the fish tank podcast is so great I hope they make it a regular thing
I didn't get to catch much of it since the NIJISANJI EN unit was doing their debuts at the same time and then I collapsed into a pasta-induced food coma not long after But the bits I saw were pretty ridiculous It's nice to see them having that much fun just talking and having antics
>>946052 weird to see those geese there they are just arriving here
They're known as Canadian Geese for a reason
ye we get those in some numbers too increasing numbers at that matter
fun fact, we are lobbying turning the canadian geese and barnacle geese into a bird ... game bird unfortunately, it seems like we have to push it through Eu before it gets accepted, due to some clause in the agricultural stuff
should go through tho
and then we can legally hunt those fuckers
tho unfortunately the hunting time will be very short, since they come here to next
Well Canadian Geese would be a recognized pest if they weren't a cultural icon They're the worst
>>946080 That's relatable! They laid off a bunch of people and doubled my workload a while ago and it's been steadily getting worse. And my new boss is a psycho stalker so I have to be careful how I quit, haha.
I broke up with you know who for the fourth time yesterday, lol. So I'm still a bit reeling from that but i'm also a bit over it.
>>946083 Yeah, I'm big time overworked. Way overloaded. I also got a complaint which I don't really think I did anything wrong but I'm getting investigated anyway. I have to send out the letter responding to the complain tomorrow, it's pretty stressful.
Rika what would it take to convince you to bludgeon the back of my skull in as stress relief
>>946084 Ah shucks I hope being free of Person A is a bit stress off your shoulders for the time being at least I know you've put a lot of time into that relationship though, so I'm sorry to hear that.
I gave a girl my number recently, and she always gets really excited to see me and says she's going to text me but she still hasn't. I think it's mostly just brain problems though.
>>946084 I've been there. A few years ago I got investigated after being accused of a HIPAA violation. I managed to get through though. I'm sure you can handle it!
>>946085 I don't really think hurting someone would be good stress relief for me.
>>946087 I hope so. I thought they would dismiss it after my first reply but they sent me a letter asking for more information. I am sending the more information out tomorrow but I don't have some of the information I need because my record keeping in that file hasn't been great. You don't write down every phone call you make, you know?
I have some savings so I guess if the worst case scenario happens I can just be a NEET for awhile while I look for something else.
>>946086 Yeah, I tried really hard. He's a stupid person.
>>946084 oof. sorry to hear it. we're all goin a little crazy these days. losin our shit but it's fine
>>946088 Is the complaint something that could snowball up to being let go? That sounds like a pretty extreme result of an error But you probably handle some relatively sensitive business don't you.
>>946088 Yeah, it's a pain to document every single phone call you make. And you never know what is going to be important so even if you document it, you might not document one little thing that turned out to be important later.
>>946091 Well, if I lose my license or get suspended or something, I can't do my job.
>>946092 Yup I just kinda have a five minute phone call and I don't write them all down. You're busy and just move on.
>>946090 Yeah I think that everyone's happiness has kinda been deflated by covid.
I hope I never have to work with a job that requires me to toe the line so carefully I like record keeping but the stress of big punishment for failing would suck
>>946088 >I can just be a NEET for awhile while I look for something else. that's what im doing for a little while hard times and extreme countermeasures
>>946097 I don't know where you are in Canada, but isn't ontario and the places around it still really locked down?
>>946101 Not exactly malpractice, just that I didn't appropriately keep a client up to date on matters related to them. I think I did enough but I have to admit that I did do like the bare minimum. I am overworked and my attention is very split.
i wouldn't move to toronto libbies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Rika mommy dom me
Tony what the fuck
>>946103 ;_; I like it here I think it gets a worse rap than it deserves But if you're not for metropolitan life then I don't think you'd be happy.
>>946102 Yeah ;_; Toronto in particular is still pretty sucky regarding Covid But maybe, MAYBE, this is the last time things should be locked down so badly. By June 6th the lock down should be lifting, and we're steadily getting on track with vaccinations.
I'm on voice with Pan RIGHT NOW and I know he couldn't have made that post because he's CHARGING HIS PHONE
>>946102 Ooh, yeah, I totally get that one. I had a client's insurance lapse a few weeks ago and couldn't get around to telling the client so communication failed and there was all this confusion. But what can you do when your caseload is gigantic? Something has to get dropped.
>>946106 I know a lot of people from Toronto, they're all programmers. The lockdown seems to be treating them well since they can work from home but it would be a bit harder for me.
>>946108 Yes, and this individual's situation was fairly hopeless. I informed them that prospects weren't good and that all they could do was wait. Waiting didn't sit well with them so they complained about me.
