i didn't want to be awake life should just wait for me to get enough sleep
I didn't want to be awake either So my body put me back to sleep and made me half an hour late for work
I was honestly with my boss about oversleeping my alarms as to why I was late for work today and man he was not appreciative of that. I get the sensible interpretation of this is to just not be late for work but my dumb immature brain can only see it as "Well if you make a mistake you might as well lie about it". Not that I'm going to, because fuck lying for such a petty job It's just frustrating
I haven't seen a doctor other than my cardiologist and psychiatrist in 10 years, not counting the urgent care. And I've been paying out of pocket for my psychiatrist for a long time.
My body is plenty wrecked already! I can't even run anymore!
>>956719 It's really hard to relate to this any time I need a doctors appointment i just call up and its in the next few days and it's either free or cheap
Thanks! I'm gonna get a primary care physician and do blood work and get some help with my chronic sinusitis and see a dentist and get my knees x-rayed (i can get x-rays for $35 with this plan!) and I can get my nose cauterized again so I stop having nosebleeds it's gonna be great.
>>956725 Same really But I can probably wait until the province isn't still in pandemic throes Also my health card expired in December 2019 and while I don't technically need it to receive healthcare having it would make the process much easier
Yesterday i got my own little shitty office. It's full of junk and there's no heating but its my own room first time in my life i feel like such a PROFESSIONAL
>>956728 You don't need heating. Also Congratulations
i got really depressed january 2020 and then covid hit and i just got into such a funk that i never actually went through the photos i took in Washington state so now im gonna do that
This one is kind of scary. This poor kid's dead. Some kind of snow monster got him.
Statues are always pretty great in the winter You'll even get people who'll shape the snow that's fallen to transform the statue into a whole other person entirely
I remember now why I love and hate the horse tribes in TW games god damn can the fights take a long time... I've done 3 battles, each of them taking about 40 minutes
aand another 40 minutes of micro, most likely 2 since I doubt I can do this in one battle and will have to skirmish and snipe 1st round and then do it again the second, provided the enemy doesn't just get enough on the first go
I think I shall call it a day with this game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can I have your daughter for the rest of my life
Who in the fuck is launching fireworks Canada Day is THURSDAY you fucks Wrong T day of the week
if not for the power armor in FO4 I wouldn't be playing it, I'm not even joking It's just cool enough to keep me playing
Unequip weapon and just WHAM put a big ol' fist in people's face Anything not like, qualified just has their head explode at this point
And the powerarmor is so absurdly strong, when I did one quest with a ton of enemies, I just popped a buncha chems and I literally didn't take damage at all throughout the whole thing while doing like, I dunno, 4-5x my normal damage output What a game What an experience
Sure you've been exposed to Psycho, but what if you also had fucking meth BLTC is the only mod I refuse to even continue playing without Anything else I'll just drop if it fucks something up, but there's nothing I'll take over BLTC, it's just too good 500 different drugs, and they stack Once every now and then, you become a manifestation of God Almighty upon the wasteland, with effectively infinite AP and enough damage per shot to wipe out a whole army in a single magazine
No being stands in your way, for you have 90% damage reduction and enough jet to fuel a small nation
>>956779 he means the dog the model was based on died as dogs do, not to sound heartless
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>956773 our normal fireworks are cancelled i guess they're canceled everywhere
>>956826 Yeah I haven't been paying attention but I bet it's the same here Also it's going to be raining like the whole rest of the week, so there probably won't even be favourable weather for fireworks anyway
man maine coon cats look like they can get pretty big
>>956912 hell yeah, son Tax Return day is the best day of the year.
https://twitter.com/bossmonsterbani >>956913 when do you usually file yours? I used to get some mob to do it but lately I've been doing them myself my wages are usually not all that taxable
The ATO website basically does it all for you and then gives you free money.
