*Boku no Hero Academia *Cheat Kusushi no Slow Life - Isekai ni Tsukurou Drugstore *Hamefura *Kageki Shoujo!! Episode 3-4 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon *Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Night Head 2041 Seirei Gensouki *Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu *Uramichi Oniisan
i don't think their parents are going to be happy to see them if they're even there it seems like they're just heading to their childhood home
I wonder if they might be a bit out of time too
The fact that a little shrine has been set up on the ruins of their childhood home doesn't make me think very optimistically for their parents Something like that is usually a commemoration of a memory or something
Man I hope I don't ever have to get a needle stuck into my forehead straight through the skull
Oh this isn't pleasant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
frontal lobotomize me beautifull sempai
Didn't that signboard say 2004 or 2007 These two brothers are not in their early fifties
they mentioned that it should be 2014 for them or something like that i'm kinda wondering what that's about
I wonder what the bit behind Akira being on the list of forbidden books is It kinda makes sense, of course, but this is the second time they've used it as a point of reference for the kind of forbidden books in this society So I think it's an in-joke of the author or something
i'm guessing this person has some kind of mind-control i'm thinking it's the sensei?
It's kind of clear to me >>964931 He's the easiest assumption, but I dunno In that scene with the first girl who hanged herself, the Sensei was looking awfully slackjawed and out of it himself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is this a horror
Nope It's a sci-fi show with psychic powers and a near-future dystopian society which enforces absolute denial of anything paranatural, and even outlaws religious and other beliefs of fantasy
its a good thing the mindcontrolled versions have bad aim
It might be that it's not great mind control And the controlled have some degree of free will or capacity to resist the orders
it's limited mind control but the fact that they can do it seemingly without a direct line of site sight* and ffrom far away is pretty scary
Usually one of the ways fiction "balances" wide-range mind control or other psychic powers that can affect a broad area is to make them weaker at the distance
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i ordered my hot psychosis an hour ago
The kid's lucky it's these two brothers who found him Oh the police got here not long after
It's hard to not sympathize with the kid after the little cohort of witches killed his dog But committing them all to suicide isn't really a good answer And lacking any empathy for the violence he put them through makes him hard to cheer for
what the......
wow a lot happened in a very very short time spane span
Mixing the two and making a waifu of a maid completely defeats the fundamental purpose of being a maid That or it turns a waifu into a maid and that's a problem too if you think about the relationship structure of a maid
I think you just don't understand maids Your brain is too polluted by waifus to see anything but the objectification of characters into waifus
Honestly when that girl dove into him I expected her to make off with his wallet or something They've been talking about the town being fishy and that's a pretty fishy thing to do
well it turns out that being an asshole and not thinking so is very typical asshole behavior and from where i am you're looking like quite an asshole >>964962 and this post is really solidifying that perspective
Well I'm not an asshole, so that's all good
>>964961 Well it's okay for you to be wrong I could take a broad poll of people and come off as not an asshole So you being an data point in the contrary doesn't really convince me
this post >>964957 pissed me off pretty bad i'm not even watching the show at this point i actually feel like you should be showing some hint that you actually care at all what your words make other people feel
because you're giving off some pretty huge asshole vibes right now and not only refusing to acknowledge it but arguing to the contrary
now we're 9 minutes in and i have no idea what happened i'll consider if i want to continue watching tonight over the next 10 minutes
Her onee-chan does look a fair bit like the girl he was crushing on back in Japan But judging from how he was isekai'd, it's probably not actually her? I wonder if the two girls are like, cross-dimensional cousins or something If the MC's parents could move to Japan and settle there I don't see why other people could make the journey
As far as we know, that wouldn't make sense though
Fashion is a bit all over the place in this world Like Tomoe and Mio's outfits being weeb-y make sense since they took clothes that would pander to the MC But most of the people seem to wear some form of standard fantasy garb And this onee-chan is wearing something that wouldn't look terribly out of place in a contemporary setting Jeans, tanktop, and a shawl kind of thing which is the only thing that is a bit strange
Very One-Punch Man poi
Oh that's some scary magic But I guess he liked it
i'm here but i don't think i feel like i should be >>964977 are you going to go this whole episode without being a soulless prick are you capable of that
Probably not by your books
you know you could acknowledge when you say things that insult other people and show some amount of remorse for doing so and when you do that, people tend to feel less upset about it
yeah i don't think i'm going to be able to focus on the show this is a pretty shitty feeling like someone who is ostensibly a longtime friend who just says some judgemental bullshit a few times a week and doesn't feel sorry about it at all when it pisses someone off
i can't get in the mindset to enjoy the show like this like it's one thing to jokingly disagree about something but when you make it sound like something subjective is actually a place where you can be objectively inferior for disagreeing like wtf is >>964957 this post anyways i don't understand maids? what is this, like some literal kobayashi shit? it's a hyper-exaggerated flaw she has for the sake of comedy and you're really out here being a judgemental shit about it to someone who considers you a friend? and then putting me down for it?