Well if you can keep your job until the sixth maybe something could work! Hoh hoh hoh
Otherwise let's be roommates in B.C. and look for jobs together.
>>946109 Theoretically the lockdown should be beginning to phase out of total lockdown towards re-opening But our provincial government have been handling it really poorly so whoooo knowssssssss
>>946109 Oh, it's that kind of situation. If it's like that, I'm sure you'll be okay. The board probably sees people like that making bogus complaints all the time.
>>946113 I end up thinking about leaving therapy a lot lately, it's just not rewarding when you're overworked. But I'm getting a better job soon and hopefully that'll help. Is there anywhere else you could work?
This is a rough time to have bad workloads and work stress to boot There's very little to do outside of work, even if you're kind of a shut-in personally and can fill up your recreation time with games and other indoors activities I think having few social options just accelerates your burnout.
>>946114 hmm, I'm sure I could find something else, I just have no idea what it would be and would have to look a bit.
>>946115 Yeah, covid hasn't been great for that since I've been cooped up and online for awhile now and since things haven't been going great with the person i used to lean on when stressed
Well you can always lean on us~ I get that's not quite the same thing though, sorry It's rough for everyone, as cheap as a "consolation prize" that is.
>>946116 I got kind of lucky. Someone I used to work with who got laid off in January started a new treatment center with a really rich chiropractor in the area, so I can just move over there. It helps that I'm a guy, male therapists are always in high demand.
I hope things will get a bit easier for you soon. Anything good going on in your life?
>>946127 Actually, when I told my grandma that they wouldn't let me finance it, she offered to get it for me for my birthday.
>>946128 I'm getting the Nordic Track RW900. It's about 7 feet long, but only 3 feet wide, I think. So it takes a bit of space, but you get a full body workout with it so I think it's good. This one is $1500 but you can pay for it in installments.
Motherfucker gets a whole-ass rowing machine for his birthday
>>946131 Yeah, I was really surprised. Maybe now that she's old she's just decided to start spending money. The way she used to be, I don't think she'd have done something like that for me
The rule of the west is that there's always a faster gun. I'll overcome every gun faster than me. I'll become faster than anyone who is faster than me! An endless struggle!
I will simply become faster than time. Even if time stops, I won't.
that aside, how would a time stop even work it's more like actually moving into a phase or something, where you can move regardless of time or instead of actually stopping time you stop momentum etc
It wouldn't because time isn't real You'd basically have to freeze the movement of everything in the universe down to the sub-atomic level The release and travelling of energy Basically to create the effect of a time stop, you'd have to make it so only you and the physical components that are you and the things you need to move, can still be effected And even that becomes more complicated when you consider that things that were previously frozen in place, like the air molecules in front of you as you move forwards in space, would have to become active again so they don't block your ability to move fowards. The sheer complexity of halting all motion and reactions on a universal scale is so impossibly complex that in reality, you can't "stop time"
if time isn't real, how is it affected by gravity?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time is an experience that humans have it's different from what time refers to in quantum mechanics in quantum mechanics, space and time are the same thing
well I am referring to the quantum mechanics thing here
>>946152 Time is the perception through which humans view the motion of objects through space
Okay nevermind you're clearly not actually interested in my explanation so I won't waste my time.
what you said above already ignored everything I said in my initial post "is time stopping an ability, that moves you into a dimension, where you can act regardless of 'time'" or "does it stop momentum altogether" I mightn ot use the exact correct terms, but it should convey the message
I am not talkinga bout "time" but the physics stuff
maybe instead of momentum I should use physical energy or something or fuckton of complex words of a topic that I don't understand that much, especiall on a level to actually tackle it like this.
>>946130 Oh that's really not too bad. I guess it's really only super helpful for upper body. I thought about getting en endless pool for awhile but decided against it.
>>946158 Rowing is a lot like swimming in that it exercises pretty much every muscle group. You also burn calories way quicker rowing than you do with swimming.
My knees aren't good anymore so I have been trying to find ways to stay in shape since I can't run.
Most wacky and amusing way to explain any timestopping ability would be to say have the user become a singular level gravity entity for a split infitesmal second and then resume back to normal when they "resume time"
tho wait that would be the exact opposite
they would experience a second but the world around them would move infinitely forward
>>946166 Yeah! >Rowing gives the upper and lower back and the shoulder muscles an excellent workout. Plus, the sliding seat provides a lower body workout too. Every stroke engages the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abs, obliques, pecs, biceps, triceps, deltoids, upper back, and lats. Rowing also boosts your wrist strength because of the grip required for the rower handles. It’s also said that rowing can help improve posture by strengthening your back.
