oh yeah someone posted something recent >tokyo asks Beijing to stop anally swabbing Japanese people for covid as it is psychologically damaging
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-japan-idUSKCN2AT21Q lamb sauce for that summary why is that best photo they have of that guy looks like a creepshot
>>923844 yeah thats why i said it my jap mentioned it to me and i said something funny in return and we laughed today i dont remember what i said tho
what if they go a little too deep and you find something about yourself
well it was a bunch of politicians so they already knew they liked it
my dad's birthday is coming up I wonder what I should get him he bought himself a motorcycle so I could get him motorcycle gear but I bet other people are going to get that
gtfgo I watch netflix sometimes I wanna watch umbrella academy but I also want to read the comic first
So i was watching breaking bad recently and let me just say i hate when they break bad!
breaking bad benjamins
my roommate stopped paying for the Disney plus because he's anti sjw memelord well he shouldn't really have subbed in the first place kind of backwards to pay for that shit if you hate the company so much in the first place
I pay for yt music but no video things my attention span isn't built for that >>923879 I wonder if that cara dune thing had anything to do with it he bought a dunko pop of her because apparently people are hawking the stuff on ebay
also music streaming barely pay their artists pennies don't know what the rates are now but at one point napster was paying the best as some sort of cosmic irony
oof yt pays 7 cents for 100 plays compared to 44 cents for Spotify at least according tohttps://dittomusic.com/en/blog/how-much-do-music-streaming-services-pay-musicians/
>>923881 would guess quite many got d+ because of mandalorian and now it seems disney is going to disney it.
shitty move on their part yes but the cult of hollywood never ceases to surprise
>>923885 both pay so little, but tgen again what are the radio rates
i am the last living gentleman *cool sax riff plays*
Joker for fortnite
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
got my second covid vax
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
temp check #d20+20 (16 + 20 = 36)
Turns out only sleeping an hour and a half or so before work can only take you so far before the brain starts stalling I'd gotten some more sleep earlier in the night but it must've been too early to let me coast through the day Maybe I'll see if I can subtly doze off for a few minutes at my desk
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I can't imagine any of the people who know or care enough to use /e/ are the kind of people who'd pay someone else $150 to flash a ROM for them. >I think /e/ needs the Exynos version, which is much harder to come by in the US. >Either way, when I'm ready for my next phone i'm going to strongly consider /e/
you ever have a friend who you're always really paient and understanding with, but they make no effort to reciprocate that and would sooner throw a tantrum than try to consider anyone else's perspective or try to compromise? i kinda knew that about them to begin with so i can't hold it against them too much but it's still surprising when it happens sucks
I've had the good fortune of not having any friends who are always like that, but have definitely hit moments like it with friends at times But I've also been that friend at times so I can't really hold it against them
i'm sure we're all like that at times, and there's probably some middle ground where it becomse reasonable and understandable in itself though one of my friends who has pretty severe autism though just pushed it to an extreme and can be incredibly selfish and not even realize it, and any attempt to communicate with them that other people have needs too and the extent to which others are compromising to satisfy them, they pretty much close their ears and start blaming everyone else even though it wasn't anything about blame in the first place just simple communication becomes an incredible barrier and they'll escalate non-issues into huge issues.
