Waiting in line for vaccine shot one This walk-in has approximately three hundred doses but there's like less than fifty people in line ahead of me so should be good
Got shot Freedom 'ho
-anon, after crossing the border into america >>952454 what vaccine?
>>952463 took a nice long nap next up, shower and laundry haven't showered since Wednesday! although i haven't got my new job sorted yet so I've got this week more or less off and can take it easy >>952469 it's thundering rn so im gonna wait a little bit
also maybe pizza for dinner? i ate vegetarian since Wednesday so maybe steak? hmm so many important decisions
enioy your shower
give me the pizza
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
come and take it
>>952464 I've known some cute becs and also one insane one
E3 presentations are pretty lackluster this time around There's a few bethesda\microsoft games I wanna play, but that's about it really
I wasn't terribly impressed with what I saw from Microsoft and Bethesda That other new Arkane game had a nice theatrical trailer, but theatrical is, well, theatrics. The fact that Halo multiplayer will be free-to-play is neat, but that's the kind of game I'd get for the campaign first if I was to get it at all, because I don't really like big-team multiplayer. I mean I don't really like multiplayer in the first place and every multiplayer game I do like is an exception rather than the rule. That Annapurna game about a guy stuck in a timeloop trying to deal with personal drama and solve a murder is interesting to me because Annapurna tends to make/publish really engaging games, even if they're walking simulators.
I think the big thing is nothing at the Microsoft conference sold me on a thing I wouldn't already be interested in.
And I missed most of the Squeenix conference, and didn't go back to watch the Ubisoft one because I didn't hear any chatter about things in it I would care about. If anything just knowing Elden Ring has a release date is comfort enough.
I'm most interested in the Nintendo Direct on the 15th because they advertised it on it mostly being software releasing in 2021.
I'm mostly interested in slime rancher 2 and stalker 2, really
You didn't miss anything with squenix though, really most of it was marvel stuff and all but one of those were just DLC for some marvel game
Yeah I would've gone back if I'd seen anything interesting in the endroll. Though that said, hearing Mercer sign the conference off made me tempted to go back and see what was up with him I'm always down to support that man.
I'm pretty excited for the salt and sanctuary sequel too, though, but I dunno if there's gonna be a lot of people who are
I can't figure out if I want to get a steak or a pizza for tonight. I ate vegetarian for the past few weeks, the tenzo only made vegetarian food. It was all really, really good, though.
there's this guy I deliver to who always makes me laugh with his bumper stickers he seems a nice enough guy but his bumper stickers are like >THINK before it's illegal >liberalism is a mental illness >straight white conservative and proud >don't breed em if you can't feed em >I believe in helping the needy not funding the lazy just over the top shit like that
oh yeah there was a facts don't care about your feelings one too I tried to get a picture but it's hard to do so inconspicuously
>>>/watch?v=HkRjIq8Cp2A Watching these interrogators get totally stonewalled by this guy is hilarious. They're just flailing so desperately and he's just like "I don't know..."
It also kind of lays bare how cruel and unethical interrogations are. The narrator even tries to justify it by saying "here in the interrogation room these things are normal and good. you dont even care because the guy being interrogated is evil"
I remember seeing a sped-up timelapse of that guy in the interrogation room, and it was kind of eerie that no matter what, he basically remains statue still the entire time It's too bad the evidence is overwhelmingly indicative of him being guilty, if I remember correctly Because it's hard to cheer for a murderer doing the absolute perfect choice of actions in an interrogation.
That channel is fun cause it really shows off why you don't fucking talk to cops Step 1 should always be a lawyer, and step 2 is nothing until your fucking lawyer shows up
In some of them, the guy asks for a lawyer and then the cops just refuse to give them a lawyer and keep pressing while pretending they're getting a lawyer.
