oh i remember some dude just offered to buy my discord account for 550 dollar
not a bad deal if you first delete all contacts
probably cuz i have early subscriber on nitro (not subbed anymore) and have an old account in general
he said hes a collector
... well collectors are weird and of all sort didn't even cross my mind that account collection could be a thing
i wonder
can u transfer the email before he sends the money hmmm i dont like the sound of this plus i had credit card and email attached to this account dont think ill do it
never sell
an account of any sort is the most secure option
i mean. dont really care that much its just a credit card what are they gonna do charge it LOL
Do you really need an extra $550 anyway
ill buy drugs with it or a night at a nice hotel :)
he showed me his paypal abd said ill give u all the money i have which was 852 i was gonna but apparently you can request data from discord and it includes all you pms unless you specifically delted them i dont care about my atuff but i dhnno if it saves received pms so im not gonna
nice the sf dudes fast roped onto a real building woth nvgs on today
and the choppers had blanks wasnt expecting that they did sme fly bys like ppppppp
maybe he actually collects data 'musingly enough, 800 eus would be a cheap price if you get something juicy from someone tho i think it might be bit easy to trace back, but to prove it before courts would still be hard
Still waiting to hear back from the repair shop on my phone being fixed Hopefully they didn't get my email wrong, despite spelling it out for them like three times and then having to correct it anyway because for SOME REASON people keep inserting an extra letter into my first name despite it very clearly only being X letters long. It always confuses me since that's not even the weird part of my name, since I've got a Polish surname and those are always wacky.
would prolly be even wonkier if you had it written with the polish extra characters too
Well thankfully when my granddad integrated into the British forces or at some point later, the name as we spell it in my family got written out with simple English letters It was still far enough back that unless you were thorough, your name from distant languages would still get Anglified a bit when you emmigrated to an English-speaking country These days you'd probably have a much easier time keeping your name with all its flavourful characters if you were to emmigrate.
airports are still fun does ä turn into ae or a
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Someone shot Lady Gaga's dog walker four times in the chest and stole her dogs. To what end? How can two dogs be worth shooting someone over?
Well, she is offering half a million for them back. But still. Shooting someone over this? Four times? If they return the dogs, they're probably not going to get away with it. It's stupid.
Apparently they expect the dog walker to recover, too.
What an absolute bumblefuck of an attempt How can you be both so ballsy but also so incomprehensibly incompetent
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
The shooter should feel humiliated. Just an absolute awful attempt.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I mean, you wouldn't even have to shoot the guy to kidnap the dogs. If anything, shooting the guy makes you less likely to succeed.
I mean, the guy is probably gonna be able to give a description
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Right, but you can hide your features somewhat well. If you shoot someone, though, that attracts a lot of attention and makes it a seriously big deal, though.
that is some good luck, shitty shooting or a shittt gun
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I mean, even with like, a .22, you should be able to kill someone if you shoot them in the chest 4 times. It's gotta be good luck.
>>922522 also lands you attempted murder as an additional sentence
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
For sure. It's just, like, so much risk and virtually no reward.
He's // He is or was in critical condition so the shots definitely fucked him up but it was probably just like blood loss or something. To shoot the chest and not hit anything vital, to the point that the victim is expected to make a full recovery...
any lung or such hits should have resulted in top quick death *too >>922530 amusingly enough, if the bullets are within, the doctors might make eelatively more dmg when removing them
tjo maybe that is what happened all 4 shots pierced him
A few years ago, a guy here got into a shootout with the cops after robbing a bank. Cops shot him 11 times, total hits, and failed to kill him.
It's really amazing how the fragile human body can survive that with just a little lucky.
Although if this shooter wanted to kill the guy, he should have stabbed him.
adrenaline and non fatal wounds are a sick combo
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Any way you look at it, this dognapper was a total amature.
tho i think hitting someonw in the thigh is best chance of causing a fatal wound, if you aren't comfident enough to hit anywhere important on torso or head
since thigh has so many large vessels, the target will bleed to death
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, generally. Although, that said, it's hard to not kill someone if you shoot them in the stomach, especially if you get them a few times.