im pretty understanding about it all but it hurts to see, i dunno i helped them for a long time, happily so, and they grew somewhat dependent on me helping them with that but simultaneously didn't appreciate it at all and would become pretty irrationally angry if i stopped compromising/sacrificing myself a very one-sided thing and it's unfortunate how it turned out. idk why im talking about it, just on my mind i guess
Yeah it's a situation where no one ends up happy or feeling resolved Just sucks all around Sorry you have to go through it Moon
eh it's okay i put myself in these situations i cant be too bitter
she was mad that i didn't reach out and initiate conversation with her for like four months but i didn't block her or anything, you know she could have messaged me at any time and reached out herself but she never did so why do i gotta be the only one who puts in the effort and looks after everyone else when nobody reaches out to check on me i have down times too you know, where im the one who needs something
just silly dumb games i hate playing those kinds of social games where people can't earnestly put in any effort you can't be lazy and low-effort and expect people to think you are seriously invested it just looks like you're avoidant obviously, so people will treat you like you are out of respect of the awkward boundaries you set dumb dumb games
Squats are pretty aight though I'm still kinda miffed I had to get a job right when I finally got my hands on Ring Fit Adventure Because not only do I just not really have the time to play it anymore, Having a job that has me on my feet a lot and lifting and pushing around heavy objects all shift kinda defeats the purpose of having it. But I want to do exercise for the sake of GAMING
I want nothing more than to have the ability to not have to work somewhere other than the comfort of my home for eight hours a day I'd happily take shorter shifts if I could survive off it/was permitted to
>>923954 Yeah man i love squats i'm just RUSTY and because of that stiff and sore.
I feel you on the gaming thing though. Ring fit looks real fun. Kind of wish I had one. Somemetimes i would play phone games on the cardio machine while stepping uphill.
Back when I had access to a cardio bike I tried playing my Switch while doing a session on it But I couldn't keep my hands stable enough for it to really work It wasn't even like I was playing a game with particularly demanding controls, I was just playing Disgaea Even that's kind of hard to play when the screen is shifting all about though. Maybe if I'd been able to park the bike facing a screen and had a normal controller in hand it wouldn't've been a problem.
If Karyl is a good character then why is she only one star?
So you can pour the suitable amount of care and love into growing her into the powerhouse she is Even at three stars she's easily one of the strongest characters I've got.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
It must be nice to have so many resources that you can just dispose of them into garbage
Yeah since I don't have to waste them on that other girl
my body HURTS jesus the side effects are fucking real
Oh that's not good Do you think you'll call out tomorrow? Well today
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's no way im going into work like this if i move my arm at all pain hits like a 7 and the rest of my body is like a 5 when i move it ive also got that simultaneously too hot and too cold feeling i did say i wanted side effects though lol
I was talking to one of my rl friends today about OSRS and he's like >oh yeah. i got really into it for a little while >at point point I was sitting in my car for like an hour after work just playing around on my phone and I'm like >that's cool >I've played for like 4000 hours and almost never left the house last year and almost finished maxing the account
and he's like >hmm
And then his girlfriend made him quit at least that's what he said. idk if that's true.
Man the Yakuza games are dense I'm already twenty-eight hours in and not even a quarter done with the completion rate Though I do think a lot of the minigames fill out that percentage, and I dunno if I've got the tenacity to go through all of them.
>>924089 Well sure but we're not talking about me here.
I inherited a very good PC. it can run everything. I'll put them on my steam watchlist maybe see if i can get it for cheapo
>>924095 well hey now it's still just for standard home/personal use not some mega super computer that can crunch numbers for nasa
But can it run Crysis
>>924093 Yeah I've gone through a few tens or so of the ones in Yakuza Kiwami They strike a good balance of being corny fun but occasionally somewhat sentimental.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah for sure i love how kiryu will solve silly problems with his fists and then, like, give a speech about violence being a way of life that is unfit for good men or some dramatic speech about having to buy a kid a porno mag to ensure he doesn't lose faith in adults
Nene ne nene ne nene ne ne Nene ne nene ne nene ne ne
>>924109 yeah well I'd have to learn it anyway to teach the horse girls. Cus I'll be damned if they're gonna be going around sounding like some gaijin dub
man my legs are still sore from last leg day and todays already leg day...