No step one is don't fucking murder someone
>>952698 I think those are the canadian ones In canada the cops don't have to leave you alone while the lawyer shows up, they can just keep grilling you
1 spell 1 cast twhammer 2 is a perfectly balanced game
Recently the warehouse has introduced these laser guns for us receivers to use to put merchandise we receive into the digital system Theoretically they should cut down on human error and for large quantities being put away at once, speed up the process But for smaller amounts, or even a quantity of the same item and nothing else, the nature of the guns' UI and process is going to make it take longer for me to put something away, even if it does marginally increase the chance of human error.
So of course when I was putting away a single ink cartridge into the warehouse shelves, my boss spied me without the gun and insisted I need to do it with the gun. And it's like, I'm not going to do that for a single item. I'm more than trippling the weight of what I'm carrying bringing along the gun for a single ink cartridge, the odds of me forgetting or mixing up the number iI need to remember by the time I get back to my desk is negligible So I'm not going to use the gun for this But I'm also not going to lie and say I will It's really annoying for me.
I wish he'd upload more videos of the cops interrogating what is clearly, in retrospect, the wrong person It paints a pretty skewed image when we only see the cops lying to and berating people who are, ultimately, actually guilty of the thing
just thinking what if stehphen had just said "no i don't find her attractive, I am gay" what would the cops have done at that point?
>>952700 >>952698 I don't actually know how our law is in regards to having a lawyer present in these situations I know you have the right of lawyer in courts, but no idea about interrogations
Insult his homosexuality.
I don't fuckin' know my rights either tbh It's just not something that comes up a lot here, at least not for me
same i'd have to be quite obviously caught in the act or far into an investigation before I'd be interrogated and have no intention of anything like that ever
worst I can do is some traffic law, speeding most likely
You're gonna need to be speeding a lot for it to end in much beyond a ticket and a set of instructions for disputing it, tho
about 30km/h over the limit or just 10 if you drive in 30 zone or something the limits are about % here nowadays, they used to be static, but then they changed it a few years back but basically not something I'd do, except in some weird situations like downhill and not bothering to hit the breaks and that is actually a greyzone/loophole in traffic laws here
Here the traffic police generally won't hassle you if you're keeping your speeding to like 10% of the speed limit Unless you're driving over the speed limit in say a residential area or a school zone because don't fucking do that you dumb fucks there's kids around
it is something like let's take 100 for a flat number 105 is acceptable, but you might get a "warning", this takes no actions, but gather enough warnings in a period of time and you get a basic fine (250€ or something) 110 and you get a speeding ticket, 250€ 115 and you get I guess excessive speeding, which goes into "day income" territory and requires the involvement of courts 120 or 130, I don't remember and you might lose your DL and even go to jail depending on situation
nonetheless, any "excessive speeding" will be registered as a criminal offense for I don't remember 5 years? in your records
cops generally don't bother with monitoring speeding unless they are tasked with it or bored or it is really endangering the traffic
the usual set up of a "raid" is either an unmarked van, where they have a camera taking pics of cars and they just mail you the fine
the other, is a patrol van in some sneaky location and then a team or two of motorcycle cops, who will then catch the speedsters
>>952713 >Unless you're driving over the speed limit in say a residential area or a school zone because don't fucking do that you dumb fucks there's kids around yeah and this like 60 upwards they don't care that much, except if it is within city limits but do it witihin city/town limits and they are way stricter
cases like this is why the fine amounts and levels are % basically nowadays, instead of say 10/20/30 like it was in the past 60 in a 30 zone is way worse than 140 in a 100 zone
But most common place to get a ticket is a road construction site
and all finnishr oads are under construction in the summer >good weather to drive? >too bad all the roads are torn open and 30 zones >>952716 amusingly enough, it is almost cheaper to grab a premade computer, take the 3080 out of it, and sell the rest separately on some web market site
Morning of the first day of the new job. My first real big boy job related to what I actually studied.
im not really nervous or anything but i am kind of concerned that I won't be able to perform as well as they're expecting me to
It's easy to pretend to be clever and intelligent and switched on for 45 minutes during an interview but can i keep it up indefinitely? We'll see. We'll see.