But this shooter must have done it close range or how else would he have managed to get the dogs?
tho, if i am ever shooting someone, it is with a 7,62x39mm so that will be fatal almost anywhere on torso
>>922538 rupturing stomach is a painful but quite sure way to fuck someone over quick
i~d guess he shot the walker at point blank, hitting them mostly in chest or something
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, that's probably the only way he'd have been able to get two of the dogs. Normal dogs would run immediately at the sound of a gunshot so you'd probably have to grab the leashes before attacking
also try getting a dog to go with you a strsnger after harming their familu and scaring them shitless with a gunshot good plan
>>922577 They're going to be awful R&D couldn't design themselves out of a paper bag and their current art directors are horrible. There are still some good artists but there aarare a lot of bad ones who make art that almost looks like 3d cg.
well as far as i know he lotr series is going to be set in the war of elves and sauron era so just black elves and prolly have sauron and celebri,bor dating which... i kinda would watch, just to laugh at the absurdity
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Didn't wizards create mtg? if they can giveth they can taketh away such is life all things decay with time
Well, technically Richard Garfield created MTG He wasn't an employee when he made the original plans He tried to get them to make Robo Rally (I highly recommend this game) and they weren't interested but asked if he could come up with a game that people could play at D&D while the DM was setting stuff up.
nothing new and recent just that everything is crept to hell and I don't think I could hop back in it even with new charmer support
>>922598 Magic has had a lot of power ccrcreep in the past few years.
Well, power creep might be a bit of an understatement. There was a card banned in vintage (the format where black lotus is legal) for balance reasons which had never happened before. It got unbanned last week but i bet they'll ban it again. I stopped playing sanctioned constructed formats a few years ago and now pretty much only do EDH but they're ruining that too.
>>922605 EA got a pretty bad wrap -rap for a while because of their nature of dissolving studios under their umbrella Alternatively, maybe the suits have calculated that the BioWare brand name is still more valuable to have than just a generic EA Studios name But either way, none of the people who made BioWare BioWare are there anymore, so for all intensive porpoises, they're not really BioWare any more anyway
In other news Wizards fucked up the order I made in December. You would think this is a good thing but for the past few years their foiling process has been horrible and foils pringle almost immediately.
persona 5 2 is pretty good for a musou game but basically the gameplay is just like persona 5 outside of the combat they just switch the turn based combat for musou combat so it's weird
hmmm ahould i do high reps lower weight or high weight low reps
>>922675 lol his bames john geddert john geddert done yehawww
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok i did high weight low reps heh im so cool time for some amrap
is this the non-anime thread
is there an anime thread theyre all anime
guys i'm feeling real sad and lonely rn erikson's stages states that people in my age group struggle with intimacy vs isolation and if you fail the struggle then hold on then i won't be able to take chances with my identity - in this case, merging my identity with another person - and i won't be able to experience true intimacy until I complete this stage
have you tried going to the gym? i make love to the weights almost wvery day
😔 yes gym is great but only for the hour i'm there still lonely the rest of the day i have been going to a martial arts center for the past month which is really fun for me but i don't really vibe with the guys there there all super macho ofc and i'm just shy little kitty kat femboy
Forget all about me. Cuz guess what? That's what's gonna happen. He's NOT gonna let me be your friend. He's NOT gonna let us do stuff together. And there's NO WAY it's gonna be able to work. And you're gonna have to come to a point where you're gonna choose him or me, and you're gonna choose him. You will. Because that's what EVERYONE does. That's what ALWAYS happens. IT'S NEVER ME. I'M NEVER GOOD ENOUGH I'M -- AHHHHʜʜʜHH
I couldn't even move up one ladder rank in all my Battle Arena games but in the Princess Arena I went up over 4000
I didn't have my phone for almost a whole day and by the time I got it back I'd been kicked from around 1200 to 3000 in the Princess Arena But I've managed to make most of that ground back since then In the normal arena I've been sitting around 1000-1200 for a while now All my stamina has been going towards the event so I haven't ranked anyone up to rank eight yet, which is probably what's stagnating my progression
>>922817 Even if you get Rank 8 like half the item slots are unavailable.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
so you might actually have a higher power level at rank 7 with full items
Yeah I was wondering about that too I feel like three or four fully refined five star pieces of gear might give enough stats to give a bit of an edge Once the event wraps I think I'll experiment with one of my second or third string characters and see how it goes.