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
sometimes I've found that my legs actually hurt less after I'm warmed up and getting into it
i forgot i gotta go to the store zzz im so lazyyyy
The man at fault for the Toronto Van Attack a few years back has been found guilty on all charges of murder laid against him because of the attack I take little joy in seeing a man that needed, and still needs, drastic psychiatric help be incarcerated into the prison system, but more than anything, I'm particularly disgusted by the defense team Who tried to argue he was not culpable in any of the murder charges because of his autism diagnosis, and therefore was unable to properly comprehend the moral consequences of his actions In the end obviously it was an extremely weak argument with zero precedence in the Canadian
legal system, but this was an extremely publicized case And arguing that autism can be a legally sound defense for committing horrendous crimes is .. It's the kind of thing that's going to make a lot of people form the wrong ideas about autism So it's just, man, just an awful choice of defense all around.
yeah it feeds into a toxic and damaging public perception it's already over the top with discouraging accountability, why just give them even more excuses not to try at all
So I got the confirmation on my application for some form of government handout in the time between now and actually like, getting through the disability applicaton process ...it's more than double what I got while actively looking for work
This whole fucking system is so profoundly rotten
Like there's kind of a rage building inside me finding out that if I had just said "fuck it" and not even tried, I'd be in a MUCH much better situation Trying is why my life is fucked
>>924166 explain to my lay brain please what's riveting or exceptional so i can appreciate it too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>924171 he's so good at melee marth idk everything just seems smooth and optimized he's semi notorious for comboing the hell out of fox
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i also like 2 play marth in ultimate
speakin of Smash am i really gonna get up before 6 tmrw to watch a pyra instructional stream
stupid gps stupid traffic
and holy earache batman
Ain't nothing holy about ear aches
I dunno x amount of centuries ago they probably would've drilled a hole in my head to let out the ghosts
>>924217 You can still get that done if you want to.
>>924217 Who needs a second hole your ears are already a hole in your head anyway
*adam conover voice* >Drilling holes in the skull was never a migraine cure – here's why it was long thought to be
>>924222 Isn't he the guy who voices Bradley Hitler-Smith on Bojack?
probably i don't know
often he's wrong I bet a lot
you know what's buuuuullshit this phone doesn't come with a music player you just have to use yt music
Yeah, Google retired Play Music, which in addition to streaming worked as a music player I got a heads-up a week or so back that they wanted me to back up anything from it I wanted to keep around.
I guess these days you can either use a streaming service or get a third-party music player.
Did anyone watch Guns Akimbo with Daniel Radcliffe or was it just a flavour of the month meme from those screenshots I think Kirara would at least have watched it
I know most of those words but i've never seen them in that order.
english not my best strength durr
>>924254 I don't really watch many movies, doubly so these days since my maybe one or twice a year visiting a theatre isn't really a thing in these quarantimes
>>924255 it's the movie with the harry potter with guns Harry Potter and the loaded pistols
Honestly I dunno if I could even watch it Hand-penetrating visuals are kind of the one thing I absolutely can't handle I can just viscerally feel those bolts going through his hand and fingers and even just typing that out is an extremely unpleasant senation -sensation for me.
he movies /// his movies before the movie biz slowed down seem to carry that tone Swiss Army Man was a weird one too still they were entertaining enough for me just probably something you wouldn't show to your irl friends and family
Radcliffe is totally "I made all the money I'll ever need off of Harry Potter but I still enjoy acting so I'm just gonna choose whatever projects seem fun to me" Which really, is a baller way to live your life. People should be free to pursue what they want to do for fun.
cool this charging cable doesn't work right off the bat you get what you pay for I suppose >>924261 I don't think --name escapes me now , but er Ron even acts anymore
the shuffle on YouTube music is so bad lol
I think Grint still does some odd stuff here and there But as far as I know he didn't have a bad time while doing Harry Potter, he just didn't stick with the career like Radcliffe did Which is probably fine, he was mostly a kid during the series and kids are best off getting to explore a bunch of things while deciding what it is in life they want to pursue. For people like Radcliffe, he obviously was happy with acting, but with Grint it might be that he's more interested in other things.
>>924254 I wanted to but never got around to seeing it.
>>>/watch?v=m_BjnP5EEy4 At the end with just one bird making noises, I recognized all those songs and sounds. Because I've heard them in lyrebird recordings.