I'm feeling kind of slow and dopey at the moment. >>952721 Thank you Although I don't play a HCIM.
just remember that no matter what happens, you have a better hardcore runescape character than anyone else in that office
>>952721 Well Let's peel it apart. The character is 'hardcore' in the colloquial sense, in that I've sunk thousands and thousands of hours into almost maxing. However, within Runescape Hardcore is also the name of a specific account type which can never die or it loses its status.
>>952720 If it makes you feel better, everyone else in that office probably has a hard time being clever and intelligent for more than an hour or so at a time too. And also remember, people are almost always more open and appreciative of a receptive learner than someone who tries to pretend like they'vethey've got it all nailed down. Be observant, be positive, and trear these first couple weeks like you're a student or apprentice. You've got this.
>>952720 sounds like imposter syndrome heres the unadulterated truth 70% of people in the workforce are woefully incompetent at whatever their job is, that includes high powered positions like lawyers and doctors someone like you who puts in effort and tries to do their best will always exceed the average skillfulness that most people will perform at
so you're gonna do fine because you're smart, you want to do good, and the fact of the matter is that anyone with what it takes to dedicate their life to runescape like you have has a level of willpower that nobody in that office can match
The real secret to real life is everyone just makes it up as they go along
>>952774 Well my friend likes his job. Te heat doesn't bother him because he's inside all the time. I'd hate living in Arizona cause its too rural. I can't not live in a major metropolitan area.
I wouldn't mind the heat of Arizona but the desert doesn't appeal to me I need dense greenery and lots of colour Even the winters here are a drain on my soul
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
same! i can't live anywhere dry
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets go to the grand canyon once you can leave canada
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>952778 would be awesome never been i could do peyote and have a near death experience
I went to the Grand Canyon once! I went with Jan and Moon! We got to the visitor center and I almost passed out, so they brought me to the clinic where they gave me lean, then we went back to the hotel and didn't see the grand canyon.
>>952777 It's an annoying dilemma for me! I love dry heat, and honestly I struggle a lot with humidity But I don't enjoy the scenery that usually comes with the dry heat I like so much. So I'm stuck having to decide which I prefer, struggling with humidity but happiness with my environment, or comfortable heat somewhere dull
I still haven't been to the grand canyon.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dry heat is ok in small amounts for me i went to vegas in august once god at least there was AC and refills everywhere
I was in Pasadena for like a week ... man actually quite a few years ago. Middle of the summer too I sweated out like 80% of the water I drank but man, I felt so comfortable in that heat.
These were sshshoshown off at some figurine fair the other day. I need to get te Fio one. I looked at the company's website and their figures usually go for $120-$140, but I'm pretty sure they have a preorder discount.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>952802 I kinda liked the dark choco mint one they had going on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>952786 i don't mind dry heat itself, it's the dust and everything that goes with it that i can't stomach
Well duh The human stomach hasn't evolved to consume dust
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
keep your immune system strong! lick a doorknob today! few understand this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>952810 i guess i could always go mad max mode if there were an electric vehicle that worked in the desert and high quality oxygen
slowly starting to think I just have a thing for fate servants from india because Arjuna is seeming very handsome.
Maybe you need to go looking for a nice Indian gal
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I know a few guys who married Indian women. I don't recommend it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They generally have really close relationships with te rest o >>952819 I'm talking about cultural things. I guess I more don't recommend marrying Hindu women.
if someone was like "don't marry a jew bro their moms are all control freaks" that'd be antisemitic
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what was the rest of your first sentence going to be btw
>>952821 They have very close relationships with their family and their siblings and parents will often be very judgemental and wwant to make sure that you are "good enough" for their sibling/daughter.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea that's just a straight up racist statement find a better way to frame what you're tryna say
We had a bit of a thunderstorm roll through here today I went out to get my coffee and the rain was really hitting like bullets And on the return I heard thunder rolling through But by the time I got out of work the storm had moved on
>>952824 wait wtf why can't batman go down on catwoman?