>>964983 ican excuse you for mulling over posts that obviously didn't involve you as the intended audience but i've been making it very clear from the minute he started acting like a dick that i wasn't cool with him acting like a dick
like you really decided, tilde, to take a couple of joking shitposts like >>964951 and >>964952 into a take like >>964953 which is fine, because it looks like it's still a joke but then you doubled down on it like it's a fucking fact written somewhere and have to put me down about it
like where do you get off acting like this and then saying you aren't an asshole here and you literally never apologize for shit like this like once or twice yeah there's no reason for me to react like this but you do it like multiple times a week and usually i just accept it but i'm fed up with it
all you have to do is just say sorry once every now and then and acknowledge that sometimes you are capable of being either wrong or mean
but no that's way too much to ask of yourself
just finish the shows you're watching tonight i'm out
He's picked himself up a pet beastperson pretty easily
I've noticed in the OP that he seems to get pretty well on his way to being a young adult Like right now I think he's like maybe early teens I wonder if other characters in the show will grow with him
It seems like this is the young girl who was on the bus with him when they got trained into this world Still no sign of that older girl he was familiar with though
hmm I still kinda wanna save it since bang was upset if you wanna watch on your own and just rewatch with us that's okay
but bang seemed upset
but i'll do maid dragon if you really want to okay
slime ready? lets stat
I know this isn't going to incur me any good favour But I don't think saving it is a good idea Thursdays are already stacked as is with everything that airs on them The earliest we'd probably have for watching it is Sunday
Well there's always the off-chance Kirara won't have watched it Or won't be around tomorrow So okay Let's do Tensei
Yeah, I'm good
They've opened two episodes with that declaration now
This fairy doesn't really seem like a good person to entrust important information to She kinda sputters and jumps around the information
These last few episodes have been a lot of talking but that's pretty typical for this show
The fighting has reached such a power level that whenever things get serious and fight-y, the ramifications echo fairly soundly When you've got a fantasy world that takes its world as seriously as this one does, you can't just expect everything to smooth over quickly after the fighting wraps up
I feel like between the previous cour and the couple seasons to this one, they changed the name of Mjurran I think in the previous cour they were calling her phonetically Myuran or something
Rimuru stuck on the manly man side of the baths
What a world, where interstate economic decisions are made in an onsen over a few cups of sake
On the off chance Ramiris actually is a Maou, having her protection over the dryads and the forest they protect would probably be a really sweet deal, if their side of the bargain is fawning and preening over her
>>965009 Isn't it like a certainty that he's a maou at this point? I feel like the series was really clear aobut it.
Ramiris is the little fairy She keeps calling herself a Maou and doesn't seem like a total pushover But the whole attitude feels like she's being a bit Wizard of Oz about it
I guess we'll be seeing more of that wizard that stole the body of one of the isekai'd kids last episode Er, last cour
That wizard seemed strong but got smacked down SO HARD
Yeah it was almost kind of job-y, hah hah If he's still alive and a prisoner of Rimuru's, maybe he'll be flipped to their side
I wonder if Milim is still working with Clayman
>True Demon Lord Wow there's a way to go even FURTHER BEYOND just a Maou I guess that's the bigger pond Rimuru's probably gonna have to eventually swim in
I wonder if this sort of thing is more common than it should be
>>965025 I suspect it's winter time Winters in Japan might be mild, but they're still probably not very comfortable to be going around in beachwear in
Would these depressed and washed up thirty-somethings really still have it in them to enjoy the beach for the sake of the programme
The bunny guy really seems to have some kind of pseudo-suicidal instinct to him Like the false myth of lemmings running off cliffs He sees something which is a clear and obvious danger to himself And then just rushes full speed into it
Oh here I was thinking everyone was going to think Sayuri was a girl or something Instead of his dog But they cleared that up
I think having the kids around helps pad the depressive part of the comedy with absurdity When it's a bunch of adults abusing themselves on a beach for their career, it's kind of hard to not look at it glumly The kid's show setting makes it harder to take seriously
I'm guessing they're playing it up like she's his girlfriend But yeah It's just his sister I was also guessing it could be his mother
>You don't have to try so hard for someone else's sake Words to live by
They all seem to have reasons to believe they gave the bear guy a cold
We normally watch this Sunday so it feels like it's been quite a while since we last watched it
Even if Bakarina is a bit dumb, she does leap into action without hesitation I wish I could have that kind of recklessness
Alan's probably not a consideration since he's the fourth son or some other reason
This guy is really tall Like Bakarina isn't a giantess or anything, but she's decently tall for a female character But he still goes a good head over her
Bakarina's got that extreme harem protag density though Not even him leaning in for a kiss is enough to make her connect the dots and realize she's being crushed on
She's doing a real good job of endearing herself to him Honestly they've got a kind of nice chemistry More so than a lot of the other guys in the series so far
Oh my
A lot of hugging this episode
Oh no, the hickey is clear on her throat And everyone got the exactly correct idea of what happened