Can we swap Hero Academia and Back Arrow around Bang not being here was beyond my calculations I'll have it ready after a show's length
Arigato yo
Thankfully this is the last week of this horrid Internet All things providing, I should have speeds at least thirty times faster by some time next week
The mushrooms in your internal systems is still really horrific That's one of those powers that honestly would suit more a villain type character than a hero
A team has some pretty weird specailized powers in it too. Class A that is
Yeah, I was thinking about that last episode I guess since they were the first big set of heroes the mangaka had to come up with, some of them were a bit more niche than others Like you don't just want to fill the roster with generic or overpowered powers But when you try to be creative some times your spaghetti doesn't stick
Hah hah I guess the MLP girl is an English transfer student or something.
Yeah it's a pretty nice add-on to his design On top of the whole poetic symmetry with his son
I've seen a lot of people bitch about the turn of face of Endeavor, and the series' general kind of attitude towards trying to portray him in a more positive light I think they could've been a bit more nuanced about it, or at least slower But it's a Shounen Jump series in the end, a degree of heavy-handedness is to be expected And I generally kind of like redemption arcs anyway
Having your whole body as a potential drill sure is a man's romance
I think they've handled endeavor just fine. He's a side character anyway, giving him a super fleshed out redemption arc would be weird.
Class A's team this match got caught off guard pretty quickly But I guess Class B didn't decisively beat them in that first confrontation So now they can turn the tables
Yeah, Todoroki is super powerful when he just uses both sides
okay back arrow 18 okay lets start
It's only taken them seventeen episodes but they've finally travelled beyond the wall
>>946271 I wouldn't be surprised if he's hesitant to use his fire powers offensively since it's still an exhibition match against other students There's a lot of dangerous powers in the students' roster, sure, but fire's one of those things that can get really dangerous really fast.
Wow yeah this is a little spooky I guess the ... bodies? skulls? heads? of the people who die in their robots appear here
I guess that's the end of the choir It sure is a kind of tonal dissonance to have everyone getting dusted while they're happily cheering along
I wonder what the merit of destroying their world is though Rudolph's analogy of it being a ripe fruit to harvest only really works if there's a reason to harvest Does it serve as food for this god of his or something
I didn't quite get why Arrow wanted them to destroy him along with the ship he's attached to now But I guess he's scared he'll still be a menace even without one of the ships powering him up
Yeah there's still some questions that need to be answered.
>>946283 Well it seems like he's going to keep killing his effectiveness will just be diminished without the dreadnaught
If they blow up the Lutoh dreadnaught, it means Arrow will likely have to seek out the Rekka ship once his new destructive tendencies slip out of control again. I wonder if he'll exterminate all the Rekka faces too like he did Lutoh's
I think this series favours the Rekka side characters to a degree so I'd be surprised if they kill off some of its more important people as another rampage of Arrow's
nice though comparatively even though they're the warlord faction
Before Lutoh got played and ousted their princess, I would've disagreed They've generally been stubborn to a fault and completely unreasonable But the whole thing with the once-fat guy taking direct control of Lutoh really made it a mockery of what it once was. Rekka's pigheadedness is still annoying, but at least they don't suck up to god
This has been fun enough, but I think it has lost a bit of its luster from season one Maybe in part because there's a bit of a quality downgrade And there's frankly more characters for the sake of fanservice than it really needs.
Sure is polite I guess the dragon's strong enough to be briefly curious of their circumstances
I was kinda half-expecting the dragon to recognize him as the dungeon's creator You'd think if it could detect stuff like Rem being the vessel of the Maou, it would comprehend Diablo's power.
And here's the not-Aqua of the series
So there are some people who recognize him as someone who existed in this world back when it was just the MMO
I'm expecting that, or she'll have some mechanism for meeting up regularly Maybe he'll pick something up that lets him teleport back to the dungeon and have it act as a home base Or she'll jump in with a teleport spell to help out
Rem's new outfit is pretty silly too It really goes hard on the scantily clad female armor trope of MMOs
yeah MMO gear is always like that well lately mmos haven't I guess the boob plate days have kinda come and gone
nahatoro 3
I don't know, all the mmos I've played lately have not really had stuff like that
okay let's start
I think you can still find that a-plenty But it's mostly relegated to Korean/Chinese MMOs Most western and Japanese MMOs are a little more adjusted
I get he's a really easy bully target But honestly I think it is kind of more reasonable than not to expect a girl to have normal underwear on under her clothes
I'm guessing her underwear will actually be visible here though every girl has had the white shirt on a rainy day experience in high school
Especially those at uniform-wearing schools I wouldn't be surprised if there were some sufficiently goth or similar kids who went through high school never wearing white
She's being so smug about it though She is probably wearing a swimsuit or something
oh okay now since he's already thought it she's probably wearing actual underwear
yup there it is
well she got what she deserved
It's a cute piece too.
I'm pretty sure they've given Nagatoro a bit of an upgrade for the anime too She wasn't flat outright in the manga But she was more of an A-cup than what the anime portrays her as
I think Nagatoro-san gets it rightg If you're going to tease a guy like that you need to give him some service like that once in awhile too.
Plus she obviously likes him, even if her fondness manifests itself in some pretty rough ways at times. So I mean, it's probably a bit fun to make his heart go doki-doki at times
I still don't really like how the one-eye squint looks on her I haven't seen enough of the manga to know how close it is to how it's drawn in it But in the anime it looks all off.
She's a little disappointed! Would it have made her happier if he'd played along with the act
Tsukkomi like that takes a degree of confidence and social comfort though If you don't have the confidence your retort ends up being kind of limp And if you're not comfortable with it then you'll probably trip over yourself than see it through
Well I guess he got a bit of a present for his troubles.
A lot of these bully-type girls in series like this tend to be a bit of a glass cannon They hit hard but when their target fires back it generally shatters them Nagatoro doesn't really have that weakness As someone who does kinda want to be full bully at times I can understand the charm But I'm also biased enough to say it's kind of a drawback to her The way she goes hard on the bully almost all the time gets a bit thin
Time for DENSETSU AIDORU YAMADA TAE to get her night in the limelight!
It's one of those things that when consider it from a normal person's perspective in-universe, of course no one would seriously consider them zombies. Zombies aren't real after all It feels way more plausible to conventional human logic to think they're somehow coincidentally a bunch of lookalikes to all these classic famous dead idols
Does Tae even have the capacity for complex thought needed to do work
Oh people do actually notice Tae doesn't sing or properly dance during their performances
I guess being perpetually a child star is kinda a crappy place to be stuck
>>946345 Oh you're watching episode five, eh That's what we watched on Thursday I think you fell asleep pretty quickly into it though
Why's the reporter trying to hard to catch Tae doing weird things anyway Like some of it is humanly impossible behaviour, sure But like trying to catch a girl sucking on a marker isn't going to convince anyone of anything
Nope She did almost lose her head though And she's got some killer S-rank luck
Like I've been saying though, I don't think her brain's lost or anything I'm pretty sure her brain and the brain of that zombiedog pet of theirs got swapped at some point. Tae acts a lot like a dog and the dog seems to have a degree of sentience which is hard to expect from a zombie dog