also I'm pretty sure batman once banged robin's girlfriend and he knew that girl since she was an actual child DC is weird as shit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
batman is a scumbag fucks his son's gf wont go down on his own gf
if batman can't do oral then why is his mouth the only uncovered part of his costume checkmate send tweet
man it's 98 degrees and I don't have air conditioning brain's cookin
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why don't you have ac
because I'm moving out of this apartment in two months and I don't wanna buy an air conditioner
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
come stay at my place i have AC
you can't trick me into going to florida, witch
Would you consider a portable AC unit which you can take with you?
Our AC is crappy and probably dying.
>>952843 I considered it for a bit but I won't have much use for it soon, and likely not for the forseeable future just gotta suffer through these next few months thankfully my apartment is a ground unit so it's at least cooler than it is outside
>>952845 Where are you moving? A better apartment?
a house, friend of mine used to live there and says the lady who owns it is really cool I met up with her and it seems he was right, she's super cool cheaper rent, equal space, good roommates >>952848 I've been living there for years bb
yep still in denver actually like a mile north of where I used to live, which is nice because that area is great good gym close by and lots of locally owned options for food even a good butcher, I used to buy my pork belly from a couple around there
nope i haven't looked at e3 much today or yesterday and I barely remember any of what i watched
>>952858 It's one of the few good things from E3. Although it was announced the day before. The sprites look gorgeous. It's like Final Fantasy tactics but Metal Slug instead. It's being developed by some French company.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>952857 woah nice denver is beautiful i gotta visit again some time
The Kakegurui mangaka got so upset his manga sold poorly compared to an isekai manga running in the same magazine that his next work took a bunch of main characters from popular isekai series, made them all a league of villains, and is basically promising they're gonna do evil things How can you be this upset.
Fun fact, the Ainz parody also has the skull head of Elias Ainsworth from Mahoutsukai no Yome Probably partially because the names line up well, but also probably because the mangaka was upset MahoYome did really well too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imerda pinata lol
>>952882 i was just about to say, that's just fuckin Elias. >>952876 and it's easy to be upset. You gotta put in all those hours and survive. This feels like another Kaguya turnaround. where the mangaka swaps to another genre and just absolutely nails everything.
I remember being punished for something I couldn't control and getting put back on the field and it being the most relaxing week of my life. And then being pulled back into the office right around the time I told everybody that being back on the field is probably the best thing that's happened in a long time.
>>952884 I dunno, from what I've gathered from the chatter on the series, it sets itself up to be pretty edgy and violent, both sexually and physically Which of course, is certainly a solid chance at wild success. But I think it's a different kind of success from Kaguya.
imagine being that stressful
>>952892 oh. well, you know. that's got a market i guess. the Redo of Healer market
>>952894 I was at a Kinokuniya the oher day and saw a few volumes of Nisekoi and it made me think of you.
>>952894 It might just be my humble moralistic viewpoint but I don't think any good comes from being associated with that market
wait hold on, is that the manga with the brother and sister and the sister is a sadistic brocon? actually nah, the style isn't similar. i hjaven't read much in a while >>952895 that's terrible >>952896 well, they're going to jump right in I guess
should've bought kakegurui instead
Specifically I thought of the picture of the otter.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being salty at a genre for being a fad while the genre you're writing in isn't And I don't even think it's a bad idea to try and go with the popular genre, even if it comes from a "This is so easy even I can write a success" mentality But once you start parodying a bunch of other successes I think you start to get to the point where you're kind of being whiny about it
>>952899 Did you preorder the Helltaker Lucifer Nendo?
the used road bicycle i purchased for a relatively small amount of cash broke last week like the frame clean snapped near the rear axle thinking about getting a gravel bicycle maybe i could go touring!