Night /moe/
guy wearing a sao shirt playing the amongus crane game at the mall shirt's not subtle at all either
At the end of the last class people were all like >oh. we should make a Group Chat and they were all Friending each other on Facebook and whatnot and i was like ..fuck that and kind of slipped away Because I've had Facebook deactivated for years and i barely know these people
But maybe that's also why i struggle to meet new Friends. I should have been more OPEN
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>924309 might just happen tbh given the way chess has surged needs a catalyst
lol This guy's criticism totally sold me on the show >If you've watched K-ON, Gochiusa, Kiniro Mosaic or any of the hundreds upon hundreds of cute slice-of-life anime out there, you've already watched Bakuon.
People like these shows for a reason, as evidenced by the massive amount of BluRays and merchandise they tend to sell. I'm fine with them, and presumably anybody who would give something like Bakuon the light of day is fine with them, too. But when the only thing distinguishing them from one another is what gimmick they can throw in (in this case, motorcycles), there begins to be a problem.
It is especially apparent that the motorcycle aspect of Bakuon is more background to the girls being cute and sexy and stupid and whatever. It will likely please biking fans with its references to and jokes about specific motorcycles and brands, but it never goes into detail and is largely superficial.
>I have watched every season of anime since 2008. If you're wondering why I seem cynical or hard to please, I believe there is your answer
self-styled anime expert
I really hate the "If you've seen series A, B, and C, you've seen series X" line of thinking It's such a reductive way of analysing fiction that serves no purpose besides existing as a vehicle for the writer to carry their snarky disdain for a piece of work. It's also entirely presumptive that the reader's observation of a series will be identical to the writer's and that there's no room for personal engagement with a series. They're not making an argument for their observation that the show is the same as others listed, it's them telling the reader that the reader should think the show is like others listed. Which is a particularly vain line of thinking that I don't like to fuck with.
>>924324 Yea but he's an 'expert'. Been watchin anime since 2008 donncha know
>>924326 Yeah I'd consider myself an anime expert of about the same expertise and you know what? Fun things are fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eye am the AniBeholder i have watched every anime that was, that is, and that will come to bw my tastes are eternal the ages pass before me like fluttering moths and what i have to say about this anime in particular is
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>924327 You know you probably have seen more than that guy Do you ever track numbers? Of series It seems kindda pointless But Can be interesting over the long term
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
On the old 4chan dot org slash Ay It's how you show how big your penis is
>>924329 Track numbers? Hell no But I've run thought experiments of how many shows I've watched It helps that I've had /moe/ anime time to give me a consistent number to work with. Like if we're watching five shows a night five nights a week, that's twenty-five shows a season, therefore a hundred shows a year In the past we were even doing some seasons, upwards of twenty-eight shows a season. With /moe/ alone I've probably watched around, if not over seven-hundred anime series Now some of those are continuations or similarly long-running shows that take up several show units, but still, the point stands And honestly it's kind of a terrifying prospect when I start to think too much about it. So I kinda dont.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>924331 I'll defer to your professional judgement And accept the proposition That Fun things Are in fact Fun
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
All i have to go off for numbers Is the files/folders on the storage hard drive There's A few hundred And that's not everything I've had to rebuild the library a few times
There's no way I'm archiving all the shows I've watched I don't even -want- to archive all the shows I've watched My rule of thumb is pretty generous, I'll save a show if I think there's even a remote chance I'll watch it or an episode from it again in the future. But even that cuts out the vast majority of what I watch.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>924334 What if the internet explodes? We'll need anime rations to live off
man cruise ships used to have a lot more activities on them like that instead of just stuff nowadays you are lucky if they even have the coin machines or even an arcade
wonder why the ship industries dislike arcades.
