>>957310 >>957310 I'm American so it's just another day but I saw all my canadian friends online having fun all day
I know, hah hah I didn't get to do a whole lot There was Coco's graduation this morning and then I kinda spent the whole day sleeping since I'd been up like twenty-eight hours to watch it My brain was pretty fried through
Fruits Basket Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu Episode 1-2 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 8-12 Super Cub
From one graduation (sotsu) this morning, to another graduation tonight I'm pretty sure it was a double-feature today so we'll be getting episode three next week
Oh actually there's also episode one of the Scarlet Nexus anime I would rather watch both of the Higurashi episodes though and I don't know if there's anything I'd prefer to tap out to watch it Might just be best to throw it on the Sunday pile
As usual though, there should be a good lot of stuff to get to by the time Sunday rolls around Most notable we get more Hamefura tomorrow I'm pretty excited for that
Actually that's true The Rabbit was the stealth crush on Tohru and so he's single now too
When I was in high school and first read the manga for this, there was a girl I knew who was a big fan of the Snake, the extravagant white-haired guy She kinda had a thing for fictional guys like that. She always comes to mind when he's on screen
Yeah that's a far-reaching happily ever after I wasn't expecting
There was a lot of nostalgia here for me, seeing this fully adapted And a lot of things that felt entirely different, coming back to the series after 10-12 years And a lot of things I had totally forgotten too, of course I was really excited to see this was getting a full adaptation and I'm absolutely content with how they did it. No complaints. I still think this stands as one of the top shoujo series of all time.
yeah, it was super long but it was pretty good it's nice to watch somethign with an actual ending
okay higurashi
okay lets start
I asked Kirara if he thought he'd be able to survive until anime for this but there wasn't any chance of it hah hah He might be around every once in a while if he can stay up though
I'm all for let the suffering fall I think at best we might get a meta-Rika looking down on a Rika in Hinamizawa who is free of the cycle of reincarnation And it's that meta-Rika who has suffered time and time again who becomes Bern
I can't remember how much the original anime adaptation got into Rena's relationship with her dad But I think it was relatively not focused much on, and the fact that it's been so long means I don't really remember it either But I do remember she's got some problems
Oh it's the trap box again I guess though since this is the first fragment we saw in Gou, it's still Satoko's first time seeing it
Okay well that explains why Rena went crazy Kinda hard to not when you get injected with concentrated Hinamizawa virus
Not like she barely needed the virus to go crazy though Rena has always been dancing the knife's edge of craziness Being injected with the virus definitely accelerates that though
I like that they kinda replicate the fashion sense of the 1980s Japan
I wonder how fast they'll speed-run Rena going crazy and trying to kill Keiichi They're already a good two or so episodes into the Gou arc in one episode alone
You'd think even as just a young girl, someone would comment on Rena going around a hardware store buying a VERY OBVIOUS murdering kit
Like seriously, all this stuff in one trip to a hardware store There isn't much else you can use all of it towards one thing that isn't MURDER
This poor lady She was coming here to tell off Rena's dad for spending so much money And she stumbled into Rena's burgeoning murder set-up
>you're hurting me like you should have known what was coming as soon as her hands went around your neck that's not how you touch people
It's kind of a prepeat of what happened between Rena and Keiichi Only Keiichi was able to stop Rena eventually
I wonder if she actually killed the lady Reminds me of when Keiichi kills Satoko's uncle but only thinks he does because of Hinamizawa Virus hallucinations
That said though I think she did this time
He's just chilling on top of the van she stores all her murder tools in And -Oh nevermind there's more than one van in this dumb Dump even
It's funny how her crazy behavior matches K1's crazy perception of her behavior when he was the crazy one
the air conditioning
It's the best way to lure kids into your car after free candy!
>>957396 That's what made the the twist in the first arc in Gou so good Everyone's just expecting Rena to actually be innocent because we've seen this song and dance from Keiichi's hallucination before But then, nope, she's actually out to murder him.
That went by fast I guess we'll see the bloodbath next week
nagotoro 8 depends on how slow things are I guess okay lets start
I'll keep the remaining episodes of this on hand in case stuff next week doesn't come in fast enough to fill out full nights But I'm doubtful we'll get around to the entirety of them
Yup, this is where I expected this to go But she's probably not entirely wrong You'd probably need good core strength to act as a human chair
Hah hah hah That was pretty embarassing for her too
I actually like this show a lot more than a lot of the shows like it because it clearly shows Nagatoro's thoughts and feelings too. A lot of these types of shows keep the viewer in the dark when it comes to the girl's internal state and makes her hard to relate to.
That's fair I like that despite her teasing, she gets hit pretty hard herself on occasion As sweet as shows like Takagi-san are, the fact that Takagi is pretty much unflappable outside of the most extreme situations is a bit of a let down
>Why would I want to see your gross face every morning? You already go looking for his face every lunch or after school
I was familiar with this chapter from the manga, since it gets chatter from time to time on /a/ Though honestly that's an understatement the board loves the manga
Well it was the obvious way for this to go with how many slip ups she's been guilty of lately.
She really does mess up a lot, hah hah A less wimpy guy than Sempai would have an easy time capitalizing on her slip ups But I guess the fact that he's gracious of them is why she likes being around him so much
Lasto Cub Hopefully they get Cafe-chan a nice bike to replace the one she trashed in the accident
We didn't skip over an episode I don't think Did they just jump over Cafe-chan getting herself a bike? I thought they'd spend a bit of time on her shopping for it
Central Japan is probably a lovely place to travel by scooter/motorbike All the low mountains and hilly natural terrain For how populous Japan is, there's still large swathes of the country which is mostly natural, or low population density
Well it would probably be warm there in the summer They've gone through Kyoto and now hit Hyogo I've got a tab up with maps and I'm following their journey They've travelled quite a lot this episode
I didn't quite catch where they started, but they hit Nagoya pretty early on Then they visited Lake Biwa, and I think turned north to hit the coastline And then drove along it westwards until they hit the south-west-most point of the island
I think they then went through an underwater tunnel to reach the island to the southwest of the main island of Japan Which would have placed them quite close to Saga, which is where Zombieland Saga takes place
That is a crazy road trip for some high school students to take though I'm really envious of their freedom to do something like that It seems so much fun
Winter finally ove I guess it's been winter this whole time
I feel like the the series might have started in summer, or at latest early-autumn It didn't seem so cool in the series in the earlier episodes Plus they had the school culture festival back around episode seven or so, and that usually takes place in ... October I think
That was really comfy I love motorbike romance stories And ending on a big road trip to chase down spring was lovely Very nice show all around