>>952902 no i am still waiting for Hata no Kokoro, delayed twice
>>952912 RIP I spent basically the last of my money on Lucifer. Gotta save up again to buy >>952807 Although I have no idea when they'll be up for preorder. It turns out I completely missed the reissue of one of the Metal Slug SV-01 model kits, I'm kind of salty about it.
Then I guess I'm into erotic asphyxiation because I fucking wish I could be normal
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
being normal is submitting to a million conflicting guidelinea unsatisifiable and ultimately fruitless
Well so far my life has been mostly unsatisfying and fruitless If normacy brings me blindness to that fact then I dunno Of course a line like that is mostly made in jest But I'd be lying if there wasn't a shard of truth in it
I kinda forgot to eat today I mean I had enough food to be fine But definitely less than I normally do It would probably be fine to just not eat anymore But I also don't really want to be hungry
eat the hungry
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eat your self set yourself on fire and be reborn
Why would I eat myself when I can just make pasta
I thought about making pasta but I'll definitely get acid reflux if I have pasta this soon before bed.
I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me
>>>/watch?v=6bnLN3AEhjQ wtf is this content how is hikaru have a million subs and the first two minutes of this video is him fuckin around moving with his layout and repeating himself?
my nama jeff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean other than being a super grandmaster and all is this some meta joke i'm not getting
>>953148 i thought we had a fucking deal and this is how you ruin everything you're supposed to wish for ETH to hit 15k so i can buy a fucking condo jesus
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahhhh fuck i fooked it up again daaah MA wheres the TIME MACHINE, MA!
if i had a time machine would i make billions from crypto OR [redacted]
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
askin GPT3 and it came up with Madoka: I want to erase all witches before they're born.
(Kyubey smiles.)
Kyubey: That's it?
Madoka: Yes.
Kyubey: It's a very unusual wish. It's not something you hear every day. It will be difficult to grant
can you ask mr transformer if i should get this condo or not?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Little girl: To die. Kyubey: Huh? Little girl: To die. I want to die. Kyubey: I have no idea what you're saying. Little girl: I want to die... I want to die. I want to die. I want to die. I
what the fuck.....
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kyubey: Would you like to make a real estate contract? Bang: It's not a good idea. Kyubey: Why? Bang: I think it's too early. Bang: I've only just graduated high school. Kyubey: But it's a great opportunity to get involved with real estate, which will become a booming business
he's right, you know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
try again
Kyubey: Would you like to make a real estate contract? Bang: I'll take it. Bang is given the chance to make a contract, but in exchange he must take part in a war. He agrees to it as he thinks that he can get a good profit from it, and he does not care about which side wins this war. Kyubey: Then you just need to sign this contract. Bang: I trust you. There are no problems. Bang signs the contract and becomes a magical girl, and then he is summoned to the battlefield. Kyubey: Then I will guide you to the battlefield. Bang: I'm looking forward to it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you gonna buy a condo in texas?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if so that's pretty hype if ETH needs to moon first well lots of people are tryna make that happen
there's these affordable housing condos downtown tiny studio but i'd rather be paying down towards equity than burning my rent check every month
was good joint too the chap manning the kitchenw as really service minded when I asked for something to drink - me going "man this would really go well with a beer" forgetting that I was driving - he then asked me what else I had in mind, since none of their available drinks (coke, fanta, kombucha) didn't interest me. also as I was leaving asked if I was a first timer, I was, and then started recommending other dishes and told me about their lunch hours and so on
really knew how to leave a good impression
I swear this Uber driver locks and unlocks his car doors Actually it's more unlocks and locks his car doors whenever he stops at a stoplight. And it's fine, doesn't make a difference But it's so weird