I know that arcades can't profit herei n finland, not even sustain themselves, but in places like amusement parks and cruise ships, people will play the shit out of them
Guess it is just more profitable to make contracts with slot machine companies and have fuckton of those than say pinpall or air hockey or those shooter games
theres only 2 good things in smash and thats pyras boobage
I don't think eu 3 is bad I have prolly 4000 hours on it eu4 is just an improvement in every way
i actually didnt reeally play eu4 only like 1 game a user that psoted here rly liked eu and said eu 4 sucked cuz it was more random so im just repeating them
Sounds like Sugoi
sugoi hated anything released after birth of moses
also eu3 is much more random than eu4 eu4 on launch wasn't that good tho but that is the case with any strategy game nowadays wait for few years for them to patch things up, add expansions/updates and grab it on sale
so much that paradox nowadays just sells their 10€ dlcs for 20€, knowing that the vast majority will grab them at the next sale for 10€
>>924469 One of my friends leaves his computer on with EU 4 open because he uses a bunch of mods that make the game slow to load and he'd rather just leave it open constantly than wait for it to load As a result he has t thousands of hours in it listed on steam. Instead of the hundreds of hours he's actually spent playing.
these guys are pretty much shooting their own foot at the rate these streaming exclusive platforms arrive
kinda ironic there was a quite a good timespanw here I only black flagged anime but nowadays I pretty much sail the seas, as nothing I want to watch is on any platform and I have access to amazon prime, netflix and disney+ and at one time had viaplay and hbo added to the list too
>>924519 It's lose-lose for them If they put all their stuff on Netflix or whatever service is popular, you end up with a monopoly And then the IP owners don't really have control of how their product reaches viewers and have to kotow to whatever demands the streaming service they provide through has But if they provide their own streaming service, they lose viewers that can't/won't pay for extra services than what they want/can afford. I think when they count the math, it's still more economic for them to provide their own streaming service, since people like you are honestly still the considerable minority. And ultimately that's probably the best option for them, since it avoids the monopoly problem just putting everything on a Netflix entails.
Bird nests used to go for 5k each and now i have thousands of them saved up from birdhouse runs and camping Mole for the pet but now they're only going for 4k each and they've been on a downward trend for the last few weeks Now do i wait for the price to go back up or do i sell off my entire supply before the price goes even lower?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i uh what are the earnings per nest what's the 1Y chart look like qny catalysts on the horizon?
phew that was a relief we've already lost a cat to who knows what usually both cats come running up when it comes to food so when one of them didn't turn up for food and I had heard a fox not long ago I got a bit worried
Vtuber revenue is way more memberships than it is ads Nobody outside of like, pewdiepie's tier makes actual money from advertisments on youtube
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you'd lose the revenue anyway because other companies would claim it and they would get the monetization the actual money from an unarchived stream (and any stream) is superchats
the other day Kanatan beat Sans after trying for three days and when she did it, she got $21,000 (USD) in superchats
This is the superchat ranking for 2020. Notice how high Calliope Mori and Gura are despite debuting only halfway through the year, compared to some of these others who were debuted well before that. Coco made 150,000,000 in superchats despite having to take hiatuses.
For the record, that is 1,384,338.60 USD
Yeah I mean Korone is like, almost OG
Isn't Coco the dragon? Isn't she like, new? I only even began hearing about her around the time EN began
All of those numbers come from before anyone had 1mil+ subscribers, too. Although maybe Gura did, I forget when she got it. Gura is close to having more subs than Kizuna Ai, who is pretty much the first vtuber.
Kuzuha and Kanae on that list are also worthy of note because they're both men. Both of them have the advantage of being signed on with Nijisanji, but they're still men.
Sio is also noteworthy because she's the only independent vtuber up there.
Right. Blue is Hololive, tan is Nijisanji. Grey is independent.
HololiveEN is also blue on there but is labeled separately because technically it's a different branch of Cover, just like Holostars is. None of the Holostars, who are all male vtubers, made it onto that ranking, though.
Well, it's to be expected really The power of simp flows much more powerfully in one direction than the other
I wonder if the characters are outright owned by the talent agency or not though I assume they have contracts, but I wonder if they could break off when that goes out if they wanna Not that there's a reason to
The characters are owned by the companies, yeah. When Hololive China had to close, that much became obvious.
Although I don't know if it would be difficult for them to find work after being a successful vtuber for a while, it would probably be ridiculously easy to get with another company and do seiyuu work.
