Heyo You kinda just put Slime on play last night and then went right to sleep eh
Back Arrow Boku no Hero Academia Episode 99-100 Fruits Basket Episode 7-11 Fumetsu no Anata e Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 6-10 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Episode 9-10 Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Mars Red Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Super Cub Episode 7-10 Tokyo Revengers
Oh are we going to get an answer to why he decided to drop his dick right on top of the Hm Okay good I was on the right episode But yeah he kinda did a weird choice of party trick there
Snow will really sell herself out to the highest bidder
Look at this boy getting pampered by this onee-chan demon What a lucky guy
Six and Alice are really good vitriolic pals They can't stand each other but they banter so well and when they both focus on one person they just outright murder 'em
I see it as they do and don't They're the kind of friends that if you were to ask them if they were friends, they'd both get a look of disgust and say "No way"
Killing him is probably worth a lot of evil points.
I get that in the moment Six is acting pretty scummy But the girls honestly should remember these demons want to EXTERMINATE their kingdom Any amount of scumbaggery is probably fair if it saves you from that fate
shoulda killed that kid
hmmm, seems like a pretty tough spot
It's just a gundam, no biggie
Snow and Rose are weak in their resolve they'll never know true power of they aren't willing to see it through to the end
I can definitely understand that The best excuse for immortality is to see all the fascinating things people will make
A lot of poisons have medical benefits in small doses Or just as fun trips
Of course the flying machine is styled like bat wings
They call it a flying machine but really it's just a batty hanglider There's not really any flying involved in it
naka jima was always just his pawn he was too enamored with his oaks to ever even think it ideals*
He's keikaku'd his last doori
Hah hah I think a Shakespeare reference was lost on him
i kinda always felt shutaro was the real mc, not maeda
It's felt to me like this series handles multiple main characters throughout its story arc Maeda, Shutaro, Aoi, Defrott They all kind of at one point or another stand in the limelight
good on him for finding courage but he's still a wimp I wonder if he can save a life
what the helle is this cutaway
It's the shounen flashback powerup
Maaaan The censorship is being a real pain this episode Like he went from biting that guy's side to having him in a chokehold And there was no way we could see what happened because of the stupid Manji
Yeah he actually took that guy out I wasn't expecting this at all hah hah hah I was totally expecting him to just be a punching bag until the ambulance showed up
They've got Draken looking a shade or two more pale than what he probably normally would Which is is a smart detail
I think the in-world excuse is they spend months being packmules and punching bags for these guys anyway Which if anything helped them not be total pushovers
There's this grown-up Hana they keep showing in the ED I wonder if Takemichi will be able to do enough before the season's up to at least avoid her death in the future Or if it's just a teaser of what can't happen until he properly alters the past
>>953043 Yeah The censorship aside the fight between Takemichi and the thug guy was good And Takemichi and Draken being half-dead crazy motherfuckers was a good moment
this episode was ok the pacing was better and they did things i've been wanting them to do we also got an actual episode ending for once it almost makes up for the last several
I'm guessing they're probably going to keep using this OP animation for the second half airing next season Since there's a lot of things in it we haven't seen yet
this show is 20 eps? daaaaaaaaaang that's good, i was worried we were coming to an end here
The wood creature stole Marsh first this time March even Marsh is a real human being
But it's not good since it was with March he was able to kill the creature last time
That's true The Sake-ji did say it was highly distilled liquor in Gugu That stuff is probably highly flammable
Oh he's red because he's drunk like a skunk I guess in vomiting up the stuff stored in him, some of it went into his normal body system
I can see why Rean doesn't like her parents though Her dad especially She was insisting Gugu didn't swindle her and he just ignored her entirely and kept insisting
Judging from the hooded man's last words, something disastrous or grim is going to happen here regardless And Fushi choosing to stay just means he'll be around to witness it
i wonder if the little girl form aged too we see some older versions of her in the OP so maybe
>>953085 Four years of language training probably helps a lot
wait for real though Rean looks like she didn't age at all and gugu is like a firemen calendar model
It is pretty unrealistic, especially since girls hit their puberty earlier than boys But there's always exceptions to things She just might be the latest of late bloomers
That's probably true yeah She just still looks tiny because she's now up against Actual Supermodel Gugu
>>953091 Oh I don't mean bulky I mean Gugu's now stupid tall so even if she did grow a bit alongside him, it's hard to notice because relatively she still looks tiny
for some reason i just a hint of kermit the frog in the MC that was weird
I should take a vacation day some time
my job has enough off days that i won't really need to unless i'mdoing something
like going to a music festival in september
They don't give me any days off unless they're holidays Which amounts to maybe seven or eight days a year I really don't want to work this much
i wish my flights were that nice they must be riding high-class thanks to onii-chan
The MC called it business class But that might be what the Japanese call high-class, because those were definitely very spacious seats
business class is definitely nicer than the southwest airlines flights i'm used to
I've only ever flown economy I can actually get pretty comfy on a plane so it doesn't matter much to me Plus I'm a bit on the smaller side so I don't have to worry about cramped legs
Green tea and milk really doesn't strike me as nice, at least hot As far as green tea and dairy goes, I think I prefer green tea ice cream to any other option
nah milk goes great with green tea and then a tiny bit of honey perfection
Look at these two dorks, just peeping on high school girls
It probably was good he came with her Going somewhere like that alone is crazy
I think with the extra fencing they added she would've been okay. But she probably wouldn't have moved past it by herself She would have just reinforced all that survivor's guilt and belief that she had never really cared for her friend Having him along helped her with that.
Well this is off to a good start
have you ever wanted to fedex a dead rat to a fictional character
Probably I don't think she was holding whatever that thing is in the scene that shot was taken from
it looks greusome but i don't know if it was intended to maybe because of the rebar going through maeda recently does it look immediately like that to me