Rowing is really great! Well, once I have my machine, you can ask me how well it's working. I'm convinced it's going to be really good for me, though. Since I haven't been able to run, I've gained like 20 pounds. I'm still pretty thin but I'm a little out of my ideal shape.
i was struggling to grieve so i bought a hamster but i don't think it's helping >>946178 i dunno, anything i like mending things not everything can be mended though
You never know where they might be excited Er whoops Hiding Might be hiding
I got myself a pretty deep papercut on cardboard at work today It's not bleeding and it's in a slightly annoying place to bandage up so I don't really want to But it's deep enough on my thumb that if I pressure my thumb in just the right way it does open up to the air
guilty crown was a pretty whatever album but the EGOIST tracks for it were amazing >>>/watch?v=9rDwbE73Vso
anime *
got album on the brain new porter album is amazing new j. cole album is p good
playing the munch's oddysee switch port controls are kind of clunky but maybe that's the switch for me in general
jan in irl >>946418 I think it still has the potential to be as a fun as the old game though I think they have been a bit lazy they're are some really /// there are some really pinpoint movements you have to make and the controls don't really help that on the old xbox sneaking was easy enough on the switch you have to move the joystick the tiniest micrometre to get it to sneak
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i submitted my letter immediately got a text saying it was inspiring 💪
>>946423 >>946424 If you actually bothered to look at tthe bottom of tge Twitter thread they tweeted the rocket emoji once for each rocket launched against Isrsel.
I'll know the outcome pretty soon too, since they want to fill the position asap.
And You know There's a certain comfort in known I did everything I could and it's totally out of my hands now I feel a lot more relaxed about it.
it's always refreshing when you can let go of something and let whatever happens happen, and not have it in your hands especially since the process leading up to it is so full of apprehension and indecision and lots of knotted up feelings
the going rate is like 3k right now this is an absolute steal for me but i have to WAIT a long time who knows what they'll even be worth by the time it's ready
or simulators i guess you'd call it who knows i might drown my sorrows into virtual reality while im at it
I figured you were getting into crypto since the topic kept coming up and that you thought it might be a decent financial investment
the topic did keep coming up but it was because i was interested in the algorithms developed to use the equipment for calculations and i'm trying to gain some insight on how to guide my own calculations that have been stalemated so far
im also watching the future of mining with the upcoming proof of stake switch to see where market gaps arise from people who had all this equipment but can't use it anymore i thought there might be something to replace that niche but it looks like it'll just go back to other mining
i wouldn't invest in it myself because that's too much capital i'd get, what, maybe 10% after a year for using my entire budget? i don't have that kind of time i have productive work i want to do and maybe a few patents to file if i really get froggy
lol even the US won't act like israel was legit when they bombed the AP office in palestine you know you're bad when even the US won't go all out in supporting your genocide
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
shit's fucked up
Been thinking about getting an e-scooter again Maybe I should just settle for an e-bike though
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we should get scooters and rolling girls across the continent
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sorry I can't ride a bike
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can ride in my side car
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh ok
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you have to wear a helmet though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's fine
Alwaus rememver the machinegun tho
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think ton can shoot things especially not while moving
>>946603 You don't need to know how to ride a bike to ride a scooter
i was like yeah yeah man i'll think about it of course i will man you know man even if i leave this place man i'll always support you man we're brothers lol right now he's talking about how he's amazing at the spy game and can't be fooled by anyone
john oliver show sent us a bunch of files to transcribe for a couple weeks you know what they were? raw full-length footage of alex jones show at like 25GB size per hour for like 12 hours a very bizarre and unpleasant week that was, especially since i was rural on satellite internet and it took like 6 hours to download that
Jesus christ
on the plus side i didn't actually have to listen to john oliver say anything
>>946622 That man sure has polished contemporary outrage from a slightly out of touch older man down to an art form His outrages are usually pretty sound, reasonable things to get angry over though
do curved monitors really do anything for you ive never had one they're pretty but unless it's ultrawide i can't imagine needing it to be curved
I think it only really works as a benefit once the screen is is physically wide enough, yeah I've also seen curved televisions but having actually stood in front of those I don't feel any more particularly immersed in the television than a flat one.
