
Thread #956783

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Happy Tuesday
Fruits Basket
Episode 10-13
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Episode 7-12
Shadows House
Super Cub
Episode 10-12
As an aside, there are some things we weren't really watching that I took off the list for my sanity's sake that are available to watch if you don't want to watch two of the same show tonight
Something like Dragon, Ie wo Kau
Or the Slime SoL show
They're not on the list but I know the episode we'd need to watch to continue.
Also the Wonder Egg finale special is out, but while it's a double-length episode, the first half is completely recap
It also like just came out literal minutes ago
If Bang doesn't show up I might just wait until tomorrow so we can watch it and the final episode of Osananajimi together
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I didn't see anything new tonight
Other than Wonder Egg yeah, which we need bang for don't we?

fruits 10
fruits 11
nagatoro 7
shadows house
super cub 10
Oh yeah nothing new besides Wonder Egg
Aside for Shadows House and Tokyo Revengers over the weekend, the last show of the season is Osananajimi tomorrow
Then Thursday is July so it's SUMMERTIME
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fruits 10
let's start
I said the last episode that I didn't know how they were gonna make the rest of the plot last three episodes
But then episode thirteen came out
And I know even less how they're gonna make the rest of the plot last four episodes

I'm probably just forgetting a chunk of stuff though
>What's that Honda girl to her
To you even
I got distracted by the fact that his vice president just outright gave the answer hah hah
Tohru really is Yuki's mom
Psychic Goth-chan picked up on Akito being a woman pretty much immediately
I was looking in on the chatter on the series since there was actually some since it was ending
And someone remarked that the whole "delinquent girl made tame by a cooler older guy" seems to be a trope this mangaka likes
Since that's both what's happened with Tohru's delinquent friend, and her mom as well
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3 eppisodes is enough for another arc

Kinda figured we'd get a talking episode after the intense last few
Well they do still have to break the curse
Formally free all the Zodiac Soumas from the suffering

And I guess Yuki and Kyo need to have their big final showdown
Honestly Kyo does kinda need his shit kicked in a bit
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Well there was a little bit of not talking
Oh yeah I'd forgotten his curse also broke
It's one of those things that always hung pretty heavily on a bit of suspension of disbelief
The fact that the Souma family could just jail Kyo up in a shed for his entire life
For no crime beyond being born

There's definitely a charm of fantasy to it
But legally there's like no way they can actually do that. If Kyo wanted to walk free in Japan, he has ever right to
>I wish I could have lived my life without any misteps along the way, but that's not humanly possible
Ain't that the truth
Now it's her turn to run!
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okay next up
fruits 11
lets start
At least we don't have to wait long for Kyo to catch up to her
She can run as fast in reverse as she can forwards
That sure takes skill
Kita koreeeeeeee
Wow and in for the kiss
Fun fact, the mangaka, when she was writing this, considered Akito a potential candidate for the Tohru Bowl
But she would have only seriously considered it if she didn't commit to Akito being a girl
Which means I guess when she was writing this, she hadn't decided Akito was a girl right off the bat
Akito makes for a much better girl though
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Seems like they're just playing around a bit with this episode.

I guess they won't get into another super serious arc.
It's laying out the Zodiac Myth, as how this show interprets it
In the versions of the real myth that acknowledge the Cat, the Cat is excluded from the Zodiac because it was tricked by the Rat and overslept the day of the banquet
But that version doesn't quite fit this story and the message of ephemerality and passing that it has settled on
I kind of like this version a lot, which villifies the cat not because of a sly trick, but because it chose to disagree with the idea of being together forever
As someone who was born in the year of the Monkey, I'm a bit salty the Monkey of this series basically got no attention whatsoever
But they were also shafted in the original manga, the mangaka even said she regretted making the mistake of not writing them in.
But the Monkey was barely even in this adaptation.
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She's reflecting on how nice it is to have a reverse harem
It's a bit late for a reverse harem!
Everyone's pretty much already paired up
oh hi hello
bang desu
i'll download WEP for tomorrow
If I'm not too busy I'll check in and see where the recap ends so we don't have to sit through it
As far as I know it's approximately half the episode and the episode is a double-length episode
if it's less than ten minutes i'm fine with watching through it
i'd probably be fine with that even, but if you find a spot where there's no new content before it i'm cool with that too
either works for me
You're not the one that still has to watch like twelve shows this season before everything starts airing within a week!
you list isn't that long looking
I could make it longer if I wanted to
Plus there's some things that aren't yet finished airing
Try me motherfucker I take all the food I want
well you can't put more food on your plate and complain that you're too full to eat it all!
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Hello bang
do you have any time tonight?
He might not even be in the thread anymore
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nagatoro 7
lets start
Been a while
Time for some more "Is it bullying, is it love?"