>>953182 it's something that only works when in certain conditions there prolly is some "is car crashed" thing or if you keep trying to open it repeatedly, it opens up
'sides child locks don't come as standard feature anyhow
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like thats a europe thing cars in the US all come standard with child locks and i cant find anything about them opening without manual unlocking
still weird, while all modern juicy cars are fun and comfy to drive
I somehow prefer a car that has that "mechanical" feel to it wheel connected truly to the wheels, little to no electrical boosts the stick being connected to the box truly and not through billion hoops
it is somehow more fun in the long run, when you kinda "feel" the machine but those are harder to come by nowadays either have to buy old and that is a pig in a sack, or get some weird model.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't want to drive a car that was produced after 2012
How much in USA can you tell about a person just based on the car like say you notice someone from the rear mirror going reckless they pass you by and then you go "oh, of course, BMW"
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can tell pretty much everything about a person by the car they drive source: me, i'm a psychologist
wonder how finnish tesla drivers end up being classed as >>953199 bit reminds me of city off-roadster urban SUV those have two types of drivers the man who bought it and the woman who drives it
but damn that was a good meal 10€ for that bowl I ate all the salmon too quickly, but just the seaweed whatever stuff and the mayo made the ricedamn delicious
and amusingly its a finnish place japanese style bowls but with a finnish finish reminds me of the short lived sushi chain that did sushi out of purely finnish fish too bad sushi wasn't thatp opular back then, so it didn't survive >>953202 aside from the actual logistic sector maybe 10%
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>953200 do you wanna guess what percentage of americans with trucks use them for their intended purpose?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah something like that. insanity
>Grilled salmon, Japanese omelette, wakame salad, yuzu mayonnaise, chives, ginger and teriyaki sauce i definitely will go eat there again, or maybe have a takeout
the spot is kinda bad it is on a food court, but instead of ac ourt it is more of a corridor and you have just bit to the side a big burger king blasting 100% cancer music too loud, so you can't really enjoy your meal in peace
the original japanese place that served gyudon and shit had either gone down or moved to a cheaper spot, it wasn't there anymore sadness >>953203 europeans go more for sports cars
it is funny to laugh at american style design too you sometimes see it outside of fords&co. and it always looks so silly
I guess I'm a little let down we didn't see anything for Splatoon 3, it has been a bit since it was announced There's still a chance it comes out for holidays this year but if it wasn't here I figure a 2022 release is more likely
things are getting hard again i need to stabilize somehow and medicaid turned medown again so medications don't look soon
im considering starting an mmo or something to help are there any good ones what's even still alive at this point is elder scrolls online any good i'd imagine it's not but
>>953230 i bought FF14 collector's edition when it came out and it was so bad before it got reworked that it was unplayable but as point of contention ive never tried it again because i've // even though i know it's better now, because i know me and know i won't be able to stop complaining about the 79.99 i wasted on the collector's edition and promotional materials and i'd find a way to make myself miserable
>>953228 FFXIV is like the most alive mmo I think it just surpassed wow for concurrent players also it's free up to level 60 including the award winning heavensward expansion
jan made a sex joke and then was like "matt told me to put that in" BUT i only told him to put it in because his girlfriend TOLD me to tell him
>matt told me to put that in was that the sex joke
>>953236 I dunno, I'm not really into mmos wow is still alive but it's like a shell of its former self elder scrolls online had a terrible launch but that was like five years ago it could be good now
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow classic is still alive and popular
sugoi plays wow classic maybe i'll ask him >>953241 im not either it's all unfamiliar territory for me i played ragnarok online when i was a teenager and i loved that but it's long dead and gone
>terrible launch i'm gonna go look for context sounds like a good story
>>953236 New Phantasy Star online No idea if its good or not.