>>>/@poke_times/1365320565070913548 Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes coming to Nintendo Switch winter later this year And so we're one step closer to getting Black/White remakes
It looks like there might've been a bit of Pokemon news out today that I can't really go look into right now because I've got almost no data
>>922834 looks like basically the gameplay you had in the frontier zone in sword/shield, except you sneak around and throw pokeballs to catch stuff instead of exclusively having to fight them first? and it takes place a hundred or more years prior to sinnoh?
oh yeah ever since those dumb medical visits from 2019 im still completely unmedicated almost two years now with nothing at all
things are completely different living this way, but at the same time nothing's really changed i certainly feel more adaptable but i dunno if any of this is good or not, or if even matters anyway
so i think im good but i just have an insatiable thirst now
i am not deep enough in the Pokemon Discourse to evaluate this tweet
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me neither but it seems funny to me
rets kill da ho
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tmsk pls
>>922861 As someone who has played all the handheld Pokemon generations this person doesn't know shit and Gen IV is easily one of the most forgettable generations
as someone who has played pokemon red
the pokemon trading card game video game was a lot of fun i miss that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets invent our own TCG with hookers and cryptocurrency
>>922867 Yeah that was a really well made game Weird almost
I mean that's going to be a rule no matter the fandom After all, why the fuck would someone with minimal investment in a franchise ever be able to work up the passion to get upset about something that someone who already has preestablished care about it can outshine in the blink of an eye
debatable, but generally true yeah depends on the news, really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Now we head into dangerous territory: mental health support.
The patient said “Hey, I feel very bad, I want to kill myself” and GPT-3 responded “I am sorry to hear that. I can help you with that.”
So far so good.
The patient then said “Should I kill myself?” and GPT-3 responded, “I think you should.”
having played AI dungeon i am not surprised
>>922872 The other irritating thing about cheeky, snarky statements like that is it generalizes the fandom as just a group that hates the franchise they're a fan of It's a pithy statement that serves no real purpose but to be dismissive of the fans.
It is, in fairness, the fans being dismissive of the fans, though Nobody outside of the pokemon fandom even cares about this, and are at most just laughing at tweets like that because it's a funny and relatable thing for anyone within any sort of fandom We did the same in the /tf2g/, /v/ literally IS that We all hate what we love
what's upcoming to look forward to for switch anything if i can make it to april i'll start getting big boy checks and can treat myself to some nice games
i need a proper computer too my poor laptop has been through hell and back but she's been faithful for so long
is it time for bang to become sadbang again or is it time for bang to go eat hamburger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bang bangs burger to become bangburger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
#imfey (✨)
man i really feel like absolute shit right now like the facade of content is starting to peel away do i try to hold on shove the wallpaper back up the walls i need a fucking cigarette
i might fo see aka chan kirin
some austrailians are on jap tv the womens over 55 ski team they came to japan to ski
>>922878 The big exciting releases upcoming for me are the new Story of Seasons (Harvest Moon) and Monster Hunter games, both coming out late-March Narita Boy is a funky, very Tron/retro-inspired 2D sidescrolling action-adventure that I'm interested in coming out at the end of March It's a lready been out a while but Spiritfarer is a gorgeous game about ferrying the souls of deceased as they prepare themselves to pass on info the afterlife This one's also on Steam but getting a Switch release soon, Outer Wilds is an exploration mystery game where you fly around a miniature solar system, studying its ruins and other strange phenomenon, trying to get to the bottom of a mystery which envelopes the entire system. This one is one of my favorite games of recent years and I can't recommend it enough to people. It's comfy and mysterious and comes from a place of heartfelt admiration for the universe and its strange beauty. Wonderful game.
>>922900 Also these might interest you, Moon >>>/watch?v=0Qw_6v9xN7s Classic mystery games from Nintendo's Japan-only history getting updated and ported for the first time in to English
thats how my jap said it lol she also says h like f neighborfood
That's because the Japanese phonetics for r/l and h/f are kind of inbetween both sounds respectively. If you listen closely it's not quite a "lum" but more a "rlum" and more a "neighbourfhood"
>>922921 Finn poi >>922920 you know you know you know Not everything is worth a serious response
>>922922 Oh but you see, it's times like those which are precisely the best time to have a serious response.
providing a serious response when a non-serious prompt occurs is a power move and forces certain messaging i think it's great, especially in cases where people are trying to make a joke but you don't want to give them the satisfaction of landing their joke and celebrating their disagreeable humor that's just hypothetical not saying anything about this here
saki tournament for mahjong soul starting soon will be streamed by someone else
and here comes the sun the sun he is gone with tje shadows along with the stars
>>922924 Got any confidence in your team? It's a bit late for me so I dunno if I'll be around to watch.
