Back Arrow Bishounen Tanteidan Episode 3-4 Blue Reflection Ray Episode 3-4 Boku no Hero Academia Dragon, Ie wo Kau Fruits Basket Full Dive Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Episode 3-4 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui Osananajimi ga Zettai Makenai Love Comedy Sayonara Watashi no Cramer Episode 2-5 Shadows House SSSS.Dynazenon Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation Episode 3-4 Super Cub Episode 4-5 Tensura Nikki - Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Episode 4-5 Tokyo Revengers Zombieland Saga
I feel like something is going to go wrong here. yeah.
I mean maybe, MAYBE there exists one free line of help for players that fuck up as royally as he did But this game so far has taught you that literally everything is against you and you need to play perfectly to not get the rough treatment
if only because literally nothing good has happened, i agree maybe this is the first time something good does happen though
But also yeah this I mean you can bemoan shitty realism all you want but at the least this one makes sense.
wow they're full-on mob mode
wow she's instigating him to steal
Well she's so far been enjoying the benefits of having someone she can encourage to be morally ill-repute because it doesn't kick back to her
she's really just manipulating him to watch him suffer
i mean like it should be obvious but it's just so obvious it's hard to believe
oh god he's going to be a whore
she's totally down for him to go whip this man
not this guy again....
Would he even have money to lend out If he's a layabout drunk who spends all his time at the casino I can't imagine he has all that much money
Yeah it's a given you have to pilot your robot in a swimsuit in the swimsuit ep
Oh they still can't properly balance that partial gattai
oh god that's terrifying
This one's hella cool
rex time
they've all been pretty casual about losing fights and red hair keeps almost dying
He seems like the tetchiest one So he probably needs to get whacked around the most
Not everyone's good at just jumping off a cliff into the water
oh wait did i misunderstand this whole time i thought it was jisatsu the entire time i just inferred it when they said accident
I'm fairly certain they've been ambiguous about it throughout the show Which by most nuances of language, really does often imply assumed suicide, yeah But it's hard to tell where the politeness ends and the assumption begins with stuff like that
Either way they weren't presenting one story or another to the viewer, but it looks like the official story was that her sister's death was an accident.
I'm eating right now, so I'm good Though it's just leftovers for me But I'm also not a big fan of deli meats like that so I'm good with this
Man I wish I could fall asleep in three minutes
Woah kakkoii
Japanese office workers and their alcoholism is a fair bit funny In a "this is kind of a concern but not a big one" way of being funny
Arietty is a cute nickname for her
Poor OL-chan Oh she rallied her spirits a fair bit though Yeah this lady is super cute
people do google stuff like that huh
I mean if you were to start typing into Google yourself it would probably auto-complete pretty fast
let's try
I didn't even need to go check that's how confident I was
i just typed "how to make s and "how to make someone fall in love with you" was like 4th on the list first was "how to make simple syrup" because i googled it a while ago which is odd because i usually just do searches like "simple syrup"
Maybe you were feeling like being thorough on that day
uhhh hello? it's time for the most important anime of the week
oh wait there's one before that nvm
but if rika fell asleep then maybe she needs the rest she's been falling asleep a lot
Well I was also thinking We could maybe skip out on SubaKono and do Osananajimi And then end on Zombieland or something We won't have anything new for you tomorrow night so if you can catch up on Shadows House and Tokyo Revengers then we'll be able to knock out all the particularly good things we watch with you
oh yeah danmachi OVA came out btw
Yeah I saw I guess we're already stuck with a pile of stuff on the list, what's one more show
The real answer here is the list is actually starting to bump up against the line limit on /moe/ posts so one more show is actually kind of cutting it close hah hah
rika is dead long live rika
hey tilde i don't think i included posting on /moe/ in my will so if i ever die, you'll probably find out about it so just let /moe/ know
A few early days, the issue is falling asleep I'm falling asleep easily this week
Did we lose bang?
I've sent him a message but I dunno yet If he's not here we can do something like Hero Academia, Zombieland, Super Cub, Isekai Maou Or Slime Diaries Any two of those would work too if he's gone to bed
oh did we only do 3 so far I'm already pretty sleepy yeah
okay lets tart
Don't think you can make five shows? Well either way maybe Bang will poke his head in and we can end on Osana if he does >>943541 Yeah
This is a hard season to have lighter nights where we don't always go hard on watching shows hah hah There's just way too much to watch and it's hard to cut enough to fit the time
Being zombies do they really need good food to re-energize though I feel like they kinda need a functioning digestive system for that to actually work
Yeah I dunno if it really fits an aidoru unit Maybe if they had a sound more like Babymetal or something
This absolute loser He always seems to encounter the girls when they're at their most zombie
As usual Necroducer is best girl He always manages to cut straight to the chase while being completely ridiculous
Is she going to take him up on the literal use of break Guess not Would've been funny if she just smashed his guitar there
I'm getting more and more onboard with my thought that the dog and Tae's brains got switched The more I look at it, the more she acts a lot like an impulsive dog Where as the dog is able to kind of restrain itself
She did it! She broke it! You only have yourself to blame Kotarou
Hah hah she almost pulled Ai's arm right out
Oh it's a return of the radiant idols They did something like this in season one too
Oh and they bring back the song they sung while electric too This is great
>>943556 They're piggybacking off the popularity of Iron Frill but it's still a great break for them Since the last time they tried to do a big performance they had like no audience