The miserable fucking thing is it's probably going to work for some people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they dint really mean it pweeze mister judge
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck fuck i'm sorry i didnt mean to attempt a coup im just retarded is all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
woof an the tennessee law some political shit goin down today how 2 keep things light bike bike bike
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm listening to some guy do an open air call about work and transparency and culture and slack and communication and it's like fuck what the hell is he even talking about i do not miss being in meetings
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feedback mechanisms and you know if there's one thing we run out of it's TIME so.. [...] bro you've been talking about nothing for 20 min at least
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta love it
Today's been a snail's pace There's plenty of work to do but my capacity to engage with it hasn't been operating today Course not like I ever really want to engage with it, but usually it's enough to keep the hours moving along Guess it's just the Tuesday Bluesdays
name ONE (1) downside to contacting an old fling and asking her to come over tonight after we tried dating and realizing we actually were only attracted to each other physically and that she regretted leaving her fiance for me
>>946651 hey man if there's a niche we have an obligation to milk it for everything we can imagine how much money people would pay to sit in a room and talk to an anime girl
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a virtual host club
>>946652 probably even more than marsh spends on runescape
My workplace orders a lot of stuff through U-LINE, who do free stuff if you spend X amount of money It's always things that are like, way less than the total you're spending, like a selection of shirts to pick one from if you spend over $750 But once you get into the $1000-1500 range you start getting things a bit more functional, like camping equipment and thermal canteens/drinkware That's where I got my big 1.5L jug that I make tea in during the week The entire warehouse staff get cycled around and take turns picking out their freebie, and recently my second chance at it came around I picked up a pair of Yeti thermal cups, each about 1L in volume each Since the jug I have is reserved for tea, I don't want to fill it up with water and drink barely-tea water So I'm looking forward to having the cups for water or other one-off drinks Especially since they're easier to clean than the jug.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oooh, that's pretty cool. That's nice that they do that.
correction: EVERYTHING crashing whole fucking market in free fall lmao Binance doesn't let me sell my low-total coins during this rapid a price change, so I'm just gonna have to sit on my XRP and ETH, but my BTC is free of the suffering Just gonna sit on those dollars for a bit
>>946689 I saw this on /g/ earlier and I don't know if its real. Feel free to finish uploading at anytime
gl hf rika
Oh wkw *wow It is real And bootlickers are defending it on hackernews
and what are the hackernews or bootlickers?
>>946703 Hackernews is a website where people get in stupid arguments about tech/programming nnews Bootlickers in this case are the people defending docker's decision to charge people to not update their software Software that often breaks things after updating.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hacker news is full of NERDS who don't know ANYTHING about the world like MYSELF
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i read it almost every day and yes it is full of some pretty naive arguments a lot of the time it is an exercise in patience to remind myself that a lot of them are probably teenagers
>>946710 Don't they have anything better to do? Most of my free time as a teenager was spent watching anime or reading manga.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>don't [teenagers] have anything better to do? - Rei 2021
I got talked into trying out arch earlier. After backing up a bunch of stuff (over USB 2.0, a fate worse than death) i wend and grabbed an arch iso (from a text based browser because the Firefox on that live distro doesn't work) and then found out that Arch doesn't even support 32 bit x86 anymore. I was fucking pissed.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a big thread on HN about ETH proof of stake and the bitcoin maxis have shown up in full force ugh
The funny thing is that this processor is technically AMD_64 But they never wrote microcode for it to run in 64 bit mode. Another funny thing about this processor is that it was not affected by Spectre or meltdown because it uses in order execution. >>946725 Ten year old netbook
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol 32 bit processor wat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ouch im thinkin about getting an M1 for my parents
yeah uh lemme get a filet o fish with extra lettuce and no bun
>>946689 there's over 100 thousand 3080s on preorder just on BLT alone, p much the same on every other card in the upcoming weeks when things get stocked i imagine there's gonna be a flood of rigs coming in to mine i'd imagine that's gonna crash prices even harder, but maybe people will want to start hoarding in preparation for proof of steak? no idea i can only speculate and im not making a speculated education
educated speculation s
Man fuck crypto mining If there's that many cards on preorder then when the fuck are people that want cards for gaming or functional PCs supposed to get one I was hoping to get a 3070 at some point to update my PC but at this rate I guess I'll be stuck with what I've got for the foreseeable future
i don't mean this in contest, but what do you need a 3070 for? i am getting some 3080s for physics engines but as far as gaming goes, i don't really understand where the current tech landscape is at just curious
if my 3080s ever come through i could sell one to you for a normal price or you could go put a 3070 on preorder at shopblt but it takes some time to navigate their inventory database and that preorder list will be very long might take a year even lemme take a look actually
Future-proofing, plain and simple I've started to notice points where my 1070 is starting to bump up against the hardware requirements of contemporary games I'm not one for gradual improvements, I'd rather jump ahead as far as I can, with some exception So rather than going for a 2000-series card (because fuck AMD cards), I'd rather get a 3000-series A 3080 would be nice but I also don't think the extra cost for it opposed to a 3070 is worth what I get out of it.
>>946772 Have you ever looked into dedicated AI processors? I was considering getting one (back when I thought I was going to build a pc before the great card shortage) to use for neural networks. Specifically the anime image tagging neural network trained on the vast majority of Danbooru.