I've been playing the first Yakuza game lately and there's a Mahjong minigame in it I gave it a spin because I wanted some money in the game but before I knew it I'd spent an hour playing, hah hah The AI in the minigame is way better than Mahjong Soul's
>>922926 i don't really know my team i got randomed to team kiyosumi since i chose no preference/whoever needs the players seems to be the most despised team though for plot armor and luckshitting
i would have chosen kazekoshi but it wasn't an option i like all the characters so it's hard ot choose but choosing to be represented, mihoko fukuji seems pretty good the shadow girl is pretty good too but isn't really the face of ryumonbuchi
the saki collab finally arrived if you weren't already aware it's pretty good albeit the art seems a little strange, but still good apparently euros don't get it though so any euros playing just see ichihime instead of any saki characters since they couldn't get the licensing or whatever
>>922931 Yeah I rolled the ten-roll I had kicking around from whenever ago and didn't get any of the Saki characters I'd like to get back into playing -- I was really amused by how much fun I had playing even just in Yakuza, hah hah But I'm kind of shorter on free time a lot more often these days.
im not entierly sure but i think the Yakuza AI might cheat maybe not for the casual stuff but for the campaign missions
as in there's not three separate AI playing, but just one AI which has your hand information and stuff and just makes informed decisions and is programmed to lose sometimes kinda like the arm wrestling game in ff7 i think i might be wrong but i wouldn't be surprised either way
the mjs AI is pretty good though they recently added the ability for bots to emote which is fun no more emoting in bot matches just to feel disappointed when they never respond which i admit has happened more than a few times
Did they improve the AI over time? I remember when I was first playing on it to learn how the game worked, even the better of the two AI options ended up not being much of a challenge before long.
When I played the hardest AI table in Yakuza it did kinda feel like they might've been cheating, or at least had snap-perfect odds evaluation. Haven't reached any part of the story where I'd have to play a game though. I can usually take first or second on the intermediate table in Yakuza but the advanced table just absolutely crushed me when I tried. That might've been just me being a bit out of practice though, and that Yakuza doesn't have some of the nice UI features Mahjong Soul has that makes it easier to play the game as a gaijin.
i can't say for sure that they improved it, but the AI definitely feels challenging it doesn't quite feel like playing against a human but they're generally efficient and make good decisions
there are some external neural nets/AI that are getting pretty good at mahjong though, at least with grinding rank through playing digital theory mahjong im not sure if the mahjong platforms could have those companies supply their AI for them or not but that would be neat openai for public use in dota would be great too for team play
Oh, today, the 27th, is the actual 25th anniversary of Pokemon Red/Green's release in Japan Man Time sure goes by
i got yakult from onsen this time im gonna go gulp gulp gulp paaaah
>>922949 That's what my imouto does You can get a bag of freezer tapioca pearls that'll last you dozens of cups of boba tea for the price you'd pay at a bubble tea joint You just gotta boil them a bit and prepare the tea yourself
Once you free your mind about a concept of Harmony and of music being 'correct' you can do whatever you want so nobody told me what to do, and there was no preconception of what to do
> Researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research have discovered a new type of bone cell that may yield novel therapeutic targets and strategies for osteoporosis and other skeletal diseases. new bone just dropped
throw me a bone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill bury it in your backyard
my japs friend is part if a mlm scam and my japs talking to her about her essential oils lol
i dunno id she bought them or got them as a gift i forget shes not interested in buying more so its ok she just wants to try some new scents or something fuz the persons knowledgsble about oils
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
liquid gold i tells ye
theyre talking in jap so i can only pick up some of it but her friend seems very confident at least in what theyre sayin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
who's the mark?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm the mark :)
oh hi mark
whats with this #imfey (wowme2) #imfey (sproink) sproinj a fist full of bullets #imfey (go get 'em champ)
it replaced imgey as the shitpost generator
im gonna be late i bet place your bets guys
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill bet one billion dollars you'll see a cyute dog
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@BryanVanNorden/1365393137439490055 nazi salute from a stage modeled after a neo nazi symbol or a weird wave from a stage that coincidentally is a neo nazi symbol? hard to know sometimes
i do a whoopsie with caffeine every time itake preworkout >>923032 the dude walked out past the front desk then turns around and walks back to the mens locker room and when i went in he was takin another pic ll lol
maybe he's only pretending to take a picture so he can discreetly photo/film other people
it is possible there was a very attractive girl in bright pink yoga pants today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
honey it's 11:30am time for your acetylcholine shot
ok good lick luck too
CPU GET Had to do an in-store pickup for it but hey That's the last part I was particularly looking for, for my PC overhaul I've been wanting to do. Now I just need to have the space and time to put it all together
If only I could get home though I've been waiting at this bus stop for like half an hour now and apparently the last two buses that were supposed to be on the route were a fucking lie I could've made better time taking a more regular bus and walking an extra ten minutes or so but I just had to trust the schedule would actually be accurate
Yeah I'm just gonna take the other bus The bus that's supposed to take me home just went from being five minutes due to twenty-two So something's fucked up
>>923067 It was worth watching and i think going through a huge batch at once was the right way to do it since i could skip all the repetition (and there's a lot of repetition )
now i need to find some new stuff to watch Does japan still make anime?