oh yeah PSO2 exists, you can be a gundam I played it for a little and the combat system seemed kinda cool but I couldn't get into the world or story
>>953241 wtf rook that's an insult to wow's shell of it's former self current wow is a shell of it's shell of it's former self >>953248 YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
i want the experience of exploring a NEW and UNKNOWN mmorpg alongside the rest of the community it's such a fresh experience but it's all empty promises whenever new shit is released of mismanaged business ideas and company people
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i dont know how to fighting games is it possible to enjoy guilty gear
I'm having fun with it and I only know fighting game concepts it has a very thorough mission mode that teaches you how to play the lobbies kinda suck ass but the actual skill based matchmaking is really consistent so you'll usually be playing with people about as good as you while online also it's BLAZING
yes i did it i went into guilty gear as my 1st fighting game and it paid off well for me idk if you'd be as patient and obsessive as i was with it though
>>953250 I'd like this too, every time I've tried an mmo it's been out for a while and most people are running around at max level maybe after endwalker wraps up square will start working on a new mmo for like FF17 or 18 I think 14 is their cash cow at the moment so I'd expect them to try and keep an mmo ongoing
If they want to make a pattern out of things, going from XI to XIV to XVII makes sense
>>953254 i bought 14 expecting such good things i got the collector's edition so me and my gf could enjoy it together i had kept track of its promotional stuff for the 18 months leading up to it's release and was so convinced it was going to be the experience i was looking for then it was just a steaming pile of shit i didn't know they had reworked it until after people were already saturated in it though, i think jan actually was the one who told me they reworked it
puzzle pirates when it was fresh and new was fucking amazing though
also we can FIGHT since I'm also bad @ fighting games >>953256 >is World of Starcraft so much to ask for...? anything good from blizzard is too much to ask for they're remastering D2, literally just updating the graphics and performance, and I'm still expecting them to fuck it up somehow
It's too bad I never got to play the classic Blizzard games like WC3 or StarCraft or Diablo II I don't want to give them money with the state they are now but the remastered games would be nice to get at those games I never played
i never really played one but i mean i get the idea i did play little bits of runescape and like that fuckin sprite one way way back anf i played MUDs which was pretty much the same thing first time i got into a MUD and there was this enormous world to discover i think the youth and novelty are a big part of it idk probably can't recreate it in the exact same way need some fresh concept
You'll never be able to recreate that sense of joy and wonder. It's lost forever.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
having max leveled assholes is part of the problem game world that's not based on levels, but it's about what secrets you know and the world changes all the time
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I tried a new MMO recently because it had cute anime girls on the steam store.
It's pretty fuckin' Janky though. and it feels half finished. and even if it was it would still just be another gacha-style daily grindfest.
Nintendo hit a grand slam this E3 not necessarily because it put on an amazing show, but because they managed to ding most of all the weird Twitter prophecies people were making
I'm getting a different apartment, and it's all just happening at the same time as so much else This one's contract expires today, so I gotta sign a new one only to cancel that almost immediately, I gotta figure out how to move all my stuff, I gotta deal with the whole fucking disability process, there's just a fuck ton of shit and it's all this week
i'm not very good but when im doin these missions and i start managing to hit the buttons fast enough consistently it feels kind of exciting
that's the power of do combo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>953315 I understand this feeling the missions are always hard // well the non tutorial ones usually but they're nice for getting your feet wet with combo ideas
real men free bird every single combo they do on the fly
ramlethal's theme is the best, i think it's the best-written at least it's like a prog-rock epic millia and leo are my hype themes may's theme is my one-way ticket to a traffic violation
but nago
nago, ky, sol, gio, pot, axl, zato all have rock themes but their tempo is a little more chill i listen to them outside the game more often than in it, cause when i'm in the game i'm tryna get ACTIVATED
rockin* the only song i'm so-so about is Smell of The Game everything else is amazing or better
lso i can't find the tracks anywhere but youtube so i maxed out my data playing them on youtube while i drive
shoulda downloaded them onto your phone
i got to floor 8 today feelin like a big boy
>>953308 >>953313 im scared out of my mind every day and the stress of it all is such an intense burden im sorry i dont have any help to offer you but i can assure you that you aren't alone in feeling useless and unable to stay afloat everything's always hard
i haven't really played any games besides monster hunter, dota, blazblue, and strive in the last like well i was gonna say year but i did play tarkov for a little bit but like 70% of my time in video games the last couple years is just dota and blazblue
i'll probably never get around to playing games like oddysee or mgs3 or nier games i want to play but can't bring myself to play