>>946781 Though it might be that it's other parts of my PC that are causing some of the worse problems I have a pretty nice CPU that's waiting to replace what I've got right now And I think when I got the HDD that most of my games run off, I was dumb and went for a cheaper, slower HDD that creates simiar rendering problems to a weaker graphics card Some new drives are waiting for installing too If I get through all those upgrades I can do and I'm still seeing some graphics problems, I'll renew my hunt for a 3000-series card
>>946786 Getting an m2 ssd will definitely help with that, assuming your motherboard supports it. Even a regular ssd would help.
>>946786 here i'll link a few of the listings that have "lower" preorder queues and/or seem to be getting restocked, and aren't gouged as much that should be enough to get the idea, there's more around that range but there's some variety there with brand and value and availability (sic)
then there's it's not a 3070 but
>>946796 but it's a creator workstation including 3070 that is being restocked tomorrow, and there's surplus in the restock i don't know if that's a good deal or not but it seems reasonable for wht // what it is
i really like the white model 3070 it's a little pricier but it seems solid, not that i'd actually know judging by those preorder queues, i'd say it'd be realistic to get one by late summer or fall if you keep your eye on it and put yourself on the list you won't actually get charged until it ships out too so don't feel like you have to have the money just to preorder
>>946806 I'm not trying to be accusatory but did you not see my question earlier or are you ignoring me? I'm a little sensitive to be ignored these days because I'm being ignored by some of my internet friends right now and it's causing some anxiety.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the creator of bittorrent invented a proof-of-SSD cryptocurrency so if you want some M2 drives better get em while they aren't scalp
>>946809 Well it ain't me I don't even like the Foxclones all that much
>>946814 Yeah I saw that, it's really awful Next they'll find a way to mine with RAM and then no one will ever have cheap RAM ever again
I'll probably do some shopping on drives again in a few weeks after I've moved in Hopefully the scarcity won't have started by that point.
dogecoin is actually technically proof of RAM kinda but RAM is so plentiful that i doubt it could ever run out
Why can't someone make a cryptocurrency that uses soundcards Or like LAN cards
>>946806 White would be a hard sell on me, since my PC case is black, and most of the stuff I've got are darker tones in general I'm not huge on aesthetic but at the least I don't want a huge single colour contrast like that
Unfortunately it looks like most people agree with me hah hah All the darker cards are easily an additional couple hundred spots in the waiting list
>>946829 For sure they could sue you into the ground if you managed to, right?
>>946814 is that chia? i looked at how it works and the growth pattern is extra bad in order to continue making the same amount regularly you have to exponentially increase your SSDs i have no idea how that's supposed to be sustainable
>>946835 Not if you hire a really good lawyer before your assets are frozen.
They have 701 bitcoins to give you, I think they've got the funds to outlawyer you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it aounds like some people have managed to withdraw some decent amounts of crypto (not millions but like 8 btc in one case damn) and blockfi is threatening to sue them
>>946844 i think its a staking platform? you deposit and earn APR
Really the smart money if something like that happens is to pretend not to notice and just hit the 25% button when buying some stupid shitcoin for the BTC Put that shit into the market, make it fucking impossible to untangle the web of trades
Just pump shibe with it Just hit "buy for 100% of my BTC at market price" and watch the green bar go to the actual moon Singlehandedly 10xing the market cap of a shitcoin would be hillarious
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently the play is to withdraw, not return, get served, and settle
And then of course it would quickly drop down again because shibe is trash But now you own like 50% of all shibe
>>946836 I'm assuming it's not meant to be sustainable Or well they didn't plan it out as a sustainable resource But if they can find new avenues to mine cryptocurrency, they can perpetuate the mining economy Which benefits people invested
I don't think crypto """innovation""" will stop until you need to already be a long time crypto guy to afford a fucking phone Cause some asshole's gonna make a phone coin, and phones will go from $900 to several tens of thousands of dollars over a few years
This is the end goal of crypto: make the world incapable of actually using tech anymore, forcing civilizational collapse ANPRIM GANG ANPRIM GANG
gonna be buying nokia 3510is on silk road for a bitcoin each
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>946836 i would assume it's a dynamic difficulty rate like bitcoin so the price of the coin finds an equilibrium with the price of the hardware burned?
Better take good care of your tech in the coming years Even if phonecoin is not realized, just the resources that go into making a phone will be sucked up by the ever increasing demand for shit that can mine or farm coins We're entering the final stage of capitalism: Digital Hell
Oh shit There's dogecoin asics Christ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dogecoin runs on scrypt tho... it's RAM limited
the hell is an asic?