yeah it's actually not all that hard from what I remember maybe if you were a contractor or something like that would complicate things but I feel like I've been wasting money on itp for too long
the reason lulu is graduating is because she was getting death threats and her safety was in danger which caused her to frequently need to stop streaming which she felt was unfair to her fans
>>956953 they were probably jealous that she had more fans than their oshi or maybe she said something they didnt like once and they were just so autistic that their life's mission became ruining her life that kind of stuff happens a lot in idol culture
yeah idol fans as a whole are probably some of the most toxic people in the world like the idol culture contains the most toxic people in the world not that theyre all horrible goblins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did the unthinkable i installed caw dooty warzone
had to call Nordic Track yesterday sicne i still havent gotten my rowing machine they were like "oh it looks like it's in a warehouse in orlando. once it's processed they'll call you to schedule the delivery" i said "well it's been in that warehouse for three weeks" they told me that usually it takes 2-4 days for processing and i said "do you see why i'm calling then" and finally they're just like "i'll open a case with the carrier to check on that and see what's taking so long" thanks buddy
My Uber rides the past two evenings have both been around 45 CAD, almost twice what they normally are They both actually started at nearly seventy dollars, but went down to what I settled on after waiting a few minutes I don't know what's driving the prices up. It was pretty rainy yesterday, but not like hazardous rainy And today it's just congested
Ooh, me calling Nordic Track actually did something. The carrier just texted me to say they have it and they'll call to schedule deliver within 2 business days.
At least they got that remedied pretty quickly Having worked in a warehouse now I think I have a lot of sympathy for how absolutely nightmarish logistics in one can be at times It's really easy for something to get delayed or ever forgotten if you're understaffed for the volume of things moving through.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
woohoo progress
The "free will is real, but we're actively making the universe deterministic" thing they go for with the time variance authority is pretty neat
yeah i actually like the direction lokis are the best
It makes sense, you know, since Loki is the only character in the entire MCU with real character development that doesn't amount to "he was arrogant and then he got humbled" Thor gets some too but not as much. The entire first three phases of MCU gives Loki tons of character development.
The other characters' developments don't actually count because they only ever revert back to their default after a deviation Except, ARGUABLY, Tony Stark, but he was a fuckup for like the start of the first movie and nothing since then Man doesn't even have like, anything resembling lingering pull to alcohol or nothing, he might as well never have been that fucked up ever
Yeah, Tony's whole character development was him getting PTSD and alcoholism and then stopping that but not changing at all.
Like, thor's "development" is that he was Thor, The Hero Then he lost faith And he became a layabout Then he regained faith, and is Thor, The Hero, again
Yeah but it's not him that gets humbled and learns anything It's an alternate Thor that exists for the purpose of that "developmental arc"
Everyone's origin story is about the amount of development they get, at the end of the day I guess Spidey still has some room and potential, and Hulk arguably did actually kinda develop over the course of stuff, he's Big Brain Hulk now
Spidey's development is "Wow, I'm supported by this rich guy that I use as a surrogate dad!" And then "My surrogate dad is dead and now I have responsibility!" And just learning to be a leader. That's it.
And Hulk doesn't really count because he's barely a character. He's a background character.
They could still do very interesting stuff with Spidey though, cause unlike the other Heroes, he has a tendency to deal with like Grunt-level crime Man for real goes outside after school and just patrols looking for crime like some sort of fucking Silver Shroud motherfucker
You can do some interesting stuff there >>956995 I guess the MCU spidey doesn't, really, but he COULD They could, at least, do interesting questions for him to consider, with that sort of backdrop
Like "Am I actually... helping anyone, really, with this? Sure, I'm stopping crime, but I'm in a pretty unique position to maybe deal with the core issues here, and also I am number 3 from the top on this planet's IQ leaderboard, so I should be able to figure it out"
Hell maybe they could have him realize, like I think he did in one comic (though maybe that was doc oc in his body, I can't remember) that actually, these drones? They're kinda... they're kinda a violation of people's privacy even if it helps maintain safety
Does he though? He now has armies of drones and is basically considered the future leader of the avengers. It would take a lot of set up to put him into that role, which they should. But they won't.
They should just have him get disgraced and have to work with Daredevil doing street level crime.
Isn't next Spidey movie a spiderverse thing anyway?
Really, the MCU just doesn't do charadevelopment. But they clearly can! They killed Loki and then REDID 10 years of movies character development for him in like one episode and then CONTINUED developing him in meaningful ways that change his behavior.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe i should watch falcon
It's alright I mean it's worth wathing, but I didn't like the ending Though that much is to be expected, being a corporate production
eeeeeh I guess I mean it had an OK ending, which is a plus, but most of the show was kinda... I guess more interesing if you care about the red witch in the first place And Vision And the Big Twist that sent everyone into the pogzone just didn't hit me tbh
Yo it's a raider gang from fallout whose main base is a comic shop
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i love those dudes
I can't get over how the guy on the left looks like he's just like, wearing leather for combat, the kid in the middle goes a little bit into the Aesthetic, and the old dude just straight up found a whole fucking costume on a corpse at a comiccon and started wearing the whole thing Guy on the right is just a melee build On the left*
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and then the kid just threw some shit together for a halloween party
They all are Loki. You can tell by their outfits. Old guy is classic Loki costume. Kid and black guy both have Loki insignia as well as a makeshift Mjolnir.