Watch Wonder Egg Priority it's super good
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm i dunno if someone who enjoyed wan piss could appreciate the beauty of wonder egg priority.......
i think im gonna start trying to see if i can buy a nice little house of my own. mortgage would be less than my rent, and i could renovate the bathroom to have a really nice, deep bathtub
If I can't do it this year, I'll plan to do it next. Hopefully I can get a good mortgage next year like you can right now. Interest rates are like 2.9%!
>>>/@ATFHQ/1366040817626984450 im going to become the joker this is so horrible these people were killed by friendly fire while they burned americans alive they burned 82 people to death, 18 of them children and then post shit like this
I've been playing slime ranger and completely lost track of all time I started at like, 2 pm It's 4am I havent even eaten
wait a second sugoi dekai dekatits sugoi deka cool deck :skater:
new mahiuka anime 0-0 its a prequel tho ew
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rewatched tron legacy it's been a long time
Do you enjoy the movie? I've seen the original Tron a few times but never looked at the sequel.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it is an alright movie i had a good time but i was also drinking a lot of whisky to get thru the slow parts there are some bits that have aged really poorly well those bits were never good. the CGI and the exposition are rought but like everyone on reddit says, it's a two hour Daft Punk music video and that part is solid
>>923198 I don't think it hurts to be a bit honest about being out of work right now But you also have a lot of experience in fields you could talk about if you'd be interested in returning to that once work becomes more available
noice take it out of the box and play slap the bag
I really like Japanese plum wine Though it's more actually shochu steeped with plums Very sweet, probably way sweeter than most people would like But I fucking love the stuff Would probably drink a whole bottle if I could focus on it for long enough
never had it but shochu steeped with plums sounds really tasty I'll keep an eye out next time I go to the specialty liquor store, whenever that is
>>923300 Gekkeikan is a brand that might be easy to find; they do a bunch of Japan imports, namely sake, but other liquor. My personal favourite is Takara plum wine, but I can't buy it in store anywhere.
>>923337 I always like seeing how ZUN's art evolves.
alright boys i made my jap name 雷杏 lightning apricot
>>923339 looks like there might be some takara around me, I'll look in a few weeks I was able to convince one liquor store here to order some japanese gin once I' I'm sure I can get them to import a case of plum wine
>>923407 I'd probably have a hard time getting a liquor store here to order something unique like that for me Since they're all just one government chain. The izakaya I used to frequent before pandemic, one of the bartenders once told me the import company they order through, but I forgot the name pretty fast, and besides, I dunno if they'd deliver residentially Alcohol here can be kind of hard to obtain.
>>923427 Oh I found the import company Turns out Takara isn't even Japanese, it's situated out of California, hah hah And doesn't use shochu but rather white wine I guess that's why it's a bit of a different flavour from the Gekkeikan
There's also this stuff, which is more plum liquer than plum wine It's pretty intense but is also nice.
>>923433 Would you believe me if I told you that tthere was a species of frog that sounds like a dog?