>>946866 Yeah >>946867 Application Specific Integrated Circuit A computer designed at a low level to do one specific thing and do it well.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a sic burn on yo momma
Oh, I see Some company released an SSD that's basically that, but for chia
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
asics are the only economical way to mine bitcoin now because all the asic companies have been at war for years trying to make the fastest and most efficient asic bitcoin maximalists tout this as innovation but really all they managed to innovate was burning electricity better
The whole "well people aren't considering that it puts pressure on manufacturers to make more efficient bitcoin mining equipment" thing is so fucking stupid honestly Like OK, they'll make more efficient bitcoin miners, they'll use less power What's step 1 for every single bitcoin mining person now? Increase amount of bitcoin miners Because otherwise, they fall behind the other guys who will increase their mining up to their previous electricity consumption
The fucking system as a whole is literally made to eat more and more power over time
What I really want is an ASIASIC for computing tripcodes. Realistically though I'd have to settle for doing it on FPGA.
Now it's time to sleep though, I've been up all fucking night, getting distracted by one thing after another If anyone ever figures out why a youtube channel uploading TV shows would trim them down to just the ads and scramble the title and description after 24 hours, they better let me know, cause I need that information in my life
>>946885 Wait, I thought you said it was just the ads?
yeah sorry, I'm sleep deprived also yes full episode uploaded with ads at the end 24 hours later, trimmed down to just the ads, and the title and description are changed to random shit probably from the wikipedia entry of some chemical process
>>946888 theres probably some community around it and they're supposed to watch the videos before they're mssed with They delete the real content after 24 hours so they don't get ip flagged on YouTube
I mean I guess, but it seems more reasonable to just delete the video then >>946892 oh shit you're right I should do that later today or tomorrow, depending on how you measure days
i give you simple answer step 1: borrow someone's credit card (they shouldnt know youve done this) step 2: buy money cards step 3: use money cards for primogems step 4: eula
this spammer is awfully persistent same exact link and picture on front page
>>946908 Yeah but since you're working full time now Do you even have the time to play a full game?
they really created a mint flavoured pickle rick maxibon yuck
got it thanks
Recently Uber has started posting to my phone notifications advertisements whenever I book my morning trip Annoyingly though, the ad notifications don't dismiss once the Uber ride is done, so it's an additional thing I have to manually clean up after using the app It's such shitty design that I'm of the mind to deliberately ignore the subject of the ad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>946907 I too thought about this but I'm barely playing that game lately.
a client told another client that he was going to murder a third client after making several death threats to other people Newboss refused to investigate it (reason unknown, client 2 believes Newboss and client 1 are friends) And now I have to do what I can to investigate it but these are credible threats and I really don't want this delta force guy coming after me i am really not interested in dying because Newboss is dumber than a motherfucker
@tilde nvidia properly announced the new "lite hash rate" 30-series that aren't going to be good for mining so you might have a chance to get a good deal once those drop which might be soon
>>946928 Hah hah that will be great if true Hopefully there's no considerable effect on its ability to render visuals in trying to neuter the value of GPUs to miners
I'm sure this is a problem they've been hacking at for a while though
I should be getting next Tuesday off, although unpaid Combined with the holiday Monday, it means a nice four-day weekend Now I'm going to be busy moving into my new place from Friday night until however long it takes to be done But having all that time to move in will be nice And the faster I get settled in, the more time I get to relax there Or at the old condo, since I'm not certain on the timeline of getting Internet hooked up at the new place
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh nice I wish you lots of productivity but also comfy vibes
>>946938 Get comfy >>946940 Really well actually Although it's always a bit hard to tell with these things I should be hearing something about it before the end of the week So.. Fingers crossed
Well if you think it went well, it probably did It's hard to tell anything though cause someone else might be better for them
I've decided against investigating the murder threats. I don't want to die. Apparently all the corporate big wigs will be here tomorrow, and everyone who works here has turned against Newboss (i confirmed this a few hours ago) so I'm just going to dump everything that's happened recently on them and hopefully get him fired
the hashrate artificially they already tried it a couple times with driver updates but i think these will be new hardware everything else should be fine not like nvidia never fucks up though
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Holy shit The personalised number plate of the car next to me says "bestbod" How wanky is that
He's a legend of the manga world A man only truly dies the last time his name is spoken And people will be remembering Miura for a long time Rest well man.
Kinda messed up today Asked my managers if they thought criticism about a government policy was fair And they're like It's not our role to say
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
She was really nice about it But also definitely gave the message not to ask her those sort of questions
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It was a news article Shitting on the policy we were talking about So i linked to that in the Teams chat thing and just asked if she thought what the journalist was saying was fair/true
Then she told me (nicely) to knock it the fuck off
Don't let anyone stop you from asking questions! Don't let anyone tell you what to do! Be your own person!
