We're at about half an ep of recap at this point though.
If you'd read what I said about the episode over the past couple days I've been saying that I knew about half the episode was recap
t o be honest it's like tilde couldn't stop talking about it it's kinda whack you didn't see
I generally know if I say something once, Rika doesn't see it
Regardless of whether he's got malice or not in his heart, her sensei is kind of a real weirdo I don't think most people would paint a picture of a grown-up version of a student of theirs who is also the daughter of a lady he's crushing on
when i try to think about it from his point of view without making assumptions, i can imagine that maybe Ai's mom talks about Ai a lot and that it troubles her pretty greatly and i can kinda see it being that sawaki wants to try to help or inspire Ai for her mother's sake and the line he says when he shows her the painting - i think maybe he recognized that Ai was crushing and wants her to improve her self-esteem by knowing that she'll grow up to be like the person he actually loves, her mom but it's still kind of a weird thing to do regardless
Here we are at the actual episode
There's nothing wrong with being a bit selfish
I guess this Koito is alive but isn't her friend That feels like a very apt equivalent exchange bargain for this series
wait this is frill isn't it
oh no she can't sing
Most people can't sing too well!
Momo did look real fucked up after Dot made her eat her partner I don't entirely blame her for being too scared to go If anything, wanting nothing to do with that is the sensible response
I guess I got my people crossed during Neiru's arc When she talked about her sister killing her I thought she meant the girl with heterochromia But I guess that doesn't make sense actually thinking about it since she was comatose Neiru's arc was when things started getting pretty sci-fi so I guess I just missed out on some details from not reading close enough
i think i want to unwatch that episode >>957125 i have come to the conclusion that this entire special was engineered to set up a possible second season literally nothing happened but to twist the two otherwise nonsensical last episodes of the series into a prelude to a new series rather than an actual resolution to the story
It also felt like the kinda "fuck you, that's the ending" kinda thing some shows do
that's true it could totally also be that
It could be the writer didn't know how to write themselves out of the set-up, in the time they had given Without knowing the process of making the special, it's hard to really insert any clear motive Did they expect that they'd have a full double-length episode when they announced the special back at the end of the season? Did they know from the start that they'd have to recap half of it? Was the author's writing stress too much to figure out a full forty-eight minutes of content and so they needed to pad it out? There's too many potential maybes here that it's hard to know what they set out to do
i just kinda get this really big "we have to somehow have it makes sense for a S2 to happen" energy going on that special literally did nothing the recap itself is fine in a vacuum, too, but when the other 40% of screentime basically amounted to "hey yeah so actually we're gonna weasel our way into a second season maybe" instead of any resolution to the endgame that the other episodes built up i also don't think that 12 more episodes are going to be able to capture any of the magic that the show had for me literally right up until this special
i'm also not going to makes excuses for the writer or the staff this feels like a big fuck you whether it's the actual ending or just a set up for S2 wow
i honestly loved the hell out of this show until just now >>957131 what the hell kind of take is this what even is your opinion here all you've said so far is a defense of the staff so i don't even know where you're coming from or why
to me you're defending the staff for some reason
well obviously something went wrong because this was a crock of absolute dogshit
no the argument isn't pointless because i'm upset the argument is pointless because i'm just saying that this was garbage
so what if the writer actually had cancer and his dog died and his wife left him and the director was fucking his wife the fact stands that this special was really shitty
Well I'd rather portray people I don't have any particular evidence of their character in the better possible light And I think assuming there are difficulties in anime production is a pretty simple assumption to make
>>957130 That something went wrong I can't obviously pinpoint the specific, because there's too much stuff we don't see as simple viewers
I mean this whole argument is going to be pointless because you're upset and not actually going to listen So you might as well just burn your steam and let us get on to the rest of the anime tonight
the animation was great throughout the whole series the world was interesting and the characters were super fun the art was unique and the way it tackled the conversations and interactions between people was always at the very least original and felt pretty real the primary holdup for me was that i wasn't sure the could handle the subject matter properly but i mostly felt like they did a fine job throughout the series then they brought the frill thing in at the end and set up for some crazy twists at the end and then said "hey you gotta wait like a month for the end though" and then a month later said "haha nah actually you might not get an end and if you do it'll be 12 more episodes"
except it was 3 months
and as far as i can tell now that i've decided to look at it a lot of people on the internet are similarly frustrated yeah no shit i guess
I liked the frill parts that was when it really had me oh well maybe the second season will be good
thanks for anime
fruits 12 okay lets start
With the retelling of the Zodiac Myth, I don't really know what else there is to put in here They've more or less covered the story of the manga as I remember it
I guess maybe they'll spend a whole episode on wrapping up Yuki's story
Honestly it feels kind of weird to hear "Honda-sempai" Even if she is an upperclassman, Tohru isn't really sempai material
Oh I guess the timeline here has been jumping around a bit This is the point where Akito officially dissolves the curse
This sly rat complains that he's not the prince people always make him out to be but when he wants to be Prince Charming he sure slides into it like a glove
Rin with the short hair is kind of cute But her long, black hair was really lovely
And Shigure's long keikaku pays off He's got his waifu all in the palm of his hand
yeah that doesn't seem like a 100% healthy relationship
To be fair, without a lot of extensive therapy, I don't think any of the Soumas could really exist in a 100% healthy relationship They're basically all stuffed full of co-dependence, instilled self-loathing/doubt, insular thinking because of how closed off their family is Even the ones that are likely to be better off are still kind of in weird positions
It's probably the kind of thing that's really romantic to some shoujo readers though
Unsurprisingly, she never cursed Kyo there He just only got the second half of the request
Even in the afterlife, Tohru's dad is a faceless entity
It kinda made sense from Tohru's memories, since her dad died when she was young and she couldn't really remember his face But you'd think the woman who married him could at least recall his face when meeting him in the afterlife
They left off on a starkly unusual grim cliffhanger last episode For a show that's pretty much been entirely comfy and Cub trivia, it was a bit of a sharp turn Like the sharp turn that took that poor girl into the ice-cold winter creek Hoh hoh hoh
Really the pedal bike the girl was using looks like a town bike, or a racing bike at best And either way, really not the kind of bike you should be taking on mountain trails like this, even in good conditions, let alone messy wint- Well I guess that worked but gosh
When you land in a creek like that in the middle of winter, just getting her out is only half the solution She's now in drenched, cold clothes and her body temperature has likely dropped a bit from being stuck in the creek for a decent while
As I thought, that bike looks like it's trashed Good excuse to get a Cub of her own, at least
The MC is a bit more uptight at home But I guess it's an understandable stress Since she seems to live barely above the poverty line and having extra people over must be a bit of a financial concern Though I think she also just isn't that good at accomodating other people
Well that's a sentiment I can get behind
Free coffee and sandwiches free for a year is a pretty good deal for saving their daughter Espcially for someone who seems a bit sparse for cash like the MC
Cafe-chan seems to have been hit pretty hard by the winter blues But also probably a bit of trauma from being so close to serious hypothermia I can sympathize a fair bit with struggles like that
I like the way this show plays with colour saturation When they first brought in the saturation when the MC first tested her Cub, I thought it was a permanent change But they slip back into the desaturated tones for the episode-to-episode content and bring it back out for emphatic moments It's a neat trick that works really well
yeah I like the tones I also like how all the characters look kinda samey like real japan
They're distinct enough! And to be fair I've talked with Asians and they have the same "You all kinda look the same" opinion when they hit the West for the first time too