Okay sorry and thank you for your patience I needed a bit of a lay down and close eyes about an hour and a half back
86 - Eighty Six Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 3-5 Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Episode 5-7 Fumetsu no Anata e Fruits Basket Episode 5-6 Hige wo Soru. Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 4-6 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Kumo desu ga, Nani ka Mars Red Nomad - Megalo Box 2 Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Shadows House Episode 5-6 Slime Taoshite 300-nen etc. SSSS.Dynazenon Super Cub Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-6 Tokyo Revengers Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song
It also depends on the person and particular vaccine You'll get hit harder by it if you've already fought through Covid in the past And I think some vaccines are gentler on you than others A bunch of my coworkers got the vaccine from a walk-in last week and they all reported no major effects Just a bit of lethargy and the arm soreness
orange kumo 18, right? yeah ok cool
I was gonna say yeah but it took too long to open a new tab to reply
Having the conciousness of a teenager in the body of an infant must be annoying It looks like she, kind of like Rudy in Mushoku, can clearly see what's going on But she doesn't have the physical capacity to properly respond
Oh even though she's also a reincarnation, Kumoko just looks like any other spider monster to her But I guess that's probably just how she looks And we only see her cutesy because that's how she sees herself
Translation: "I'm an old man I don't have a place in your combat harem of cute girls"
holy fuck she's powerful
She's sure making echoes in the long scheme of things by protecting the vampire lady as a baby
>>946461 At this point I'm banking on it being the big shiny way they end the show
I'm pretty sure this is the elf that got ahead of himself in the future time period And got decapitated by either the traitorous reincarnated guy or the vampire lady
kumoko's like 100% whacked out of her gourd
You probably would be too if you'd been reborn as a spider and then had to live every day of your life in a fight for survival and food in an underground hellscape
she's a hyper-powerful force of nature at this point
even this guy refers to her as Ariel-sama in his own head
>>946466 Sounds like even the common folk of the world agree Calling her a Divine Beast and all
female spider jesus
Being able to cure even things like cancers with healing magic is really OP At that point you could probably live forever providing you had the MP to pour into repairing your aging body Even if she didn't have immortality through skills.
>>946470 is it weird that the first thing i thought of was that you could heal someone forever so that they'd be forced to suffer for eternity
>>946471 I think Kumoko's immortality strictly covers not being able to completely die She's got a separate skill which makes her health (and by extension body) slowly recover from any injury
it seems like she can die, but only if her soul dies or at least, she believes that since she was scared of Ariel's ability to snap her soul out of existence
Sure but that's basically the "Do not pass GO, do not collect $200" of death Soul eradication is a step more than death
i got hit really hard with a case of the "i don't want this to be over" at the halfway point of this episode this show really sucks me in
i wonder what the story with the vampire girl will be] is she working with ariel in the present, or is she part of this movement seperately or maybe she's a spy among them for ariel or maybe she's working for kumoko, seperate from ariel? ij'm really completely lost on what she's doing in the present, i guess is what i'm getting at
Ban pai yah
and we didn't get any updates about kumoko's magic brain being inside of ariel!
oh no, that really poetic guy turned to ash ;_;
Flashback! I guess this'll visually fill in the gaps of stuff we already know
wait we get to see misaki!
She's got a bit different of a personally than I was expecting Since her head wasn't all their as -there as a vampire But I assumed she'd be a bit more dignified and mature
But maybe she and Defrott go back further than just a recent theatre production She's looking very young and is in a sailor uniform And sure while it's not that weird to marry a young girl off to an older military man I think the MC is definitely much, much older than her if this isn't too long before the time period the series takes place in
i thought it said one year previous
Ah if it did than it did I was a bit slow coming back as the OP was wrapping up so I missed the first few seconds of the episode
yeah nakajima was marrying off his barely-graduated daughter off to his best captain-become-major, it looks like i think he wanted complete control over MC, now that there's more perspective
also journalist and new recruit vampire are friends apparently
This version has a lot more spice than the original vivy.
Yeah, it's kind of interesting It's not like she's been updated or anything, it's still the same model and software we've known all along So by that reasoning, she always had the capacity to be this emotive and for personality What was it that made her develop a personality this time around, after being rebooted
Pft But she's still a bit of a social dork Just in a different manner
they lulled us into a sense of security, giving us two-episode arcs this is a twist at the meta-level
Yeah, that was pretty sly
I'm assuming unlike Matsumoto and Diva's older support AI, this Antonio was much more a control freak I mean, we did kinda see him be way harsh on Ophelia in that flashback So maybe he finally got fed up with her incompetence and took direct control
i want to know what's up with the toak guy being here
oh there's more
A lot of AI seem to be adopting Vivy's more liberal interpretation of what it means to make everyone happy with music
la campanella is an interesting choice here but it's working well
I wonder if this means we'll get a final three-episode arc from 10-12 Since I'm pretty sure this is a twelve episode run instead of thirteen If it's thirteen they could fit another two-episode arc and then do a final two for the finale But we're getting pretty close to what should be the final act of this story.
what player do you guys use to watch anime i use MPC-HC i think i'm still running the CCCP codecs from forever ago lol i haven't ever updated any of that
listening to la campanella while waiting god this song is so intense liszt was a fucking madman >>946538 here watch this >>>/watch?v=MD6xMyuZls0
well 23 minutes is a full episode length so i'm calling it i hope rika fell asleep in bed and not at her desk