Honestly she sounds like she's being a bit of a nit It's one thing to say "focus on your work", or "don't let your criticisms get in the way of your work" But to say something like "it's not our role to say" is kind of an inherently shuffling under the carpet the problem She doesn't want to think about it because it's hard for her to think about it, so she doesn't Or at the least that's the gist I get from it.
>>947231 It's more just like as people doing government shit, there's a responsibility to stay neutral and especially for her, as she's kind of in a leader position not to be spurting off her own personal HOT TAKES on things the higher ups in the department have decided.
I mean The role is essentially processing work. So the focus is very much on teaching us the hows and trying not to think too much about the whys
Which I mean I'm still happy I got the job. It seems fine for a little while But isn't really aligned at all with what I'd like to be involved in long-term. a MEANS TO AN END if you will.
Don't stop thinking Never stop thinking Punch anyone in the face who tells you to stop thinking
Any of you nerds still like kancolle? I found some neat character icons
Maybe I'll get a call tomorrow about that law job.. If only That would be so sweet. It's way better money, and exactly the sort of work I want to be doing.
>>947269 Some guy people used to talk about on /fit/ who later went crazy.
>>947272 Yeah, best of luck getting the callback and acceptance Any job that doesn't pick up your dumb ass doesn't know what they're missing out on You're a smart guy and hard worker
>>947277 You see this?
oh that come up in the recommended but I didn't read came up he murdered a homeless man when he was 15 and went to jail doesn't sound like a good guy I don't know we have our own version of castle domain if we have*
*murder him, he killed hkm in self Oh wait Yeah The guy who was ahot, yeah *shot
>>947279 I like the thing with hs niece and nephew saying "we want him to be remembered aas a good man" He fucking killed a dude, went to prison for drugs (not that drugs ar bad but Australia is strict about drugs so it was a poor decision) and then was killed while in the middle of commiting another crime and you have the audacity to request all that be ignored.
castle doctrine why did I say domain
>>947282 Here you don't always need castle doctrine/stand your ground to legally kill someone in self defense. Although all that helps. I don't like stand your ground stuff though. I don't remember the specifics of castle doctrine but I remember agreeing with at least some of it.
Huh >Use of deadly force justified. Specific legislation prevents filing claim against defender of dwelling. Illinois has no requirement of retreat. I didn't know that. Although I bet if I pointed a gun at an intruder and didn't kill them I could get in trouble for that, maybe. Like get sued oor something.
>>947279 self defense has to be proportional to the threat.
I wouldn't really want to kill someone who broke into my house anyways. I'd rather threaten or incapacitate them.
Also reminder that ar15s are terrible for self defense. Shotguns are the best home defense weapons. And you can load them with less lethal ammunition ssussuch aas rubber pellets or beanbags Or non lethal (but painful) rocksalt.
Night again
>>947279 to clarify he went to jail on drug charges, not murdering the homeless guy
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>947287 why not follow israel's example and just blow someone's head off for standing in front of your house (that you stole)
>>947290 Hey y'all, came in to see what y'all said about Miura's passing, but I meant to check in on you in regards to your letter of resignation and when I saw this >>946944 I uh, got concerned. Everything okay, bud?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah my newboss brought his friend into the program as a client (unethical) and then said friend made explicit death threats, expressed intent "i am going to kill X and if you get in my way, you'll be in my rifle sights too" to another client newboss prevented the police from involuntarily committing him and he has faced no consequences he's also implied he's going to shoot up the center i was going to build a case against him but i realized that if i do that i will possibly be murdered by a former Delta force guy
>>947292 > >my newboss brought his friend into the program as a client Jesus, I'm not even in the medical field and even I know that's a clear conflict of interest/would get ethics committee hard over that.
>former delta force ....Yeah, play it smart, dude. If this guy is legit delta force, he'll be able to find you and fuck you fifteen ways to sunday even if he's in a psychosis episode. I've read books about delta force and they're hard motherfuckers.
>>947292 Like, it's been a tradition of theirs to demonstrate their abilities to every incoming president since... I BELIEVE Reagan, but they were formed in the Carter administration where they kidnap him, place him in a dark room as an unsecured hostage and then they go in firing live ammunition at dummies and stuff in the room and they secure him.
