Hi hey hello Congratulations on making it through Monday
Beastars Back Arrow Hataraku Saibou Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 6-8 Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 5-7 Show By Rock Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 6-8 Urasekai Picnic World Trigger Episode 5-7
yeah, very persona this series has been GREAT for the last few episodes
It's good to know Shounen Jump can still attract some high-quality talent Even if this manga might be a bit of a short run like Kimetsu no Yaiba was, it makes me look forward to anything the mangaka produces
He's too much of a baka to think things out himself so he needs to have a mental dialogue with his idol to get the right idea.
He's one of the most fun characters I've seen in awhile
Yeah he kinda stole the show as soon as he showed up, hah hah I hope that doesn't push them to over-use or can him
Oh well that's almost cheating Also kinda hypocritical If she's supposed to be the cursed spirit of nature, enraged at the abuse its suffered at the hands of humanity Then she draining the life of plants around her feels really like black pots and kettles
>It's obvious he doesn't want me getting close Come on dude He's an old hand at the jujitsu job by this point You think that's all he's got going for him
Oof that sure is a sword hilt
Hah hah hah Nobara is a good character too She's so full of vitriol
Wow he just runs.
He's got such gorgeous eyes, gosh
Gojou's got good reasons for messing with the old man but it always fun to see him do so.
I feel like the nature spirit probably survived that She seems a bit too relevant to just dip out of the show without a more cathartic end Plus the bad guy group is only a handful of people; Stitch-face, the volcano spirit, the nature one ... and I think just the evil priest? With such a small band they can't afford to take losses this early on.
Man that was such a good episode though Before it started I was gonna say "Despite all the good stuff to watch my head's still kind of back in Hinamizawa" But that episode was enough to pull me out of that, hah hah
It's a good thing physical strength isn't all there is when you've got human-like intellig What But I guess now that Legosi has perfected his resistance against meat he'll probably power up again in a different way.
That's really a psychopathic hyena In real life they will stalk and hunt bigger predators if they need to, but they're scavengers by lifestyle They'll literally eat the worst carrion there is before hunting a predator.
The haircut Legosi got does make him look more like a dog than a wolf But I think more than anything he looks more like a fox.
Juno feels like she could become a bit of a shadow villain of the series Since she seems to really want social segregation between carnivores and herbivores She doesn't really have villain vibes, but her wants put her in opposition to Legosi and the series' overall ideal of interspecies cooperation.
>Canines can't say no to someone relying on them
>I always risk my life for the sake of slacking Haru's got the right idea
Being in a situation like this with a carnivore seems dangerous.
Especially a carnivore like Juno, who acknowledges Haru as her romantic rival But Haru's pretty much tough as nails It takes pretty much actual threat of death to get her scared.
That one lion with the glasses seems like a real decent guy I think he's the one that snuck in a salad for Louis.
Well that's just a waste of a perfectly good phone Surely there's a better way of disposing of any attachment to your past life
They've split the party a bit here, with most of the group going to the Totally-Not-Britannia kingdom while Arrow stuck around at the wall I wonder what good he'll do all on his ownsome
Making this bratty coward of a cowboy their "general" is really such a bad idea Sure it was the easiest way of making him shut up and be manipulatable, but if outsiders get it in their head he's their leader it's just going to make things troublesome
>Ladies Oh okay maybe they weren't confusing Shu for a girl Visually he's kind of effeminate, or at least androgynous But it's hard to mistake that voice.
>Dining at the royal palace >They must be rich
I can't quite pin if the princess is just putting on a really thorough good face and is manipulating the bumpkins Or if she's a legitimately naive, good person
The way she got them to wash her body but just went away without doing them in turn makes me kinda feel she might be a bit deceitful though That kinda smacks of "you're no better than servants to clean me during my bath" to me
Oh that's a clever trick of Arrow's Using the flying lady to try and clear the wall I wonder what's going to stop them though.
Yeah, I thought this might be the case Though I guess I was just expecting a solid ceiling, not an outright orbital defense system
I feel like they're going to mess with the mook villagers that have been travelling with them though Things have been going way too well for them and they kinda don't really deserve it And the attitude the people at this palace have had has been way too kind to them, for nobility who we've already seen are kind of political and schemey
What a very mad scientist
I wonder if that's actually the general lady The mask makes me suspect it's not her
Oh she's got an Jekyl persona I wasn't expecting that, that's nice
Oh, whoops I grabbed the 540p version of this not the 720p Do you want to give me ten minutes to download that, or swap Last Dungeon and Urasekai for tonight?
I wonder why the Indian-poi guy is so excited to get people trying to kill Lloyd He seemed to be fond of him in the past, and still does whenever they meet up
Marie is a cute witch Both her and the Belt-hime are good main heroines
Tentacles are one thing but I don't think tree roots would make for very good play in that department Too much coarse, unpolished wood
Oh she landed a pretty decent hit on him there I mean it won't matter and it only landed because he was protecting the others But they are slowly scaling the power levels here to approach his
Though it does kinda look like it was just scratches for Lloyd, pretty much When that tall blonde lady got a solid kick in on him she broke his rib So honestly this crazy girl wasn't even on her level, let alone Lloyd's
So is this old man the Maou Last Boss of the dungeon Or is he a different agent
On a general level I agree, but I also kinda like the contrast aesthetic it lets her have with Toriko when it's short Under almost any other circumstances I'd wholly agree here.
>I just want to be wanted / Selfish little me Is such a nice little bit of lyrics I can understand it
This kouhai girl knows how to grease the wheels Brought treats to bribe the hikki loli
Oh that's kind of a spooky monkey They don't Actually monkeys don't even look like that in the first place! Let alone the all-black eyes.
Though she also just seems to be a useful vector for whatever's been deliberately messing with Sorawo and Toriko to really gun for them
A mechanic though If they can get on good terms with her, they'll have someone to do maintenance on their little cart they bought for exploring the Otherside
Oh she's really getting a lot of supernatural trouble because she didn't follow the ritual of the urban myth properly.
That's a whole lotta teeth
There's also a fair amount of shipping going on between this mechanic and the karate kouhai girlk
This Satsuki lady that was mentoring the karate kouhai girl and Toriko seems to kind of have a pattern though She goes after young girls and drags them into the Otherside and other paranatural things
Oh shit Sorawo what did you just do I mean maybe it's just some mental problems karate kouhai-chan has But it really seems there like Sorawo managed to hypnotize her there.
>>923739 I think we're still mostly just in her character arc Once that wraps her and the mechanic will probably shift to cameos and support.
It really did feel like Sorawo incited something in her there But the kouhai girl did also go a bit crazy last episode too, without Sorawo doing anything So maybe she's also got a bit of a natural disposition to craziness.
Oh I can really get where Sorawo is coming from But I guess in my case I've never believed they could be real, at least not since I was a young kid. But the notion of there being something more to the world than the mundane is definitely fascinating, something that would be amazing if true. So I guess even if in the end I don't agree with her that it could possibly be real, the fact that stories of the paranatural are the closest thing to being possibly true is why they catch my attention so much.
Also the sound of the BGM there at the end of the episode was great Really spacey and eerie I feel this show's had a few times where they used the BGM to good effect for building a mood like that.