Yeah wow she's really getting taken over by Kumoko I wonder if she'll become available to get totally mind-melded by her.
It's impressive how fast the single one of Kumoko's parallel minds has gotten into Ariel's brain I guess time is kind of hard to parse in Kumoko's time period Since she doesn't explicitly age and since she spends her time mostly isolated from society or other good gauges of time's passing It feels like it hasn't been that long since Kumoko finished up dealing with Mother and sent one of her minds to infiltrate Ariel. But it might've been several years.
It's his older brother The hero we've been focusing on in the human time period would be no more than a toddler at this point in time. Honestly even this hero looks kind of young but he at least looks like a kid rather than a toddler
Just as things were getting interesting, here we are back in the future
They beat the final boss a few episodes early. That's usually a death flag.
There aren't too many of them left anyway.
I can't say much for all of them, but Shin is the combat-side MC I'd be surprised if he never returns to duty Plus he's got the special ability of hearing the cries of all the brains stolen for the robots to use
Oh That's what's been messing with me Shin's not wearing the scarf around his neck anymore Something about his face was off and that was it
He can travel as far in this world as he wants But he can't run away from his duty
That's an interesting thing I hadn't really considered yet So far we've had this whole conflict framed as the Republic versus the dead Empire's robot legions But those robot legions are hella scary What happened to the rest of the world who had to deal with them?
>>952542 There's a weird scar under the neck too. I wonder if there's an significance there.
even in the new life he's still the reaper
>>952546 That's already more or less been explained I think His older brother almost strangled him to death, right That was the near-death experience that gave him the ability to hear the ghost voices of the Legion robots It was such a bad strangling that it never properly healed At least I assume that's what we're supposed to believe it is.
I wonder if fumetsu can keep up the momentum staying excellent for 2 cours is hard
>>952563 This is one of the best seasons in a long time.
Next season also has Higurashi Sotsu (graduation) so I'm really excited for the next season In a cruel but admittedly amusing turn of events, the first episode of Higurashi Sotsu airs the same day as Coco's graduation Which I don't know whether to laugh at or be upset at I've just kind of been both.
Yeah I thought something like this might be the case We got hints of it in the previous time period That one guy who had turned himself into a robot said he'd gotten orders "from above" that fought against her efforts
Did they sing her song in the first timeline and ree i hate when they do the mouth moves but we don't see what's said thing
I don't think they were And it wouldn't make sense for them to be Since she only wrote her song because of the events that happened in this timeline She was just a dusty AI in a museum who had never attained any reknown beyond being the first of her kind, in the original timeline
I feel like that was the Archive kind of playing the cards in its own favour though It has to know Vivy has encountered a serious error and can't sing on her volition So locking the emergency shutdown behind Vivy needing to be able to sing was like It was a rigged competition from the start
Oh they are getting one (smaller) time jump back
it never occured to me that he doesn't have to send the data back to the beginning he can send it back just a little bit
Maybe Wheelchair-chan will get to live in this turn of events
maybe now that she's seen the end vivy can find her singing again
I had a feeling there would be another timeloop but not this late in the game
I started considering it once they got to end of the timeline and the AI were still all genociding the humans And then once the Archive launched its rockets I figured this particular chance was doomed It was either gonna be a BAD END, a tragic success with only slim remainders of the human population remaining, or, well She got less time than I was expecting, but I guess it's a suitable amount for a single episode of the show left.
Plus it does tidy up the question of "He sent Matsumoto back to the past once, why can't he send them back a second time?"
Plus it's kind of a silly question to begin with After all even if he sends Vivy back in time, his timeline isn't going to improve because of it So it's kind of a last-last-last-ditch choice If things have developed where there's no hope for humanity, that's when it should be used If there's even the slightest chance for him and/or humanity to endure in the current timeline, it should always take priority.
It looks like unlike Gridman's city, it doesn't magically repair itself either They were talking earlier about the city rebuilding in the place where the first kaiju appeared
blend-s was a good show it's probably worth a rewatch
Yeah it was a fun SoL No particular complaints with it.
Wow fantasy desu metal
Wow Flat Torte is an idol otaku
death metal minstrel
I can totally get Flat Torte here though
When the kinds of crowds you can attract doesn't get better than thirty or so You probably don't make the kind of money you need to keep fed
I kinda like the nonchalant way this world handles the different rates at which fantasy species age Like she talked about having been travelling for sixty-odd years like it was just a few years And various other characters are anywhere between a hundred to several hundred years old
torte is pretty brutal
okay torte is best girl now
this is so laika
>They'll sell for sure [X] Doubt
halkara only thinks about one thing and it's disgusting
This is suitably cute and simple for kids
this is great this is wonderful this is beautiful
Kinda has a Simon & Garfunkel vibe to it
they're in the presence of demons this can only mean one thing...