The answer is yes, of course
Oh I get the pun in the OP name now
"Easy Love" -> "Iji Love"
Taking "Iji" from "Ijiranaide"
It's basically just saying "Bully Love"
>Implying you'd be able to work up the courage to ask her to the festival
He ran into the annoying two instead!
Nagatoro's actions towards Sempai can be a bit on the line at times as to whether its bullying or affection
But these other two girls are bullies through and through
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Her friends are really aggressive about giving her crap
I am pretty sure that behavior like that would not have been okay in my friend group
They seem like a bit of coarse friends though
Like I might be wrong, but you don't quite strike me as someone who ran with a bunch of girls that chased down wimpy guys and teased/bullied them
I think they're just a different caste of gal entirely.
I still don't like how they do her squint smirk in this show
It just ends up looking bad

Wow he's turning on the offensive for once
Oh gosh
Nagatoro's definitely kind of a glass cannon
She hits hard but all it takes is one good attack and she goes to pieces
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This has been a good episode
Yeah, it's nice
I think this show's at its best when it can balance Nagatoro's teasing with her dere-ness
Some times it goes too hard on the teasing side
And her friends are less enjoyable because they're basically just complete bullies
Oh what is he doing
What does he think he's doing
Now he's got the whole entourage along
This blonde girl feels like a quiet menace though
The other two are open nuisances but she feels like a quiet danger
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Yeah the smart one is definitely doing it to stir things up
but she's a bit too aggressive
And Nagatoro is very territorial!
Oh it's the bath chapter next episode
I'm familiar with this one
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shadows house
lets start
By my understanding this episode, and probably the finale this weekend, is anime-original material
I guess it is Edward then
The rest of the kids thought it was him, but last episode we'd only seen the cloaked lady around Emilico, so I thought they'd just been mistaken
Emilico really is a Pollyanna hah hah hah
She can even overcome hunger with her sheer positivity
Lou is the only doll that
Ah whoops I'd forgotten about Ricky
Okay there's two of the dolls that are still brainwashed
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I wonder if the other dolls that arent quite merged yet are also brianwashed
We've only seen the fuzzy eyes from the ones that drank the soot coffee
And the older dolls who had already passed their debut seem to still have agency

Like this Barbara's doll is acting independently and seems to have more agency than, well, Ricky here is providing a good example

Oh wow he snapped out of that easy
>But it could have easily been Louise
I think in her vanity, Louise doesn't realize that she's probably not at risk of being abducted
Emilico got abducted because Kate is an irregular, and Louise, being the most normal of all these kids, is likely not even in the eyes of the older Shadows
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Oh she's getting close
Edward finally started getting sly though
He was trying to brute force Emilico before but that doesn't work because she's too dumb to be forced
We saw that little sootball last episode too
I think it's what remains of the Shadows girl that got dissolved during the debut
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defense bird
Stroke of luck, too
Those other Shadows pulled Edward out of this room, which will make it easier to escape, probably.
Oh she was too slow
It's a trap
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edward sure is dangerous

cub 10
lets start
I wonder if the third member in their little biker gang is gonna get her bike this episode
Oh right, dead of winter
They're also sensibly wearing pants, at least for casual rides
I reckon they probably need to still be wearing skirts when riding to school because uniform
Proper snowfall
I guess we'll get to see how she handles snow driving
Oh her response is just simple "No can do"
Simply, even
That's a sensible reaction
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this snow is so comfy
I guess it's a bit of an advantage at least, that these scooter bikes don't hit particularly high top speeds
It makes the prospect of snow riding a bit less intimidating

There's no such thing as comfy snow if you've got to go out in it!
The only good snow is snow you don't need to be in
I hope that's not a lake
Generally when I see a lot of snow covering a big open clearing like that, it makes me think it's a lake
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What time are we at?
I think I lost my place
I guess it looks like there's a lot of rough terrain though, so it's probably not a lake
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This looks fun but maybe dangerous
cause you dont know what the snow really is hiding
I'm assuming since Reiko knew about it, she knows it's at least not too dangerous
But yeah there could always be a boulder or something closer to the surface that you'd land on if you're not careful
I'd also be a bit worried about going around on jumps like that on the MC's older Cub
It's definitely a cheaper model to begin with too
I can't imagine the suspensions are particularly suited to even small stunts like this
It makes me want to go snowboarding again though
That's kind of a similar experience to what they're doing.
You get all the thrill of speed and doing stunts if you want, without having to worry about a bike
Don't try to fit people, no matter how small, into the luggage compartments on your bikes!
She's in real winter gear now
Maybe because winter's not as bad in central Japan, riding your bike the winter through is tolerable, or at least manageable
Here I dunno, I'm pretty sure there's several months no amount of winter prep would make riding a bike comfortable
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We're far enough from winter that winter seems comfy
Well that's kind of a dire not e to end on
Falling into a winter stream can be pretty dangerous, even if you're not going to drown
That's a lot of cold and wet to put a body through
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she will be fine though

thanks for anime
Yeah, probably
Looks like her bike is trashed though
Good chance to upgrade at least.

Thanks for anime, Rika
Have a nice night
