*Boku no Hero Academia *Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life - Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore Fumetsu no Anata e Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki *Hamefura *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 3-4 Kanojo mo Kanojo *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Seirei Gensouki *Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tokyo Revengers *Uramichi Oniisan
I got my second vaccine dose on Monday afternoon and while I was fine on Monday I slowly deteriorated over the course of Tuesday And then I couldn't get to sleep for whatever reason come earlier in the evening
I wanna be asleep in 2 hours so we'll start with 4 and see how we end up
what's comfy from this batch
kanojo genjitsu
is genjitsu comfy? im still not great with the names yet
Genjitsu is the realistic hero turned king
I think as far as comfy goes we don't really have things that Bang watches left Aside from Kanojo kinda but I don't think that's a Rika-comfy show hah hah
the one who saves the kingdom with business and bookkeeping
Yeah I guess they thought some people would want to believe that parona didn't die so they made it really clear.
>It was like she was looking at walking garbage
i was hoping he had attained the power to become people who weren't dead yet but it makes sense that parona is dead, especially if that one lady showed up here it means she probably killed that whole village
That felt like almost actually kind advice from DM-kun for once I mean he's given advice that might've been kind from certain perspectives before, but this time that sounded more concerned than anything
now he trusts these people and now the bad thing where everyone dies can happen
i'm kinda just had an idea of what might happen in rebellion against his creator he'll ally himself with humanity to fight the nokkers together although it would seemingly fit his creator's goals the creator has been somewhat opposed to fushi "wasting" time with humans
although i'm also beginning to wonder about the root of the nokkers
genshin relased the japan zone and now i can't stop thinking about keqing and fischl oh wait i didn't ctrl tab
At the moment he's worth more to Valhalla alive than dead They want him to go tell Mikey et al. that Baji is serious about joining Valhalla If he dies here than no one will report back Then even
this is like one of the few times that them being a biker gang and riding bikes actually mattered in a significant way
It seems like bringing him back to touman is going to be hard seeing as how he hates it seems like a kinda impossible task
baji's kinda hard he's an idiot but he's kinda hard
Where as Mikey is a psychopath with way too much physical strength
>>964691 It'll be interesting to see what it is which made him hate Touman so much Between him and the tiger boy it seems like Touman was pretty good to them
Oh they're planning actual crimes now
i guess i know why he got kicked out of toman now
i wonder how well that duct tape trick actually works
It's already owned by someone too, if it's not new I wonder if it's just the crime of stealing it that'll get them into some serious shit Or if they'll piss off it's original owner With custom wheels like that, I'm sure the original owner could probably recognize it on the street
>>964702 I dunno, taking bolt cutters to the skull like that is dangerous Even if you don't die it's probably a pretty serious head wound
Honestly these are pretty solid grounds for expelling Kazutora from the gang Like in the way they basically wiped his connection to them from existence As far as trangressions goes this is a good one
I had a feeling whatever it was, it was going to be pretty heavy.
wow kazutora is fucking broken
He's kinda seemed like a bit of an awful kid so far Being the one who this was the whole idea of in the first place And then recklessly going for the kill when it started going south And then throwing the whole of the blame onto Mikey
lifting a bike for mikey doesn't sound that out of place like sure it makes him a little more rogue than how most of the act but yeah swinging bolt cutters at a dude's head is kinda unhinged and then he really broke down hard
It's suitable for a gang, sure But it's not like a gang is really chock full of decent people if they're the kind that go around breaking into small shops and stuff anyway
i'm a lot more confused about the fact that they're supposed to be really close friends in a motorcycle gang and they don't know what shop mikey's brother owns that's pretty uhhhh hard to swallow
Plus we're not even at the end of this story either Baji still seems completely pro-Touman And as far as him and Kazutora go, I have a hard time believing he'd be that upset about Kazutora being expelled from the gang
>Do not try this at home Good advice
i didn't like the noise he made when he was hit it sounded like a noise that was painful for the voice actor to make
Fuzakette nai ze
Uh Yeah Minase is crazy
god they're all so dumb
You don't get into problematic situations like this by being smart
Actually that's a lie smart people get into plentyo -plenty of problematic situations
well thanks i guess
Actually actually the real truth is there are no smart people everyone is dumb in their own perfect way
i like the sandwich on that table it's just giant bread and a giant ham
i think my big issue is that the first episode had like shock value just because of the premise and i thought they were gonna do crazy stuff like i thought the show was gonna be more zany and surprising but aside from the first episode and some parts from the second it's kinda just nothing more than the face value
Why do they need an excuse for hanging out it would honestly be a lot more suspicious if they just did it in a normal place
I feel like they've failed on all counts with their cover here.
Oh there's the straightforwardness again
>>964735 Originally they thought it would be weird if it suddenly seemed like they were close friends with Minase since she hadn't come to school all year Which makes sense on premise, but they did go the weird route of covering it up Rather than trying to pretend to become fast friends or something
Continuing to hide out in the storeroom to eat lunch is a bit much though
He doesn't have great sense for personal space Just going all grabby with this girl despite being total strangers
I mean we all knew it was coming but couldn't they just all agree to keep each others secrets I guess they're terrible secret keepers though and someone will accidentally blab
why though is she just impulsive we all knew it was coming for meta reasons even cause she's in the OP but she has almost no reason to say that there and even less to mean it i just don't understand
I dunno, I think "This looks fun and I want in on it" is a pretty reasonable motivation to do dumb things
The real problem with there being monsters in a fantasy world is monsters don't real in real life And that there aren't any other species on our planet that can go toe-to-toe with humanity But in a fantasy world you can have all sorts of species that are basically just humans in a different biological shape Should you treat a clan of dragons with the same rights you'd give human beings? It's easy to assign human rights to humanoid species like elves, dwarves, or whatnot But what about the ones that aren't humanoid
It's really just a question of intelligence and willingness to participate in society, isn't it?
As an aside, the fact that the biggest empire of humankind in this world is the "Gran Chaos Empire" makes me a bit suspicious
>>964761 I think sentience is an important factor of being held to the same standards as humans But if there's societies that have irreconcilable differences, like humans and a theoretical demonkind, I dunno if they should be considered inhuman because of that Well, literally they are inhuman of course, but that's not the point I'm making
He was really going hard on that political marriage thing
Political marriage is about as realist as you can get
Shinto fox girl!
He's being a bit silly if he's insisting on sleeping in the office he does all his work though Like having an actual bed is nice And it's good for your mental health to separate the work space and rest space
Oh is he going to serve AUTHENTIC JAPANESE CUISINE to his panel
Well it's octopus so I guess we're on the right track
soysauce lol mashwater i wonder if that translation is super direct soy sauce is made from squeezing fermented soybeans through a cloth and harvesting the liquid
I talked about this in an earlier episode, but I think this author understands pretty well that fantasy worlds won't just use normal local terms for stuff from the real world Like using the Kanji word "genjitsu" rather than the contemporary "rearu" loanword Plus the kingdom they're in isn't the origin point for soybeans and their byproducts So it would also make sense that they have a weird set of terms for it
Wait no please let me know if we're starting early because some times I don't check like half an hour or twenty minutes before the start Especially if I'm resting up
do you have speakers? i ask because i don't so it's probably normal to not have them probably maybe
it's probably not normal to not have them but here i am not having them
I think having either speakers or good headphones is probably normal If you have one you probably don't really need the other And I have good headphones
and if tilde has no speakers, then it's _definitely_ not normal