Considering they also have the ability to do survillance and stuff, you don't want to make /// get on his shitlist.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i don't want to die i already quit there's no need for me to be an idiot this dude loves killing says he's the fourth horse of the apocalypse gets tattoos to celebrate every confirmed kill he has he's seriously dangerous
>>947295 Yeah, you're smart to dip. I realize you probably worry about your clients and stuff, but at the end of the day, you need to look out for yourself. I'm sure delta force guy will somehow fuck himself up eventually.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah and if im even tangentially involved then my ass may be grass as well
>>947297 Well, good luck with the corporate bigwigs today!
the full dive anime has turned out to be surprisingly good, but I'm still not clear on why this guy even keeps playing this shitty game >>947300 Yeah I can't blame you there, that fight dragged on and was really stupid too I'm still just gonna give it one more episode though, see if it picks up
By surprisingly good I just mean I had even lower hopes for it than this
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah man i couldnt stand it i dropped it midway through episode 6
>>947300 Hey, do you have that mushroom/fungus manifesto you wrote a while back? Check this out.
This article really links up with this. Many of my fellow scientists say that microbial life is probably everywhere – but no complex life. This is a common misconception and due to a missing piece of knowledge. Fungi are the bridge between microbes and complex life that barely anyone studies. Mycology, the study of fungi, is a field of research that is completely underfunded and underappreciated, yet it deals with the most important organisms of all time. They are so important that we should call the Earth a fungal ocean world, not an ocean world.
Let us fill this gap in knowledge.
Life on Earth began when it was only 220 million years old. This was the first moment life could have started as the time before was the formation of the Earth. Since life started immediately, its formation is common and hence scientists say that microbes are probably everywhere. Back then, the Earth was just bedrock, acidic water, and it was surrounded by poisonous gasses. It was habitable but not beautiful and got terraformed by microbes and fungi.
Microbes formed about 4.3 billion years ago and began terraformation of the ocean and atmosphere. Fungal-like structures formed at least 2.4 billion years ago (this is the date of our oldest fossils of them!). ~1.6 billion years ago, fungi came to land. For 1 billion years, they were alone, spread over the land, and formed the first layer of soil. ~600 million years ago, plants arrived on the land to live on the new soil. ~450 million years ago, animals split from fungi.
Ah It just seems like a lot more recently because someone posts about it more lately I guess Either that or it's just a combination of me having been gone for a while, and having a generally poor memory
im off schedule is what it is so it occassionally lingers a little while rene is really good about pointing it out too thank you rene
I think that was tilde either way anon it doesn't really matter too much
tilde does too but its you a lot of times i think maybe im wrong i dont look at identities
if you ever want to pseudo-report, just email [email protected] and it'll send an alert to my phone but i usually swoop by here once an hour or so, so i'll usually see a post unless it's really active and moved up the thread by new posts
it's good we usually stick to main threads so we really don't have to see it besides making new threads don't think I've ever seen it slip into main and would probably get deleted straight away anyway
I think it's been Rene way more often than me lately My ability to be around when the stuff usually pops up has been hindered by work a lot recently
>>947315 i meant the announcement posts by you guys ill see those quickly usually sam does too
Oh yeah Moon I know you were fond of the Berserk anime series, but I don't know how much the series in general meant to you >>946976 But in case you didn't see this earlier
damn thats terrible yes the series as a whole meant a lot to me manga > 90s anime > golden age movies > rest
U // I only ever read the manga but it was a fantastic experience And it's been touching seeing how different people have been sharing their fondness for the series online It had such wide reaching appeal It's really unfortunate.
when i was on a bus from memphis to st louis, a lady was there with her daughter and the lady was like mid 40s and started talking to me about how berserk is her favorite show and her daughter's too young to watch it it really made its way into public consciousness and stood out as a classic even to regular folks
>>>/@KalebPrime/1395335794802544645 There's a few copies of this screencap from presumably /a/ floating around on Twitter that I think is a very poignant and touching interpretation of the series as a whole And is probably in part why so many people were able to be touched by it The fact that the world is not a beautiful place, but you have to keep living in it regardless, is a kind of beauty in of itself
Actually I guess judging by the post count it's probably like /v/ or /b/ but I digress
people can have that interpretation if they want but i don't feel it's very representative of berserk or its message to even have a message in the first place seems contrary to my interpretation or the sentiments i felt from it, i guess seems more entrenched in the earnestness of the struggle and finding meaning in that directly, rather than a vibrant overtone about moving forward anyway, despite things, for something else
it's a fickle thing but i'm not really interested in what importance others ascribe to things there's a social tendency to try and make it into something you'd see on a hallmark card with a witticism about it i dont think anything really exists that way and people are too impatient to earnestly sift through dense concepts just looking for ways to put a message onto social media to get easily digested and shared/liked
I think that's a rather shallow and unfair take on people though Maybe not everyone has the p Okay sorry
it's not a take on people, it's a take on the tendency for people to engage in things in a shallow way that's fine if they want to, everyone's got their own priorities
im glad loys of people enjoyed the series though lots*