so you must be lying"
>>965505 That's an unfair compariosn, and you know it I have no basis to claim my carn's not fucked in whatever way, but if I've decided someone doesn't like me, there's a reason for it somehwere
I don't keep detailed recorsd of people's interactions with me, I just kinda have an overall feeling of how they feel about me Everything else is kinda superfluous
have you considered that your perceptions can be incorrect
I can be wrong, but to be that wrong there'd have to be like, basically no interaction at all, and the few that exist would have to be bad whcih would still mean the overall vibe is they dislike me
So it kinda evens out
Are you sure its not just because pan is an asshole to almost everyone?
>>965516 >>965518 Seems like you've just mislabeled me, I don't know >>965525 fuck man i was gonna but even then >>965523 I'm never an ass to maria, we banter back and forth, but I otherwise have a positive opinion of him Also I'm only rarely actually an asshole to LV, otherwise it's also just bantering with him
but if everyone's sure pan doesn't dislike me, and pan too, then I mean I'm gonna have to try to update that even if I don't get it because somehow pan was noted as not liking me, and clearly whatever that was changed and I don't get it
I had a dream that I was hunting a guy named Leavenworth and a bunch of cops were trying to get to him before me. His name really stuck out to me for some reason.
so it's not really that you disliked me, you just weren't around in general
real bang hours time to sleep
@kirara i haven't eaten yet so i'm running down the street to grab a sammy if anime starts just do a show that you all do that i don't like higurashi or something
>>965550 Pretty much, yeah Anything I knew about you back then would come from ToN mentioning which would typically be him saying "oh i got a message, oh it's spaghetti cat talking about [Game]"
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hai hai i dont think tilde's here yet so we might be delayed anyway if rika does show up
i mean neither do i I onlty ever stopped posting because like imats said earlier, some stuff that got too much sent me intop a suicidal spiral just by being mentioned, so I had to stop being here
Probably i just assumed everyone who didn't directly interact with me, disliked me
Which isn't unreasonable If you really don't want someone around, ice walling them is a good option to get them to leave
>>965601 Makes sense to get away from triggers, so it's understandable to do >>965632 I'm pretty open if I don't like somebody I don't shy away from making it known.
>>965673 Mochi balls with ice cream inside. They're amazing
>>965678 Yeah I've gotten stuff like that before A grocery chain here has a variety of flavours The salted caramel was kind of whatever, I don't know how but it made the mochi shell very tough and flavourless But the strawberry ones were great, soft, and strawberry and mochi is a staple combination
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The mochi shell on these are like, perfect. And each ball is only 100 calories. Amazing!
Ugh Drank too much water
>>965676 the only thing that jelqing and keqing have in common is the idea of making my dick bigger unfortunately jelqing doesn't produce the same results and mostly just causes irreperable damage