>>957011 those are all either alternate or versions of loki from main marvel or alt universes loki spend a lot of time as "kid loki" in main marvel stories
Some people have all the braincells These cops evidently are not "some people"
>>957029 >>957030 wat did they detonate them inside the truck or what?
A bit hard to tell if it's behind the truck or in it Either way I think a bomb squad truck is probably outfitted to theoretically sustain a local bomb explosion But a shit-tonne of fireworks like that might exceed expectations
5000 pounds of fireworks is something like... 500 pounds of blackpowder if not more, dunno about US regulations on how much a firework can have gunpowder in it in relation to total mass
and ofc what were they? if they were the "pot types" those are really high on net explosive content (nec) compared to total mass say you have a 2kg pot, that can have almost 1kg of nec
so that could easily be 2500 pounds of explosives even
so umm that could have been an explosion as high as 0,5 kilotons of tnt but yeah, it obviously wasn't that
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-wildfires-june-30-2021-1.6085919 🔥 this is fine why yes i would love to relitigate the existence of anthropocentric climate change in the comment section
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was magic hour love
Honestly news outlets probably don't need comment sections for their articles Not everything online needs to be social media
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i meant the comments section of the social media aggregator which got me to the article oh no
I was also reading the comments o the article. One commenter suggested wiping out 99.9% of humanity to stop climate change.
>>957104 I just thought of a brilliantly stupid idea. So you know about C to HDL right? What if you used C to HDL tools to make a GNU/Linux ASIC? Or the slightly more useful and much more feasible C to HDL C compiler.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
compiling random C code to HDL would be terribly inefficient
I haven't slept since I woke up around 07:30 yesterday morning It'll be nearly twenty-four hours when Coco's graduation starts I'm going to just exhaust every emotion in my body and collapse
Good thing it's Canada Day because I would not be in any feasible state to be at work today
Fug. I was too sleepy. I didn't watch through the Coco live until the end I saw all the interviews with each gen but didn't watch the performance itself.
I'll try to watch the vod this weekend. >>957212 Yeah that seems about right.
i am going to assume it has something to do with bishamonten
or her warring history
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eva 3.0+1.0 comin out august 13
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i cant wait we should group watcccchhhh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) is a code system intended to include all units of measures being contemporarily used in international science, engineering, and business.
I prefer ICUM The International Code for Units of Measure >>957227 We all cum ffor ucum
>>957292 Zero paacento. I didn't sleep last night so I don't think I can afford to stay up late. I was planning to go to bed in 45 minutes. I totally forgot about Higurashi with y'all. I'll plan to be there in the future for sure.
Well don't mess around with your sleep too much for it I can always catch you on the flipside But I bet Rika would find it fun to have you along hah hah
>>957294 Oh, I don't think she'd care too much either way. But I'd certainly like to watch anime with y'all. So I might not make it every Thursday night but I'll definitely make it a few times.
nice guess! that's right! it's blueberries i've been on a blueberry kick lately
I had some crackers and cheese, but I'm not really all too hungry But it's fine, I basically did no physical activity today so I originally don't need all that much
>>957299 well you're in luck, the terrible heat wave caused a lot of blueberry crops to ripen early so there's a surplus
>>957343 why not j mean good for you but out of the spirit of inquiry that's all
>>957380 Alcoholism runs in my family and I've seen the damage it can cause. I have obsessive tendencies and I think it would be better to not try any. Also I consider the recreational use of mind altering substances to be unethical. Oh and I'm on a lot of psych meds and have enough mental issues as is.
In addition to that one of my meds has a side effect that increases the likelihood that you would have a seizure and alcohol increases that too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow how is it unethical
Also I have no interest in them. >>957388 I'm not really up for debating that right now, maybe some other time.
is there a new mario party im having fun with golf but id love mario party
There's one for the Switch that's been out for a bit Nintendo is also going to release a retro compilation of older Mario Party maps and minigames at some point, but I doubt remember it's release date I think at least with the one that's already out, you either have to play against the CPU or already have the players to play with to play over online, though
wishin i was lyin in bed with girl but sadly deito went nowhere guess i'll just open mortified girl's twitter account and wonder why she started tweeting after having a private account for ever