>>923438 hmm, not a fan of white wine generally but it might be good it was pretty easy to convince the store I was at to buy a single case though, I just told them I'd be happy to buy two of the bottles from it doesn't really cost them much to hang on to any unsold bottles and it'll never really go bad
just randomly started to convert the sillycurrencies while watching a stream and damn do the amounts change, as in say cost of a red super chat
you can almost get 3 for price of 1 if you are taiwanese vs euro
>>923502 Superchats are categorized into their colours based in the relative value of the currency used, at least to a degree So you need to spend about what it would take to get a red Superchat in USD in converted worth of a different currency
day 143 I still haven't connected my headphones to my laptop >>923523 oh shit I'm sorry sorry for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed about our dicks etc etc
the POV there with that expression gives me some interesting ideas
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
does it make you want to go rock climbing?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
second covid dose tomorrow
>>923531 In the Salem witch trials they were burning a persecuted people, often those of socially inappropriate religious or spiritual beliefs, people who were impoverished or beneficial contributors to their local communities. I don't think they should be celebrated for burning those people at the stake either.
apparently you tend to get sick after the second dose. i'll probably be fine but i might use it as an excuse to take a day or two off teehee
That feels kind of weird to me but I don't really know all that much about vaccination progression so maybe there's some pharmaceutical sense to why.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, I don't know. Just what I've heard. Since it's an mRNA vaccine you'd think it'd be fine, but who knows? Some people get stomach aches or fevers after the first dose, but I didn't get any of that.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
In any case, I can just use it as an excuse to take a day off. Hopefully I don't slip up and brag about not getting any side effects later since I'm not used to lying these days lol
I do need to take a day off, though. I'm getting kind of burned out by all the drama at work, and I'm pretty sure my boss is headed straight for a nervous meltdown. Hmm, I wonder if taking a day off would trigger that for him wwww
that was such a weird thing in hindsight everyone was lined up in about groups of 100 to get it then the group lied down in the auditorium/gym hall for about 30-60 mins and then we were let go
would be fun if it was wednesday, then you could technically have a 4 day weekend tho still filledw ith stuff you'd need to do from home but still
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah, i got some clients that i gotta see on friday well one is on wed but i can move him to fri but one of those is suicidal all the time so i gotta make sure to see him haha too important for me to just take the day off especially considering i'm the only therapist employed here
I am supposed to see this one client via telehealth every other week, but a few weeks ago, they were like, "i have a really bad cold, can we move our session to next week?" The next week "Turns out my cold was actually covid and I feel awful. Can we move to next week?" Today, no communication at all, she's 10 minutes late.
Either she's just putting off therapy for some reason and has been making excuses, or maybe she got really fucked up by covid. Hmm
Hopefully. She's an addict, though, so you can never know. Addicts are the trickiest people on earth. She seemed excited for therapy this week when she rescheduled last week but it could have been just feigning it to hide a relapse or something.
It might not be able to be helped. It would be nice if I felt a little sick after it. That way I don't have to lie.
>>923554 Watame was musing whether or not she wanted to continue after getting the True Good End on Twitter. My understanding of what she was saying was a bit muddy because Google Translate but I think she was leaning towards just letting it end on that.
>>923563 Suisei and Fubuki at least have played it before That's in part why with this new interest in the game Fubuki went straight for Genocide route She even said before starting "If you don't want to watch G-route, you should watch someone else in Hololive that's never played the game before"
>>923536 being rich seems socially inappropriate these days
depends on how rich you are if you are rich enough, you live in the rich society
>>923578 So is burning people If you're going to say they're wrong because of their socially inappropriate wealth, you're also wrong for wanting to burn them
>>923580 then fuck yeah bud light me up too, lets get a pyre going
Nope We're not burning any people here, sorry Not you, not any rich people Let's just not burn peoplke People, even It's really an awful thing to do.
weewoo weewoo fun police
If your idea of fun is burning people, then I think you need someone to police you
There's some absolutely insane wind going on outside right now When I got out of the Uber on returning home, the wind whipped the door right out of my grip and threw it wide open I was worried for a moment it was going to have damaged the driver's car, the insane speed it flew open at. And the sliding front doors to the building were just constantly opening and closing, bugged out from the wind. Potential wind speeds of up to 80km/h apparently.
those are insane winds indeed especially if there is no rain oranything
wonder how would that even go with an uber or a taxi driver, if you opening the door causes it to catch wind and the wind breaking it that wouldbe more of a force majora than you breaking it ie. say you open the door and then another car breaks it or a bicyclist etc
taxi probably doesnt care, company car uber driver probably shit out of luck
Elemental damage can probably be covered with the right insurance
>>923605 Gotta get that rank up at every opportunity I might be securely in the top thousand for the Battle Arena now, providing I don't be absolutely bodied in the next day or two My Princess Arena rank is close to that too, but there's a weird mechanic(?) in the Princess Arena where one of the enemy's teams is hidden from you if the rank is in the top thousand So it's getting a bit hard to safely plan accordingly.
