Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 3-5 Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-7 Fruits Basket Episode 5-6 Full Dive Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 4-6 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Episode 5-6 Slime Taoshite 300-nen etc. Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-6 Tokyo Revengers
Bang said he'd be around all week but I'll let him known just in case time has run away from him
did something he do manage to cause an event where the starting city is attacked? it hasn't been attacked ever
Might be there is a bit of a scripted nature to the game And since no one has been playing the game for nearly ten years, aside from people like the discount Daru, there hasn't been anyone around to trigger the game's scripted events
wow he still doesn't get it
wow he's excited to fight a monster he really doesn't understand
not only is he an idiot he's also stupid
Whetstones aren't really used to remove rust though
i've done it before, but it only works if there's very little rust, like superficial amounts of rust on the surface
Okay yeah I thought that might be the case
It's only been ten years since this game came out And he's a pretty dedicated VR game player Even if it's only something he got into in the past few years How does he not know about Kiwame Quest if it was apparently such a big affair
Why are even early-game goblin monsters able to flash step That's not even realistic, because NOTHING CAN REALISTICALLY TELEPORT
show hey hahaha
i can't get over how stupid he is
He got honey-trapped back into playing this game by her His stupidity should really be assumed by now
1000 dollars is definitely worth it for a system this capable tho
Though if he dies here and his console is broke Then he's got a good out for being done with this kusoge "I'm sorry Reona even with the discount I can't afford another one" And then he's just fucking done with it
I wonder if loving NPCs will make him strong like the strongest gamer said
The problem with that is the game also makes a point of making NPCs decidedly assholes Like sure there'll always be some asshole people realistically But I feel the asshole and nutjobs to nice people ratio is way unportional
Yeah it looks like while the game does realistically use your physical attributes You might develop some special skills in the things you'd be normally just very proficient in
he ius but that was an ABILITY that wasn't just good running
I can't wait to see this captain guy get fucking murdered
wow wow wow wow
Are all these titles supposed to be insulting I guess that one guy who beat the game had a really flattering title when he beat it though Maybe it's a low-level thing And once you're not a scrub you start to get nicer titles.
being a mercenary is going to turn out to be absolutely god awful i bet
I could see it giving him something like "Ultimate Masochist" if he does Because he really does enjoy the abuse the game throws at him
oh i guess goblin assault was expected
I wonder how many consoles and playthroughs of the game the other guy went through exploring the various ways the game can be played I doubt his statistical percentages are empirically proven, but if his walkthrough is comprehensive enough to know about all these various game paths you can engage in He's probably played through the game a variety of ways
somehow they have managed to make a show that has zero likeable characters, a plot with more holes than a cheese grater, and not very much action or impressive animation that for some reason i'm really enjoying and will probably remember for a long time weird
oh yeah i wonder if you can have multiple consoles and thusly play multiple characters simultaneously obviously not playing two different characters at the same exact time, but be able to switch between them freely will they all look like you? can they have different abilities or conditions? can you suffer permanent injury or disease in the game?
I'd assume long-term issues like injury and disease are in there Maybe not disease since that one would be difficult to implement the full scale of realism for it But we already see that wounds, even with poultice treatment, take days to heal It would probably realistically really mess with your IRL brain if you spent a lot of time in a full dive VR game where you didn't have all your limbs though You're practically willingly enduring phantom pain.
If I ever get isekaied it better be to a nice place I'd be angry to get isekaied to a crappy place
Would you take a crappy place if it also meant you arrived with decked out, completely OP powers?
oh yeah sei was living single and is a little older
this girl might have like a family she seems pretty young
Aira seemed to be living alone in that brief summoning scene Oh looks like she might've been a bit of an ojou Still, yeah, she seems much younger than the single OL Sei
Still you can be kind of living alone but still have friends and a social life Or other reasons to enjoy your life Aira seems to have wanted to return, yeah Which is a stark contrast to Sei's "I'd be happy if I never had to return home"
the way she asked if she'd be able to go home she almost certainly had someone to go home to
>Do people not like him? Just give him time Aira and you'll probably see why
I dunno Butler-kun I think most people just know Kyle is kind of an insufferable brat
Oh yeah Bang did you ever watch Hamefura
Look at this Draco Malfoy and green-haired Harry Potter
Yeah, it's getting a second season next season, I think Either then or next season So Bang should watch it if he hasn't It'll probably be fun
the difference between sei and aira is a lot more than i expected
she's getting bullied?