Really, starting up as a different character wouldn't be a problem for any of them with the fame they have now Collabs do a lot of the heavy lifting, but you can collab between independents without issue, so
Right, but independents have the problem of not being part of a network. Popular artists, like Pochi, can easily jump in because they have a network. So it's hard for independents to get into collabs usually.
I really meant more like, if something changes with hololive and how they do business, just the ENs could easily jump ship, dump some money into new designs, and reasonably quickly pull their viewers back in in large part As long as conditions with the company remain good, there's no real reason to
I feel like they would probably not, though. For all intents and purposes, they're all living as the character because those characters are just manifestations of their authentic selves. So losing that character probably constitutes a pretty big identity crisis for vtubers who lose that. Psychologically speaking, they probably wouldn't be able to move on. I think that's a big danger of vtubing.
I mean, the company can't possibly own more than the designs
I guess it would take a psychological toll though, yeah
Yeah. I think it'd be nice to put myself in that situation so I can see how much of your identity becomes predicated on the character you're playing. It sounds super interesting. Like, do you start referring to yourself as that character internally? Do your character speech mannerisms bleed into everyday life? It's super interesting.
Like how undercover cops merge with their persona and usually end up super brain fucked.
>>924794 Thanks, I was hanging out with them when it got brought up and sststarted crying like an hour later. Ive been able to keep it out of my head buy I might sleep all day tomorrow because of it. *but I might
it's a baby bird yeah >>924801 yeah it's been sitting here for ages
Oh it's a bird's behind I was staring at that trying to figure out why it looked so much like a dinosaur fossil
>>924799 IIs that the same bird? It looks smaller m *smaller. Is it tame?
it's definitely smaller than what it appears to look like in that photo
thats what they always say :(
it's a grower not a show her
FormerRei@mobileSearch [iqdb](29 KB, 750x1000, 276.gif)Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](3.5 MB, 3024x4032, 20210307_200848.jpg)Anno
>>924806 Oh yeah I did my little experiment If you have all the items to equip a rank seven character with the three items in her rank eight slots, it should actually not decrease overall power rating, rather increase it by an admittedly marginal amount The girl I upgraded went from ~6730 to 6760, but, hey, still not an overal decrease. You'd have to be able to get all the items equipped in one go though.
>>924830 there are pretty much 3 good mmo ones log horizon eso? was it, one with the trap and the old man cooking one and only one of those has been adapted so far ofc
and well hack of course, but it is so old I didn't bother adding it
yeah .hack is old af I'm not really sure whether to classify overlord as "mmo isekai" though It kinda exists in a gray area, because like Ainz absolutely is an MMO character, but the world doesn't seem to be the same as the MMO
I don't actually dislike isekai in general though, there's just a few of them that are really not my thing at all, and others are... cringe, to put it mildly
>>924833 it isn't it was a fantasy world that has had several player(s) from the game isekai into it as their characters, who then have changed it. Including the magic system from the game (how does that work, dunno), which replaced the old magic in the world, with just dragons pretty much knowing it anymore. so yeah, it has the mmo elements taken with them, but the world isn't a game.
you btw raed the what if spinoff book? what if momonga isekaid alone and into an earlier era
french billionaire, 69, killed in helicopter crash
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kobe was actually a martyr for the People making it trendy for wealthy people to die in helicopter crashes once enough Rich are crashed, the People can rise up
This new Luck Be A Landlord update has absolutely broken the game I'm watching NL play it right now and he's removed everything except flowers and flower multipliers, so every 4 turns if he puts a flower in a corner he rakes in 20 million EZ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sounds pogged and covered in pollen
It really is absurdly strong There's no other build that comes anywhere close to it I think
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
praise the sun
As long as he keeps this going for long enough, he's gonna have a single spin pay out like uh 1.9073486e+13 >>924863 Not really There's the main game, that's got a fixed endpoint, but after that it's endless, and the rent just goes up incrementally, but it's only in the thousands and stuff A single million spin will basically set you up long enough you're gonna alt+f4 before you ever get close to losing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does the game end at any fixed point?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i guess you could consider it a speedrun to a big amount it's an unfinished game too i guess