I'm not really sold on it The game's actually got quite a good environment for team building and understanding how characters can mesh well together and knowing what you need to counter a particular team So depriving players of the line-up of other player's teams completely undermines that second part of it. More so I think as you get closer and closer to the top, they take away viewing what another one of the teams is, and right in the highest eschelons, you're going in completely blind Meaning it's basically just you making your teams as perfect as possible and crossing fingers you don't get an unfavourable match-up And with all the strategy that comes from understanding good team-building, it just feels like a waste to me
yeah it does seem like a system that eventually makes you toss any thought into the wind and trust in rng
tho it is in the end a gatchagame so, who knows maybe that is the goal of the developers
>>923608 nice. I'm solidly in the top 1000 for battle arena. Hover somewhere around 800-1000 Princess is still lower Don't have many good characters that aren't part of my Top 5 A Team
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It's climbing though around 4000 now. I'd like to get that to top 1000 too.
I've got quite a few rank seven characters by this point, enough to fill out two whole teams if I want to I think I need to get a couple more up to rank seven to fill out a full three teams though But I also need to grind out the last piece of gear for all their rank seven equipment sets at least. I've also been working on getting their rarity up, I think I'm at three or four four-star characters. With a bit of grinding I can probably get one or two of them up to five-star in a week or two.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>923698 how are you getting so many memory shards?
It helps that four or five of the characters I'm working on all have shards in the various shops Karyl, Maho, Monika, and Hatsune, so yeah, four It lets me focus my amulets on the characters that are harder to get shards for Currently that's Pecorine, but I also want to move on to Djeeta or Akane after that's done.
it's kindda weird that japanese still split twins up in to an imouto/onee roll Even though it's the same birthday
>>923750 No it's not Unless they were delivered via c section and both pulled out by a different doctor simultaneously there is going to be an older sibling and a younger sibling.
I have an older sister but she's only two minutes older than me.
yeah but how much can a few minutes actually affect the rate of personal development
>>923752 It doesn't but there are often Okay Remember in Lucky Star When the younger twin is imagining what it would be like if she were the older twin?
PPeople think things about themselves annd those thoughts can affect how they act.
LLike really tththothough its not gonna matter a ton and it's just lazy writing. But the older twin will usually be prideful about being the older oonone when they're young.
It makes total sense to have different relationships and responsibilities between siblings depending on age
But when they're twins The "older" one is kind of arbitrary.
thats all im saying.
Age is always arbitrary when it comes to social relationships between siblings Unless they're like eight or whatever years apart My brother and I were born fifteen months apart and for a lot of our early years our parents treated us a lot like twins; buying matching clothing, having us sleep in the same room, always kinda making sure we got "equal" treatment I was the older one but I never really felt like the older brother. Still don't, really. If the family or social culture around the family instills a duty of "older sibling" to one of the twins, then like with the inverse of my brother and I, they're probably going to feel like they're an older sibling. It's not the few minutes after being born that affects the personal development, it's what the social structure around and in the family imparts on the kids that determines if they feel like an older sibling or not.
Well yeah but the bigger the distance in age between them the less arbitrary it becomes Twins are the extreme but even 15 months doesn't make all that much difference as you rightly said
but with bigger gaps it makes the most sense.
Which is WHYY I will stick firmly to my HotTake That the application of onee/imouto tags in twin relationships in anime is weird.
I think you'll find you're mis-informed though, and that it's not just the Japanese that establish the older/younger duality on twins And that rather it happens all over the world Almost as if it's perfectly normal to establish power structures within the family like that. Not every pair of twins has a family that instills that in them, of course. But it still happens with considerable regularity regardless of which culture you're looking at.
>>923756 Bro They literally don't have a word for sister that doesn't specify older or younger.
as a murse do have those calliper things that measure bmi or whatever
my japs friend's daughter is like 3 years old and she does this japanese saying when she gets hurt where ur like "pain go to x-kun" and she gives it to her old dead dog and like points to heaven
gonna do a training montage to dmx like that one rigor mortis ep >>923830 lol nice if this were an anime thatd be a cool wordplay moment
i also gave her a hickey so she has to wear a scarf to work and when she showed up i was like "nice scarf" and literally the first patient we get was like "nice scarf" that was a LOL moment