Beastars Back Arrow Go-toubun no Hanayome Hataraku Saibou Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 6-7 Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 2-6 Log Horizon Episode 5-6 Show By Rock Episode 6-7 Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 4, 6, 7 Urasekai Picnic World Trigger Episode 4-6
uhoh kinda hard to explain that away as a misunderstanding
>Technology for re-attaching arms is well-developed It's kind of fantastical if it's just hand-waved like that But it does kinda make sense if it is common enough that carnivores just rip arms off herbivores.
Tensions sure were high to begin with, and this probably isn't going to help
Hah hah wow Legosi
Pina sure is becoming a fast meddler in things in the drama club He's kind of a prick but in a fun way
Bears are scary predators Especially this one, it's not a black bear, which are generally the teddy bears of the bear species Pretty much any other bear asides pandas are seriously dangerous predators.
It's hard to tell if Pina just likes messing with people or if he's got a genuine deathwish
Oh no, segregation
Time and time again it's always the herbivores that are stronger people than the carnivores
Yeah We've seen hints of stuff like that with Legosi before But it seems like when carnivores build strong feelings for herbivores, those feelings blend into their instinctual need to hunt and get all muddled and confused
It's particularly embodied by the old man but they're kind of pathetic Like I can get being scared of breaking the wall -- their whole lives they've been told it's literally the ends of the earth But they never actually take account of their own lives and just blame everything on others, like Arrow, or the girls, or (at least deservedly) the cowboy
Masked assassin! Oh she took the mask off I guess this is one of the shadowed associates of the princess that they've been holding off on unveiling
Come to think of it, is this only one cour They're moving the broad plot of things really slowly if that's the case.
Ah no, unsurprisingly, it's two-cour
They're probably going to have to go over the wall rather than through it
Hah hah that new one is standing on the head of Yeah, the girl piloting the ship
>>921807 Yeah, she's got the attitude, and her robot can fly at will Judging from everyone's reactions, that's an extreme rarity
They went all the way to the wall and now they've got to take a detour But I guess it's apparent they don't have the powers to get through the wall
And here's kind of the downside to the goofy kinda selfish attitude Arrow has He's refusing to listen to any kind of reason and good sense and just wants to bash his head against this literal wall
I wonder if these two will ever be able to reconciliate with their friend The divide between them and Shu has grown larger than I was expecting
And they're back at university This short-haired girl is in the OP I wonder if she becomes a tagalong for their adventures, or goes into the support department like the hikki loli
Though blondie is really ojou-poi. She may have a lto of money.
Not outright, but the hikki loli acts as a fence for some of the weird things they find in the Otherside At the start of the series there were those weird shimmering cubes they got from shooting the white wiggly things According to Toriko they went for a lot of money
If I was getting stalked by talking ninja cats I'd love it Please come stalk me ninja cats
She both totally wants to seriously roleplay this marriage arrangement but is also making good points about being believable Kinda.
>Imagine you were just pretending to be lovers, but somehow the pretense became the real thing?
Oh it's this guy again I kinda get the feeling he might be the Last Boss residing in that Last Dungeon Whenever he gets brought up around Lloyd's village chief she always gets kind of serious and concerned As if him meddling in things is kind of a problem
Tree person looks funny Honestly I don't think a treant has any business thinking it can rule the world.
Having to be around Lloyd as a normal person must get kind of tiresome at times His absolute inability to take things seriously and treat everything dangerous as a minor inconvenience must be exhausting
Nice of him to explain his whole plan and clear the hotel owner's good name
A lot of the villains in this series are kind of comic book-villain-poi like that Everyone can't help themselves from monologuing At least it helps with clearing up some misunderstandings, hah hah
Of course the second Lloyd decides to be serious things are a non-issue
I guess this is where this guy shows his cards a bit.
Oh yeah they're doing a feature episode of that Very Japanese band With the extremely intense name I'm never going to remember Their music is really good
You gotta be fashionable at every opportunity! Besides isn't it just Delmin that's got them Not that the other footwear I see is particularly good for hiking anyway Oh I guess the wolf's boots kinda have heels
Ah yeah here we go The style of music this band's got is great
On one hand, this is probably helping them build work ethic But also it must be nice for the owners here to get free cleaning labour
Oh they were just part-time work wow
At this point it does kind of feel like they're just playing with them now
Ultimately something like "the voice of the soul" isn't really something taught You kinda just have to find how you want your voice to be by yourself It's like any kind of self-expression
So the test was just to annoy them until they started screaming?
Kinda, yeah A more noble interpretation would be to drive them until they were able to fully express outwards all the feelings they had inside Just kinda squeeze all that frustration out of them in one big burst of expression