It's a pretty common turn of events They assume it's her attaching herself to Kyle When really he just won't leave her alone But they think she's sucking him for status and clout
I was kinda thinking this yeah What need has she for an umbrella when she can just manipulate water
Oh I bet she's soaking Okay I can't finish this one
tilde please for the love of all things beautiful
There's no such thing!
Oh so he knows he's a shallow dumbfuck That's a level of introspection I didn't expect from him
he's actually turning out to be a lot better a person than i thought
She really does not seem like the hero slaying monsters type
Sei doesn't really either though And to be fair, as the Saint, monster slaying doesn't seem to be their responsibility From what I gather from the whole Saint mythos we've been seeing, they're more supposed to be the ultimate support unit.
while it hasn't exactly happened yet i could totally see Sei finding out that she is really good at combat, and then really enjoying it i doubt it would go in that direction but i could totally see it happening
I kinda want to see his fiancee develop a bit of a whip for him He needs a companion who can wrassle him down a notch when he's being too much of a dumbass
The fact that there's a second prince does kind of put the whole matter of succession into a more reasonable frame though Previously it seemed Kyle was the only prince, so it didn't really matter how awful he was The king couldn't exactly throw out his only son and forfeit his royal line But if there's another prince, then there is a line Kyle could overstep and be considered unfit to rule
aira just wants a friend it makes sense that she'd be scared though thrust into social situations a lot more abruptly than sei, she probably hit culture shock a lot harder no to mention her more restricted agency
Sei kinda had equally restricted agency for a bit too Though it quickly changed into perceived restricted agency Since it took her a bit to realize people had basically forgotten about her
Aira was also much slower to open up to the new world, since she seems to have lingering attachments to her home world Where was Sei was pretty much "cool I wasn't really living in my old world anyway"
being younger also makes a pretty big difference in that regard less social experience is going to make "fear of being awkward" a much stronger thing
I'm sure they'll be back in highschool before long It kinda strikes me as an upgraded version of the classic "Highschool Club Antics" genre of like the late-00s and early-10s
momo is kinda weird
how is kid sueharu more cool than high school sueharu\
His mom died and he's been processing that trauma ever since
this explanation does not satisfy me
Onee-chan is pretty cute
This is adorably dweeby I wish I'd spent my youth being this dumb
they really used it for the plug
i think she has it messed up they weren't trying to win they were getting a free ad for their new youtube
Yeah that seems the keikaku I wonder if they expect the crabby director guy to be content "winning" and not bother
Oh maybe this is the Uh Okay I don't really know what this could do with sports drinks
It's definitely the kind of thing edgelord teens would engage with
Well there was no chance Tetsuhiko was a literal nobody
alright i thought it was kinda funny that tetsu was getting so mad during that conversation cause it was a little hamfisted to just decide he's going to be angry in that scene but now it makes way more sense
>I'm going to pretend I have amnesia
wow wow
wow wow wow
Wow she even baited the guy, knowing if he was gonna be a dick, Sueharu would respond in her defense That's some real scheming from Kuro
Evil imouto characters are fun
Kouhai-chan is cute too
She's making a lot of careless mistakes cons- Hah hah cat's out of the bag I guess once it didn't matter, since the amnesia act had served its purpose She just stopped caring about it
>Marry me and let me live as a live-at-home husband Man knows what's up
"I can make you cry from here!" hahahaha
Well he's not too far off
For a sword with a five-year loan it sure is shitty
Oh shit she's got a superior nipponese steel katana now
wow she's rubbing up on the tiger
wait did he just
wow i thought she was buying named swords she'sj ust buying swords and naming them
That kinda suits her pitiful nature though
Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic!
>I can't eat anything sentient I dunno if calling Orcs sentient is exactly accurate
It's a nature doc now
I'm guessing this is a big joke on him At least the Headsplitters
what the fuck
You've never had a heart-to-heart conversation with a giant shellfish?
.... moke....
i was wondering what the thing he was looking forlornly at in the OP was it was the spirit of the great mokemoke watching over him from the clouds
Wow she's going hard atheist on Grimm
what if grimm turns her into a real girl
Well she's rarely had to take advantage of her android status so far
look if i didn't have to worry about the disadvantages of being human and then i did i would be pretty pissed i imagine she would be pretty unhappy about it
>Do you not have a human heart
Zenarith seems like kind of a cheap god if he can be contented with a hunk of pre-prepared meat
Oh it's a she, maybe Oh it's not even Zenarith hah hah
what the hell
Yeah can't stop a heart that ain't there
I wonder if the magic here is sufficiently advanced technology then though Or if there are just reasonable limits to what magic can do
she made a demon cry
Yeah but it didn't really prove nor disprove the existence of magic Alice didn't really accomplish her goal
I dunno, the demon armies have been murdering a whole lot of the humans in the name of this whatever war Six and his squad have been mostly pacifistic Mostly.
i'm assuming it's an investigator looking for her but also maybe this is actually japanese scott pilgrim and we have to face the ex-scumbags from her runaway past
Yeah this isn't a great way to teach literary interpretation It shouldn't be about what the correct reason is But rather what you think the correct interpretation is That teaches you to build rational arguments and rational thinking
where in your head was it ever not common sense that the people in charge of education have no idea what they're doing
I've generally been fairly content with my public education It's certainly not perfect, but I think it armed me with some good applicable academic skills
mishima is PISSED she doesn't want him to get ara ara'd
there's no way she wins this it'll be a hundred years before she can defeat gotou she's not nearly powerful enough and her resolve is weak he words aren't sharp enough and she doesn't have a cool hairdo
Her chances were sunk in the water as soon as Gotou admitted she liked the MC He didn't take her up on her confession in the moment but if they're both crushing on each other it's only due time
WHOA calm down girl jesus she slapped the table and everything, makin a goddamn ruckus in the cafe
Kouhai-chan is being a bit gutsy though Regardless of the discussion material, Gotou is her boss Talking back to your boss is pretty disrespectful in the Japanese office culture
maybe i'm weird for this, but i really don't like when people ask for my contact info puts me on the defensive
My first impression is to be a bit weirded out But that's more of a "Why would anyone need my contact info" kind of thing
she is way too zealous in her self-righteousness
OH NO she yelled it oh there wasn't anyone around i was expecting people to be around
I think her gripes with Yoshida are pretty reasonable though He's kind of a pushover and puts other people's interests over his a bit much And evaluates things in "How can I help others" rather than "How can I help myself" The latter sounds selfish, of course, but I think a degree of selfishness is important to keep
>It feels really weird to eat katsudon in the middle of summer I feel like katsudon would be a great summer meal Maybe if you had less rice and more cabbage to make it lighter
dang sayu is really happy
and territorial about her chores apparently
and really clumsy
And a clumsy klutz
He looked kinda attractive with his hair like that though
I suspect unless they want to force a Sayu end, which honestly would be kind of lousy Since it kinda goes against a lot of the themes of the series Gotou has the best chances of winning.
6 episodes in one night!
Yeah I was about to say hah hah This is the sixth show we're watching tonight I think the count ran away from Rika
beezlebub is possibly best girl
>>947209 i'm not complaining! on nights that i have to worry about work, it's hard sometimes but when i don't have work, i could watch anime into the early morning
I slept a lot this evening, so I'm in good shape to stick around a bit Plus I've got some Kanji reviews I need to get through
I'm just saying I'm pretty sure six episodes is not an intentional pick of Rika's I think she was just not counting the stuff she picked for tonight.
baka elf
my coworker is watching madoka for the first time so he was watching an episode during lunch and yuuki aoi's voice was so much yougner-sounding i mean it has been a decade so yeah but i was surprised at how big a difference it was, in a way that didn't just sound like acting
I'm pretty sure it's her acting skills Yuuki Aoi, even before Madoka, had some pretty wild character range The real testament to how Madoka she still is will probably be the upcoming movie, when it comes out
If a ghost's clothes are just her memory, couldn't she force the change if Oh the green slime is theorizing it too I bet if would work if she tried
That's a pretty large magic circle for this spell Maybe it still takes a lot of effort to let a ghost change its image Or maybe it's because it's the spells first iteration And kinda like with realistic invention, as you reiterate a spell you can reduce it down and make it more efficient